14:46:03 #startmeeting Fedora CI SIG 14:46:03 Meeting started Wed Sep 9 14:46:03 2020 UTC. 14:46:03 This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:46:03 The chair is jbair. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:46:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:46:03 The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ci_sig' 14:46:12 .hello jimbair 14:46:13 jbair: jimbair 'Jim Bair' 14:46:15 it can be a quick one :) 14:46:18 oh, sorry, I thought it had already started :P 14:46:24 .hello siddharthvipul1 14:46:25 siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' 14:46:35 nah, there were no items so I figured it may be a skip week :) 14:46:59 #topic Cluster permissions, old vs new 14:47:01 fair.. would be sure to add them from next time (even if I have a tiny thing to discuss) :) 14:47:11 so from before, you had said: 14:47:20 with mvadkert.. iirc Saffronique was discussing giving you similar access you have in older cluster 14:47:30 I assume this is copying over permissions from old cluster to new cluster? 14:47:55 right! so from what I have heard (I was away for sick leave).. that for testing farm there was a request from mvadkert that they are not ready to move to kubevirt yet and would like the old cluster to be there for a few more months 14:48:30 from what I have heard, Saffronique said that we can provide similar access till the time you have that figured out.. I am more coming from https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/85 14:48:56 older cluster will have issues and would be amazing if we can move asap 14:49:39 bstinson, if you are around, Am I on the right track? (since I was away for these conversation) 14:50:22 mvadkert is here today so hopefully he can pop in too :) though I think he's busy currenty 14:50:25 currently* 14:50:31 siddharthvipul: jbair: hi 14:50:37 mvadkert, \o :D 14:50:42 if we could get the same access as with old cluster 14:50:44 that would help! 14:50:57 mvadkert, sure thing 14:51:06 we will later migrate away to aws mostly, and later on we would like to also use kubevirt 14:51:09 let's track those somewhere (I will figure out that) 14:51:16 mvadkert, great 14:51:50 siddharthvipul: so you need a ticket then? 14:52:03 mvadkert, would be great, or I can create that if you don't have time 14:52:11 jbair: doesn't OSCi already have a service account which can create privileged containers btw? 14:52:16 maybe we could just use that 14:52:25 mvadkert, similar thing 14:52:39 siddharthvipul: I see 14:52:43 we can share the sa for now 14:52:48 we did that like always 14:52:49 :) 14:53:16 siddharthvipul: creating the issue 14:53:21 mvadkert, thank you :D 14:53:36 msrb: not sure if you're around but can you confirm that we have a service account that can create containers? 14:53:45 if not, I'm sure we'll figure it out :) 14:53:53 siddharthvipul: is the new cluster deployed on bare metal right? 14:54:00 yes 14:54:04 siddharthvipul: I guess so :) if there si kubevirt :) 14:54:04 ok 14:54:06 makes sense 14:54:18 jbair: yes, we can create privileged containers on new cluster 14:54:22 already using it ;) 14:54:38 bgoncalv: that would mean I can just use that 14:54:47 thanks bgoncalv! 14:54:49 * mvadkert stopping his effort to file na issue 14:54:50 I think so 14:54:58 just to let you all know.. this is very high level access and not ideal.. so hush hush hahaha 14:55:38 siddharthvipul: I believe we are in middle moving away entirely and returning back using kubevirt 14:56:00 siddharthvipul: later on 14:56:15 mvadkert, understandable :) 14:56:16 siddharthvipul: I had meeting today about our app, it will take ~month 14:56:34 siddharthvipul: what bgoncalv is doing, I believe we could take that over even sooner 14:57:25 so I guess all we need is a a project and make that SA avaialbe in it 14:57:30 siddharthvipul: so I will file a ticket for that 14:57:38 bgoncalv: can you give me the name of the SA pls? 14:57:51 mvadkert++ thank you 14:57:51 siddharthvipul: Karma for mvadkert changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:57:57 bgoncalv: and also the cluster URL pls 14:58:05 hmmm, let me check it. I just created the jenkinsfile and it worked :P 14:58:46 siddharthvipul: how does the auth work pls? I am not sure we have access to the new cluster for my team 14:59:06 osci-jenkins-2 on fedora-ci-jenkins-prod project 14:59:12 siddharthvipul: can be this? ^ 14:59:28 mvadkert, you login with your ACO 15:01:27 bgoncalv, sorry 15:01:41 bgoncalv, I will have to check, and just got into a meeting 15:03:33 mvadkert, how about I update you on this later :) I will figure stuff out 15:07:45 bgoncalv: maybe :) 15:07:59 what is ACO? :) 15:08:08 bgoncalv: and the cluster URL? 15:08:30 https://console-openshift-console.apps.ocp.ci.centos.org/ 15:08:31 mvadkert, ipsilon instance like FAS but for CentOS 15:08:44 accounts.centos.org 15:09:18 siddharthvipul: ack ty 15:09:23 bgoncalv: ty 15:09:30 have to run also, will check back tmrw :) 15:09:33 see ya \o/ 15:09:39 mvadkert, have a good evening :) 20:17:42 #endmeeting