18:00:11 <phsmoura> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 18:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 26 18:00:11 2022 UTC. 18:00:11 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:00:11 <zodbot> The chair is phsmoura. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 18:00:12 <phsmoura> #chair nirik mobrien aheath1992 smooge 18:00:12 <phsmoura> #meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting 18:00:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: aheath1992 mobrien nirik phsmoura smooge 18:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 18:00:12 <phsmoura> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops 18:00:12 <phsmoura> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily 18:00:28 <smooge> hallo 18:00:36 <nirik> morning 18:00:45 <aheath1992> .hi 18:00:46 <zodbot> aheath1992: aheath1992 'Andrew Heath' <aheath1992@gmail.com> 18:01:02 <phsmoura> morning all 18:01:11 <phsmoura> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 18:01:27 <phsmoura> .ticket 10828 18:01:28 <zodbot> phsmoura: Issue #10828: Update flatpak-indexer to fix update failure - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10828 18:01:53 <phsmoura> can we close this? 18:02:07 <nirik> I think this is done. sure, close and they can reopen if there's more to do 18:02:36 <phsmoura> .ticket 10829 18:02:38 <zodbot> phsmoura: Issue #10829: deploy renewed mirrors.centos.org TLS certs on mirrormanager proxies - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10829 18:03:09 <phsmoura> low,low,ops? 18:03:21 <nirik> sure, or low effort, med gain... 18:04:25 <phsmoura> .ticket 10830 18:04:36 <zodbot> phsmoura: Issue #10830: Outage: Upgrade of Copr servers - 2022-07-27 08:00 UTC - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10830 18:05:17 <nirik> low, low, outage I guess. ;) 18:05:43 <phsmoura> +1 18:05:58 * phsmoura waiting pagure to respond 18:06:10 <phsmoura> ok done 18:06:18 <phsmoura> now lets go to releng 18:06:35 * nirik switches hats 18:06:38 <phsmoura> #info https://pagure.io/releng/issues?status=Open 18:06:53 <phsmoura> .releng 10922 18:06:54 <zodbot> phsmoura: Issue #10922: koji imagebuild permissions for pwhalen - releng - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10922 18:07:11 <nirik> med/med/ops? 18:07:29 <nirik> actually it's really easy, let me just do it? 18:08:03 <phsmoura> ok, is it just giving perms? 18:08:40 <nirik> one command: koji grant-permission image pwhalen 18:08:42 <nirik> done. 18:09:02 <nirik> and closed ticket. 18:09:10 <phsmoura> ok, thanks :) 18:09:25 <phsmoura> .releng 10925 18:09:33 <zodbot> phsmoura: Issue #10925: Make dwd maintainer of fuse2fs - releng - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10925 18:09:48 <nirik> low/low/ops ? 18:09:58 <phsmoura> +1 18:10:37 <phsmoura> done 18:10:44 <phsmoura> open floor now 18:10:47 <phsmoura> #topic Planning, Upcoming work and Open floor 18:11:16 <nirik> phsmoura: so... I guess that grokmirror ticket the user replied and we can close it now? 18:11:44 <nirik> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10270 18:11:58 <nirik> I guess the update to the newer version must have fixed it up... ;) 18:12:25 <phsmoura> cool, Ill close it then 18:12:35 <nirik> so, close? also, should we close the one about ssh to pkgs01? I never really got to digging into that one, but I guess we don't need it right now? 18:13:05 <nirik> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10548 I guess it is 18:13:11 <phsmoura> yeah, np. I opened because it wasnt giving me a shell 18:13:27 <phsmoura> I can close both 18:13:35 <nirik> yeah, there's something weird about the config there on that machine because it's super locked down... but I would have thought it would work... oh well. 18:14:01 <nirik> aheath1992: did you ever get anywhere with that firmware/ipmi thing? 18:14:11 <phsmoura> talking about machines in infra 18:14:25 <phsmoura> are there any needing updates? 18:14:32 <aheath1992> no, it looks like its not a easy as intended 18:14:53 <nirik> phsmoura: likely, but we are planning a mass update cycle soon. I think week after next? 18:15:04 <nirik> aheath1992: :( ok. 18:15:33 <nirik> we do apply security updates automatically... 18:16:13 <nirik> anyhow, for upcoming... lets see. 18:16:21 <phsmoura> Ok. Ive been doing things in centos for now, but Im looking if there are any reply in fedora infra and also taking some time to read more about nest 18:16:52 <nirik> Ive been trying to catch up on tickets and email. Will likely keep doing that... and I am going to try and find a tool we can use to organize our nest workshop soon. 18:18:21 <nirik> I need to reinstall FMN in staging too and see if we can make it work at all... if we can, then we need to roll it out to prod. 18:19:46 <phsmoura> Cool 18:20:00 <nirik> thats all I had 18:20:18 <phsmoura> is there anything else someone would like to share? 18:20:27 <smooge> so nirik 18:20:47 <smooge> did you schedule a reboot session before or after FLOCK/Nest? 18:20:56 <nirik> after... week after. 18:20:58 <smooge> s/did you/did you want to/ 18:21:36 <smooge> ah and hexchat refreshed its screen and I see you said that 18:21:39 * nirik checks. we did already schedule it in our lovely miro board. 18:22:13 <smooge> sorry I had a large blank spotfrom [2022-07-26-14:12] <phsmoura> cool, Ill close it then to `[2022-07-26-14:20] <phsmoura> is there anything else someone would like to share?` 18:22:29 <smooge> which refreshed when I hit return and I saw that oooh you said that 18:22:40 <smooge> so I have nothing 18:23:15 <phsmoura> np smooge. You lost part of open floor 18:24:01 <smooge> it was lava 18:24:20 <nirik> ok, it loosk like we said week after that. 18:24:31 <nirik> since it will be the week before freeze I think. 18:24:48 <nirik> week of aug 15th 18:25:18 <nirik> anyhow, nothing more from me. 18:27:07 <phsmoura> smooge: we were talking about 2 issues that I need to close. You didnt miss anything important :) 18:27:15 <phsmoura> ok, lets get back to it then 18:27:24 <phsmoura> thank you all for attending 18:27:29 <phsmoura> #endmeeting