16:00:35 #startmeeting 2009-09-28 QA meeting 16:00:35 Meeting started Mon Sep 28 16:00:35 2009 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:42 #topic gathering bodies 16:00:44 who's here? 16:00:46 * jlaska 16:00:59 * Viking-Ice reappears after being away for what a month? 16:01:09 welcome back! 16:01:29 Thank you.. 16:01:35 Oxf13: wwoods: dpravec: ping 16:01:53 I'm in jury duty so not quite here 16:02:05 Guilty.. . 16:02:28 yeah, hang 'em high :) 16:02:40 Haha 16:03:03 any other bodies? 16:03:17 adamw: I think kparal and dpravec might be out today due to holiday 16:03:24 ok 16:03:29 well, short meeting coming then :) 16:03:38 jlaska: any idea what happened to wwoods? 16:04:23 adamw: he's around ... might be away from irc 16:04:37 if you could grab him for an autoqa update that'd be good 16:04:51 grabbing inprogress 16:05:11 ok 16:05:17 #topic previous meeting follow-up 16:05:27 * wwoods appears 16:05:50 queue the music and smoke machines! 16:06:01 so here I was hoping to follow up on the discussion from last week around development process problems 16:06:14 but quite a bit of that was on oxf13 so maybe next week... 16:06:50 denise: anything on that from your side? 16:07:45 not really 16:07:53 OK...thanks 16:08:09 then let's dim the lights, hit the smoke machine and turn the floor over to wwoods for the... 16:08:11 #topic autoqa update 16:08:20 wwoods: from the last two weeks if you please :) 16:08:43 well, I'll sum up in a screenshot 16:08:49 http://wwoods.fedorapeople.org/screenshots/irb.png 16:09:06 legendary! 16:09:13 the rats_* tests submit those results when they complete 16:09:14 * jlaska goes to locate socks again ... stop showing that screenshot! :) 16:09:38 (i've actually added two new tests - anaconda package install and anaconda bootloader setup - since that screenshot) 16:09:50 that is beautiful! 16:09:53 * adamw hands jlaska some sock suspenders 16:10:01 it's a TG1 webapp - source is here: http://fedorapeople.org/gitweb?p=wwoods/public_git/israwhidebroken.git;a=summary 16:10:03 wwoods: nice, is that for additional granularity for the progress of anaconda? 16:10:29 jlaska: kind of - the tests (as defined previously) did not cover the installation process after anaconda probed the disks 16:10:40 oh that's right, thx 16:10:46 so if anaconda started up and found the disks, then crashed.. that was still considered all-pass 16:11:01 so i've extended coverage to the end of the installation process 16:11:47 awesome, very nice indeed 16:11:53 the webapp authenticates off FAS so anyone in the qa group can modify the results for the manual tests 16:12:06 this week I'm working on adding links to the pass/fail results that let you view the test logs for automated tests 16:12:35 we'll try to have this running in production on infrastructure hardware very soon 16:13:00 there's a couple stupid bugs to work out - notably when you run tests late (like all the PPC tests that ran today) they get reported as being for the *current day's* rawhide tree 16:13:04 wwoods: a quick glance shows that the hardware PO is moving along ... I'll see if we have an ETA later today 16:13:06 rather than the day the tree was actually built 16:13:08 now you just need to make the thing file automatic bug reports and we can all spend all week in our underwear drinking beer 16:13:12 so suddenly today I have a bunch of ppc results 16:13:24 from a ppc tree built last week. oops. 16:13:41 anyway we'll file down a couple of those rough edges and get it into production ASAP 16:13:51 except the links to logs won't be that useful until autotest itself is also in production 16:14:16 i'm thinking this point may be blog post-worthy? 16:14:24 so we might end up doing a stupid stopgap where we dump the logs somewhere public so people can peruse them 16:15:03 oh I also need to fix it up so you can add a bug ID for failed tests 16:15:11 so we can track the cause of failures 16:15:44 hm. yeah, might be worthy of a blarg post 16:15:54 oh, I need to finish up the test cases for the two new tests 16:15:59 wwoods: is this service something that could run on the same host as the autotest scheduler/autoqa tests? 16:16:31 jlaska: sure, just need to work out how you set up TG stuff in production like that 16:16:37 okay 16:16:54 oh, two new test cases: 16:16:58 #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Anaconda_package_install_test_case 16:17:03 #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Anaconda_bootloader_setup_test_case 16:17:05 so the link to logs is where the anaconda team can go to see what died? 16:17:10 denise: yep 16:17:29 currently that all lives on an internal machine, but since most of the anaconda folks are inside the RH firewall 16:17:33 they can look at that stuff now 16:17:39 * dpravec is here 16:17:41 it just takes a little bit of digging 16:18:16 i see a new morning routine ;-) 16:18:52 yeah it's pretty nice to come in and pop up the dashboard and see what's working 16:19:11 here here 16:19:26 so that's autoqa/israwhidebroken status 16:19:40 excellent 16:19:42 thanks wwoods 16:20:01 anyone have any other comments / questions on autoqa? 16:20:19 * denise claps wildly 16:20:32 =) 16:20:38 hah 16:20:45 * jlaska still trying to locate socks 16:20:54 once this bit is in production we'll start looking at things like 16:21:07 - keeping a constant "last-known-good" symlink to the last tree that passed all the tests 16:21:16 wwoods: jlaska: like i said, just make sure no-one tells jay about this thing and we can go on permanent vacation ;) 16:21:37 wwoods: awesome job 16:21:44 hi dpravec 16:21:55 - possibly using the results of the testing to reject builds that cause the tests to fail 16:22:21 and then we want to extend this whole idea to doing per-package package-level functional testing 16:22:45 that might work nicely with the efforts kparal and psss are investigating (wrt to automating rpmdiff runs) 16:22:54 errr. per-package testing - package-level dependency/conflicts stuff and functional testing - and using that to decide whether to tag new builds 16:23:00 but that's all a long way down the pipeline 16:23:14 but I mean, this project is really only ~90 days old, and we're already pretty far along 16:23:18 yeah indeed 16:23:36 so give it a few months but I think we can probably get there 16:24:22 wwoods: i am investigating how to test anaconda by simulating user input with dogtail.. this should be included also 16:25:17 write the tests first and then we'll figure out how to get it integrated 16:26:40 yes will do 16:29:25 that goes for anyone wanting to do autoqa stuff: write the test first. everything else will get figured out eventually. 16:29:37 ok. 16:29:39 moving on! 16:29:43 #topic upcoming events 16:30:07 so we're into beta phase for sure now 16:30:32 this week we have the beta freeze and candidate build process, and the fourth blocker bug review day on friday 16:30:42 * jlaska points to http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-12/f-12-quality-tasks.html 16:30:46 yup 16:30:47 err ... 16:30:49 #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-12/f-12-quality-tasks.html 16:31:11 i don't think there's any real action items for us, except to test the beta candidates when they show - i think we're looking in decent shape now last week's excitement has calmed down 16:31:36 Liam has a ticket open requesting a Beta build from rel-eng iirc ... 16:32:04 I believe Oxf13 is already in the loop on that 16:32:06 #link https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/2191 16:32:09 there are a few blockers in mod that would appreciate retest if anyone has time 16:32:51 yep 16:33:05 I haven't circled fedora-test-list fully yet, was there a summary of the 'Test Compose' results sent? 16:33:12 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=507678&hide_resolved=1 16:33:23 no...it got a bit messy with the lvm stuff 16:33:52 adamw: gotcha 16:33:59 the only bug showing in modified atm is https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=516042 (anyone with access to an NFS rawhide repo should be able to test that) 16:34:00 Bug 516042: medium, low, ---, rvykydal, MODIFIED, Unable to add NFS yum repo during installation 16:35:41 I should be able to test that once situated here 16:35:46 great 16:36:20 there was a related one blocking testing, IIRC - the fix was just reviewed and will go in tomorrow when Brno returns 16:38:10 right. 16:38:19 it was blocking for the initial reporter, but may not block for anyone else testing iirc. 16:38:26 (was somewhat specific to his situation) 16:38:41 so, that's upcoming events...jlaska, anything to add there? 16:39:01 we've got a install-related test day planned for this thursday as well 16:39:13 #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2009-10-01_Anaconda/Features/StorageFiltering 16:39:36 oh yes, missed that somehow :) 16:39:42 hmmm - i think we asked to cancel that one 16:39:54 because the filtering is UI and UI changes not in til F13 16:40:14 oh ... my impression of this test day was all the F11 storage bugs 16:40:18 clumens was suppost to talk with someone who had sent test cases 16:40:32 if storage bugs, thats fine - 16:40:42 the filtering part not there 16:40:59 so far i've been writing it up as if it were a generic storage test day 16:41:04 and the test cases seem to be geared to that 16:41:12 ok, thats fine then 16:41:12 so we could tweak the page name a bit and go ahead i think 16:41:23 go for it ;-) 16:41:24 with some focus on the storage cleanup bugs listed https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Features/StorageFiltering#Detailed_Description 16:41:29 more storage testing is better 16:41:40 will be sure developers are there to help 16:41:49 lets hope we have a rawhide 16:41:58 denise: storage test days always need some lead up time to ensure things have settled for the test day 16:42:17 denise: are there any things we can line up ahead of time to ensure anaconda related packages are in a testable state? 16:42:47 jlaska, i'll ask dlehman towork with you on this ok? 16:43:16 sure, let's include rhe on this, she is organizing the test day 16:44:44 rhe - in beijing? 16:44:51 denise: yeah 16:45:04 clumens may have asked her to cancel - we should doublecheck 16:45:14 I'll circle the wagons 16:45:58 thanks 16:46:33 ok 16:46:40 i think that's everything on the list... 16:46:52 so, time for 16:46:55 #topic open floo 16:46:59 #topic open floor 16:47:06 oh dear, my floo is open - how terribly embarrassing 16:47:10 anyone have open floor topics? 16:48:22 just a big thanks and nice job for the group for keeping things moving on test days, blocker meetings and ISO testing for the past few weeks 16:49:03 did you go awol as well ? 16:49:29 * Viking-Ice pulled in ca 300 workhours last month 16:49:30 Viking-Ice: just a little vacation 16:50:03 Viking-Ice: he is not a president to go awol without consequences :) 16:50:20 jlaska, can you ping dlehman about test day? he will work with you 16:50:26 denise: inprogress 16:51:55 vacation and sleep is overrated :) 16:52:08 =) 16:53:25 well in that case i guess we're done 16:53:27 thanks for coming everyone! 16:53:33 Thanks for hosting.. 16:53:44 and thanks wwoods for being awesome 16:53:48 #endmeeting