19:00:12 #startmeeting Fedora-belux 19:00:12 Meeting started Wed Nov 25 19:00:12 2009 UTC. The chair is biertie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:12 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:25 ping 19:00:47 so, who's here ;-) 19:00:51 #topic rollcall 19:00:55 * biertie is here 19:01:00 Here I am. 19:01:15 fhornain: hi! 19:01:27 ; ) 19:01:48 only 3? :( 19:01:57 but ok 19:02:05 #topic agenda 19:02:10 better then 2 :) 19:02:20 1. fosdem 2010 status 19:02:28 2. fedora release event 19:02:51 and if kevin still joins us 19:02:55 3. the website 19:03:02 ok 19:03:08 any other things we want to talk about? 19:03:09 Fine. 19:03:13 no 19:03:19 nop 19:03:20 that will do (for me) 19:03:27 #topic Fosdem 2010 19:03:44 * biertie has to search the wiki page again 19:03:52 fhornain: can you point me? 19:04:07 https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FOSDEM_2010 19:04:27 For my part, I was really busy these week. 19:04:41 So I did not have time to work on it. 19:04:47 vincentvdk: have you already mailed the hotels? 19:04:59 biertie: no, i'll do that tomorrow 19:05:08 Yes, I have received it from Vincent. 19:05:24 i also have got a lot of work at work 19:05:28 fhornain: that's the list, he hasn't mailed to the hotels, or have you done that? 19:05:28 :) 19:05:29 I mean a mail about Hostels 19:05:33 we all have ;-) 19:05:36 No probs. 19:05:48 school, some projects I have to work on blah blah blah :( 19:05:53 i made a small list, but biertie asked if i mailed the hotels 19:06:03 i'll do that tomorrow 19:06:04 Now, I am waiting after the final devroom and booth attribution 19:06:13 do i've to put you guys in cc? 19:06:19 ah, I have good news 19:06:28 fhornain: any news on the new devroom regulation? 19:06:32 Gerald promised me to bring the big fedora roll things! 19:06:35 that will be *awesome* 19:06:43 Fedora roll? 19:07:51 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gQ4q3hjYrFQ/SkEq1b3iKVI/AAAAAAAAAgM/jPELrABvylk/s400/sany0487_a.jpeg 19:08:00 such things ;-) 19:08:09 FYI, the final devroom and booth attribution is planned to 29th November. Then, I could restart the project 19:08:13 Anyway, I ll keep you in touch both. 19:08:13 Or update the wiki site 19:08:20 ah, ok 19:08:28 ok, fine 19:08:51 but I don't understand fosdem atm :s 19:08:59 will we get a devroom, or won't we get one? -_- 19:09:18 are there people that are going to talk about something? 19:09:31 We should have a both but concerning the devroom rules have changed. 19:10:22 but some things are confusing for me 19:10:28 See http://www.fosdem.org/2010/distrominiconf 19:10:34 but maybe that's because I haven't read everything in detail 19:10:37 we'll now in a few days 19:11:17 72 days until FOSDEM. 19:11:26 :) 19:11:28 not that long 19:11:56 After confirmation, I will work to invite people from JBoss and Fedora Project. 19:12:10 nice 19:12:30 so, there will be a distro summit + normal devrooms? 19:12:56 yes but distribution would not have dedicated devroom. 19:13:14 who will then? 19:13:17 however, if it is accepted JBoss will have one. 19:13:39 so we will cheat a bit ;) 19:14:01 For distrib., there should have three commun devroom 19:14:51 I mean as far as I understood, Debian, CentOS, Suse, etc. will talk together on Packages for instance. 19:14:54 yes, 3 devrooms for 10 distro's? ;-) 19:15:11 room is per Topic 19:15:15 You know, we are guests then .... 19:15:15 not per Distro 19:15:39 You have understood the complexity for this edition vincent. 19:15:53 fhornain: lol 19:16:00 Anyway, i have already good relation with Mandriva and CentOS 19:16:14 i'm not sure that this concept will work, but it makes sense 19:16:21 That is the requirement from FOSDEM team. 19:16:47 We will see. Anyway, i take the challenge. 19:17:07 who decides which topics will be discussed? 19:17:20 FOSDEM team? 19:17:31 jep 19:17:34 ok 19:17:42 Us together. I mean Debian, Fedora, Suse, etc... 19:17:48 so we'll have to wait until they communicate the topics 19:17:49 Not so easy. 19:18:25 in my humble opinion, they should move to a bigger building 19:18:32 other things about Fosdem? 19:18:34 not come up with random stupid ideas -_- 19:18:42 No, you do not understand. Fedora can propose some subjects. 19:18:53 But subjects have to interest other distro... ;) 19:18:57 ah, ok 19:19:27 But subjects have to interest other distro... ;) 19:19:33 that's what I call stupid ;-) 19:19:37 i think the idea is good since there're more distro's then topics (sort of) 19:19:42 Bertie, a lot of people thinks as you do. 19:19:55 but I want to talk about spacewalk... :) 19:20:03 spacewalk = centos 19:20:04 you can 19:20:17 what other distro would want to hear that? 19:20:19 (except fedora) 19:20:33 Ubuntu has something like spacewalk? 19:20:36 it is a little bit reductive to thing distros = CentOS + Fedora, you know. 19:20:45 something like... 19:20:57 biertie: ;) 19:21:11 Otherwise, i do not have other things in the pipe. So I ll keep you in touch. 19:21:12 so, ubuntu will say: no, not spacewalk, we want to hear our stuff 19:21:18 I don't believe in it ;-) 19:21:20 should we make a list of topics then? 19:21:46 I do not have input from Ubuntu on the miniconf idea. 19:22:15 : - ) 19:22:22 that wasn't my point 19:22:23 So I can guess how they will react if I propose them to talk about spacewalk. 19:22:24 but ok ;-) 19:22:34 fhornain: :) 19:22:54 So I have to be in bg for few minutes. 19:23:06 I ll be back in 10mins 19:23:15 is there anything we can do at the moment for FOSDEM? 19:23:20 #action vincentvdk mail hotels asap with request for +- 40 people 19:23:32 biertie: i'll do that 19:23:38 #action fhornain keep us op up to date about fosdem 19:23:49 vincentvdk: the actions are for zodbot ;-) 19:24:05 it generates a nice list then :) 19:24:17 is he going to mail the hotels :) 19:24:18 ok, next topic? 19:24:30 yes 19:24:47 #topic fedora release event 19:25:08 i'll have to mail the docs for the kickstart 19:25:11 wait 19:25:16 k 19:25:21 biertie: do you have a gmail account? 19:25:31 biertie@gmail 19:25:41 ok, i'll share the document 19:27:17 you should have mail 19:28:17 k 19:28:20 will you be there? 19:29:23 thx for the document 19:29:25 i think i'll make it 19:30:10 i'll mail you a kickstart example tomorrow 19:30:58 k 19:31:06 what what hour could you be there? 19:31:14 when do you start? 19:31:25 18h 19:31:34 but if you can come a little bit earlier ;) 19:31:41 ok 19:31:52 from what time are you there? 19:32:02 between 15 en 16h 19:32:19 ok 19:32:32 i'll try to be there earlier 19:32:41 k 19:32:56 would we do the presentations / installations in another room, or all in one room? 19:33:02 do you need pictures taken? 19:33:12 maybe all in one romm 19:33:17 room* 19:34:02 k 19:34:02 do you have a professional camera maybe? 19:34:02 I have a digital ixus 85 19:34:26 have to leave guys. If on of you could sent the meeting notes by mail. I will appreciate. Thx a lot. bye. 19:34:30 it's nice, but not (semi-)professional :) 19:34:43 fhornain: bye! 19:34:52 i've a Nikon D80 19:36:16 maybe i'll bring it with me 19:37:18 other things? 19:38:17 what should I buy for robert? :P 19:38:25 buy? 19:38:48 a present, because it's because of him we can use the school / have free food / drinks / ... 19:39:05 ah, don't know, a thinkpad :) 19:39:29 ok 19:39:32 is he the IT guy of the school 19:39:32 you can donate :p 19:39:36 uu 19:39:36 sure 19:39:39 :) 19:39:54 :D 19:40:12 i don't know 19:40:23 do you have a Fedora T shirt left or something? 19:40:34 a couple 19:40:37 ;-) 19:41:20 give him one 19:42:15 who is going to do a presentation? 19:42:17 :) 19:42:27 me? ;) 19:42:34 ok 19:42:43 you want to do one? 19:42:47 more technical maybe 19:42:56 not my strongest point :) 19:43:05 and i don't have anything 19:43:19 I thought you had a template? :p 19:43:56 it didn't work out 19:44:20 maybe we'll need to create one for belux stuff 19:44:35 i'll do one on the next release party 19:44:56 hehe, k :D 19:45:05 hope your company can sponsor some things against that time :D 19:45:14 hehe 19:45:16 maybe 19:45:19 i can ask 19:45:33 I ment your hosting company ;-) 19:45:39 ah, hehe 19:45:39 do you use fedora at your work aybe? 19:45:45 *maybe 19:45:57 i've it it on my portable 19:46:10 i'm giving free hosting.... 19:46:17 i've to start little 19:46:19 :) 19:46:29 hehe, I know 19:46:32 if i get more customers.... 19:46:37 I was just teasing you a bit ;-) 19:46:44 no problem 19:46:58 but yeah 19:47:10 we should search company's that use fedora on a daily basis in belgium 19:47:35 i don't think that will be easy 19:47:45 lets get on topic now 19:47:49 we'll chat later 19:48:02 other things you need for the release party? 19:48:11 if you have fedora stuff, bring it ;) 19:48:15 should I bring my olpc? 19:48:17 i'll have my laptop reinstalled 19:48:47 can you do something with olpc and F12? 19:49:07 the newest olpc is fedora 11 based ;) 19:49:16 i'll have to send the flyer to some people at work 19:49:33 you can always bring it 19:49:35 lol, you're getting late ;) 19:49:47 yes i know 19:49:52 i'm to busy 19:50:03 but wat do you do :) 19:50:24 do you bring your laptop? 19:51:37 off course 19:51:44 if need to play presentations ;-) 19:51:45 ok 19:51:53 yes, stupid of me 19:51:57 :P 19:52:01 reinstall afterwards? 19:53:16 nah 19:53:20 :) 19:53:38 next topic? 19:54:45 ok 19:54:48 #topic website 19:54:59 the domain is online 19:55:05 que? 19:55:06 what are we going to do next? 19:55:29 you didn't see it? 19:55:39 irefox can't find the server at be.fedoraproject.org. 19:56:02 be.fedoracommunity.org 19:56:12 ach damn -_- 19:56:27 cool :) 19:56:31 hehe 19:56:40 so, we'll throw a standard drupal install on it? 19:56:44 if you want i can install a Drupal 19:56:49 sure 19:57:20 couf has excperience with drupal 19:57:24 so he can do some magic with it 19:57:25 who is doing the css magic? 19:57:25 ok 19:57:34 I will make the fedora template over it :) 19:57:35 so we have to contact him 19:57:37 css magic thuss ;) 19:57:44 yeah, css is nice 19:57:54 you have mailed him the account details, right? 19:58:01 than all we need is some content 19:58:03 yes 19:58:10 Frederic mailed them 19:58:21 i'm not sure he was in the list 19:58:25 i'll check 19:59:24 he was ;) 19:59:24 couf@ 19:59:33 ok 19:59:51 but I'll talk to him over facebook chat 19:59:59 ok, fine 19:59:59 he will be at the release party too btw 20:00:00 so :) 20:00:03 cool 20:00:10 we'll talk then 20:00:20 we can close this meeting i think 20:00:29 unless you've something? 20:00:39 not really 20:00:46 ok 20:00:48 I just hope everything goes ok on the event :) 20:01:01 thx all for being here ;-) 20:01:06 #endmeeting