00:01:45 #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21 00:01:45 Meeting started Thu Jan 21 00:01:45 2010 UTC. The chair is jjmcd. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:01:45 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:01:58 #topic roll call 00:02:04 * jjmcd . 00:02:09 * quaid 00:02:21 * rudi is here but not with 100% attention... 00:03:19 Sorry if a little disorganized. I only found out sparks was AWOL a couple minutes ago 00:03:39 #topic F13 Release Schedule 00:03:46 * laubersm stands in the back 00:03:52 #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-13/f-13-docs-and-trans-tasks.html 00:04:05 Don't be hiding laubersm 00:04:23 ANyone have any comments, difficulties etc with the F13 schedule? 00:05:03 I was unable to find my notes for John and haven't had time to recreate them, but they weren't biggies anyway 00:05:38 for the last release, were there any miscommunications 00:05:42 or disconnects? 00:05:45 Yes 00:05:48 quite a few 00:05:58 I think most got addressed in the new schedule 00:05:59 do we need to get an actual affirmative from people about the schedule? 00:06:09 "Put your name on this wiki page" or mark a checkbox or something? 00:06:38 That might be worthwhile, although I suspect ianweller, danielsmw, ke4qqq and othere may or may not be here 00:06:58 But there is a good idea quaid 00:07:22 #action jjmcd will put up a wiki page for each of the content owners to agree to the schedule 00:07:44 Everyone OK with that? 00:07:57 I think the larger communication issues were with other groups though... like releng needing the rpm before we were scheduled to build it.. 00:08:20 I'm good with the sched (as much as I have looked) and good with a wiki to get the people really involved to sign off 00:08:21 Well, yeah. That was a biggie, and you better believe this time i triple checked 00:08:56 And we will have some surprises this time since we are handling the L10N interface differently 00:09:33 OK, anything else on the schedule? 00:10:18 Moving on 00:10:24 #topic Desktop Help Summit 00:10:40 #link http://live.gnome.org/DesktopHelpSummit2010 00:10:52 OK, it looks as if sparks might not be able to go 00:11:02 too far out on the schedule for me to say if I can be there. But it is not out of the question. 00:11:04 laubersm, any news on whether you will make it? 00:11:10 OK 00:11:24 Is anyone else thinking about it? 00:11:34 Still even a possibilty I can get RH schedule me to teach up there before or after (thus covering plane at the same time) 00:11:59 That would be a perfect scenario 00:12:08 They won't have the schedule together for a while (working on the first 2 weeks of Feb today) 00:12:22 Right now I think I am the only for sure going, and we really should have two or three of us 00:12:45 I told Max in a perfect world, rudi would be there but he didn't bite 00:12:55 :) 00:13:08 lolz thanks anyway :) 00:13:33 Well, especially without sparks it would be really good, but it is kind of a hike 00:14:04 Anything else on the summit? 00:14:27 Oh, I started to mention, Max did indicate he can make some funding available 00:14:58 And we really should have more representation than me if Susan can't make it 00:15:51 OK, moving on 00:16:08 #topic Release Notes 00:16:30 This one is quick. I did post a new updated test RPM if anyone wants to test 00:16:44 I don't have the link right here but I did send it to the list 00:17:06 * quaid has to move networks (head home), bbi7m 00:17:13 Paul made a good catch on the first one, but other than that 00:17:16 Thanks quaid 00:17:37 Any questions, updates, comments, concerns about release notes? 00:18:27 #topic Status on CMS (Zikula) 00:18:35 #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zikula#Module_status 00:18:57 I'm not so sure we have any of the usual suspects here 00:19:05 Any reports on Zikula? 00:20:02 I guess not 00:20:13 so 00:20:23 #topic Guide Status 00:20:42 rudi, any comments/updates on the guides? 00:21:01 jjmcd -- nothing this week 00:21:11 OK, anyone else on guides? 00:21:47 #topic New Guides 00:22:04 Anyone starting new guides? 00:23:21 #topic All other business 00:23:22 http://docs.fedoraproject.org/selinux-faq/ i'm updating that 00:23:30 OK, here I do have something 00:24:23 It looks as if sparks may be scarce for a little while here, I don't have any data on how long at this point, so if you see a leadership vacuum please don't be shy about stepping up 00:25:32 Of course, under normal circumstances there is no need to be timid, but for now try to get over your timidity please 00:25:57 Ahh, rasdy, sorry I middes that 00:26:16 How are you coming? Need anything? 00:26:35 nope, going fine - waiting for the next sync on that page, and adding a lot from dwalsh@ 00:26:57 good deal 00:27:12 I still need to do some recruiting for the ARG 00:27:15 was considerably out-dated 00:27:40 hehe - that is something that needs not only documentation, but also marketing 00:28:52 i also had a couple of EOI for adding to the wireless-guide, but no email responses or IRC arrivals :( 00:29:10 ahh 00:29:30 I think a lot of people imagine that they aren't 31337 enough or something 00:30:14 nothing else from me at this point 00:30:27 Is there anything else for the good of the order? 00:30:51 If you're thinking about going to Chicago, think harder! 00:31:29 last call 00:31:43 9 00:31:46 8 00:31:52 7 00:31:56 6 00:32:01 5 00:32:01 12 00:32:03 42 00:32:04 hut 00:32:10 432 00:32:19 #endmeeting