16:01:09 #startmeeting EPEL 16:01:09 Meeting started Fri May 21 16:01:09 2010 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:18 #topic Roll call from the top 16:01:22 Here 16:01:23 Here 16:01:33 * nirik is here 16:01:37 here 16:02:56 #topic EPEL-6 status 16:03:04 Ok we have lots of packages in the beta 16:03:35 I expect we will see another beta soon. not sure of how it will be 'presented' 16:03:47 yeah, packages are building along. 16:04:08 we also have a lot of packages that have been readied but not built yet. 16:04:21 I am not a proven packager so I can't start them myself 16:04:28 I knings hope it'll be another ISO, I can't install off the existing one. 16:04:29 I am hoping to earn that in the coming year 16:04:44 well, I think it's best to let maintainers do so... 16:04:59 perhaps we could generate a list of 'not yet built' and spam maintainers about them. 16:05:20 * tremble started building his packages this afternoon :) 16:05:32 some maintainers even after 'seeing' posts aren't aware of this and are expecting that it was done already 16:05:48 nirik, I believe that would be a good goal. 16:05:56 I suppose I could try and do so... 16:06:06 * nirik is leary of overcommiting his time these days. ;) 16:06:38 as a maintainer i don't think i'd want to be spammed to build my packages, maybe a wiki page that we send an email about to the epel list? 16:07:12 jokajak: well, by spam I mean an email explaining the branch is there, it's up to you to build it or mark it dead if you don't want it in EL-6, etc... 16:07:19 more informational than bugging. 16:07:21 ah, ok, thanks :) 16:07:30 nirik, no don't over-commit 16:08:02 nirik, I think it would be best to post asking for a volunteer on infrastructure or something 16:08:02 jokajak: so as a epel maintainer, why haven't you built your packages yet? (out of curiosity) 16:08:14 smooge: we could do that. 16:08:38 nirik: i think most of mine have been built :) 16:09:02 i just hadn't gotten around to it 16:09:24 ok, cool. 16:09:36 I think some people just don't know the branch is there waiting for them. 16:10:35 I am expecting that is the case. 16:10:55 I've just been busy/away 16:11:28 Ok what other EL-6 things should we cover? 16:11:48 so do we know there is going to be a beta2? 16:12:18 Don't think RH have said anything yet, but I believe they did multiple beta releases for 5... 16:13:06 ok, just wondering. 16:14:26 I thought there was something in the mails about a second beta. I believe there will be one, but the access to it I do not know (they may go for RHN only or somesuch thing). 16:14:44 Or they may send it out over IP over Pigeon for all I know 16:15:17 Do we have any EL-5/EL-4 issues to go over? 16:15:48 * nirik doesn't know of any off hand. 16:17:52 ok well then I think we can call this at 10:20 16:17:55 or earlier 16:18:24 thank you all for coming. 16:18:29 and thanks for support EPEL. 16:18:33 #endmeeting