14:04:28 #startmeeting Weekly Docs Meeting 14:04:28 Meeting started Mon Mar 26 14:04:28 2012 UTC. The chair is jjmcd. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:28 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:04:37 #topic Roll Call 14:04:48 * Capesteve waves 14:05:05 * pkovar is here 14:05:42 oh hey you did it. Rock on :) 14:05:47 and here 14:05:52 ;-) 14:05:53 * fnadge is sort of there or here, depending on the context 14:06:03 Looks like a short list 14:06:25 #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:06:55 The only thing from last week is Ben checking on guide owners, and it looks like maybe he didn't 14:07:14 #action bcotton to check on guide owners for F17 14:07:27 ANything else on left over action items? 14:07:27 Well, I got a mail but need to reply yet 14:07:41 Oh good, so at least its started 14:08:00 yes, i got one too 14:08:04 #info Appears this has been started 14:08:53 moving on then 14:08:57 #topic Release Notes 14:09:21 OK, the beta RNs went out but I would like to see an update in the repo when it goes live 14:09:38 I've taken care of what I know of, but could use help in 2 places: 14:09:39 ? 14:09:49 Proofreading and index entries 14:09:52 ? 14:10:02 #link http://fedorapeople.org/groups/docs/release-notes/en-US/ 14:10:07 Right, can help with proofreading 14:10:10 has the latest build 14:10:20 If you can picka beat 14:10:29 #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Beats 14:10:57 Proofread, correct and mark the beat page, that would be great 14:11:43 If anyone wants to help with index entries, I'm starting at the bottom, and Amateur_Radio.xml is done and can be used as an example. 14:12:29 sure, no prob 14:12:30 I think it is better to be generous with index entries so the reader has a better shot at finding things he cares about 14:12:56 #info Release notes index entries and proofreading needed 14:12:58 Also 14:13:17 Better to commit often, only one xml at a time, to avoid collisions with others 14:13:34 But we can also sync up on channel 14:13:43 I can proofread the Networking section 14:13:59 #info Will probably be looking for karma in a couple of days 14:14:04 Capesteve, excellent 14:15:00 Anything else on release notes? Questions or anything? 14:15:04 What about RN translations (freeze, availability…)? Should we ask rbergeron to update the schedule? 14:15:53 I would like to get that going pretty quick here 14:15:54 wut? 14:16:08 Not even sure where we stand, except behind! 14:16:09 I could proofread Circuit Design 14:16:23 Robotics, Ham Radio 14:16:31 fortunately, we all have great behinds. 14:16:43 I have some experience in those fields 14:17:10 hmmmm ... that's why rbergeron spends so much time standing around at conferences 14:17:41 hum too late 14:17:58 shaiton: what updating are we looking at 14:18:06 Great Capesteve, I'll do Embedded, then skip up to Development 14:18:14 Robotics is empty 14:18:59 rbergeron, we aren't real sure where we are on translation. Haven't even provided POTs yet so we know we're behind... not sure how far tho 14:19:22 rbergeron: at http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-17/f-17-trans-tasks.html 14:19:24 I think shaiton is looking for reconciling the L10n sked with reality 14:20:05 shaiton: i know where, just wondering... what:) jjmcd: can we figure out how far in the next day or two? 14:20:08 we still have time, but we should let them know as soon as they are ready (i.e. proofread) 14:20:51 shaiton, I agree with that. The index entries are going to be a bigger change, but I would hope to have them done in the next day or two then we can branch 14:21:12 great thanks 14:21:17 (Remember RNs different than guides cuz a branch is a whole new thing for L10n) 14:21:47 #action Anyone who can proofread and index 14:22:24 rbergeron, I think we should be able to count on getting them something reasonable by Wed/Thu 14:23:24 We had hoped to have translations for beta this release, but that just wasn't going to happen. We barely squeaked the en-US into beta. 14:23:50 okay 14:23:55 yeah you did :) 14:23:59 (NTH ftw) 14:24:37 * jjmcd seemed to be asleep at the switch this release 14:24:52 OK, anything else on Release Notes? 14:25:45 #topic Guide Status 14:25:49 * 14:25:50 o #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-17/f-17-docs-tree-tasks.html 14:26:05 #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-17/f-17-docs-tree-tasks.html 14:26:11 #link http://rbergero.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-17/f-17-docs-tree-tasks.html 14:26:14 THERE! 14:26:24 OK, so where are we on guides? 14:27:08 Not a lot of owners here - fnadge - User's Guide? 14:28:55 perhaps he got called away 14:29:00 pkovar, RPM guide? 14:29:41 jjmcd: RPM Guide is dead, more or less 14:29:52 * fnadge is here, sorry just 14:29:56 i now focus on the Packager's guide 14:30:01 worked on something 14:30:05 Ahhhhh 14:30:37 fnadge, is there any prayer of having that for F17? I know the GNOME 3 thing is a huge amount of work 14:30:44 hopefully, it will be ready by the f17 release 14:30:49 The user's guide is in progress 14:30:59 pkovar, very cool 14:31:09 #info Users Guide in progress 14:31:23 #info Packagers Guide targeted for F17 14:31:29 Packager's Guide: will keep the group updated, also re community feedback 14:31:47 pkovar, that is a tough one 14:32:30 I think there is a fair shot at getting the ARG updated for F17 14:33:06 I guess I should update the table since it is updated for F16 and the table says F14 14:33:07 the packager's guide will not cover everything, but the basic procedures on creating and building RPMs should be there 14:33:17 jjmcd: I see "Wireless Guide " F14 at the bottom of the table. Should that not be deleted as its part of Deployment Guide? 14:33:32 on this page: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:33:57 Capesteve, seems like it, tho I wonder if people looking to make WiFi work would consider the Deployment Guide 14:34:39 Deployment Guide sounds like something for people with huge server farms 14:34:56 I suppose you could make an extract, or just put a note "Currently incorporated in DG, see Chapter x" 14:34:56 Capesteve: FYI, the NetworkManager chapter in the System Administrator's Guide is currently commented out, as there was nobody to update it for Fedora 16. 14:35:14 jjmcd: Yeah, that's why we renamed it. :) 14:35:16 jhradilek: That is a shame 14:35:33 pkovar, on the subject of deleting, should the RPM Guide be blown away? 14:35:34 Capesteve: Do I here a volunteer? :P 14:35:38 *hear 14:36:05 hmmmm, sounds like something that might be done well in Brno 14:36:07 jhradilek: You can show me later how to clone the repo and I will check it 14:36:18 jjmcd: i wouldn't oppose that, but need to discuss with bcotton first 14:36:23 Capesteve: Cool. :) 14:36:37 pkovar, Oh, I agree, also on the others 14:36:43 * Capesteve has been drinking more coffee since he met jhradilek 14:37:01 :-D 14:37:03 #info Consider removing RPM Guide 14:37:25 lots of various pages link the RPM guide, so we need to consider this 14:37:34 before removing it 14:37:46 #info Capesteve will work with jhradilek to review NetworkManager chapter in SA Guide 14:38:10 Capesteve, jhradilek can have that effect 14:38:24 yes 14:38:32 #info Many links exist to RPM Guide 14:38:37 I work on User's Guide a little on local repo. I put my modification asap 14:38:46 * claneys late but here 14:38:57 #info claneys will work on User's Guide 14:39:12 jjmcd: Now I feel like a dictator. :-S 14:39:23 claneys, consider committing and pushing often. You can always roll back 14:39:56 Ok. 14:40:05 Wow, lotsa good stuff on guides 14:40:13 Anything else on guides? 14:40:48 big thanks to those willing to contribute :-) 14:40:58 Absolutely 14:41:58 #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:42:19 OK, the number seems to be fairly satble, but there are an awful lot of NEW bugs 14:42:43 Please look at the bugs for your guide and at least assign them so the reporter has some feedback 14:43:00 Pretty sad when a bug sits there with no apparent action 14:43:54 Does anyone need any help with bugs? 14:44:17 if they do I would like to help 14:44:34 Thanks jmtaylor 14:44:51 #info jmtaylor willing to help with bugs 14:46:11 OK, anything else on bugs? 14:46:59 #topic Open floor discussion 14:47:13 So, who has anything for this august body? 14:47:20 I do! 14:47:25 randomuser, go 14:47:50 * rbergeron asked bcotton to come to the readiness meeting on Thursday, doesn't know if he's actually available but if he's not would love a substitute :) 14:48:09 I think there is an excessive amount of includes in the install guide, and probably others. Are we doing this for any technical reason? 14:48:24 byproduct of wiki conversion? 14:48:36 randomuser, usually to make it more manageable 14:48:48 If you have a lot of files, it is easier for multiple people 14:49:04 If we both edit the same file, git can be messy to reconcile 14:49:20 But if we are in different files, a git pull to update is no issue 14:49:48 that makes sense 14:50:07 That's why on index entries I suggested folks commit every xml they touch as soon as possible 14:50:42 randomuser: In case of the Installation Guide, the reasoning behind it is that a lot of the content is the same for different architectures. This allows you to re-use certain portions of text without having to copy it all the time. 14:51:24 jhradilek, and when you can re-use, a change doesn't have to happen in a dozen different places 14:51:35 jjmcd: Yup. 14:51:54 i still think it's excessive, but as there are sound reasons, I wont start combining 14:52:15 Yeah, re-use=good, duplication=bad 14:52:20 randomuser: Are you in contact with jreed? He maintains the Installation Guide. 14:52:41 I haven't spoken to him, no. 14:53:23 Smaller files also make it easier to find stuff when you edit, assuming, of course, you are familiar with the structure 14:53:41 He's based in Brisbane, so I would just email him and let him know that you are working on it. 14:53:53 i'll get over it, but I'm finding it difficult to become familiar with the structure 14:53:54 *if I were you 14:54:02 jhradilek, will do 14:54:11 randomuser, yeah, that can be an issue 14:54:35 randomuser: Another reason why it looks like this is that jreed maintains a similar guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which supports much more architectures. 14:54:47 The ARG has multiple levels of nesting - makes for lots of files, but the file names follow a pattern that helps 14:55:25 randomuser: So changing the structure might make it much more difficult to keep both versions in sync. 14:55:45 jhradilek, we cover x86, x86_64 at this point; not much need for a distinction there IMO past "which do I choose" 14:55:45 And as long as we commit early and often, multiple editors can be pretty reckless with low odds of collision 14:56:08 Well, yeah, but ARM is coming soon, and probably others 14:56:29 And ARM will probably have quite a few differences 14:56:34 randomuser: Yeah, but jreed keeps both versions in sync. 14:56:55 jhradilek, ok, it makes a lot more sense if that's the case 14:57:07 OK, we're running short on time .... anything else? 14:57:54 jjmcd: Nope. :) 14:58:11 Well, thanks everyone. This has been a really good meeting. 14:58:21 Helps when everyone gets engaged! 14:58:33 jjmcd: Thank you. :) 14:58:35 Thank you all for the hard work 14:58:41 #endmeeting