16:06:29 #startmeeting messaging-sig 16:06:29 Meeting started Tue May 8 16:06:29 2012 UTC. The chair is threebean. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:06:29 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:06:39 #topic robot roll call 16:06:46 Anyone around for the messaging sig meeting today? 16:08:32 * nirik is lurking around. 16:09:23 * threebean estimates that now may be a bad time for meetings 16:09:45 * lmacken kinda lurking 16:09:45 no telling. :) sometimes it's hard to find a good meeting time tho 16:09:54 yeah, lunchtime is not the best :) 16:10:29 could do a little http://whenisgood.net action if you want to find the ideal time for everyone 16:10:34 * tflink is around 16:11:15 #action email whenisgood.net to the lists 16:11:28 #topic reports 16:11:49 Real quick, nothing much new other than processing package reviews. 16:11:58 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=818297&hide_resolved=1 16:12:24 That's the dependency tree for python-fedmsg. I think there are only 2 or so reviews left to nab. 16:12:38 cool. 16:12:41 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=813925 16:12:51 * nirik might be able to get those... since we are in freeze, I have some more time. 16:12:56 That one though involves RHEL people and might be a little tougher. 16:13:03 I don't have any experience to estimate how long it will take. 16:13:23 nirik: That would be awesome. 16:13:27 oh, a rhel update... ? 16:13:48 yeah, not sure how to move that along... 16:14:28 #action ask spot if there's anyway to move https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=813925 along. 16:14:53 yeah, it likely needs some internal acks of some kind (no idea) 16:14:59 I'll ping him once it gets closer to being the only bug left. 16:15:46 Anyone have anything else to report before moving on to open floor? 16:16:08 Any questions for me on stuff-done-so-far? 16:17:17 threebean: i'll see what i can do 16:17:24 spot: thanks. 16:17:29 #topic open floor 16:17:29 is there a list of our apps and status on being message enabled? 16:17:44 nirik: yeah, but it's a little cluttered. One moment. 16:17:58 not a big deal, just curious whats left. 16:18:10 nirik: https://github.com/ralphbean/fedmsg/blob/develop/doc/proposal.rst#list-of-systems-their-events-and-associated-fields 16:18:54 cool. thanks. 16:19:35 any outstanding concerns? stuff to bring up for open floor? 16:19:48 for koji, there's a messagebus plugin in koji-hub-plugins... might be at least good to look at to base something on. 16:20:11 nirik: yes, I've seen it. The author emails me too and said he'd be back around to help in June (I believe). Thanks! 16:20:18 zabbix is dead/not used. ;) Dunno if we want to enable nagios. 16:20:24 cool. 16:20:54 I'm all about pruning that list ;) Any opposition to nixing zabbix and nagios? 16:21:18 sure. we could always look at nagios later... not sure if there's much advantage to it now. 16:21:47 we do have askbot... wonder if thats worth adding. 16:22:12 we can always add things later. 16:22:16 cool. that would be neat, especially for later integration with open badges 16:22:22 https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ianweller/statistics_plus_plus#Requirements_for_release 16:22:53 The priority-list is based on ianweller's requirements. The only things missing there are koji, autoqa, and mirrormanager 16:23:03 ok 16:24:11 So, I'm wondering if it's worth cancelling these meetings until we can start putting stuff up in stg to poke at. 16:24:52 threebean: do you know how soon ianweller wants to have statistics++? 16:25:27 threebean: could be, yeah... 16:25:49 tflink: "within six months" of the writing of that document which was written in late march 16:26:45 nirik: do we gain anything from this? I kind of dread trying to manage it without a larger agenda to hash through. 16:27:38 well, I think once we have a base stg setup of a few things we could ask for more feedback/start setting up a deployment plan? 16:30:03 ok. well hopefully that won't be too much longer. 16:30:08 nirik: when is the freeze over? 16:31:05 after release... 5/22 with any luck 16:31:49 cool (but that doesn't affect stg, which we can still mess with) 16:31:54 nirik: did the nuke of stg go over well? 16:31:56 yep. 16:32:01 seems to have. ;) 16:32:11 great. we'll mess it up for you :) 16:32:13 we will see when we deploy more stuff to it and see how it works. 16:32:39 yep. ;) 16:33:14 let's call this. If anyone's afk lunching, feel free to poke me in #fedora-apps later. 16:33:19 thanks everyone 16:33:21 #endmeeting