01:11:41 <handsome_pirate> #startmeeting FAMNa
01:11:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct  2 01:11:41 2013 UTC.  The chair is handsome_pirate. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
01:11:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
01:11:57 <handsome_pirate> #chair award3535 wrnash1 inode0 juhp
01:11:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 handsome_pirate inode0 juhp wrnash1
01:11:57 <award3535> yeah
01:12:29 <wrnash1> I will need to learn to host a meeting.
01:12:36 <handsome_pirate> #topic Roll Call
01:13:06 <award3535> present
01:13:10 * handsome_pirate waves from the Crow's Nest
01:13:58 <award3535> is having a few drinks
01:14:31 <handsome_pirate> Nothing is on the agenda, so ...
01:14:37 <handsome_pirate> #topic Open Floor
01:14:54 <award3535> I believe inode0 was going to discuss budget tonight
01:15:19 <handsome_pirate> inode0:  You around?
01:17:03 * handsome_pirate sets the fuse for five minutes
01:17:48 <award3535> wow, thought I was having a rough day.... I got furloughed today UFN Gov shutdown...
01:18:50 <wrnash1> hope your can go back to work soon.
01:19:43 <handsome_pirate> Alright
01:19:56 <handsome_pirate> award3535:  Not cool
01:19:56 <award3535> well its all depending on the budget they say about 14 days, I was already furloughed for the sequester
01:20:24 <handsome_pirate> award3535:  So, you were furloughed while furloughed?
01:20:32 <handsome_pirate> One minute
01:21:15 <handsome_pirate> #action award3535 to send out email stating that nothing was discussed :)
01:21:26 <award3535> not quite, I lost 6 days of pay that was about 3000 for six missed days.
01:21:36 <handsome_pirate> Ouch
01:22:22 <handsome_pirate> Alrighty
01:22:26 <handsome_pirate> #endmeeting