================================= #fedora-meeting: Fedora Cloud SIG ================================= Meeting started by jzb at 17:01:55 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2014-10-03/fedora-meeting.2014-10-03-17.01.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Cloud WG Composition (jzb, 17:04:57) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Governance (jzb, 17:09:35) * ACTION: jzb to draft changes to Fedora Cloud Working Group Governance Structure and sent to list (jzb, 17:18:32) * ACTION: mattdm to take changes in Fedora Cloud Working Group Governance Structure to FESCo once accepted. (jzb, 17:18:50) * Action Item: roshi to update fedocal (jzb, 17:19:21) * jzb to email lists and update Project Atomic (jzb, 17:20:26) * LINK: http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/tasks?owner=ausil&state=all&view=flat&method=createImage&order=-id (roshi, 17:26:03) * ACTION: roshi to update fedocal once a date is set (roshi, 17:28:44) * ACTION: jzb continue planning Atomic image test days. Wait for new date. (jzb, 17:29:46) * Coordinate with releng on updates to set procedure for updates. (jzb, 17:30:44) * ACTION: jzb Continue to work on a runbook for having Atomic and other cloud images updated out of band. (jzb, 17:31:40) * roshi to shore up overview specifics (jzb, 17:32:10) * Meeting Tickets in Trac (jzb, 17:35:58) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/report/9 (jzb, 17:36:08) * Release Criteria Discussion (jzb, 17:36:45) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/77 (jzb, 17:36:54) * ACTION: roshi wait until next week for feedback on ticket 77 then move forward. (jzb, 17:45:30) * relates to ticket #51 start communication/collaboration on cloud image updates (jzb, 17:47:31) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/51 (jzb, 17:47:38) * meeting agenda item/tracker for Project Atomic (jzb, 17:47:58) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/64 (jzb, 17:48:06) * Automatic Smoketests on Image Build (jzb, 17:51:28) * LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/38 (jzb, 17:51:39) * ACTION: kushal and roshi to work on Ticket 38 on Automatic Smoketests on Image Build w/an eye towards completion for Fedora 22. (jzb, 17:57:16) * Open Floor (jzb, 17:57:29) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Atomic_Runbooks (jzb, 18:01:46) * oddshocks starting Atomic Runbooks and SOPs (jzb, 18:01:55) * Cloud SIG congratulates kushal on joining the Fedora team to work on Fedora Cloud (jzb, 18:02:40) * draft of Atomic test day post (jzb, 18:03:39) * LINK: http://fpaste.org/138963/12356769/ (jzb, 18:03:47) * Atomic Definition Discussion Draft (jzb, 18:04:45) * LINK: http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2014-October/020660.html is the announcement. (kushal, 18:05:26) * CentOS Cloud SIG announcement (jzb, 18:06:04) * HELP: please look over atomic definition draft and provide feedback (mattdm, 18:06:08) * LINK: http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2014-October/020660.html is the announcement. (jzb, 18:06:17) * Fedora AWS community account (agrimm, 18:07:26) * HELP: More cloud SIG folks to blocker review meetings. (jzb, 18:13:20) * ACTION: roshi remind Cloud SIG about blocker review meetings. (jzb, 18:14:21) * ACTION: number80 set a poll to change WG meeting date (number80, 18:17:09) Meeting ended at 18:17:37 UTC. Action Items ------------ * jzb to draft changes to Fedora Cloud Working Group Governance Structure and sent to list * mattdm to take changes in Fedora Cloud Working Group Governance Structure to FESCo once accepted. * roshi to update fedocal once a date is set * jzb continue planning Atomic image test days. Wait for new date. * jzb Continue to work on a runbook for having Atomic and other cloud images updated out of band. * roshi wait until next week for feedback on ticket 77 then move forward. * kushal and roshi to work on Ticket 38 on Automatic Smoketests on Image Build w/an eye towards completion for Fedora 22. * roshi remind Cloud SIG about blocker review meetings. * number80 set a poll to change WG meeting date Action Items, by person ----------------------- * jzb * jzb to draft changes to Fedora Cloud Working Group Governance Structure and sent to list * jzb continue planning Atomic image test days. Wait for new date. * jzb Continue to work on a runbook for having Atomic and other cloud images updated out of band. * kushal * kushal and roshi to work on Ticket 38 on Automatic Smoketests on Image Build w/an eye towards completion for Fedora 22. * mattdm * mattdm to take changes in Fedora Cloud Working Group Governance Structure to FESCo once accepted. * number80 * number80 set a poll to change WG meeting date * roshi * roshi to update fedocal once a date is set * roshi wait until next week for feedback on ticket 77 then move forward. * kushal and roshi to work on Ticket 38 on Automatic Smoketests on Image Build w/an eye towards completion for Fedora 22. * roshi remind Cloud SIG about blocker review meetings. * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * jzb (151) * roshi (91) * number80 (42) * dustymabe (31) * mattdm (31) * kushal (30) * agrimm (20) * oddshocks (15) * zodbot (10) * walters (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot