04:04:26 <tuanta> #startmeeting APAC 2015-11-07
04:04:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Nov  7 04:04:26 2015 UTC.  The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
04:04:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
04:04:37 <tuanta> #topic Roll call
04:04:49 <tuanta> any Agenda item?
04:05:02 <zsun> .hellomynameis zsun
04:05:03 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Ziqian SUN (Zamir)' <sztsian@gmail.com>
04:05:27 <harish> .fad h.pillay@ieee.org
04:05:36 <harish> .fas h.pillay@ieee.org
04:05:36 <zodbot> harish: 'h.pillay@ieee.org' Not Found!
04:05:43 <harish> .fas harishpillay
04:05:44 <zodbot> harish: harishpillay 'Harish Pillay' <harish.pillay@gmail.com>
04:06:07 <harish> FAD in Singapore.
04:06:26 <zsun> Fedora 23 Media
04:08:26 <tuanta> #chair harish
04:08:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: harish tuanta
04:08:30 <tuanta> #chair zsun
04:08:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: harish tuanta zsun
04:09:16 <pravins> .fasinfo pravins
04:09:17 <zodbot> pravins: User: pravins, Name: Pravin Satpute, email: psatpute@redhat.com, Creation: 2007-11-14, IRC Nick: pravins, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 3EDF779F, Status: active
04:09:20 <zodbot> pravins: Approved Groups: fedorabugs cla_fedora cla_done @cvsredhat-config-language packager @svnsystem-config-language gitenglish-typing-booster @svnitranslit svnlohit @gitibus-rawcode @gitibus-sayura +gitliberation-fonts @gitindic-typing-booster cla_fpca @gitibus-indic-table provenpackager ambassadors marketing
04:09:29 <tuanta> #chair pravins
04:09:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: harish pravins tuanta zsun
04:10:18 <tuanta> #topic FAD in Singapore
04:10:43 * pravins travelling back to Mumbai from tokyo..may be will not able to contribute much.
04:10:54 <harish> ok pravins
04:11:18 <harish> I have not checked how many have signed up to attend FAD in December.
04:11:34 <harish> Location will be kept at the Red Hat Singapore office.
04:11:55 * pravins gone through it quickly looks good number of members there. :)
04:12:09 <harish> The agenda for the FAD needs to be decided.
04:12:40 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015
04:12:42 <pravins> Just one suggestion please ignore funding for inactive members from last couple of Fedora release.
04:12:56 <harish> I would be looking forward to sorting out most of all issues BEFORE the FAD so that only things that need f2f chat would need to be done.
04:13:48 <pravins> Specifically dramsey. Not see any activity from him from last one year. Japan is important though. So if he is going to be active again it make sense
04:14:01 <pravins> Dunno if there any other :)
04:14:07 <harish> is there no one else from .JP?
04:15:02 <pravins> No. One active l10n person is there. I mate him in Fad. Let me ask him he would like to help for driving fedora activity in Japan.
04:15:20 <harish> that would be good pravins
04:15:35 <pravins> Thanks will try. :)
04:15:38 <zsun> so I guess the hotel information will be decided pretty late right?  we need hotel info for applying any kind of visa
04:16:27 <harish> is that needed for visa? i would need danishka to coordinate that bit.
04:16:52 <pravins> I have one more point. G11N localization is very imp. In apac and Ambassador are front face of Fedora in most of these countries. Will be great if we can come up with some plan
04:16:56 <zsun> harish: not sure if it is required for other country, but in China we are required to fill in that in 14A form
04:17:26 <pravins> Thats done. May be i will follow again in mailing list.
04:17:43 <pravins> Thank all. Have a good meeting :)
04:17:50 <harish> thanks pravins
04:17:56 <zsun> pravins: thanks
04:18:22 <harish> zsun, you are saying that the singapore embassy in china needs hotel info before visa is approved?
04:18:49 <zsun> harish: yes. I dropped you and danishka email with that info
04:19:05 <harish> ok. we will follow up.
04:19:09 <harish> via email
04:19:21 <harish> need to update the wiki to reflect hotel info.
04:19:48 <zsun> ok thanks. If it is for China only, maybe I can book a refundable one for visa
04:19:58 <tuanta> sorry, I am on phone now
04:20:41 <harish> tuanta, no problem.
04:21:41 <harish> i will have to let all of you lead with the conversation on the FAD.
04:21:49 <harish> i will play supporting role.
04:23:21 <tuanta> #ticket https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/46
04:23:29 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/46
04:23:38 <tuanta> I sent proposal
04:23:43 <tuanta> no response now
04:24:34 <tuanta> but there are some discussions on mailing lists about using regional budget for this kind of FAD
04:24:35 <harish> tuanta, ok
04:24:53 * tuanta is looking for
04:24:54 <harish> and who controls that budget?
04:25:34 <tuanta> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/famsco/2015-November/001706.html
04:25:49 <tuanta> regional community
04:26:03 <tuanta> it's not for this year but for the next year FAD
04:26:17 <harish> ok.
04:26:31 <tuanta> since we did not plan budget for APAC FAD in our APAC budget FY2016
04:27:24 <harish> i see
04:27:42 * zsun reading that mail thread
04:27:47 <harish> when is the council meeting?
04:28:36 <tuanta> next Monday
04:28:50 <tuanta> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/famsco/2015-November/001706.html
04:28:54 <tuanta> sorry
04:28:55 <harish> OK. so for now, until that is confirmed, FAD would be tentative.
04:28:59 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council_meeting_process
04:29:51 <tuanta> harish, do you think we should attend that meeting to raise this up?
04:30:21 <harish> it will be helpful.
04:30:36 <harish> else it might not be seen to be critical
04:30:38 <tuanta> ok, I will plan to join
04:30:43 <harish> the budget is time critical.
04:31:39 <tuanta> +1
04:31:44 <tuanta> ok, next topic?
04:31:52 <harish> yes, next topic
04:31:56 <zsun> ok
04:32:01 <tuanta> #topic Fedora 23 Media
04:32:57 <tuanta> Siddhesh wrote a process to produce media in India
04:32:58 * harish nothing to add to the media part
04:33:01 <tuanta> #melooking for
04:33:10 <zsun> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/DVD_procurement_for_APAC_in_Pune
04:33:21 <zsun> I added the contact of China on that
04:33:22 <tuanta> thanks zsun
04:33:50 <tuanta> I think producing media in India is the best way for APAC at this moment
04:34:01 <zsun> agree
04:34:03 <tuanta> so we should continue it
04:34:18 <tuanta> for F23, we should start producing soon;
04:34:31 <harish> who would be driving it in India?
04:34:32 <tuanta> it's best to distribute it in Singapore
04:34:46 <harish> yes, get it to Singapore and I can send it out.
04:34:54 <tuanta> Siddhesh have done it for 2-3 releases
04:35:25 <tuanta> he is trying to transition to other Red Hatter (he just left RH)
04:35:29 <gnokii> negative
04:35:36 <harish> yes he has left
04:35:41 <gnokii> the DVD have horrible quality
04:36:02 <zsun> harish tuanta Bring DVDs into China is also restricted. So China still need the office-to-office way
04:36:36 <gnokii> more them 2/3 of DVD dont work
04:36:43 <harish> gnokii, explain what does "horrible quality" means please
04:37:03 <tuanta> gnokii, I have no problem with it
04:37:11 <harish> if it is a falut of the media i am sure we can get it replaced.
04:37:16 <zsun> gnokii: in my opinion, Fedora guys in Beijing think the paper cover is of poor quality and color
04:37:29 <gnokii> harish: see my comment
04:37:31 <tuanta> almost DVDs I got is readable normally
04:37:38 <gnokii> 2/3 of them dont work
04:38:14 <zsun> I did not check if it is readable. I will tell Connor to check some when he is free
04:38:16 <harish> when I received the DVDs from India, I did a bunch of random tests on them and all of them checked out OK.
04:38:35 <harish> surprised that you say 2/3 failed.
04:39:01 <gnokii> harish I had to try a bunch this week, I wantedto install F22 and none did work, and some people also came to me telling it
04:39:16 <tuanta> gnokii, why didn't you report that serious problem back right after getting know
04:39:50 <harish> please do file bug report on that ASAP so that we are can fix it.
04:40:02 <tuanta> +1 harish
04:40:29 <harish> I have given out many in Singapore and a bunch in KL and no one complained it was faulty. and all of them were form the same shippment.
04:40:31 <gnokii> ^^
04:41:01 <gnokii> harish: this one came directly from FUDCon
04:41:55 <harish> the ones I shipped from here were hand carried from Pune by me which was from FUDcon.
04:42:01 <tuanta> it's also fine for me (getting them from Pune too)
04:42:21 <harish> unless your DVD was from a different manufacturing run.
04:43:02 <gnokii> that might be the case, but its a to high failure quote
04:43:13 <zsun> I sent an email to whom is help keeping the DVDs in Beijing. Once I get the feedback I will let you guys know
04:43:30 <harish> ok. move on please.
04:43:34 <tuanta> I still think we should produce it in India
04:43:46 <tuanta> at least for F23
04:44:09 <tuanta> ans we should notice this in advance for India team
04:44:22 <harish> yep, inform them ASAP.
04:44:33 <tuanta> and they can notice to manufacturer once they place the order
04:45:11 <tuanta> pravins, are you still here?
04:45:27 <zsun> and inform every team in APAC to check the DVDs once they receive them
04:45:30 <harish> he has left
04:46:40 <tuanta> #info tuanta to notice to India team who responsible for producing F23 media about the quality of DVD
04:46:46 <tuanta> #action tuanta to notice to India team who responsible for producing F23 media about the quality of DVD
04:46:50 <zsun> do you think the color of the DVD cover is not accurate?
04:47:15 <tuanta> I think it is fine. but we can remind them too
04:47:34 <zsun> Ok
04:48:24 <harish> there are specific colour codes for the blue so it should not be going wrong.
04:48:53 <tuanta> yes
04:49:28 <tuanta> next topic?
04:49:37 <harish> yes
04:49:41 <zsun> yes
04:50:01 <tuanta> #topic Open floor
04:50:26 <tuanta> any updates about F23 release parties in APAC?
04:50:30 <zsun> Yes
04:50:52 <zsun> I am planning to hold on in University of Science and Technology of China
04:51:07 <zsun> which is out of Beijing, and have a great background in open source
04:51:09 <harish> good
04:51:12 <tuanta> we are planning to hold one in Hanoi; but nangthang is too busy so I not sure he created a wiki page
04:51:24 <zsun> (I am currently not in Beijing any more)
04:52:01 <tuanta> please note that Event wiki page should be listed on: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F23_release_events
04:52:23 <zsun> Tonghui is planning the release events in Beijing. It seems we do not need extra budget for Beijing, so do we still need a ticket for tracking it, or just adding to the release events is enough?
04:52:45 <gnokii> its not custom anymore to handle tickets?
04:53:24 <tuanta> harish, there is a F23 release party in Singapore in the evening before FAD, right?
04:53:50 <harish> probably on the sunday or the monday.
04:53:57 <tuanta> gnokii, sorry, I do not understand your point
04:54:09 <harish> quite frankly, releases parties are quite meaningless.
04:54:29 <gnokii> tuanta: there are open tickets
04:54:29 <harish> there has to be some measurable traction of something when a release event happens
04:55:42 <tuanta> +1 harish. we should measure them
04:56:48 <harish> the event should have something substantial. not about showing the desktop etc. After ovee 20 of these events, what do we have to show for adoption of Fedora?
04:57:24 <harish> it could be city specific and also adoption and understanding of what Fedora means to the average person.
04:58:18 <harish> We have the three editions and if we don't push it into different communities the release events would be just a talk shop with no action/outcome.
04:58:39 <harish> we might want to review the whole idea of a release party
04:59:09 <harish> we seem to be doing it because it was done before. not the best use of time and resources.
04:59:41 <tuanta> there are ore people here adopt to Fedora, but honestly, we have no metrics to see if that's effected by release parties
05:00:33 <harish> would be good to find ways to track it. some voluntary means to invite them to "register" etc.
05:01:46 <tuanta> +1 harish
05:02:04 <tuanta> time's up now. so we will raise this issue to the mailing list to discuss
05:02:13 <harish> nothing from me.
05:02:42 <gnokii> ^^
05:03:16 <zsun> gnokii means https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/212
05:03:33 <tuanta> #action tuanta to raise the issue how to measure effects from release party events on growing Fedora users and contributors
05:04:07 <zsun> oh, it's not shown up now
05:05:08 * harish i've gotta go now.
05:06:01 <tuanta> I just modified it to approved. All people cast their vote in the ticket
05:06:11 <tuanta> ok, we can close the meeting now
05:06:11 <tuanta> thank you all for attending today
05:06:11 <tuanta> #endmeeting