2024-04-24 19:00:40 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 2024-04-24 19:00:41 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-04-24 19:00:40 UTC 2024-04-24 19:00:42 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting' 2024-04-24 19:00:52 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !chair nirik smooge phsmoura 2024-04-24 19:01:05 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> morning. 2024-04-24 19:01:11 <@leo:fedora.im> hey! 2024-04-24 19:01:13 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting 2024-04-24 19:01:20 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops !info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily !info reminder: speak up if you want to work on a ticket! 2024-04-24 19:01:23 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> hello 2024-04-24 19:02:35 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !topic Tickets needing review 2024-04-24 19:02:55 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 2024-04-24 19:03:26 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11893 2024-04-24 19:03:27 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11893** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11893):**Compose image metadata for Fedora 40 in PDC is missing some images** ● **Opened:** 21 hours ago by adamwill ● **Last Updated:** 20 hours ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-04-24 19:03:53 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I think we can't do much here, but would be good to verify it with others before closing. 2024-04-24 19:03:57 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> low low ops for now? 2024-04-24 19:04:03 <@leo:fedora.im> +1 2024-04-24 19:05:50 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11894 2024-04-24 19:05:50 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11894** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11894):**missing matrix address** ● **Opened:** 7 hours ago by man2dev ● **Last Updated:** Never ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-04-24 19:06:07 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I am... not sure where they need this added. 2024-04-24 19:06:13 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> loow low ops? 2024-04-24 19:06:19 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I can ask them in the ticket? and yeah, low low ops is fine 2024-04-24 19:06:29 <@leo:fedora.im> +1 2024-04-24 19:06:50 <@leo:fedora.im> it’s not very clear yeah 2024-04-24 19:08:08 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11895 2024-04-24 19:08:10 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11895** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11895):**New "pkgdb" group: coreos-sig** ● **Opened:** an hour ago by siosm ● **Last Updated:** Never ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-04-24 19:09:04 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> low low ops, just needs doing 2024-04-24 19:09:14 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> +1 2024-04-24 19:09:42 <@leo:fedora.im> +1 2024-04-24 19:10:15 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11896 2024-04-24 19:10:15 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11896** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11896):**Add bootc gitlab group** ● **Opened:** 53 minutes ago by walters ● **Last Updated:** a minute ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-04-24 19:11:56 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> assign to smilner and med med ops I guess? 2024-04-24 19:12:04 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I would say close, but still activity going on there. 2024-04-24 19:13:35 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> +1 2024-04-24 19:13:43 <@leo:fedora.im> +1 2024-04-24 19:14:52 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> we dont have new issues in releng, lets go to open floor 2024-04-24 19:15:05 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !topic Planning, Upcoming work and Open floor 2024-04-24 19:15:14 <@leo:fedora.im> not much here 2024-04-24 19:15:59 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> Freeze is over now. 2024-04-24 19:16:12 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I have merged a few pr's... gonna try and catch up on those more today if I can... 2024-04-24 19:16:16 <@leo:fedora.im> hooray 2024-04-24 19:18:17 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I don't really have anything else... 2024-04-24 19:18:49 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> cool, nirik any issue nagios points up we just need to ack and wor on it right? Im keeping an eye on it but so far just saw those inode 100% confusing message 2024-04-24 19:19:34 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah, there's been a few. If it would be helpfull I can start typing up what I do for any of them in more detail. 2024-04-24 19:19:49 <@leo:fedora.im> +1 would be helpful 2024-04-24 19:19:50 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> we should make sure you (and anyone else) is in the list to do acks. 2024-04-24 19:20:04 <@leo:fedora.im> can i also be added as i do oncall often ;) 2024-04-24 19:20:05 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> should be a simple pr to add anyone to nagios config 2024-04-24 19:20:15 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> sure, can you do a pr on it when you get a chance? 2024-04-24 19:20:28 <@leo:fedora.im> yeah. any specific list of people? 2024-04-24 19:21:22 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> well, you and phsmoura for sure... 2024-04-24 19:21:39 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> but anyone else who has done oncall recently I guess? 2024-04-24 19:22:11 <@leo:fedora.im> alright sounds good will get to it! 2024-04-24 19:23:33 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> thanks, yeah if the same problem happens often a step by step doc would help otherwise Id just learn on the fly np 2024-04-24 19:23:46 <@leo:fedora.im> i’d also like to know what to do… 2024-04-24 19:27:37 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> I think we an continue in noc when nagios notify us 2024-04-24 19:28:01 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> cool, thanks everyone for joinning today :) 2024-04-24 19:28:13 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> thanks phsmoura 2024-04-24 19:28:28 <@leo:fedora.im> thanks phsmoura ! 2024-04-24 19:28:31 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !endmeeting