2024-01-22 08:00:03 <@paragan:matrix.org> !startmeeting i18n !meetingname i18n !topic agenda and roll call 2024-01-22 08:00:05 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-01-22 08:00:03 UTC 2024-01-22 08:00:05 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'i18n !meetingname i18n !topic agenda and roll call' 2024-01-22 08:00:13 <@paragan:matrix.org> !link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2024-01-22 2024-01-22 08:00:13 <@bittin:fedora.im> .hello bittin 2024-01-22 08:01:05 <@mfabian:matrix.org> 😊 2024-01-22 08:01:25 <@paragan:matrix.org> Hi Luna Jernberg mfabian 2024-01-22 08:02:29 <@paragan:matrix.org> let's start 2024-01-22 08:02:38 <@paragan:matrix.org> !topic Upcoming schedule 2024-01-22 08:02:45 <@tagoh:matrix.org> Hi 2024-01-22 08:02:57 <@paragan:matrix.org> as you know F40 mass rebuild is currently going on 2024-01-22 08:03:02 <@juhp:matrix.org> Hi 2024-01-22 08:03:10 <@paragan:matrix.org> do check if you got any failed builds that need your attention 2024-01-22 08:03:30 <@bittin:fedora.im> yep saw an email about it started a couple of days/a day later then planned 2024-01-22 08:03:57 <@juhp:matrix.org> Maybe it reached r now? 2024-01-22 08:04:01 <@paragan:matrix.org> after that we will see next milestone as 2024-01-22 08:04:03 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info Tue 2024-02-06 Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) 2024-01-22 08:04:52 <@pwu:fedora.im> Hi 2024-01-22 08:05:02 <@bittin:fedora.im> !link https://www.spinics.net/lists/fedora-devel/msg317598.html 2024-01-22 08:05:47 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything to discuss here about F40 development milestones or mass-rebuild issues? 2024-01-22 08:06:08 <@bittin:fedora.im> !link https://www.spinics.net/lists/fedora-devel/msg317658.html 2024-01-22 08:07:02 <@paragan:matrix.org> if nothing then let's move to next topic 2024-01-22 08:07:26 <@paragan:matrix.org> !topic Issues 2024-01-22 08:07:36 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info #182: Tracker for Fedora 40 Changes (pnemade) !link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/182 2024-01-22 08:08:02 <@paragan:matrix.org> From the devel list I collected that we submitted 2 Changes 2024-01-22 08:08:18 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/IBus_1.5.30 2024-01-22 08:08:19 <@bittin:fedora.im> both related to ibus 2024-01-22 08:08:25 <@juhp:matrix.org> Nothing, except please check your rebuild failures of course 2024-01-22 08:08:25 <@bittin:fedora.im> ibus updated and ibus-anthy update 2024-01-22 08:08:26 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/IBus_1.5.30 2024-01-22 08:08:50 <@paragan:matrix.org> Is there any other Change we missed to add to this ticket? 2024-01-22 08:09:09 <@bittin:fedora.im> !info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ibus-anthy_1.5.16 2024-01-22 08:10:29 <@paragan:matrix.org> or any other discussion for Change implementation here? 2024-01-22 08:11:56 <@paragan:matrix.org> if not let's move to next ticket 2024-01-22 08:12:07 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info #183: Fedora 38 Bug triaging (pnemade) !link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/183 2024-01-22 08:12:29 <@paragan:matrix.org> this is usual reminder to work on your F38 bugs and try to fix them as soon as possible 2024-01-22 08:13:18 <@bittin:fedora.im> 44 total bugs during this years second meeting 2024-01-22 08:14:10 <@bittin:fedora.im> !info 44 total bugs during this years second meeting 2024-01-22 08:14:13 <@juhp:matrix.org> Or move to f39+ at least 2024-01-22 08:14:32 <@bittin:fedora.im> !info 44 total F38 bugs during this years second meeting 2024-01-22 08:15:12 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything else to discuss here? 2024-01-22 08:17:00 <@paragan:matrix.org> lets move to next 2024-01-22 08:17:16 <@paragan:matrix.org> !info #184: Fedora 40 i18n test week (pnemade) !link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/184 2024-01-22 08:17:32 <@paragan:matrix.org> I have reported this ticket to track our F40 i18n test week 2024-01-22 08:17:44 <@bittin:fedora.im> +1 will try to help out if there is a week i have time to help being decided 2024-01-22 08:18:41 <@bittin:fedora.im> String freeze in GNOME is 24th Feb so maybe the week after that or so? but guess thats more for l10n then i18n 2024-01-22 08:18:48 <@paragan:matrix.org> I am not proposing any date yet but we will have it in March 2024-01-22 08:19:02 <@bittin:fedora.im> alright sounds good :) 2024-01-22 08:19:04 <@paragan:matrix.org> let branching happen first 2024-01-22 08:19:27 <@juhp:matrix.org> Similar timing to last time? 2024-01-22 08:19:39 <@paragan:matrix.org> yes 2024-01-22 08:19:41 <@juhp:matrix.org> Okay 2024-01-22 08:19:46 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything else anyone want to propose? 2024-01-22 08:21:53 <@paragan:matrix.org> if nothing to discuss here. lets move to next topic 2024-01-22 08:22:03 <@paragan:matrix.org> !topic Open Floor 2024-01-22 08:22:08 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything to discuss here? 2024-01-22 08:22:52 <@juhp:matrix.org> We had a community request/ suggestion to change default IME for Taiwan to ibus-chewing 2024-01-22 08:23:00 <@juhp:matrix.org> See #fedora-i18n 2024-01-22 08:23:35 <@juhp:matrix.org> See Fedora i18n 2024-01-22 08:23:48 <@paragan:matrix.org> thanks 2024-01-22 08:24:07 <@juhp:matrix.org> Perhaps for F41 2024-01-22 08:24:45 <@juhp:matrix.org> I didn't check current fedora status of chewing... 2024-01-22 08:24:56 <@juhp:matrix.org> pwu: do you know? 2024-01-22 08:25:26 <@juhp:matrix.org> We had a community request/ suggestion to change default IME for Taiwan back to ibus-chewing 2024-01-22 08:26:04 <@bittin:fedora.im> https://packages.fedoraproject.org/pkgs/ibus-chewing/ibus-chewing/ seems to be packaged atleast, but no idea if it works as i have not tried it 2024-01-22 08:26:11 <@juhp:matrix.org> Apparently it is actively maintained now 2024-01-22 08:26:28 <@juhp:matrix.org> I mean upstream 2024-01-22 08:27:01 <@pwu:fedora.im> Jens Petersen: let me read the discussions. 2024-01-22 08:27:04 <@bittin:fedora.im> https://github.com/definite/ibus-chewing last change a month ago, but no actual release since 2016 2024-01-22 08:27:30 <@juhp:matrix.org> pwu: thanks 2024-01-22 08:27:45 <@juhp:matrix.org> Maybe we can open an issue to track 2024-01-22 08:28:05 <@pwu:fedora.im> Okay 2024-01-22 08:28:07 <@juhp:matrix.org> Maybe we can open an issue to discuss and track 2024-01-22 08:29:31 <@juhp:matrix.org> Dunno if we should consider it for F40 though? Bit late but still possible if it's in good shape 2024-01-22 08:31:23 <@paragan:matrix.org> I will report a ticket in our tracker and assign to pwu to provide his evaluation on considering ibus-chewing as default IM for Taiwan 2024-01-22 08:31:24 <@juhp:matrix.org> Also if someone should take over the package... 2024-01-22 08:31:43 <@juhp:matrix.org> Thanks! 2024-01-22 08:32:28 <@juhp:matrix.org> Please include the text from Fedora i18n 2024-01-22 08:35:38 <@paragan:matrix.org> anything else to discuss here? 2024-01-22 08:38:32 <@paragan:matrix.org> let's close this meeting then 2024-01-22 08:38:41 <@paragan:matrix.org> Thanks for joining this meeting 2024-01-22 08:38:50 <@paragan:matrix.org> !endmeeting