14:31:41 <dustymabe> #startmeeting Atomicapp Standup
14:31:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 21 14:31:41 2015 UTC.  The chair is dustymabe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:31:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:31:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'atomicapp_standup'
14:31:46 <dustymabe> #topic roll call
14:31:48 <rtnpro_> .fas rtnpro
14:31:49 <zodbot> rtnpro_: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com>
14:31:52 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe
14:31:53 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com>
14:32:08 <dustymabe> aweiteka: go again :)
14:32:14 <aweiteka> .hellomynameis aweiteka
14:32:15 <zodbot> aweiteka: aweiteka 'Aaron Weitekamp' <aweiteka@redhat.com>
14:32:18 <aweiteka> :)
14:32:53 <dustymabe> we'll probably have less people this week
14:33:05 <dustymabe> christoph declined
14:33:08 <dustymabe> and mark declined
14:33:10 <dustymabe> oh well
14:33:15 <dustymabe> rtnpro_: want to go first?
14:33:20 <rtnpro_> ok
14:33:34 <cdrage> .hellomynameis cdrage
14:33:35 <zodbot> cdrage: cdrage 'Charlie Drage' <charlie@charliedrage.com>
14:33:41 <cdrage> ayyyy zodbot
14:33:51 <rtnpro_> I have been working on adding unittests for openshift provider and refactoring it along the way
14:34:17 <rtnpro_> also, worked on removing docker containers on stop, and atomic deployments
14:34:41 <dustymabe> rtnpro_: nice work..
14:34:44 <dustymabe> any blockers?
14:34:49 <rtnpro_> I am currently working on a nulecule example on top of refactored params
14:34:52 <rtnpro_> no blockers
14:35:03 <dustymabe> cool
14:35:16 <dustymabe> cdrage.. want to go next?
14:35:49 <cdrage> sure why not
14:36:26 <cdrage> been working on persistent storage and refactorig the logging, reviewed with dustymabe in regards to persistent storage so it's mostly done now, now fixing cockpit support in the logging provider
14:36:28 <cdrage> no blockers
14:36:48 <dustymabe> cool deal
14:36:51 <dustymabe> thanks charlie
14:37:02 <dustymabe> aweiteka.. your turn
14:37:28 <aweiteka> no update from me. just lurking. if i'm required please ping me!
14:37:59 <dustymabe> you are always required
14:38:00 <dustymabe> :)
14:38:05 <dustymabe> ok I'll go next
14:38:17 <dustymabe> Lots of PR reviews.. Still have two outstanding native openshift issues to deal with. Added "genanswers" and --mode switch to CLI at the end of last week.
14:38:35 <dustymabe> no blockers that I know of
14:39:23 <dustymabe> and I think that is everyone we have here today.. unless tkral is lurking
14:39:28 <dustymabe> anyone we missed?
14:40:16 <cdrage> not many people are here today
14:40:22 <cdrage> i'm assuming PTO / time-off before xmas
14:40:31 <dustymabe> ok I'll go ahead and end meeting in 15 seconds
14:40:42 <cdrage> tkral?
14:41:04 <cdrage> lalatenduM: praveenkumar ?
14:41:16 <dustymabe> none of them ever registered so I assume they aren't here
14:41:31 <dustymabe> #endmeeting