13:01:06 #startmeeting Cockpit weekly meeting 2016-04-18 13:01:06 Meeting started Mon Apr 18 13:01:06 2016 UTC. The chair is andreasn. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:06 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:06 The meeting name has been set to 'cockpit_weekly_meeting_2016-04-18' 13:01:13 .hello andreasn 13:01:14 andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' 13:01:17 .hello stefw 13:01:18 stefw: stefw 'Stef Walter' 13:01:25 .hello dperpeet 13:01:26 dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' 13:02:20 #topic Agenda 13:03:05 * list pattern 13:03:17 * removing jquery from cockpit.js 13:03:25 * patternfly update 13:03:38 stefw: that link 404s for me 13:04:12 * Ubuntu PPA packages 13:04:14 larsu, you're too late, it's not a draft anymore: http://stef.thewalter.net/stop-deploying-packages.html 13:04:33 ah, right. was at lunch :) 13:05:51 ok, lets get started then 13:05:54 #topic list pattern 13:06:30 so, I've done some more work on the list pattern. Made some more variantions of them in different situations after feedback from dperpeet 13:06:49 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockpit-project/cockpit-design/master/patterns/listing-v2.png 13:06:54 (massive png) 13:07:26 nice 13:07:29 should we summarize the goals 13:07:31 of the change? 13:07:34 and what it does? 13:07:34 .hell mulhern 13:07:39 .hello mulhern 13:07:42 mulhern: mulhern 'None' 13:07:56 yes, so in brief: 13:08:31 * it's a way for expanding when needed, navigating to a separate page 13:09:05 * click the item to move to a separate page, showing all the properties of the thing 13:09:24 * click the caret to expand inline, allowing to compare things 13:10:04 * this tries to standardize the different variantions of this pattern that we use in several places already 13:10:29 * on expansion, the title line shouldn't change much / at all 13:10:32 * checkbox button goes into multi-selection mode 13:11:10 * on multi-select, you're able to do actions on several objects at once 13:11:28 * this also shows how filtering works 13:11:35 I think that's pretty much it 13:11:48 cool 13:11:51 looks great 13:11:55 .hi mvo 13:11:57 I have one question though 13:12:02 .hello mvo 13:12:03 mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' 13:12:15 when navigating to an item and back, what happens to the previous view? 13:12:23 e.g. applied filters, expansions etc 13:12:34 mvollmer, you can't be too informal with zodbot, it'll kick you out 13:12:47 :) 13:12:48 you mean if it resets or stays the same? 13:12:50 was in a hurry 13:12:51 dperpeet, that's a good question 13:12:59 how much work do you think it'll be to get it to look exactly the same? 13:13:11 depends on how we solve the navigation 13:13:19 because we do have expansion of an item in the listing as well 13:13:34 I'm concerned with "losing" time here 13:13:36 so for people who really mean business for everything to stay put and just peek into something, they could expand it 13:13:44 who's time? 13:13:48 if I apply a bunch of filters and then click on something, I might lose my time spent on that 13:14:01 as a user 13:14:01 hmmm, yes 13:14:05 we could split out the concepts though 13:14:10 and say: Filters staying is a requirement 13:14:14 sorting staying is a requirement 13:14:25 but as far as scrolling, expansion state, and those things ... nice to have? 13:14:27 what do you think? 13:14:35 hm 13:15:04 we can work around this by saying we model navigation to one item by adding a filter to select that one item 13:15:27 but the question is, does the ui use the little back button or show that? 13:16:00 if we do go down this road, then we should make sure the filtering and such operatiens update the address bar 13:16:04 so the user can bookmark that state 13:16:07 we don't need to hash thish out now 13:16:08 and can use the browser navigation, etc 13:16:10 yeah 13:16:19 but it's good to set bounds around what this means and how much work it is 13:16:21 let's just keep that in mind when implementing this 13:16:37 I'm willing to give this new design a spin with the services page 13:16:43 sounds good 13:16:44 unless someone else needs to pick it up first 13:17:04 I can rework the troubleshoot react template to match this and add filtering 13:17:16 wasn't the docker page up for design? 13:17:20 or refactoring? 13:17:38 sure, but that needs a code refactor as well 13:17:39 the docker redesign kind of blocks the scap scanning 13:18:03 I can make a pr for the template 13:18:09 cool 13:18:10 and docker work can be based on that 13:18:27 sounds good 13:18:30 i wonder if it makes sense to work together with lars on this 13:18:40 and use the docker stuff as the point where we first implement this and try it out 13:18:47 what do you think? 13:18:53 also a possibility 13:19:14 getting the services stuff I've already done off my plate was a personal goal, but I'm willing to set that back some more 13:19:26 larsu, what are your docker page plans? 13:19:44 well obviously up to the contributors ... just an idea 13:19:56 or how about this: I rework the setroubleshoot template to be a bit more generic and look like this, without the filtering 13:19:58 usually easier to do such work in one place and get it right, and then expand to other ones 13:20:09 that should be done pretty quickly 13:20:42 and needs to happen anyway if the pattern is to be made available to other packages 13:20:50 [cockpit] petervo closed pull request #4224: test: Properly prune filenames (master...vmimages) https://git.io/vwq8c 13:21:32 lars can start with refactoring the docker page to split the controller stuff out 13:21:34 so he won't block 13:21:47 I'll coordinate with lars 13:21:50 end of topic on my end 13:21:59 all right, next up 13:22:06 either way, I'll make sure this goes into the generic template 13:22:09 nice 13:22:16 sounds like a good plan 13:22:24 #topic removing jquery from cockpit.js 13:22:41 stefw made this happen 13:22:47 It's one of the things that just got merged as part of the internal API stabilization in Cockpit 13:22:53 It uses real promises now 13:23:00 but they're still jQuery compatible 13:23:07 so not much of the other code in cockpit needed to change 13:23:22 and this is intended to future proof stuff, since various parts of cockpit are no longer using jQuery 13:23:28 thanks for doing this 13:23:49 [cockpit] petervo closed pull request #4225: tuned: Return early when event is empty (master...dialog-fix) https://git.io/vwq8K 13:23:49 we'll benefit most when using smaller react components 13:23:59 since they usually don't need jquery either 13:24:29 stefw, you may have to amend your using dbus in cockpit examples 13:24:49 does it need changes? 13:24:55 that does remind me that the documentation does need some more updates for this 13:24:56 I'm wondering if you're using $ somewhere 13:25:20 should be fine no? 13:25:29 the goal here isn't to move away from jQuery 13:25:31 but to allow that to happen 13:25:37 ok, let's just keep in mind that $ might work in fewer places now 13:25:39 when inspecting 13:26:10 i don't think that's the case 13:26:18 previously cockpit.js would expose less functionality when jQuery wasn't loaded 13:26:27 but i guess there may have been side effects? 13:26:45 now it exposes the same amount of functionality with or without jQuery 13:27:02 but packages might not have jquery available now 13:27:12 nothing bad, just notable 13:28:42 next up? 13:29:07 #topic Patternfly update 13:29:40 Cockpit updated to PatternFly 3.2.0 13:29:56 from 2.8.0 13:30:05 so we can use some of the newer things / css from tehre 13:30:07 there 13:30:15 like the new, dark sidebar 13:31:32 I went over every page and I couldn't see any regressions, but if anyone do, file issues 13:31:37 #topic Ubuntu PPA packages 13:32:03 ya, there's a PR here: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpituous/pull/30 13:32:13 needs another round of review 13:32:38 and is there another commit that needs to be "un-reverted"? 13:32:57 i'd like to try this out today before the 0.103 release tomorrow 13:33:44 I agree, we need to test this before 0.103 13:33:44 yep, the one that builds the non-native package, which landed in cockpit this morning 13:34:34 stefw: did you actually revert that? Can't find the revert commit 13:34:40 aha 13:34:42 i didn't push the revert 13:34:44 just the resulting container 13:34:49 not sure if taht's good or bad 13:34:53 but i can just reset --hard HEAD here 13:35:05 ya, that should work 13:35:11 ok, will try this out 13:35:14 thanks larsu 13:35:49 stefw: 8d0a19f6 is the one you need 13:36:00 [cockpit] stefwalter opened pull request #4229: shell: Fix machine port troubleshoot styling (master...edit-machine-port-styling) https://git.io/vwmCP 13:37:00 #topic Open Floor 13:37:07 * mvollmer jumps up 13:37:17 docker storage setup? 13:37:28 [cockpit] stefwalter opened pull request #4230: shell: List correct port in failure message (master...ssh-running-on-port) https://git.io/vwmCp 13:37:35 alright 13:37:43 sure 13:37:43 stefw: let me know if you need any help with the ppa (you definitely need to verify the key I uploaded) 13:37:47 I was going a bit back and forth, mostly back 13:37:59 larsu, can you send me the key id? 13:38:02 the new plan is now to add API to the "atomic" command to support our use case directly 13:38:10 and we can do a verify thingy over voip or something? 13:38:17 dan has approved that in principle 13:38:30 docker-storage-setup is too low-level to be our API 13:38:40 stefw: no, it's the key you already uploaded. cockpituous@gmail.com has a mail with instructions 13:38:54 I couldn't do it because I don't have the private key 13:39:03 i have the new code working in a stand-alone binary, pretty much 13:39:07 next is to use it in the UI 13:39:10 and bang on it 13:39:26 there are some subtle cases about who wipes what 13:39:41 and I have to test overlayfa and loop-back as well 13:40:26 that's really cool mvollmer glad to see it's helping make the underlying tool more coherent 13:40:39 yeah 13:41:02 with the new plan, the ugliness is well hidden and can be improved between "atomic" and "d-s-s" 13:41:16 but let's hear it first from the atomic guys 13:41:33 d-s-s is a weird beast 13:41:46 and it's best not to expose it as an API or interface, I'd say. 13:42:22 over 13:43:01 anything else, or should I close the meeting? 13:44:11 #endmeeting