===================================== # #meeting-3:fedoraproject.org: CPE Infra / RelEng daily standup ===================================== Meeting started by @humaton:fedora.im at 2024-05-15 08:00:45 Meeting summary --------------- * INFO: Meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, it stops. (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:01:06) * TOPIC: Tickets or pull requests needing attention (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:01:57) * LINK: https://pagure.io/infra-docs-fpo/pull-request/291 (@Zlopez:matrix.org, 08:04:45) * TOPIC: work plans / upcoming tasks (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:05:31) * INFO: me giving update! (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:06:04) * INFO: nils giving update! (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:08:20) * INFO: ryanlerch giving update! (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:11:47) * INFO: Aurélien B giving update! (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:16:09) * INFO: Zlopez giving update! (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:20:39) * INFO: jnsamyak giving update! (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:22:20) * INFO: lenkaseg giving update! (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:25:27) * INFO: Akashdeep Dhar giving update! (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:25:37) * TOPIC: Choose next chair !info Choose chair for next standup (@humaton:fedora.im, 08:27:19) Meeting ended at 2024-05-15 09:23:32 Action items ------------ People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * @humaton:fedora.im (16) * @jnsamyak:matrix.org (4) * @meetbot:fedora.im (2) * @Zlopez:matrix.org (1)