2024-04-25 13:03:05 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !startmeeting Fedora DEI Team - 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 13:03:06 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-04-25 13:03:05 UTC 2024-04-25 13:03:07 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'Fedora DEI Team - 2024-04-25' 2024-04-25 13:03:13 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !meetingname diversity 2024-04-25 13:03:23 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !topic Intros, welcomes, hellos 2024-04-25 13:03:29 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !hello 2024-04-25 13:03:31 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Jona Azizaj (jonatoni) - she / her / hers 2024-04-25 13:03:55 <@misc:ephaone.org> !hello 2024-04-25 13:03:57 <@zodbot:fedora.im> No Fedora Accounts users have the @misc:ephaone.org Matrix Account defined 2024-04-25 13:04:09 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Hi misc 👋 2024-04-25 13:04:12 <@misc:ephaone.org> zodbot, after all this time, you do not recognize me :( 2024-04-25 13:04:50 <@jflory7:fedora.im> !hi 2024-04-25 13:04:52 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Justin W. Flory (jflory7) - he / him / his 2024-04-25 13:05:08 <@jflory7:fedora.im> You have to add your Matrix ID to https://accounts.fedoraproject.org :) 2024-04-25 13:05:09 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> hey Justin W. Flory (he/him) 👋 2024-04-25 13:05:15 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Good morning folks! 2024-04-25 13:05:24 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Thanks Jona Azizaj (she/her) for helping chair this time 2024-04-25 13:05:41 <@misc:ephaone.org> yeah, I know, I just tought me and zodbot had a special relationship :p 2024-04-25 13:05:43 <@nhanlon:beeper.com> !hi 2024-04-25 13:05:45 <@ami117:matrix.org> Hello 2024-04-25 13:05:47 <@nhanlon:beeper.com> mornin' folks 2024-04-25 13:05:47 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Neil Hanlon (neil) - he / him / his 2024-04-25 13:05:54 <@kanyin:matrix.org> !hi 2024-04-25 13:05:56 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Oluwakanyinsola Obadeyi (kanyin) - she / her / hers 2024-04-25 13:06:01 <@ami117:matrix.org> !hi 2024-04-25 13:06:04 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Amita Sharma (amsharma) 2024-04-25 13:06:18 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Hi Neil Hanlon Amita Sharma Oluwakanyinsola Obadeyi (Kanyin) 👋 2024-04-25 13:06:54 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !info Present: jonatoni, misc, jflory7, neil, kanyin, amsharma 2024-04-25 13:07:04 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !topic Team announcements & news 2024-04-25 13:07:20 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Any news you would like to share? 🙂 2024-04-25 13:07:48 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> I guess Fedora 40 is the main one 🎉 2024-04-25 13:08:23 <@jflory7:fedora.im> !info Flock CFP extended to this Monday, April 29th. This is the last chance to submit for Flock. 2024-04-25 13:08:28 <@jflory7:fedora.im> !link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-2024-cfp-extended-to-april-29th/ 2024-04-25 13:09:15 <@jflory7:fedora.im> !info Fedora Linux 40 was released on Tuesday! 🎆 2024-04-25 13:09:34 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !link https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-fedora-linux-40/ 2024-04-25 13:10:18 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !info CFP for Fedora Week of Diversity is open. Everyone is welcome to apply by May 11 2024-04-25 13:10:36 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !link https://cfp.fedoraproject.org/fwd-2024/cfp 2024-04-25 13:11:00 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Any other news folks? 2024-04-25 13:11:21 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Awesome! 2024-04-25 13:11:51 <@jflory7:fedora.im> None from me 2024-04-25 13:12:13 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !topic DEI Advisor updates to the team 2024-04-25 13:12:43 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Justin W. Flory (he/him) do we have any new article from the Council published lately? 2024-04-25 13:12:58 <@nhanlon:beeper.com> Elections nominations are open for f40 cycle, is sorta news i guess :) 2024-04-25 13:13:18 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Neil Hanlon++ 2024-04-25 13:13:20 <@zodbot:fedora.im> jonatoni gave a cookie to neil. They now have 9 cookies, 3 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle 2024-04-25 13:13:32 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !info Elections nominations are open for f40 cycle 2024-04-25 13:14:01 <@jflory7:fedora.im> The most recent ones are the git forge announcement and background context on the Strategy. More strategy posts are planned for next week. 2024-04-25 13:14:10 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Matrix and IRC eventually too, but not ready yet. 2024-04-25 13:15:05 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Perfect 2024-04-25 13:15:16 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Okay, so no other news then 2024-04-25 13:15:30 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !topic Follow-ups from last meeting 2024-04-25 13:16:11 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> misc do we have any update on the events policy 2024-04-25 13:16:35 <@ami117:matrix.org> I have update on mentorship panel 2024-04-25 13:16:41 <@misc:ephaone.org> Jona Azizaj (she/her): I have a non ready draft. i was working on it last week, then i got pulled in a urgent secret project 2024-04-25 13:16:58 <@ami117:matrix.org> we can discuss later but here is the submission done - https://cfp.fedoraproject.org/flock-2024/talk/review/9GK73XHQ3VRBEAGXELDAW3YYBQTF9JNG 2024-04-25 13:17:28 <@misc:ephaone.org> (so I will likely be able to resume work on it after some big event from my employer in the coming month) 2024-04-25 13:17:46 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> misc okay, so we can keep the action item and check next time 🙂 2024-04-25 13:18:10 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Amita Sharma let's discuss it in the next topic 🙂 2024-04-25 13:18:41 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Okay, so we don't have other action items for now 2024-04-25 13:18:48 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> let's move to the next topic 2024-04-25 13:19:01 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !topic Ticket-driven discussion 2024-04-25 13:19:17 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !link https://gitlab.com/fedora/dei/home/-/milestones/5 2024-04-25 13:20:15 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> let's start with the Fedora Mentor Summit since Amita started with it 2024-04-25 13:20:42 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !topic Fedora Mentor Summit 2024-04-25 13:20:46 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !link https://gitlab.com/fedora/dei/home/-/issues/25 2024-04-25 13:20:57 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Amita Sharma the floor is yours 🙂 2024-04-25 13:21:02 <@obazeeconsole:matrix.org> !hi 2024-04-25 13:21:04 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Consolation Obazee (obazeeconsole) - she / her / hers 2024-04-25 13:21:45 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Hi obazeeconsole 👋 2024-04-25 13:23:09 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> I'm not sure if Amita is still here, but she shared the proposal for a panel discussion for Fedora Mentor Summit 2024-04-25 13:23:49 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> #info Amita has applied for a panel discussion for FMS, inviting mentors to share their experience 2024-04-25 13:24:23 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> obazeeconsole you have been working on the article for FMS, can you please add it as draft on CommBlog 2024-04-25 13:24:35 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> same as you did for Fedora Week of Diversity? 2024-04-25 13:24:53 <@jflory7:fedora.im> The last I looked, there were 7 or 8 submissions for CFP. 2024-04-25 13:25:09 <@jflory7:fedora.im> !info Amita has applied for a panel discussion for FMS, inviting mentors to share their experience 2024-04-25 13:25:36 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Which doesn't sound like many but some are longer workshops and we have a shorter schedule on Saturday. 2024-04-25 13:25:45 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Thanks Justin 😅 not sure why I wrote the wrong command 🤦 2024-04-25 13:25:46 <@jflory7:fedora.im> I think we will have some good content to choose from this year 2024-04-25 13:25:55 <@jflory7:fedora.im> I like some of the workshop ideas 2024-04-25 13:26:14 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Old habits die hard! 😅 It was # in the IRC days 2024-04-25 13:26:25 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> that's awesome 🎉 2024-04-25 13:26:33 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Indeed 😅 2024-04-25 13:26:34 <@ami117:matrix.org> yeah, here 2024-04-25 13:26:38 <@ami117:matrix.org> doing multitasking 2024-04-25 13:26:45 <@ami117:matrix.org> what is the question please? 2024-04-25 13:27:00 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Any updates? 2024-04-25 13:27:06 <@jflory7:fedora.im> How are things going with FMS? 2024-04-25 13:27:08 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> we already shared the proposal you submitted for FMS 2024-04-25 13:27:14 <@ami117:matrix.org> I need some info from Justin W. Flory (he/him) on mentors side, I need list of potential people who can be reached out 2024-04-25 13:27:15 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Any areas that need help? 2024-04-25 13:27:41 <@jflory7:fedora.im> For CFP? 2024-04-25 13:27:43 <@ami117:matrix.org> Jona Azizaj (she/her): you can also please help if you have insight on who will be there at Flock and is a good fit 2024-04-25 13:28:33 <@jflory7:fedora.im> We are looking good on submissions so far. 2024-04-25 13:28:41 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> For the moment we are on track with the Mentors Summit I would say - Amita needs some help with mentors suggestions for the panel 2024-04-25 13:29:00 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Ahhh the panel, got it 2024-04-25 13:29:04 <@ami117:matrix.org> correct 2024-04-25 13:29:47 <@ami117:matrix.org> correct for the panel 2024-04-25 13:29:52 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Marie and Smera are two names that come to mind, and they also have the mentor/mentee connection too 2024-04-25 13:29:56 <@ami117:matrix.org> so that I can reach out to them in time 2024-04-25 13:30:00 <@jflory7:fedora.im> But they have also submitted a workshop for the Summit too 2024-04-25 13:30:22 <@ami117:matrix.org> that should not be a problem to be in panel 2024-04-25 13:30:34 <@ami117:matrix.org> assuming they are not scheduled in parallel 2024-04-25 13:30:42 <@jflory7:fedora.im> You could ask both of them and see what they think. 2024-04-25 13:30:54 <@ami117:matrix.org> Justin and Jona - how about you two? 2024-04-25 13:30:56 <@jflory7:fedora.im> No, the Mentor Summit is the only track on Saturday. 2024-04-25 13:31:01 <@ami117:matrix.org> will you be able to participate? 2024-04-25 13:31:07 <@ami117:matrix.org> I know Justin will be too busy 2024-04-25 13:31:36 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> I would prefer new people to join the panel, but if needed I can definitely join 🙂 2024-04-25 13:31:59 <@jflory7:fedora.im> I could probably think up some other names. I'll likely know more once the CFP goes from blind review to deanonymized in early May 2024-04-25 13:32:14 <@ami117:matrix.org> cool 2024-04-25 13:32:21 <@ami117:matrix.org> so I still have time to send the invite 2024-04-25 13:32:43 <@jflory7:fedora.im> I can't see the identities of everyone who has submitted in the CFP until May 6th if I recall. That is around when we make the final calls for selection 2024-04-25 13:33:14 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> makes sense, so let's check that information later then 🙂 2024-04-25 13:33:25 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> anything else to add on the Fedora Mentor Summit topic? 2024-04-25 13:34:35 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Roland Taylor and ffmancera are also names that come to mind 2024-04-25 13:34:40 <@jflory7:fedora.im> But that's all I have for now. 2024-04-25 13:34:57 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Seems like things are going steady 2024-04-25 13:35:22 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> It's easier when is co-located with another event 2024-04-25 13:35:28 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> especially with Flock 🙂 2024-04-25 13:36:05 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !topic Fedora Week of Diversity 2024-04-25 13:36:11 <@ami117:matrix.org> right 2024-04-25 13:36:16 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !link https://gitlab.com/fedora/dei/home/-/issues/19 2024-04-25 13:36:39 <@ami117:matrix.org> I need to jump on an intense work call 2024-04-25 13:36:54 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Good luck ❤️ 2024-04-25 13:37:00 <@ami117:matrix.org> please feel free to ping me/mail me in case I am needed to be yelled at ;) 2024-04-25 13:37:28 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> All good for now, thanks a lot for all your help 🎉 2024-04-25 13:37:30 <@ami117:matrix.org> I know there are AIs on me for diversity week 2024-04-25 13:37:39 <@ami117:matrix.org> but that should be taken care of this weekend 2024-04-25 13:37:53 <@ami117:matrix.org> bye for now, thanks lovely folks 2024-04-25 13:38:06 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Thanks for being here Amita! 2024-04-25 13:38:28 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> so for Fedora Week of Diversity we have opened CFP: https://cfp.fedoraproject.org/fwd-2024/cfp 🎉 2024-04-25 13:38:41 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Deadline to apply is May 11 2024-04-25 13:38:52 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> We have an article coming up soon 2024-04-25 13:39:56 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !link cfp.fedoraproject.org/fwd-2024/cfp 2024-04-25 13:40:16 <@jflory7:fedora.im> How are we on submissions so far? 2024-04-25 13:40:44 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> 0 so far 2024-04-25 13:40:51 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> because we haven't promoted it yet 2024-04-25 13:40:54 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Got it. 2024-04-25 13:41:07 <@jflory7:fedora.im> This would be a good place to do some shoulder-tapping. 2024-04-25 13:41:24 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> +100 yes definitely 2024-04-25 13:41:26 <@jflory7:fedora.im> The timeline is tight so we likely need to make some specific asks to folks 2024-04-25 13:41:42 <@jflory7:fedora.im> I know we have a theme but did we have an ideal format for content? 2024-04-25 13:41:56 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> I need to do some follow ups with the team too so we can promote it on social media and Fedora Discussion 2024-04-25 13:42:23 <@jflory7:fedora.im> We could also ask some teams if they'd like to run a social event, like Fedora Pride did at the last release party. 2024-04-25 13:43:00 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Talks, workshops, panel discussions and social activities we have added as suggestions 2024-04-25 13:44:01 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !action: Amita to check with Fedora Pride team if they can run a social event like they did at the last release party 2024-04-25 13:44:45 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !action Amita to check with Fedora Pride team if they can run a social event like they did at the last release party 2024-04-25 13:45:24 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Anything else for the FWD? 2024-04-25 13:45:52 <@jflory7:fedora.im> I'll do some nudging for the CFP too 2024-04-25 13:46:01 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Oh, right 2024-04-25 13:46:06 <@jflory7:fedora.im> There is an announcement planned? 2024-04-25 13:46:23 <@jflory7:fedora.im> We can do some light socializing on an announcement post if it is in progress 2024-04-25 13:46:27 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> yes - we have an article for CommBlog 2024-04-25 13:46:46 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> which I'm not sure when it will be published 😅 2024-04-25 13:47:17 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> obazeeconsole already posted on Fedora Discussion about the draft 2024-04-25 13:47:56 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Awesome 2024-04-25 13:47:58 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> But I plan to follow up on this during the weekend 2024-04-25 13:48:08 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> and work on the announcement 2024-04-25 13:48:28 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> I know Oluwakanyinsola Obadeyi (Kanyin) has drafted something also for social media 2024-04-25 13:49:58 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Oh right, it is up for review! 2024-04-25 13:50:08 <@jflory7:fedora.im> obazeeconsole++ 2024-04-25 13:50:10 <@zodbot:fedora.im> jflory7 gave a cookie to obazeeconsole. They now have 3 cookies, 1 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle 2024-04-25 13:50:15 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Oluwakanyinsola Obadeyi (Kanyin)++ 2024-04-25 13:50:18 <@zodbot:fedora.im> jflory7 gave a cookie to kanyin. They now have 2 cookies, 1 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle 2024-04-25 13:50:35 <@kanyin:matrix.org> Yes, I have. 2024-04-25 13:51:20 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Awesome, thanks 🙂 Will check it out during the weekend 🙏 2024-04-25 13:51:28 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> obazeeconsole++ 2024-04-25 13:51:31 <@zodbot:fedora.im> jonatoni gave a cookie to obazeeconsole. They now have 4 cookies, 2 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle 2024-04-25 13:51:34 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Oluwakanyinsola Obadeyi (Kanyin)++ 2024-04-25 13:51:36 <@zodbot:fedora.im> jonatoni gave a cookie to kanyin. They now have 3 cookies, 2 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle 2024-04-25 13:52:08 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> since we have 8 minutes left, let's continue with open floor 2024-04-25 13:52:15 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !topic Open floor 2024-04-25 13:52:56 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Anything you would like to share/ask folks? 🙂 2024-04-25 13:53:11 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Thanks for covering on chairing duties this time! 2024-04-25 13:53:16 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Jona Azizaj (she/her)++ 2024-04-25 13:53:19 <@zodbot:fedora.im> jflory7 gave a cookie to jonatoni. They now have 96 cookies, 1 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle 2024-04-25 13:53:41 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Happy to chair the meeting 🤗 2024-04-25 13:53:43 <@jflory7:fedora.im> First!! 😁 2024-04-25 13:53:58 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> yaaay 🎉 2024-04-25 13:54:19 <@zodbot:fedora.im> neil gave a cookie to jonatoni. They now have 97 cookies, 2 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle 2024-04-25 13:54:21 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Now we can collect new cookies with the new release cycle 😄 2024-04-25 13:54:43 <@jflory7:fedora.im> Things seem steady to me overall. It will be a busy summer :) 2024-04-25 13:55:18 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Indeed 😅 🎉 2024-04-25 13:55:41 <@jflory7:fedora.im> But lots to look forward to. 2024-04-25 13:56:01 <@jflory7:fedora.im> I don't have anything else urgent to bring up 2024-04-25 13:58:19 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> Thanks everyone for joining 🙂 2024-04-25 13:58:30 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> See you all in 2 weeks 🎉 2024-04-25 13:58:34 <@jonatoni:fedora.im> !endmeeting