01:00:52 <dan408> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:00:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 21 01:00:52 2013 UTC. The chair is dan408. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:00:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:01:09 <zodbot> dan408: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 01:01:18 <dan408> #meetingname FAmNA 01:01:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:01:42 <dan408> #meetingname FAmNA 01:01:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:01:44 <dan408> errr 01:01:51 <dan408> #topic Roll Call 01:01:53 <award3535> here 01:01:59 <StabbyMc_> is here 01:02:07 * kk4ewt 01:02:07 * inode0 waves 01:02:17 <dan408> #chair award3535 StabbyMc_ rbergeron inode0 kk4ewt 01:02:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: StabbyMc_ award3535 dan408 inode0 kk4ewt rbergeron 01:02:39 <dan408> #chair masta 01:02:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: StabbyMc_ award3535 dan408 inode0 kk4ewt masta rbergeron 01:03:16 <dan408> hello everyone 01:03:19 <dan408> thanks for making 01:03:21 <dan408> it 01:03:53 <dan408> how was flock everyone? 01:04:25 <inode0> distant 01:04:28 <dan408> ditto 01:04:38 <kk4ewt> wished i was there 01:04:44 <dan408> any one else here? any late bloomers? 01:05:01 <dan408> #chair nb 01:05:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: StabbyMc_ award3535 dan408 inode0 kk4ewt masta nb rbergeron 01:05:08 <dan408> alright then 01:05:32 <dan408> #topic Tickets 01:05:45 <dan408> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:06:00 * masta is here 01:06:09 <dan408> no you're not 01:06:19 <dan408> anywayws we have a lot of tickets up there 01:06:24 <dan408> let's start with puppet conf 01:06:48 <dan408> .famnaticket 59 01:06:49 <zodbot> dan408: #59 (Puppetconf 2013 08/22/2013-08/23/2013) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/59 01:07:13 <dan408> so rbergeron, samkottler and a few others should be in town for this 01:07:26 <dan408> I will try and maek it out myself but no guarantees 01:07:28 <kk4ewt> banners and tablecloth otw 01:07:43 <dan408> sending them to rbergeron? 01:07:54 <dan408> i cannot handle them 01:07:54 <kk4ewt> yep to the address she gave me 01:07:58 <dan408> awesome 01:08:13 <dan408> i have pens and stickers 01:08:15 <dan408> no media 01:08:16 <dan408> um 01:08:22 <dan408> the basics 01:08:39 <masta> so puppet con is this week?! 01:08:44 <dan408> as long as im sitting i should be able to run the booth 01:08:46 <dan408> yes 01:08:53 <masta> omg... this ticket is kinda late 01:08:56 <award3535> cool good luck 01:09:06 <dan408> no it's been there for weeks just not on the agenda 01:09:11 <dan408> moving ono 01:09:13 <masta> oh 01:09:21 <dan408> .famnaticket 63 01:09:22 <zodbot> dan408: #63 (LINUXCON Budget Request) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/63 01:09:42 <dan408> linuxcon this is inode0 and award3535 01:09:45 <dan408> updates? 01:09:53 <inode0> not inode0 01:09:56 <award3535> rsuehle changed our room for cheaper rates 89 per night 01:10:03 <kk4ewt> we have some issues here 01:10:04 <dan408> ok you're just cc'd 01:10:14 <award3535> kk4ewt go 01:10:25 <dan408> bring em up kk4ewt 01:10:34 <kk4ewt> OLF is 913-915 01:11:04 <dan408> welll where is jdulaney 01:11:04 <kk4ewt> so if rbergeron can hand carry the tablecloth and banners they can be there on the 16th 01:11:34 <award3535> that sounds good, I will just need some media and a swag 01:11:39 <dan408> im starting to think we need another tablecloth 01:11:43 <kk4ewt> linuxconf is 9-16-18 01:11:50 <kk4ewt> dan408: we have one 01:11:57 <dan408> ok 01:12:04 <award3535> I will be there the evening of the 15th 01:12:10 <inode0> please someone go buy a new one 01:12:19 <kk4ewt> its just not able to travel at moment 01:13:25 <dan408> can someon add the dates of linuxcon to the ticket please 01:13:26 <award3535> if rbergeron is able to bring them, again all I will need is media and swag sent to me 01:14:04 <kk4ewt> nb do you have that in the works 01:14:52 <award3535> dan408 I just added the dates 01:14:58 <dan408> and the webpage for linux conf please 01:15:46 <dan408> nevermind 01:15:47 <award3535> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Linuxcon 01:15:47 <dan408> i found it 01:15:49 <masta> so OLF and Linux Con are very near one another 01:15:55 <dan408> i dont see Fedora as a sponsor 01:16:04 <dan408> #link http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-north-america 01:16:26 <kk4ewt> masta yep 01:16:41 <masta> does OLF need the event box? 01:16:49 <masta> does LinuxCOn need event box? 01:16:55 <award3535> that would be in rbergerons and rsuehle's court 01:16:56 <masta> (lets talk logistics) 01:17:07 <kk4ewt> masta thats what we already did 01:17:10 <dan408> #action linuxcon and OLF ambassadors to coordinate logistics 01:17:31 <masta> ok... so whoever has the eventbox at LinuxCon... send to Me plz 01:17:46 <kk4ewt> masta it wont be there 01:18:15 <inode0> we have three event boxes, surely one can be sent to masta 01:18:22 <dan408> didnt ohio just have a linux fest? 01:18:25 <award3535> we have all signed up as non profit attendees/sponsors, dont know if any thing else has happened 01:18:25 <award3535> the requests are in for all 01:18:25 <award3535> but if the table cloth and banners can get there, I will use my personal machines if needed 01:18:40 <kk4ewt> inode0: yes 01:18:50 <kk4ewt> but not by way of linuxconf 01:18:59 <dan408> maybe i got confused with award3535's event a few weeks ago 01:19:20 <award3535> ILF was last month 01:19:30 <award3535> and the box went to kk4ewt 01:19:32 <dan408> k 01:19:36 <StabbyMc_> rbergeron: there's a pile of T400s and other boxes in RDU, any chance of them getting repurposed to stock eventboxes, or do you have interest in that and I can start chasing it down? 01:20:02 <kk4ewt> can we stay on one topic at a time 01:20:14 <dan408> StabbyMc_ save for open floor 01:20:27 <dan408> i dont think rbergeron is even around 01:20:55 <award3535> if rbergeron agrees to carry the banners and cloth to linuxcon, all I will need to media and swag, I can use 01:21:02 <dan408> okay you guys are grown ups an can coordinate 01:21:05 <award3535> personal pc's for the evetn 01:21:31 <award3535> no problem 01:21:34 <dan408> quite frankly ticket 64 belongs in famarquests 01:21:42 <dan408> .famnaticket 65 01:21:43 <zodbot> dan408: #65 (Software Freedom Day (Dallas)) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/65 01:21:47 <inode0> yes 01:21:53 <masta> that is my ticket 01:21:56 <dan408> okay this event belongs to masta 01:22:07 <dan408> what do you need masta 01:22:18 <masta> ok so I want the table cloth for SFD, or even the whole event box... 01:22:28 <dan408> okay 01:22:33 <masta> I've got most of what I need except media 01:22:35 <dan408> who has the midwest event box 01:22:42 <dan408> seems like NO ONE hsa media 01:22:45 <kk4ewt> i do 01:22:53 <kk4ewt> dan408: stop that 01:22:53 <dan408> except shippers 01:23:49 <masta> so for my ticket I've got a request tied in to have media shipped to me, and I'll bug my regional shipper person about that.... my main area of interest is getting the event box... which OLF and LinuxCon the week prior it looks logisticly challenging. 01:23:51 <award3535> I have no media either.... 01:24:13 <dan408> award3535 no media, masta no media, me no media, who else is missing media 01:24:27 <kk4ewt> dan408: so you dont like the job that regional shippers are doing fine i quit 01:24:38 <dan408> calm down 01:24:43 <dan408> no one is blaming you 01:24:47 <kk4ewt> no enough of this BS 01:24:48 <masta> award3535: assuming you get the table cloth, I'd like you to ship that to me... I can have NB or kk4ewt (of whoever) print you a ship label 01:25:08 * masta has media 01:25:16 <masta> abotu 30 pieces of media 01:25:21 <masta> got at flock 01:25:26 <kk4ewt> masta and we will ship you media 01:25:30 <dan408> 30 pieces of media will be gone in an hour 01:25:30 <award3535> Masta; no problem when would you need it by 01:25:49 <kk4ewt> award3535: drop ship from NO 01:25:52 <masta> award3535: I'd liek you to ship from the hotel before you check-out 01:26:19 <masta> award3535: or visit the nearest UPS store or whatever 01:26:29 <dan408> okay 01:26:38 <dan408> so masta is covered 01:26:42 <award3535> masta; what ever you need 01:26:47 <dan408> award sounds like you're covered 01:26:50 <masta> award3535: thanks 01:26:51 <dan408> thank you kk4ewt 01:26:51 <kk4ewt> everyone will be covered 01:26:54 * masta high fives award3535 01:27:07 <dan408> and thank you award3535 01:27:21 <award3535> masta that of course hinges on what I get logistically 01:27:38 <dan408> unless anyone has anything else i'd like to move to open floor for the next 30 minutes 01:27:48 <inode0> OLF? 01:27:53 <kk4ewt> yes i have something 01:27:58 <dan408> go 01:28:07 <kk4ewt> we need to deal with olf NOW 01:28:25 <dan408> proceed kk4ewt 01:28:35 <masta> award3535: if you dont' get the table cloth (via Robyn hand carry lugage) then I'll get Dan to ship it to me from puppet land 01:28:50 <kk4ewt> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ohio_Linux_Fest_2013 01:28:51 <masta> kk4ewt: agree 01:28:52 <dan408> masta it will be tough for me to ship 01:28:55 <kk4ewt> masta no you wont 01:29:17 <masta> kk4ewt: lets talk OLF right now... i'd say that is the big topic this meeting 01:29:23 <kk4ewt> masta if rbergeron cant carry i will ship it to you 01:29:29 <kk4ewt> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ohio_Linux_Fest_2013 01:29:29 <masta> kk4ewt: how are we looking on the budget for OLF ? 01:29:40 <dan408> #topic OLF 01:30:07 <kk4ewt> ok we have an approved budget of up to 2k 01:30:26 <masta> kk4ewt: can we afford to send JDulany to talk? 01:30:41 <inode0> we can, we just need to work it out 01:30:43 <kk4ewt> we have a request from john dulaney to go as a speaker 01:31:04 <kk4ewt> first we need to find out when he is scheduled to talk 01:31:26 <kk4ewt> i dont see a need to send him for 4 nights at this point if we can do only 2 01:31:28 <dan408> +1 kk4ewt 01:31:40 <award3535> +1 01:32:16 <masta> seems reasonable, but if we can afford him an extra night or two... staying inside budget that is fien by me too 01:32:17 <kk4ewt> i can see 3 nights not 4 (thursday,fri,sat) 01:32:19 <masta> so +1 01:32:54 <kk4ewt> i just got my reservation today for the drury myself 01:32:57 <award3535> kk4ewt do you still have my cell number? 01:33:07 <kk4ewt> award3535: probable 01:33:13 <dan408> isnt this suehle's department? 01:33:21 <kk4ewt> dan408: no 01:33:23 <award3535> do you need me to send it again 01:33:29 <kk4ewt> this is our department 01:33:32 <masta> we have three +1's 01:33:34 <masta> quorum? 01:33:41 <dan408> so we manage our own budget? 01:34:12 <kk4ewt> i think we can do the whole event for 1500 instead of the 2k 01:34:12 <dan408> so if someone is having issues getting reimbursed it's not a suehle problem? 01:34:21 <kk4ewt> dan408: stay on topic 01:34:25 <dan408> i am 01:34:29 <kk4ewt> no you are not 01:34:36 <kk4ewt> you are going off on tangents 01:34:43 <dan408> no it's a very important question 01:34:48 <dan408> please answer 01:35:07 <kk4ewt> dan408: we have to pass a budget for her to spend the money where we say 01:35:09 <award3535> I have had no problems with reimbursements 01:35:16 <dan408> ok thanks 01:35:32 <kk4ewt> dan408: who said anything about reimburstments above 01:35:47 <dan408> nobody in the meeting, outside the meeting someone mentioned it 01:36:10 <kk4ewt> so tonight i want to set the budget, for $1500 for now 01:36:22 <award3535> kk4ewt; for logistics call me this week 01:36:22 <masta> that sounds great 01:36:54 <kk4ewt> but if needed it may go back to the 2k if we have to 01:37:13 * inode0 would like to make a comment here 01:37:22 <dan408> go inode0 01:38:12 <inode0> If we can afford $1K to send someone to help three others with a booth in NO we can afford sending Dulaney to OLF for the entire event. 01:38:30 * inode0 has no problem bumping the OLF budget up to accommodate that 01:39:39 <award3535> inode0 who else is attending in NO 01:40:11 <masta> inode0: put into perspective that makes sense 01:40:42 <masta> LinuxCon expenses have been significantly reduced... 01:40:46 <award3535> I agree, since right now I only know of myself and 3 RH people 01:40:57 <masta> not sure anybody noticed but the hotel costs have been halved 01:41:00 <inode0> which is what I said 01:41:11 <award3535> yes we moved to a cheaper place 01:41:31 <inode0> let's not go back to this debate, it was decided 01:41:50 <inode0> I'm just saying in light of that I want to support a speaker at OLF that costs less. 01:42:29 <masta> yeah.... we should be promoting speakers 01:42:38 <inode0> We can move money since we aren't buying any swag or banners or tablecloths anyway. 01:43:37 * inode0 moves we bump for now the OLF budget to $2500 01:44:09 <award3535> +1 from me 01:44:30 <kk4ewt> i dont see we need it but +1 01:44:38 <inode0> OLF can always not spend it 01:44:55 <inode0> But there isn't any reason to feel budget constrained 01:45:39 <dan408> ok so are we set on $2500 for OLF? 01:45:46 <dan408> +1 from me 01:46:29 <dan408> time guys 01:46:40 <award3535> open floor 01:46:46 <dan408> wait 01:46:55 <dan408> what amount did we agree upon for OLD 01:46:58 <dan408> OLF 01:47:01 <inode0> can we approve dulaney in some form tonight so he knows? 01:47:03 <dan408> $1500 2000 or 2500 01:47:12 <dan408> okay 01:47:13 <dan408> punt 01:47:20 <dan408> moving on 01:47:25 <inode0> $2500 for the OLF budget was approved 01:47:29 <dan408> okay 01:47:38 <masta> I'd rather say we bump the linuxcon budget 01:47:42 <dan408> #agreed $2500 for OLD Budget was approved 01:47:43 <kk4ewt> inode0: and that is with jdulaneys request 01:47:43 <masta> but whatever... 01:47:48 <inode0> How much did dulaney ask for? 01:47:53 <dan408> who cares 01:47:56 <dan408> ON WARDS 01:48:08 <dan408> #openfloor 01:48:14 <kk4ewt> 300 for plane and 4 nights 01:48:14 <dan408> #topic open floor 01:48:27 <dan408> okay 01:48:28 <inode0> so around 700 I hope 01:48:37 <dan408> i have an issue I would PERSONALLY like to bring up 01:48:45 <award3535> go 01:48:59 <dan408> if anyone hasn't noticed inode0 hasn't been running the meetings for the past weeks 01:49:23 <award3535> ok, what is going on 01:49:29 <dan408> reimbursement 01:49:52 <dan408> i know this isnt my business but I dont feel like this is right 01:49:53 <inode0> well, I am not boycotting running the meetings for any reason other than I am tired of doing it every week 01:50:01 <dan408> okay 01:50:08 <dan408> so we need to discusss a hierarchy change 01:50:21 <masta> ok... 01:50:23 <dan408> we cant have *insert yourname here* every meeting announcement 01:50:30 <masta> I propose we ellect masta dictator 01:50:34 <inode0> yeah, that is bad 01:50:36 <dan408> +1 01:50:54 <award3535> so what was the problem with reimbursements 01:51:02 <inode0> I could go back to picking kings 01:51:10 <dan408> so masta and I have been having each other's backs running the meetings 01:51:19 <dan408> with kk4ewt as a gracious backup 01:51:30 <dan408> im going to write up a plan 01:51:35 <kk4ewt> dan408: so do we need to make change ? 01:51:40 <dan408> yes. 01:51:52 <kk4ewt> what change do you propose to make 01:52:19 <dan408> i will write up a a proposal, send it to you masta, inode0 and ultimately rbergeron for review 01:52:41 <inode0> well this is intriguing 01:52:48 <masta> just elect me dictator and be done 01:52:58 <dan408> stop it 01:53:15 <inode0> just execute the coup without being so nice about it 01:53:29 <dan408> i propose fasmco be disbanded 01:53:39 <award3535> what plan, what does it include, who does it effect 01:53:52 <dan408> if affects everyone hopefully positively 01:53:56 <dan408> make things easier 01:54:03 <kk4ewt> LOL 01:54:24 <masta> I'm all for intriging coups... but I've got to go put by child to sleep... 01:54:27 <kk4ewt> dan408: so how is famsco helping or stopping us in anyway 01:54:27 <masta> nini all 01:54:28 * masta & 01:54:38 <dan408> kk4ewt: they arent 01:54:43 <dan408> that's the problem 01:54:49 <kk4ewt> so why worry about that them 01:54:58 <dan408> don get stuck on that 01:55:08 <inode0> there is more to the plan? 01:55:10 <dan408> let them manage EMEA, and APAC 01:55:12 <dan408> yes 01:55:22 <kk4ewt> they do 01:55:29 <dan408> I would like to have somehwat of a hierarchy somewhat similar to the board 01:55:39 <inode0> so we aren't disbanding famsco, we are seceding from famsco governance? 01:55:45 <dan408> yes. 01:55:55 <award3535> humm 01:55:57 <dan408> disband, secede, whatever you want to call it 01:56:15 <award3535> isnt that what egypt is doning now 01:56:25 <dan408> we are perfectly find managing ourselves 01:56:35 <inode0> we always have 01:56:52 <dan408> well lets make it official 01:56:53 <award3535> i think we do well togehter 01:56:54 <kk4ewt> dan408: write it up, send it to all NA ambassadors for a vote 01:57:06 <dan408> kk4ewt: thank you 01:57:13 <inode0> this will be fun 01:57:18 <dan408> I would like to have kk4ewt and inode0 as the senior members 01:57:20 <kk4ewt> if you can get 75% then we can move forward 01:57:23 <award3535> well, I wont get it, for some reason I dont get the emails any more 01:57:41 <kk4ewt> award3535: check you fas account setting 01:57:53 <dan408> award3535: ill create a ticket, email it, create a wiki page and we'll vote here in the meeting 01:57:59 <kk4ewt> nope 01:58:02 <award3535> kk4ewt, done that several times 01:58:16 <dan408> i have to think very long and hard about this but it's been pissing me off 01:58:20 <award3535> submitted trouble ticket still no answer 01:58:20 <kk4ewt> it has to go to ALL NA ambassador 01:58:23 <inode0> ask someone in #fedora-admin to help you track down the problem 01:58:31 <kk4ewt> including Canada 01:58:39 <dan408> LOL CANADA 01:59:05 <dan408> 2 more mintues 01:59:35 <dan408> kk4ewt inode0 do you have anything to add besides this sounds interesting. this i dont want to be this a power grab by myself 01:59:37 <StabbyMc_> inode0: you sent me an e-mail a while back, now that work has calmed down, I'll be working on it. 01:59:50 <dan408> just want to make things better 02:00:21 <dan408> okay we are over time 02:00:22 <award3535> I dont care either way, just as long as we continue to promote fedora 02:00:28 <inode0> Honestly I think FAmSCo has never had much to say about NA and probably never will 02:00:32 <dan408> #action dan408 to write up a plan 02:00:49 <dan408> award3535: that's the plan sir, just with less red tape. 02:00:50 <inode0> It is largely a function of our proximity to so many Red Hat people. 02:00:59 <kk4ewt> dan408: to be truthfully i think your making things better will actually get the true powers that be pissed off at us and throttle the whole project 02:01:21 <dan408> kk4ewt: then you get to read the proposal first 02:01:48 <inode0> I mean FAmNA has as long as I've been around worked directly with Red Hat folks regarding budget stuff, not with FAmSCo. 02:01:52 <dan408> kk4ewt: there's a lot of things i dont understand, i.e. budget so im going to need your help 02:02:42 <award3535> budget is always painful, never easy 02:03:08 <dan408> point made 02:03:11 <dan408> we are over time 02:03:14 <dan408> thanks all 02:03:31 <dan408> #endmeeting