16:00:46 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora 13 Alpha blocker bug meeting #2 16:00:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Feb 12 16:00:46 2010 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:54 <adamw> #topic blockerbug 16:01:00 <adamw> grr 16:01:39 <adamw> #topic welcome 16:01:43 <adamw> who's around? 16:01:52 * akia is here 16:01:53 <jlaska> I'm here ... finishing up another meeting 16:03:00 <adamw> well, let's dive in I guess 16:03:24 <adamw> working off https://bugzilla.redhat.com/showdependencytree.cgi?id=538273&hide_resolved=1 16:03:37 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=555526 16:04:24 <adamw> this seems like something that should be fixed quickly (as it may be breaking the build of several packages), but I don't see why it should block the alpha 16:04:51 <akia> well... 16:04:57 <adamw> if there was an alpha-blocking bug in another package that couldn't be rebuilt because of this bug, maybe it would indirectly block it, but otherwise... 16:07:32 <akia> does anybody know why it's an alpha-blocking bug? 16:07:47 <adamw> doesn't seem to have been any rationale provided 16:08:16 <adamw> set by the reporter, on feb 10th 16:09:24 <adamw> he's a packager, it seems, but I can't find an IRC nick for him 16:09:54 <adamw> jlaska: any opinion on this one? 16:10:32 <jlaska> my other meeting just ended. I'm back now 16:10:38 <jlaska> reading .. 16:11:46 <jlaska> I don't have context on this one 16:11:56 <jlaska> shall we request more info, then move it? 16:12:03 * maxamillion is kinda here (late ... of course) :/ 16:12:06 <jlaska> (if appropriate) 16:12:07 <adamw> heya maxa 16:12:13 * jlaska tips hat 16:12:21 <maxamillion> hi hi 16:12:26 <adamw> yeah I think we can drop it from the blocker list with a note to re-add it with rationale if desired 16:12:29 <maxamillion> adamw: I don't see why that's an alpha blocker 16:12:52 <adamw> okay 16:12:59 <adamw> who wants to be Bug Secretary For The Day? 16:13:15 <adamw> (do all the bug updates that we agree on) 16:13:36 * maxamillion *would* volunteer, but is trying to multitask with $dayjob tasks and would probably miss things 16:13:50 <adamw> i'll do it then :) 16:13:53 <jlaska> adamw: I'll be happy to take a few, not fast enough to take all 16:13:57 <jlaska> I'll grab this one 16:14:16 <adamw> #agreed 555526 will be dropped from the blocker list as there's no clear reason why it should block alpha release, it does not meet any criteria 16:14:42 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=557386 16:14:49 <adamw> this is the abrt-borkage bug we discussed last week 16:14:58 <adamw> it's in progress atm 16:15:31 <adamw> i've just pinged jmoskovc for an update 16:16:42 <maxamillion> that one could be seen as an alpha blocker but might not be ... where are the alpha requirements again? 16:16:51 <adamw> maxamillion: we already went over it last week and decided it was 16:18:13 <maxamillion> ah ok, sorry ... I must have missed that one :( 16:18:38 <adamw> jmoskovc says he expects to have it done in time for alpha 16:19:00 <adamw> no action needed here I think... 16:19:32 <jlaska> so it stays where it lays 16:20:11 <adamw> #agreed 557386 is being worked and should be done in time according to jmoskovc, no action needed 16:20:26 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=558318 16:20:38 <adamw> tech33 kindly provided a couple of nouveau bugs for us :) 16:20:49 <jlaska> yay! 16:20:54 <adamw> i think he intended to be around to discuss them but he's not, so I'll do my best... 16:21:35 <adamw> okay, few problems with this: we don't know how many systems it affects (historically we haven't added single-adapter 'x fail' bugs as blockers) and it's on f12, not rawhide 16:22:12 <akia> i agree... 16:22:28 <adamw> three, it doesn't actually appear to be fatal, just a failure to clear the screen which shouldn't really be a problem except gdm apparently has a bug too. so it's workaround-able by not using gdm, I guess 16:22:32 <Oxf13> I'mhere 16:22:34 <Oxf13> sorry for being late 16:22:36 <adamw> hi oxf13 16:23:32 <akia> ...so it's not critical 16:23:56 <adamw> yeah 16:24:17 <adamw> so i'm leaning towards dropping this for now with an explanation, we could ask if the reporter feels like testing with an f13 nightly 16:24:48 <maxamillion> +1 on dropping 16:24:53 <akia> good idea 16:25:14 <adamw> okay, let's do that 16:25:39 <adamw> #agreed 558318 does not seem to meet blocker criteria for now, it's against 12, seems to have an unlisted workaround, we don't know that it affects more than one user 16:25:55 <adamw> #agreed 558318 will be dropped from list with explanation and request for further testing 16:27:56 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=560444 16:28:01 <adamw> here's the other one tech33 provided 16:29:41 <adamw> again, doesn't meet the criteria for me - 12, single system, not even a function we've traditionally considered blocker-y in the past 16:29:47 <jlaska> just for me ... suspend to disk is also known as hibernate, right? 16:29:54 <Oxf13> yes 16:29:57 <adamw> i should mention to tech33 that we usually set suspend bugs as medium not high, actually 16:30:00 <adamw> not quite 16:30:03 <jlaska> Oxf13: thx! 16:30:03 <adamw> oh right yes 16:30:08 <maxamillion> +1 for dropping as alpha blocker 16:30:09 <adamw> there's lots of words :) 16:30:21 <adamw> 'suspend' = 'sleep' = 'write everything to RAM and shut down' 16:30:26 <adamw> 'suspend to disk' = 16:30:30 <maxamillion> (not even sure if we're supposed to be doing the "+1 system" right now ... just kinda going with it) 16:30:35 <adamw> 'hibernate' = write everything to disk and shut down' 16:30:38 <adamw> +1 is fine 16:30:44 <maxamillion> rgr 16:30:51 <akia> not a blocker bug :) 16:31:06 <jlaska> #idea Do we need suspend/hibernate coverage on the release criteria? 16:31:14 <adamw> #agreed 560444 does not meet blocker criteria, single-system and in a function (suspend) we don't usually consider blocking alpha 16:31:21 <adamw> jlaska: it may be worth explicitly mentioning, yeah 16:31:22 <Oxf13> suspend yes, not sure about hibernate, but probably 16:31:35 <Oxf13> coverage yes, blocking for alpha no. Blocking for beta is a more interesting question 16:31:56 <jlaska> don't mean to derail things, just wanted to toss that in as food for thought 16:32:34 <adamw> Oxf13: traditionally we haven't even blocked final for single-system suspend bugs 16:32:52 <adamw> i think a bug which broke suspend for everyone would be worth blocking final and possibly beta for, but that's about it... 16:33:14 <akia> adamw: good to know 16:33:17 <jlaska> yeah, it certainly touches on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Blocker_Bug_FAQ#What_about_hardware_and_local_configuration_dependent_issues.3F 16:33:24 <Oxf13> adamw: single system correct, it'd have to be more systemic 16:33:48 <adamw> yeah, it's a hardware-dependent grey area thing 16:34:02 <adamw> but we could put a little more explicit reasoning in there to help explain 16:35:07 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=560477 16:35:47 <adamw> I recall we discussed this one last week and the action was just to make sure the fix got into a build 16:35:51 <adamw> seems like no-one's tested yet 16:36:05 <adamw> should be pretty simple to test 16:36:13 <adamw> anyone want to volunteer to test it and close this off? 16:36:57 * jlaska raises hand 16:37:04 <adamw> yay 16:37:14 <jlaska> I'll test the updates.img, but will hold off on closing until it's in the next build 16:37:18 <adamw> #action jlaska to test the fix for 560477 and close off bug (assuming it's fixed) 16:37:31 <adamw> #agreed 560477 just needs to be tested and confirmed fixed 16:38:05 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=562209 16:38:38 <adamw> this was discussed and accepted as a blocker last week, looks like installer folk are working on it 16:39:17 <adamw> i've pinged clumens but he's listed as away right now 16:39:48 <jlaska> I don't know if we're closer on this ... kamil is looking for ways to reproduce this outside of anaconda (or inside but with more debugging) 16:39:51 <Oxf13> jlaska: were you able to reproduce? 16:40:07 <Oxf13> this certainly needs a re-test once I get new images in place 16:40:13 <jlaska> right on 16:40:22 <jlaska> it's easy to reproduce using previous images 16:40:27 <jlaska> just boot the boot.iso and try to install 16:40:34 <Oxf13> oh, clumens said you couldn't reproduce 16:40:45 <adamw> yeah, so it might be worth clarifying that 16:40:48 <jlaska> ah ... he posted a procedure to try to reproduce outside the installer 16:40:58 <jlaska> I tried that procedure, and it didn't reproduce the issue as we thought 16:41:09 <jlaska> sorry, mixed it up there 16:42:16 <adamw> ah, ok. 16:42:23 <jlaska> so I still think this affects the alpha rel. crit. 16:42:28 <adamw> yeah 16:42:34 <adamw> i'm not sure what action we can take 16:42:37 <adamw> besides cracking the big whip 16:42:44 <jlaska> we'll certainly get updated test results on this in the coming week 16:44:08 <adamw> ok 16:44:18 <adamw> #agreed jlaska will continue to track and provide testing for 562209 16:44:39 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=563212 16:44:53 <adamw> i threw this one in there, it's an intel bug which broke the driver for rather a lot of users 16:44:57 <adamw> should already be fixed in -4, though 16:45:03 <jlaska> oh nice 16:45:35 <adamw> just set to modified and asked people to test with -4 16:46:08 <adamw> don't think there's any other action here 16:46:35 <adamw> move on? 16:47:08 <jlaska> yeah 16:47:18 <adamw> #agreed 563212 is likely fixed in -4, set to modified and await testing results 16:47:32 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=563348 16:47:56 <adamw> this is the bug that broke rawhide boot because the syslogger wouldn't come up, heh 16:48:06 <akia> the patch seems to work... 16:48:32 <adamw> yeah, and -6 has gone through koji 16:48:33 <adamw> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=155653 16:48:43 <adamw> so we can set this MODIFIED and ask people to test and confirm, I guess 16:49:18 <akia> yes 16:49:44 <adamw> anything else? 16:49:58 <jlaska> this is the issue many folks were hitting on the list yesterday right? 16:50:05 <Oxf13> yes 16:50:14 <Oxf13> and what was thought to be the original cause of our installer woes 16:51:54 <jlaska> adamw: can't think of anything else ... Oxf13's undup'd issue is being tracked elsewhere on the list 16:52:04 <adamw> no, i just meant on this issue :) 16:52:15 <Oxf13> none here 16:52:22 <adamw> #agreed 563348 is a blocker, fix is going through rawhide, set to MODIFIED and ask for retesting 16:52:30 <jlaska> http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=anaconda.git;a=commit;h=e8cdfc480ccec62cfb2b70598dd792bbab43a1b2 16:52:34 <jlaska> looks like it's in 16:52:45 <jlaska> this does bring up a question, but will raise outside this meeting 16:53:35 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=564103 16:53:58 <adamw> new one from jlaska, smells like a blocker to me, yeah 16:54:33 <jlaska> yeah, I think this hits one of the criteria pretty good 16:54:36 <jlaska> I listed it at the end 16:54:43 <jlaska> "# The installed system must be able to download and install updates with 16:54:46 <jlaska> yum and PackageKit " 16:55:03 <adamw> yeah 16:55:24 <Oxf13> I was going to look into this one with the new images and see what's failing here, but well the new images failed 16:55:48 <Oxf13> so I'm in full agreement that this is a blocker. It's indicative that something is going wrong with the @core and @base group installs 16:55:54 <akia> definitely a blocker bug... 16:55:55 <Oxf13> and there is likely worse fallout 16:56:16 <jlaska> Oxf13: clumens indicated he found out what the problem was in a message earlier 16:56:21 <Oxf13> oh! 16:56:22 <adamw> so, action here? 16:56:23 <jlaska> but I haven't circled back with him yet 16:57:14 <jlaska> adamw: re: action, I don't think so ... just some devel time to assess the issue and work up a patch? 16:57:16 <Oxf13> k, so this one just waits for input 16:57:49 <Oxf13> now we have at least a couple reasons to want a new anaconda today 16:57:50 <adamw> ok 16:58:08 <adamw> #agreed 564103 constitutes a blocker, action currently on development team for investigation 16:58:32 <adamw> #topic https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=564213 16:58:47 <adamw> so this is the installer version of the syslog bug? 16:59:24 <Oxf13> yep 16:59:45 <adamw> so not much discussion needed really 17:00:01 <Oxf13> I debugged, sent a patch, and committed the patch today 17:00:26 <adamw> ok 17:00:42 <jlaska> Oxf13: full service baby! 17:00:45 <adamw> #agreed 564213 is a blocker, oxf13 has prepared and committed a patch, next action is to confirm fix in a new anaconda build 17:01:02 <adamw> ...and bang on one hour, we're through the list 17:01:02 <adamw> nice 17:01:15 <jlaska> adamw: well done 17:01:43 <Oxf13> So I'm going to wait for a new anaconda and then do a TC.1 17:01:56 <jlaska> Oxf13: okay 17:02:14 <adamw> sounds good 17:02:26 <adamw> anyone have any other bugs to discuss that weren't on the list? 17:02:33 <akia> nope 17:03:01 <jlaska> I have a few new ones that came out of the RATS#3 drop 17:03:07 <jlaska> but I don't believe those are Alpha blockers 17:03:11 <jlaska> more edge cases 17:03:25 <jlaska> so nothing from me 17:03:29 <adamw> ok 17:03:54 <adamw> let's call it a day then! 17:03:58 <adamw> thanks for helping, everyone 17:04:45 <jlaska> thanks for leading Adam :) 17:06:03 <adamw> #endmeeting