2024-01-25 19:00:02 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 2024-01-25 19:00:05 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-01-25 19:00:02 UTC 2024-01-25 19:00:05 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting' 2024-01-25 19:00:08 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting 2024-01-25 19:00:12 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops 2024-01-25 19:00:17 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily 2024-01-25 19:00:19 <@leo:fedora.im> !hi 2024-01-25 19:00:20 <@zodbot:fedora.im> Leo Puvilland (leo) - he / him / his 2024-01-25 19:00:23 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !info reminder: speak up if you want to work on a ticket! 2024-01-25 19:00:29 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> Hey leo. 2024-01-25 19:00:36 <@leo:fedora.im> hey nirik :) 2024-01-25 19:00:37 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !topic Tickets needing review 2024-01-25 19:00:40 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 2024-01-25 19:01:06 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> nothing on infra, 2 unretires on releng... low.low.ops 2024-01-25 19:01:14 <@leo:fedora.im> nice, no new infra tickets 2024-01-25 19:01:54 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !topic work plans / upcoming tasks 2024-01-25 19:02:15 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !info the IPAocolypse is hopefully over. The entire cluster is rhel9 and in sync currently 2024-01-25 19:02:22 <@leo:fedora.im> hooray! 2024-01-25 19:02:25 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !info mass rebuild is still chugging along 2024-01-25 19:03:28 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> So, for me... I need to do some prep work for the datacenter stuff next week. 2024-01-25 19:03:32 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> and catch up on stuff. 2024-01-25 19:03:47 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> vmhost-x86-copr02 seems to be pretty unhappy. 2024-01-25 19:03:51 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> Might need a call to dell. 2024-01-25 19:04:05 <@leo:fedora.im> ah, for support 2024-01-25 19:04:16 <@leo:fedora.im> hope the phone tree isn't too exhausting 2024-01-25 19:04:42 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah, not really looking forward to it. ;( 2024-01-25 19:04:54 <@leo:fedora.im> just mash 0 till you get to a human /s 2024-01-25 19:04:58 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I powered it on to do a bios update about 15min ago... and it's not really gotten anywhere. 2024-01-25 19:05:32 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> but luckily it's not critical, it's just copr builder capacity. 2024-01-25 19:05:42 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> anyhow, anything else or shall we close out? 2024-01-25 19:05:48 <@leo:fedora.im> not much from me 2024-01-25 19:07:33 <@leo:fedora.im> at least we're basically back to operating capacity :) 2024-01-25 19:07:48 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> alright. Oh, I have to run into town here in a few... but should be on from there aside travel time. 2024-01-25 19:07:52 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah. 2024-01-25 19:07:57 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !endmeeting