2024-05-09 19:00:27 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 2024-05-09 19:00:30 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-05-09 19:00:27 UTC 2024-05-09 19:00:30 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting' 2024-05-09 19:00:42 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !chair nirik smooge phsmoura 2024-05-09 19:00:52 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting 2024-05-09 19:00:52 <@leo:fedora.im> hey! 2024-05-09 19:00:55 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops !info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily !info reminder: speak up if you want to work on a ticket! 2024-05-09 19:00:57 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> hello 2024-05-09 19:01:43 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> morning 2024-05-09 19:02:07 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !topic Tickets needing review 2024-05-09 19:02:27 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 2024-05-09 19:03:24 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11912 2024-05-09 19:03:26 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11912** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11912):**Planned Outage - OpenShift production cluster - 2024-05-13 08:00 UTC** ● **Opened:** 19 hours ago by kevin ● **Last Updated:** 7 hours ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-09 19:03:38 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> ed med ops outage 2024-05-09 19:03:45 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> assign to darknao 2024-05-09 19:04:34 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> +1 2024-05-09 19:04:40 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11913 2024-05-09 19:04:43 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11913** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11913):**Planned Outage - database migrations - 2024-05-14 20:00 UTC** ● **Opened:** 19 hours ago by kevin ● **Last Updated:** Never ● **Assignee:** kevin 2024-05-09 19:05:06 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> same? 2024-05-09 19:05:21 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah, but keep me assigned. ;) 2024-05-09 19:05:33 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> and likewise the next outage one. ;) 2024-05-09 19:06:07 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11914 2024-05-09 19:06:09 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11914** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11914):**Planned Outage - updates / reboots - 2024-05-15 21:00UTC** ● **Opened:** 19 hours ago by kevin ● **Last Updated:** Never ● **Assignee:** kevin 2024-05-09 19:06:20 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> if someone could review those and make sure there are no typos or wrong dates or anything, that would be great... 2024-05-09 19:07:17 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11915 2024-05-09 19:07:19 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11915** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11915):**BuildError: package wlr-protocols not in list for tag f41-updates-candidate** ● **Opened:** 17 hours ago by topazus ● **Last Updated:** Never ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-09 19:07:36 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> this is fixed. close... 2024-05-09 19:09:10 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I reverted the thing that was not working, but we have a releng ticket to track fixing it already 2024-05-09 19:09:51 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !ticket 11916 2024-05-09 19:09:53 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11916** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11916):**Remove a sponsor from fedora-ci-admins and atomic-ci groups** ● **Opened:** 8 hours ago by msrb ● **Last Updated:** Never ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-09 19:10:04 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> low low ops? 2024-05-09 19:10:33 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> +1 2024-05-09 19:11:02 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !info https://pagure.io/releng/issues?status=Open 2024-05-09 19:11:37 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !releng 12094 2024-05-09 19:11:41 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #12094** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/12094):**New repo requests are not adding components to koji** ● **Opened:** 4 hours ago by yselkowitz ● **Last Updated:** 3 hours ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-09 19:11:55 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah, this is that releng ticket. ;) 2024-05-09 19:12:00 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> med med ? 2024-05-09 19:12:15 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> we need to fix the script... 2024-05-09 19:13:23 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !releng 12096 2024-05-09 19:13:25 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #12096** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/12096):** F41: System wide change: OpenSSLDistrustSHA1SigVer** ● **Opened:** 2 hours ago by asosedkin ● **Last Updated:** Never ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-09 19:14:34 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> 've not looked... probibly no impact, but I guess leave it open for now? 2024-05-09 19:14:39 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> low low ? 2024-05-09 19:15:14 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> +1 2024-05-09 19:15:18 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !topic Planning, Upcoming work and Open floor 2024-05-09 19:15:30 <@leo:fedora.im> not much from me 2024-05-09 19:16:21 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> so, outages next week... some things I still want to get done... 2024-05-09 19:16:55 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> nirik: anytime you want to shutdown proxy01 stg Im here to run playbook afterwards 2024-05-09 19:17:08 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> great, can go do it now... 2024-05-09 19:19:18 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> done 2024-05-09 19:20:13 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> nothing more from me right now 2024-05-09 19:25:15 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> the playbook is playbook/groups/proxies.yml? limiting to proxy01 stg of course 2024-05-09 19:26:00 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yep 2024-05-09 19:26:11 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> ok thanks 2024-05-09 19:26:40 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> let me know if it fails anywhere... it will fail at that one httpd restart at least 2024-05-09 19:26:52 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> (until we fix it) 2024-05-09 19:27:02 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> curiosity.. those vms are in aws? 2024-05-09 19:27:31 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> nope, proxy01.stg/proxy02.stg are in iad2 on our virthosts 2024-05-09 19:27:49 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> the playbook should install a new vm and then configure it 2024-05-09 19:28:12 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> ah ok 2024-05-09 19:29:27 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> thanks everyone for joinning today :) 2024-05-09 19:29:37 <@phsmoura:fedora.im> !endmeeting