15:00:39 <coremodule> #startmeeting Fedora ARM Working Group Meeting
15:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 28 15:00:39 2023 UTC.
15:00:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:00:39 <zodbot> The chair is coremodule. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
15:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_working_group_meeting'
15:00:40 <coremodule> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson jlinton coremodule
15:00:40 <coremodule> #topic roll call
15:00:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: coremodule jlinton pbrobinson pwhalen
15:00:50 <coremodule> hello everyone, who is around for the meeting today?
15:01:33 * pwhalen is here
15:01:41 <pwhalen> Good morning coremodule
15:01:51 <coremodule> hey pwhalen, how are you today?
15:02:04 * pbrobinson o/ sort of
15:02:26 <pwhalen> Sun is shining for change, no complaints :), yourself?
15:02:34 <coremodule> hey pbrobinson
15:02:53 <coremodule> hah! Summer is *almost* here... its sunny here too! just... really freaking cold still.
15:03:12 <coremodule> well, let's kick this thing off!
15:03:14 <coremodule> #topic 1) ==== Stable Releases ====
15:04:11 <coremodule> anything for F37?
15:04:42 * jlinton waves
15:05:20 <pwhalen> Not aware of any problems in the stable releases
15:06:07 <coremodule> alright!
15:06:08 <jlinton> Me either, I've upgraded most of my machines to F38, so there are only a couple still running F37 and they are happy.
15:06:48 <jforbes> F36 has an interesting issue
15:07:17 <jlinton> There was that dracut issue I noticed while reading the changelog the other day. Which might affect machines booting from emmc (kernel changed the symbol name dracut was using to include the mmc_block driver).
15:07:24 <jforbes> The grub there doesn't support EFI_ZBOOT so it makes 6.2 unable to boot
15:07:32 <jlinton> So the question is, is anyone booting from mmc?
15:08:00 <jforbes> I am turning off EFI_ZBOOT for F36 only starting with 6.2.9
15:09:24 <coremodule> I dont use mmc for any of the devices I have
15:10:01 <coremodule> alright, let's move on to the kernel
15:10:03 <coremodule> #info kernel-6.2.8-300.fc38
15:10:04 <coremodule> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2174317
15:10:04 <coremodule> #info Please test and report any issues to #fedora-arm or the mailing list.
15:10:52 <jforbes> I have not seen any new arm specifc issues noted other than the one mentioned above
15:12:30 <coremodule> cool! lets keep it rolling...
15:12:33 <coremodule> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ====
15:12:33 <coremodule> #info uboot-tools-2023.04-0.3.rc4.fc38
15:12:33 <coremodule> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2169919
15:12:56 <pbrobinson> we have an issue with rockchip devices
15:13:08 <pbrobinson> I'm planning to have a fix in the next day or so
15:13:10 <coremodule> pbrobinson, I think I saw you were working on that and had a fix ready for release sometime soon
15:13:14 <coremodule> awesome
15:14:36 <coremodule> #info rc5 uboot should be ready soon.
15:15:11 <coremodule> #topic 4) ==== Fedora 38 status ===
15:15:11 <coremodule> #info OpenQA Testing
15:15:11 <coremodule> #info https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=38&build=Fedora-38-20230328.n.0&groupid=5&groupid=1
15:15:11 <coremodule> #info Accepted Blockers & Freeze Exceptions
15:15:11 <coremodule> #link https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/38/final/buglist
15:15:12 <coremodule> #info Fedora 38 Schedule
15:15:14 <coremodule> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-38/f-38-devel-tasks.html
15:17:04 <jlinton> I guess its a good thing that we are flying under the no arch specific blocker bugs radar again...
15:18:39 <pwhalen> Has anyone looked at the various failures for aarch64?
15:19:57 <coremodule> I realized I put the wrong openQA link there, here is only aarch64:
15:19:59 <coremodule> https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=38&build=Fedora-38-20230328.n.0&groupid=5
15:20:03 <jlinton> Not for a month or so, when it looked like openQA was detecting the screenshot properly (aka it was on the console but not reporting it).
15:26:00 <coremodule> testing on workstation would be appreciated:
15:26:05 <coremodule> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_38_Branched_20230326.n.1_Summary#Release-blocking_desktops:_aarch64
15:27:22 <coremodule> many of the failed tests here appear to be needle issues
15:28:03 <coremodule> alright, open floor time
15:28:05 <coremodule> #topic 5) ==== Open Floor ====
15:28:13 <coremodule> anything else for today's meeting?
15:28:30 <jlinton> Yah that one I was just looking at looks like an anaconda failure of some kind, cause its expecting a text box to be enabled and its not.
15:28:31 <pwhalen> jlinton mentioned this looks like a bug - https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/1855620#step/disk_custom_blivet_btrfs_preserve_home/41
15:28:52 <pwhalen> might be worth confirming.
15:29:56 <coremodule> agreed
15:31:20 <jlinton> I will toss another disk into a honeycomb/mcbin with a graphics card and do some of the workstation testing, i've been meaning to test one of the newer amd graphics cards works on arm.
15:32:37 <coremodule> thanks jlinton
15:32:56 <coremodule> if there's nothing else, I'll close the meeting
15:33:24 * pwhalen has nothing else
15:33:33 <coremodule> thanks for attending everyone!
15:33:35 <coremodule> #endmeeting