2024-05-14 16:00:42 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !startmeeting RELENG (2024-05-14) 2024-05-14 16:00:45 <@meetbot:fedora.im> Meeting started at 2024-05-14 16:00:42 UTC 2024-05-14 16:00:46 <@meetbot:fedora.im> The Meeting name is 'RELENG (2024-05-14)' 2024-05-14 16:00:54 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !meetingname releng 2024-05-14 16:01:04 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !chair nirik sharkcz pbrobinson phsmoura dustymabe jednorozec jnsamyak patrikp 2024-05-14 16:01:11 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info Meeting is 60 minutes MAX. At the end of 60, it stop 2024-05-14 16:01:20 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info agenda is at https://hackmd.io/vm6biLBcTYKtkQUH5kQkmw 2024-05-14 16:01:35 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Hello everyone, welcome to the releng show! 🎉 2024-05-14 16:01:46 <@patrikp:matrix.org> Good evening. 👋 2024-05-14 16:01:52 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> How's everyone doing today? 2024-05-14 16:02:01 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> morning 2024-05-14 16:02:30 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Let's start! 2024-05-14 16:02:31 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !topic init process 2024-05-14 16:02:52 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info Day of learning is scheduled for May 17 on Friday. Many RedHatter(s) might be away on Friday, learning something new :) 2024-05-14 16:03:13 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info Fedora 38 will be EOL on Many 21, 2024 2024-05-14 16:03:21 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info Fedora 38 will be EOL on May 21, 2024 2024-05-14 16:03:47 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Are there any other updates for the init process that folks want to bring up? 2024-05-14 16:04:48 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Also this should be quick review on the PR (I tested it already today as part of post release cleanup): https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/12104 2024-05-14 16:05:34 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> The only bummer was that we were unable to find a way to disable the notifications that triggers email for mass closing of failed-composes issues 2024-05-14 16:05:43 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah. ;( 2024-05-14 16:05:57 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> +1 on the pr... 2024-05-14 16:06:45 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> But I'm keen to open a feature request on pagure if they could or someone can work on add this feature as a part of api which let's us set notify to True or False 2024-05-14 16:06:51 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> nirik: thanks! 2024-05-14 16:07:56 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I mean in theory we could remove all users from watching, do the changes and then readd them, but... ugh 2024-05-14 16:08:21 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> I was thinking rhe same thing but how wise is it :D 2024-05-14 16:08:26 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> I was thinking the same thing but how wise is it :D 2024-05-14 16:08:29 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> hehe 2024-05-14 16:08:45 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Let's move on to the next part of the show 2024-05-14 16:09:19 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !topic scheduled actions coming up in the next week 2024-05-14 16:09:28 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info Here we list/discuss anything about items that are going to be due to be done in the next week 2024-05-14 16:09:49 <@james:fedora.im> I would bet a decent amount that "multiple lines all starting with '!' that aren't meetbot commands" are in the minority. Would probably even bet they are less than 5%, although that is likely going down as people learn it doesn't work anymore. 2024-05-14 16:09:50 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info Fedora 38 EOL - May 21, 2024 2024-05-14 16:09:58 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !action jnsamyak will be sending an 38 EOL mail on the relevant lists post the meetings. 2024-05-14 16:10:40 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Any other issues/discussions, that needs immediate attentions this week? 2024-05-14 16:13:16 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Okay then, seems like this is the item of the week! We will move on to the next item 2024-05-14 16:13:27 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !topic Tickets needing attention 2024-05-14 16:13:33 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info this is the time where you can bring releng tickets to discuss if there are blockers etc 2024-05-14 16:13:53 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !releng 12101 2024-05-14 16:13:55 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #12101** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/12101):**Missing F40 vagrant box** ● **Opened:** a day ago by zlopez ● **Last Updated:** 13 hours ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-14 16:14:32 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> So we have a request that Fedora's vagrant space misses F40 image. 2024-05-14 16:15:04 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I don't know how it gets setup there. 2024-05-14 16:15:09 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> +1 2024-05-14 16:15:19 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> i dont even see anything on the docs 2024-05-14 16:15:20 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> we should find out and document/make sure we can do it 2024-05-14 16:15:47 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah, no idea 2024-05-14 16:16:05 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> yeah I think I'll follow up on the same ticket to know more 2024-05-14 16:17:48 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !releng 12096 2024-05-14 16:17:51 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #12096** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/12096):** F41: System wide change: OpenSSLDistrustSHA1SigVer** ● **Opened:** 4 days ago by asosedkin ● **Last Updated:** 4 days ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-14 16:18:36 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I don't think there is any releng impact 2024-05-14 16:18:45 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> +1 2024-05-14 16:21:24 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> one interesting ticket that got opened, which nirik already replied to on the mail is 2024-05-14 16:21:26 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !releng 12098 2024-05-14 16:21:28 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #12098** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/12098):** Renaming distribution media for Fedora Server** ● **Opened:** 3 days ago by jwhimpel ● **Last Updated:** a day ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-14 16:21:54 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/GYFDPKTVEGE3Q5Q66SNKVJPQUR3GXHYX/ 2024-05-14 16:22:30 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Here we need to break things if we want to start looking into it somewhere something 2024-05-14 16:23:21 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah, we need to look at each part because theres different tools 2024-05-14 16:23:31 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> I saw that nirik already added the points from where to start 2024-05-14 16:23:52 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> This should needs a quick mini arc investigation? 2024-05-14 16:24:05 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> s/should needs/qualifies/g? 2024-05-14 16:24:09 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> s/should needs/qualifies/g 2024-05-14 16:26:37 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> well, sure, I am not sure if I have cycles to look at it, but if you or others want to, sounds great to me. ;) 2024-05-14 16:28:20 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> makes sense completely I agree - I'll at-least put this in our ThingsToDo Block of releng if I see someone potentially from releng side is free at-least to do an investigation it should be a good starting point imho 2024-05-14 16:28:38 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> These were the tickets, that i wanted to bring up 2024-05-14 16:29:05 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> If there is anything folks want to discuss please shoot them, othewise let's start looking at older tickets? 2024-05-14 16:30:28 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> so, how are things going on the post release cleanup... 2024-05-14 16:30:36 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !releng 1275 2024-05-14 16:30:39 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !releng 12075 2024-05-14 16:30:42 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #12075** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/12075):**Cleanup post F40 Release** ● **Opened:** 3 weeks ago by jnsamyak ● **Last Updated:** a week ago ● **Assignee:** jnsamyak 2024-05-14 16:31:03 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> So most of the things ✔️ 2024-05-14 16:31:15 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> The failed-compoose tracker is done 2024-05-14 16:31:32 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> RC/Beta cleaned up 2024-05-14 16:31:54 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> compose/branched and /compose/40 cleaned up 2024-05-14 16:32:31 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Remove pub/fedora/linux/development/40 and pub/fedora-secondary/development/40 is left waiting for two week thing and will work on it on wednesday 2024-05-14 16:32:42 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> And a quick doc for this 2024-05-14 16:32:45 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> k, sounds good. 2024-05-14 16:35:37 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Let's dig those past tickets 2024-05-14 16:36:23 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !releng 6877 2024-05-14 16:36:24 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #6877** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6877):**Refine cleaning up packages with broken deps** ● **Opened:** 6 years ago by till ● **Last Updated:** 3 years ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-14 16:38:04 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I haven't re-read that entire thing, but last updated 3 years ago tells me we should just close it and say 'hey, if anyone wants to work on improving this, come discuss a plan for that and offer to work on it' 2024-05-14 16:38:25 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> this is a long read; but as tomas mentioned it that we are now using FailsToInstall packages 2024-05-14 16:38:33 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> exactly 2024-05-14 16:39:30 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> So, I think it's better than the start of that ticket, still perhaps not perfect, but oh well, leaving a ticket there for years isn't doing anyone any good either. 2024-05-14 16:40:08 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> yes and i'm just putting a note there, seems like no one needed it since so long :) 2024-05-14 16:42:32 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !releng 7083 2024-05-14 16:42:34 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #7083** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7083):**orphan-all-packages.py should remove bugzilla_contact entries from fedora-scm-requests as well** ● **Opened:** 6 years ago by till ● **Last Updated:** 2 years ago ● **Assignee:** humaton 2024-05-14 16:44:37 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> i'm trying find orphan-all-packages.py in releng script 2024-05-14 16:44:52 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I am not sure what 'fedora-scm-requests' means here... I guess the old thing we used to use to map things? 2024-05-14 16:45:17 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> it's under scripts/dist-git 2024-05-14 16:45:34 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> voila thanks looking 2024-05-14 16:46:24 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> iirc is this something miro also uses? 2024-05-14 16:46:47 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> I see mails coming for the orphaned packages etc 2024-05-14 16:47:24 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> Those are already orphaned packages asking if anyone wants to take them on. 2024-05-14 16:47:33 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> yeah 2024-05-14 16:47:39 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> this script does the orphaning... ;) ie, gives all packages of a user to the 'orphan' user. 2024-05-14 16:47:53 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> which reminds me that I need to run it. :( 2024-05-14 16:48:16 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> hehe, this needs access to pkgs machine right? 2024-05-14 16:48:20 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !infra 11901 2024-05-14 16:48:22 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **Usage:** !infra [...] ● oncall [...] - oncall ● status - get a list of the ongoing and planned outages 2024-05-14 16:48:24 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Otherwise, I could help you out 2024-05-14 16:48:29 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !ticket 11901 2024-05-14 16:48:36 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11901** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11901):**Inactive packagers to be removed for the F40 cycle** ● **Opened:** 2 weeks ago by mattia ● **Last Updated:** a week ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-14 16:48:38 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> !ticket 11901 2024-05-14 16:48:45 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **fedora-infrastructure #11901** (https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/11901):**Inactive packagers to be removed for the F40 cycle** ● **Opened:** 2 weeks ago by mattia ● **Last Updated:** a week ago ● **Assignee:** Not Assigned 2024-05-14 16:49:08 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> well, the script needs just a token... which you might have. Removing people from packager group requires ipa server access. 2024-05-14 16:49:58 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> if you wanted to do the orphaning side of this, that would be just fine for me. ;) but we need to coordinate and do that at the same time as removing from packager 2024-05-14 16:51:29 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> anyhow, I can try and just do it soon, we are getting sidetracked. ;) 2024-05-14 16:51:51 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> on 7083, I think we should close it as no longer needed/matters. 2024-05-14 16:52:04 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> okay yeah go ahead i was just curious and started looking things like api token etc 2024-05-14 16:52:22 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> yep, I will just confirm it once and close tomorrow 2024-05-14 16:52:40 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !action jnsamyak to talk to tomas about the 7083 issue and close post that 2024-05-14 16:52:57 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !releng 7337 2024-05-14 16:52:59 <@zodbot:fedora.im> **releng #7337** (https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7337):**Emit fedmsg when candidate composes are synced to stage** ● **Opened:** 6 years ago by adamwill ● **Last Updated:** 12 months ago ● **Assignee:** patrikp 2024-05-14 16:53:11 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> I see patrikp is assigned to it 2024-05-14 16:53:15 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> This will be hopefully fixed by that release-candidate thing... 2024-05-14 16:53:21 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> which is waiting to merge? 2024-05-14 16:53:30 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> still? 2024-05-14 16:53:39 <@patrikp:matrix.org> Yup, this is one of the tickets that should be solved by the script. 2024-05-14 16:53:55 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> IMHO, we should just merge it now, try it for the f41 beta and if there's problems deal with them then. ;) 2024-05-14 16:54:16 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> patrikp: can you close this ticket and point out to the one issue where you are discussing it? 2024-05-14 16:54:31 <@patrikp:matrix.org> You mean the script PR? 2024-05-14 16:54:35 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> does that change how we run that script? or is it the same? if it's the same, lets just merge, if not, we should update docs... 2024-05-14 16:54:49 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> no it's not same 2024-05-14 16:55:02 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> we need to change the docs for that patrikp can you do that? 2024-05-14 16:55:18 <@patrikp:matrix.org> Only difference is the label that's passed to it. I can update the doc. 2024-05-14 16:55:46 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> yep a two liner explantion will be good 2024-05-14 16:55:55 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> I just don't want us to miss that it changed when we rush to do a f41 beta rc. ;) 2024-05-14 16:56:04 <@patrikp:matrix.org> I.e. instead of Beta-1.3 it would be 41_Beta-1.3 2024-05-14 16:56:05 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> +1 2024-05-14 16:56:27 <@patrikp:matrix.org> There's also a comment in the script itself with the expected argument but I can update the SOP. 2024-05-14 16:56:32 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> add that to the doc with explanation and example so it would be easier to figure out 2024-05-14 16:56:43 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> oh also, we should document that script adamw made to make pungi config files for fedora-beta.conf / fedora-final.conf based on fedora.conf 2024-05-14 16:57:12 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> yes that also, can you do that as part of this doc change patrikp ? 2024-05-14 16:57:33 <@patrikp:matrix.org> I'm not sure I know what you mean... 2024-05-14 16:57:43 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> https://pagure.io/pungi-fedora/pull-request/1276 2024-05-14 16:58:25 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah, that. 2024-05-14 16:58:40 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Adam created this script that creates fedora-beta and fedora-final conf as per the fedora.conf that release-candidate script uses inorder to create beta and final rcs 2024-05-14 16:58:58 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> saves us from stupid mistakes making those manually. ;) 2024-05-14 16:59:03 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> hehe 2024-05-14 16:59:43 <@patrikp:matrix.org> So note in the RC SOP that this script should be used? 2024-05-14 16:59:55 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> so just add this in beta and final docs in the starting where you are gonna update the rc script command to use this script in order to create the confs 2024-05-14 17:00:02 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> yeah, exactly. 2024-05-14 17:00:14 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> nirik: yes, thanks for attending :D 2024-05-14 17:00:14 <@patrikp:matrix.org> Alright. 👍️ 2024-05-14 17:00:23 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Awesome thanks! 2024-05-14 17:00:36 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> patrikp: are you up for chairing next meeting? 2024-05-14 17:00:38 <@nirik:matrix.scrye.com> thanks jnsamyak and patrikp! 2024-05-14 17:00:46 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> if not, I can volunteer 2024-05-14 17:00:47 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> :D 2024-05-14 17:00:52 <@patrikp:matrix.org> I think I should be here so no problem. 2024-05-14 17:01:02 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> Awesome patrikp, thanks! :D 2024-05-14 17:01:15 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info nect chair May 21 - patrikp 2024-05-14 17:01:19 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info next chair May 21 - patrikp 2024-05-14 17:01:30 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !info Thank you all for coming. 2024-05-14 17:01:54 <@jnsamyak:matrix.org> !endmeeting