#gluster-meeting: Weekly community meeting 18/May/2016

Meeting started by rastar at 12:06:54 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Rollcall (rastar, 12:07:08)
  2. Next weeks meeting host (rastar, 12:09:28)
  3. kshlm & csim to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github (rastar, 12:10:55)
    1. ACTION: kshlm/csim/nigelb to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github (rastar, 12:13:19)

  4. amye to check on some blog posts being distorted on blog.gluster.org, josferna's post in particular (rastar, 12:13:34)
    1. ACTION: aravinda/amye to check on some blog posts being distorted on blog.gluster.org, josferna's post in particular (rastar, 12:15:09)

  5. pranithk1 sends out a summary of release requirements, with some ideas (rastar, 12:15:27)
    1. ACTION: hagarth to announce release strategy after getting inputs from amye (rastar, 12:21:50)

  6. kshlm to check with reported of 3.6 leaks on backport need (rastar, 12:22:37)
    1. ACTION: kshlm to check with reported of 3.6 leaks on backport need (rastar, 12:23:12)

  7. GlusterFS 3.7 (rastar, 12:23:38)
  8. GlusterFS 3.6 (rastar, 12:33:06)
  9. GlusterFS 3.5 (rastar, 12:37:50)
  10. GlusterFS 3.8 (rastar, 12:39:15)
    1. http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.gluster.maintainers/727 (ndevos, 12:40:11)
    2. FYI (reminder) we don't (can't) ship in EPEL because RHS/RHGS client-side pkgs are in RHEL. We took a decision to not provide el[567] 3.8 pkgs on download.gluster.org because they will be in the CentOS Storage SIG (kkeithley, 12:46:23)

  11. GlusterFS 4.0 (rastar, 12:49:04)
  12. NFS Ganesha and Gluster updates (rastar, 12:52:53)
  13. Samba and Gluster (rastar, 13:00:22)
  14. open floor (rastar, 13:08:26)
    1. HELP: packagers for lio/tcmu-runner with libgfapi wanted to get the packages in the CentOS Storage SIG (ndevos, 13:11:04)
    2. IDEA: thought for the day: devs should occasionally do a build on a 32-bit system. It's a good way to catch log/printf format string mistakes (kkeithley, 13:11:41)
    3. https://www.gluster.org/events/ (ndevos, 13:14:50)
    4. ACTION: Saravanakmr to add documentation on how to add blogs (rastar, 13:17:44)

Meeting ended at 13:25:03 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. kshlm/csim/nigelb to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github
  2. aravinda/amye to check on some blog posts being distorted on blog.gluster.org, josferna's post in particular
  3. hagarth to announce release strategy after getting inputs from amye
  4. kshlm to check with reported of 3.6 leaks on backport need
  5. Saravanakmr to add documentation on how to add blogs

Action items, by person

  1. amye
    1. aravinda/amye to check on some blog posts being distorted on blog.gluster.org, josferna's post in particular
    2. hagarth to announce release strategy after getting inputs from amye
  2. hagarth
    1. hagarth to announce release strategy after getting inputs from amye
  3. Saravanakmr
    1. Saravanakmr to add documentation on how to add blogs
    1. kshlm/csim/nigelb to set up faux/pseudo user email for gerrit, bugzilla, github
    2. kshlm to check with reported of 3.6 leaks on backport need

People present (lines said)

  1. rastar (92)
  2. ndevos (65)
  3. kkeithley (38)
  4. hagarth (36)
  5. post-factum (35)
  6. ira (15)
  7. Saravanakmr (10)
  8. amye (6)
  9. jdarcy (5)
  10. obnox_ (3)
  11. zodbot (3)
  12. anoopcs (1)
  13. misc (1)
  14. atinm (1)
  15. obnox (1)

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