04:27:39 <cmurf> #startmeeting Workstation WG (2021-05-04)
04:27:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May  5 04:27:39 2021 UTC.
04:27:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
04:27:39 <zodbot> The chair is cmurf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
04:27:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
04:27:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation_wg_(2021-05-04)'
04:27:41 <cmurf> #meetingname workstation
04:27:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation'
04:27:43 <cmurf> #chair Neal
04:27:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: Neal cmurf
04:27:53 <cmurf> #topic Rollcall
04:27:55 <cmurf> #info present:  Allan, Tomas, Michael, Neal, Matthias, Kalev, Jens, Owen
04:27:57 <cmurf> #info regrets: Chris, Langdon
04:27:59 <cmurf> #info present guests: Luna, Felipe, Matthew Miller, Ben Williams
04:28:01 <cmurf> #info Fedora 34 release party was last week.
04:28:03 <cmurf> #info Would be nice to have GNOME presence next time (Kalev and Matthias couldn't attend this time).
04:28:05 <cmurf> #topic Approval of April 27 minutes
04:28:07 <cmurf> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2021-04-28/workstation.2021-04-28-22.34.log.html
04:28:09 <cmurf> #agreed no objections, approved
04:28:11 <cmurf> #topic Announcements and Status reports
04:28:13 <cmurf> #info Linux App Summit is coming up next week - Wednesday to Saturday.
04:28:15 <cmurf> #topic Future of Workstation WG discussion with Matthew Miller
04:28:17 <cmurf> Should we rename the WG? How to include more people and spread the workload? What should we use as a communication channel -- Matrix, Discord?
04:28:19 <cmurf> Take ownership of the web page and update it? Screenshots on the web page are old. (Luna can take some newer screenshots if needed)
04:28:21 <cmurf> Owen says that we should remember to go through all the release items when it's release month: Magazine article, release notes, web page etc.
04:28:23 <cmurf> Neal says that we should have a calendar item "are all the marketing tasks done for the release?"
04:28:25 <cmurf> Matthew agrees that it would make sense to have it as a key task.
04:28:27 <cmurf> Developer docs / Fedora developer portal -- how to handle updating it? Matthew says that we should have a meeting with the developer portal group and he can be there too.
04:28:29 <cmurf> Matthew: Wiki is just a workspace. It's not something we are sending users to. Docs is the place to go for user facing information. Don't try and save the wiki.
04:28:31 <cmurf> Lots of misc talk about documentation and the state of it in Fedora.
04:28:33 <cmurf> Allan would like to make it so that contributors find Workstation WG docs and how to contribute.
04:28:35 <cmurf> Matthew: What is the Workstation WG group's answer to question "why Fedora?"
04:28:37 <cmurf> Owen: We often have answers why Fedora for developers, but why for users is a completely different question. There's also another category, Fedora for enthusiasts. There isn't a single answer.
04:28:39 <cmurf> Neal: We don't have answers for why Fedora is useful for certain user groups. (like creatives and gamers)
04:30:18 <cmurf> #endmeeting