19:55:32 <brainycmurf> #startmeeting Workstation WG (2023-02-28) 19:55:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 28 19:55:32 2023 UTC. 19:55:32 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:55:32 <zodbot> The chair is brainycmurf. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 19:55:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:55:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation_wg_(2023-02-28)' 19:55:32 <brainycmurf> #meetingname workstation 19:55:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation' 19:55:32 <brainycmurf> #chair Michael 19:55:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: Michael brainycmurf 19:55:45 <brainycmurf> #info Present members: Michael, Neal, Tom, Chris, Allan, Matthias, Owen 19:55:45 <brainycmurf> #info Guests: Luna Jernberg(bittin), sumantrom, kparal, jbillings, 19:55:45 <brainycmurf> #info Regrets: Kalev 19:55:45 <brainycmurf> #info Secretary: Matthias 19:55:45 <brainycmurf> #topic Review QA plans for F38 19:55:46 <brainycmurf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/359 19:55:48 <brainycmurf> Allan says that we've had issues with late blockerbugs for preinstalled apps. 19:55:50 <brainycmurf> Matthias mentions a nautilus bug that was filed early, but not fixed yet, so it 19:55:52 <brainycmurf> might end up a blocker bug after all. 19:55:54 <brainycmurf> Allan asks about policy changes. Sumantro says that he made a lot of changes 19:55:56 <brainycmurf> to testcases. He says exploratory testing is fine, but testcases should focus more 19:55:58 <brainycmurf> on apps whose breakage have serious impact. 19:56:00 <brainycmurf> Sumantro suggests that change proposals should have an explicit QA contact 19:56:02 <brainycmurf> to make sure that there is no fallout from conflicting changes. Allan points out 19:56:04 <brainycmurf> that we've hightlighted changes and new features for recent test days. 19:56:06 <brainycmurf> Sumantro mentions the release validation testing. 19:56:08 <brainycmurf> Allan brings up the conflict between Test day and GNOME release schedules. 19:56:10 <brainycmurf> GNOME enters hard code freeze this weekend, so ideally we should have done 19:56:14 <brainycmurf> our testing already. 19:56:16 <brainycmurf> Neal suggests packaging nightly builds. 19:56:18 <brainycmurf> Allan brings up the proposed policy of moving late blockers to the next release. 19:56:20 <brainycmurf> The KDE spin only applies the default apps criterion for selected apps (only the 19:56:22 <brainycmurf> ones that have testcases). 19:56:24 <brainycmurf> Kamil suggests small improvements: 19:56:26 <brainycmurf> - two test days (one for 'desktop', one for 'small apps') 19:56:28 <brainycmurf> - use workstations matrix room for test days (this should be in place starting with Fedora 37) 19:56:30 <brainycmurf> - encourage more exploratory testing 19:56:32 <brainycmurf> - better direction for test day participants 19:56:34 <brainycmurf> Proposed dates for test days: 19:56:36 <brainycmurf> - kernel (march 4 - 11) 19:56:38 <brainycmurf> - i18n (march 7 - 14) 19:56:40 <brainycmurf> - gnome1 (march 6 - 8) 19:56:44 <brainycmurf> - gnome2 (march 9 - 10) 19:56:46 <brainycmurf> Sumantro will do announcements on Fedora Magazine. 19:56:48 <brainycmurf> #topic Make the test day results more useful 19:56:50 <brainycmurf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/329 19:56:52 <brainycmurf> Allan summarizes the ticket. One of the issues is the quality of the testday app. 19:56:54 <brainycmurf> Question whether we want freeform results, or encourage links to issues more. 19:56:56 <brainycmurf> Kamil says that small changes to the app are possible, but not redoing it entirely. 19:56:58 <brainycmurf> #action Allan to update the ticket 19:57:00 <brainycmurf> #topic Fedora 38 beta blockers 19:57:02 <brainycmurf> #link https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/38/beta/buglist 19:57:04 <brainycmurf> 0 bugs proposed / 1 bugs approved for the GNOME related components 19:57:06 <brainycmurf> Deferred to next week. 19:57:08 <brainycmurf> #topic Fedora 38 final blockers 19:57:10 <brainycmurf> #link https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/38/final/buglist 19:57:14 <brainycmurf> 2 bug proposed / 1 bugs approved for the GNOME related components 19:57:16 <brainycmurf> #info bug 1: fedora-workstation-repositories: workstation repos contain Google Chrome repo, but Chrome can't be installed 19:57:19 <brainycmurf> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2170839 -> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1383526 19:57:22 <brainycmurf> Michael describes this issue. Owen suggested to defer the security policu 19:57:24 <brainycmurf> change until F39. Neal thinks the suggestion is fine, but he points out that the 19:57:26 <brainycmurf> proponents of the change should have reached out to google and other 3rd party 19:57:28 <brainycmurf> repositories about this change. 19:57:30 <brainycmurf> Neal says that copr is also affected by this. 19:57:32 <brainycmurf> #info bug 2: gnome-software: Update notifications not shown with gnome-software 44 beta 19:57:34 <brainycmurf> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2172662 19:57:36 <brainycmurf> Already in verified state, nothing to discuss 19:57:38 <brainycmurf> #nfo bug 2.5: 19:57:40 <brainycmurf> gnome-initial-setup hangs if you try to set up an online account (due to SELinux denial) 19:57:44 <brainycmurf> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2159230 19:57:46 <brainycmurf> Deferred to next week 19:57:48 <brainycmurf> #info bug 3: With GTK 4.9.1 , Nautilus' target for "Move To" or "Copy To" operations is unexpected and can be invalid 19:57:51 <brainycmurf> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2173891 19:57:53 <brainycmurf> Deferred to next week 19:57:55 <brainycmurf> #topic encryption of user data (excludes system) 19:57:57 <brainycmurf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/82 19:57:59 <brainycmurf> Deferred to next week 19:58:01 <brainycmurf> #topic encryption of system data (excludes user) 19:58:03 <brainycmurf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/136 19:58:05 <brainycmurf> Deferred to next week 19:58:07 <brainycmurf> #topic Announcements and status updates 19:58:09 <brainycmurf> Deferred to next week 19:58:13 <brainycmurf> #info Last week's meeting minutes posted 19:58:15 <brainycmurf> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2023-02-15/workstation.2023-02-15-19.37.log.html 20:01:15 <brainycmurf> #endmeeting