02:43:59 <brainycmurf> #startmeeting Workstation WG (2024-05-14)
02:43:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 15 02:43:59 2024 UTC.
02:43:59 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
02:43:59 <zodbot> The chair is brainycmurf. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
02:43:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
02:43:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation_wg_(2024-05-14)'
02:43:59 <brainycmurf> #meetingname workstation
02:43:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation'
02:43:59 <brainycmurf> #chair Neal
02:43:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: Neal brainycmurf
02:43:59 <brainycmurf> #info Present members: Michael, Neal, Matthias, Jens, Tomas, Allan, Chris, Owen
02:43:59 <brainycmurf> #info Guests:
02:44:00 <brainycmurf> #info Regrets:
02:44:02 <brainycmurf> #info Missing: Kalev
02:44:04 <brainycmurf> #info Secretary: Matthias
02:44:06 <brainycmurf> #info Meeting will be short because Neal is on conference time.
02:44:08 <brainycmurf> Agenda
02:44:10 <brainycmurf> #topic [Proposal] Replace GNOME with KDE in Fedora Workstation
02:44:12 <brainycmurf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/425
02:44:14 <brainycmurf> Neal recaps the main points from last weeks discussion.
02:44:18 <brainycmurf> Matthias summarizes last weeks discussion as:
02:44:20 <brainycmurf> "We don't endorse or disagree with this change, we have some concerns,
02:44:22 <brainycmurf> but it is councils and fescos job to decide".
02:44:24 <brainycmurf> Concerns are detailed in the ticket, by Allan and others.
02:44:26 <brainycmurf> Allan wants to see an actual proposal with details instead of being
02:44:28 <brainycmurf> asked to comment on vague hypotheticals.
02:44:30 <brainycmurf> Allan thinks this might be an opportunity to revisit the workstation
02:44:32 <brainycmurf> WG practice, vision and work.
02:44:34 <brainycmurf> Both Neal and Allan think that the PRD we have is not a vision, and not
02:44:36 <brainycmurf> inspiring for community participation. It is too heavy on logical content
02:44:38 <brainycmurf> and planning and doesn't have emotional content.
02:44:40 <brainycmurf> Neal says all WGs suffer from this, with the exception of cloud. Allan
02:44:42 <brainycmurf> agrees.
02:44:46 <brainycmurf> Suggestion from Neal is to reach out to mindshare to have a discussion
02:44:48 <brainycmurf> about inspiration and story-telling.
02:44:50 <brainycmurf> Michael suggests that we should provide feedback to the kde sig or we
02:44:52 <brainycmurf> may end up not liking the outcome.
02:44:54 <brainycmurf> Owen suggests that a kde edition should retain kde branding, and he
02:44:56 <brainycmurf> doesn't think differentiation along use cases is great ("workstation" vs
02:44:58 <brainycmurf> "fun desktop").
02:45:00 <brainycmurf> Michael agrees that a single default experience is important.
02:45:02 <brainycmurf> Owen says that it is somewhat unclear what edition means.
02:45:04 <brainycmurf> #action Michael is going to draft a comment / position statement
02:45:06 <brainycmurf> #topic Announcements, follow-ups, status reports
02:45:08 <brainycmurf> Matthias mentions that there is a package review for ptyxis by Nieves.
02:45:10 <brainycmurf> ptyxis is also available on flathub.
02:45:12 <brainycmurf> KDE style fractional scaling is being worked on by Jonas Adahl and is planned for GNOME 47.
02:45:16 <brainycmurf> #topic Open Floor
02:45:18 <brainycmurf> #endmeeting