17:40:52 <jillr> #startmeeting Ansible AWS Community Meeting 17:40:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 26 17:40:52 2023 UTC. 17:40:52 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:40:52 <zodbot> The chair is jillr. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 17:40:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:40:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_aws_community_meeting' 17:41:08 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> lol thank you 17:41:13 <jillr> I dont think it works so well from matrix maybe 17:41:27 <jillr> #chair ansible_relay 17:41:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: ansible_relay jillr 17:41:44 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> I've done it before but 🤷 17:41:52 <jillr> I think there's also a new matrix bot but I dont recall the details 17:42:14 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> ohhh that's probably it 17:43:00 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> new agenda page is here https://forum.ansible.com/t/aws-working-group-agenda/1846 17:45:47 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> I think the only action item from the last meeting was to create that agenda page but someone correct me if I'm wrong. 17:45:58 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> Big agenda item for today is 7.0.0 release, are we on track for Nov. 2? 17:46:56 <ansible_relay> 12mgraves> I think https://github.com/ansible-collections/amazon.aws/pull/1825 is the only other thing we wanted to get in if possible 17:46:59 <jillr> aiui we have one PR left that we want to get in that's still going through reviews, otherwise I believe so 17:47:42 <ansible_relay> 12tremble> Yeah, no issues attached to the milestone 17:47:56 <ansible_relay> 12tremble> the isort/flynt stuff is already in 17:49:59 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> we have several team members out part of next week but our goal is to get the amazon.aws release prep done early in the week so it's ready to go on Thursday 17:50:50 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> And I believe we worked through all the Galaxy issues from the last release? 17:51:06 <jillr> afaik that is all settled 17:51:08 <ansible_relay> 12tremble> community.aws 6.4.0 went fine... 17:51:14 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> great! 17:51:35 <jillr> if there are any issues, I will be around all week and have the ability to do manual uploads as a backup 17:51:58 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> Any other thoughts, questions, concerns about the release? 17:52:42 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> If not we can move to the next agenda item, the Ansible forum 17:53:04 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> we now have an AWS WG group there https://forum.ansible.com/g/AWS?asc=true 17:53:14 <jillr> \o/ 17:54:12 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> as well as the agenda page, which should be editable 17:54:16 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> I have a few questions: 17:54:22 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> 1. right now the group is open to anyone to join, do we want to keep it that way? (I assume yes but it looks like various groups are handling things differently so just want to double check) 17:55:13 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> 2. do we feel comfortable adding a note to the old agenda tracker that the meeting agenda has moved, with a link to it, and to use the forum agenda page from now on? 17:55:56 <jillr> I believe the goal for the group is for the whole aws community to get involved, so I would say let anyone join. 17:56:17 <jillr> If it were a group for something like the steering committe it makes sense to have specific membership 17:56:45 <jillr> unless groups carry some other meaning we might care about, like moderator permissions to tagged posts or something 17:56:55 <ansible_relay> 12tremble> I'm good with it being open, we can close it if necessary. +1 to linking from the old agenda 17:57:06 <jillr> +1 also on the agenda 17:57:23 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> cool, I can work with Alina to make sure that gets done 17:57:26 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> 3. (last question) is there anything else we want to do with our group in the forum? I created an event for this meeting and admins are helping me figure out how to get it set to recurring...apparently 4th thursday of the month is tricky in the forum events widget. 18:00:03 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> I know we also have a wiki page and we use this channel for real-time communication. Since I don't know the historical usage of these different space I'm not really sure what else we might want to migrate to the forum or what new uses we might have for it 18:00:47 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> not urgent of course but if folks have ideas please share! 18:01:15 <jillr> the wiki has been poorly maintained over the years and is hard to find for users, I'd be in favor of using the forum to replace it (since the forum is intended to be a single place for the community) 18:03:19 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> Alina and I copied some stuff over from the wiki but I wasn't sure if we should move, for example, this PR priorities info https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/AWS%3A-Pull-Request-Priorities. Is it still accurate? 18:04:11 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> And are there any other pages/sources of information that should be migrated? 18:05:01 <jillr> if we create a new wiki-like reference there are some docs and blog posts that we often refer people that we should be sure to include but I cant think of things to migrate 18:05:41 <ansible_relay> 12tremble> I think a lot of our docs really ended up migrating into the collection docs rather than the wiki 18:06:09 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> that seems like a better place for them anyway 18:06:33 <ansible_relay> 12tremble> especially now we have github pages 18:06:41 <jillr> yeah I was thinking of the dev guide/blog post and the cloud user guide 18:07:04 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> if there are other links that should be added to the group page in the forum feel free to edit! all the owners should be able to edit that page 18:07:55 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> anything else to discuss about the forum? 18:08:00 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> or any other topics that didn't make it onto the agenda? 18:08:29 <jillr> our next meeting will coincide with a major US holiday (so a disproportionatey large percentage of us will be out). Do we want to move that meeting? 18:09:25 <ansible_relay> 12tremble> If we do, I'd pull if forwards rather than pushing it out 18:09:59 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> Nov. 16th? 18:10:45 <ansible_relay> 12tremble> I have commitments for the 16th, but can pass on thoughts if needed 18:11:10 <jillr> I dont have any strong preferences, but we should announcethe change in the bullhorn in advance 18:12:55 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> yeah good call. I can make that announcement and make sure the forum event & agenda page have the right date 18:14:22 <jillr> thanks Helen 18:15:13 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> no problem. any other topics to discuss? 18:15:28 <jillr> oh I remembered a forum thing - I think there was a plan to get meeting minutes to post to the forum instead of to the fedora project, using the new bot 18:15:53 <jillr> We should sync with the community team folks and see if that's been implemented and/or how it works 18:16:30 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> yeah I can ask about that while we're figuring out the recurring event 18:16:35 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> will report back :) 18:16:40 <jillr> awesome! 18:16:51 <jillr> that's it then, I'm done :) 18:17:28 <ansible_relay> 02Helen Bailey> me too 18:17:49 <jillr> #endmeeting