00:02:07 <Kylie_> #startmeeting Ansible Azure Working Group 00:02:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 8 00:02:07 2018 UTC. The chair is Kylie_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:02:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:02:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_azure_working_group' 00:03:07 <Kylie_> As for topics, I have two. 1. share our plan. 2. PR discussion. 00:03:11 <Kylie_> Any other topic? 00:03:18 <nitzmahone> not from me 00:03:25 <Kylie_> Topic plan 00:03:29 <Kylie_> #topic plan 00:04:41 <Kylie_> In this month, our focus is on backlog, including bugs raised by customers, GitHub, and new modules requested (will add into azure_preview_module playbook role) first. 00:05:35 <Kylie_> We will have a blog talking about our new modules and playbook role this month. 00:05:58 <Kylie_> Matt, last time you mentioned 2.5 will be officially release on 3/15. Is it on track? 00:06:08 <nitzmahone> Looking that way 00:06:26 <nitzmahone> Won't know for sure *until* 3/15, but so far, so good 00:06:36 <Kylie_> Got. Then we could schedule our blog around that date. 00:07:14 <nitzmahone> Would suggest you just plan for early the following week (plus timezone delays so you're not posting on a Saturday ;) ) 00:07:26 <zikalino> hi all 00:07:38 <Kylie_> Great suggestion. Thank you. 00:07:44 <Kylie_> Hi Zim ~ 00:09:49 <Kylie_> Upcoming new modules in playbook roles are application gateway and batch. Once fully tested, Zim will submit them to upstream (devel branch). Any other? 00:10:02 <Kylie_> Any other, @zikalino? 00:11:00 <zikalino> no, i just saw some reviews from jborean93, i fill fix any comments and hopefully we can merge today 00:11:15 <Kylie_> Ok. That is for #topic PR 00:11:20 <jborean93> yea they were mostly just requests to add some tests for regression avoidance 00:12:07 <Kylie_> Thank you Jordan for reviewing those fixes. Hope Zim can address them ASAP and merge to catch 2.5 (@zikalino, as Matt mentioned last time, you also need to submit PR for cherry-pick). 00:12:13 <zikalino> about 35536 i have just added comment: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/35536#issuecomment-371323702 00:12:29 <jborean93> Some of them won't be able to be backported 00:12:41 <jborean93> IIRC at least one added a new parameter which is a feature 00:13:48 <Kylie_> If it cannot catch up 2.5 because it is treated as a new feature with new parameter, can it be accepted for following 2.5.x? 00:14:09 <nitzmahone> No 00:14:20 <nitzmahone> Feature freeze for 2.5.x occurs at b1 00:14:43 <nitzmahone> Anything beyond that has to go in 2.6 00:15:00 <jborean93> I believe it was the networkinterface one where you define another resource group of the network 00:17:09 <Kylie_> Understand. Have to use playbook role to deliver them to customers. Let us see. 00:17:18 <Kylie_> @Yuwei, Yuwei is working on SDK API fix. Any question here? 00:18:05 <nitzmahone> Saw that one- I'm debating whether to bring it in for 2.5.0rc2 or just wait for 2.5.1. Leaning toward waiting at this point, since 2.5.1 will be out within a few weeks of 2.5.0 00:19:19 <yuwei> yes the SDK is failed with some test, i m working on this 00:19:42 <nitzmahone> @yuwei did you get the sanity test failure figured out? I can help there if you need 00:20:19 <yuwei> I have no idea of the sanity test 00:20:23 <nitzmahone> (also, do you know how to run those locally via docker?) 00:20:37 <yuwei> yes 00:21:31 <yuwei> you mentioned the ignore should be addressed, what's the meaning 00:22:26 <nitzmahone> Meaning we can't add new sanity test ignores- have to fix the underlying issue 00:22:53 <yuwei> I see 00:23:24 <nitzmahone> I'll take a look at that one and see what we need to do- probably just add initialization before calling super() in __init__, but we'll see 00:23:54 <Kylie_> Wonderful. Thank you Matt. 00:23:58 <Kylie_> And Yuwei, you mentioned "Create VM with subnet in another resource group is a bug already fixed, but it should be released with ansible version 2.5.", is it already in 2.5? Is it this one https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/35038? 00:24:01 <yuwei> Thanks 00:24:48 <nitzmahone> That one appears to have been merged before the 2.5 branch, so it should be in there 00:24:48 <yuwei> Yes Kylie 00:25:04 <Kylie_> Great. 00:25:17 <yuwei> I try to install the latest bit but seems it doesn't here 00:25:23 <yuwei> 2.4.3 00:25:39 <Kylie_> Should we submit a cherry-pick for 2.4.x? 00:26:38 <nitzmahone> If you like. 2.4.4 is pretty locked down at this point though, so it might not go until 2.4.5 (assuming there *is* a 2.4.5) 00:26:53 <nitzmahone> (up to the release manager to accept or not) 00:28:42 <Kylie_> Yuwei, could you try 2.5 beta ? 00:29:04 <Kylie_> Any other open for PR? 00:30:30 <yuwei> But the bit should be already in 2.5 right? 00:30:54 <jborean93> That PR is already cherry picked to 2.4.4? 00:31:00 <jborean93> so should be in that release? 00:32:08 <nitzmahone> If you're talking about 35038, it was merged to devel before the branch split, so it's in 2.5 00:34:34 <Kylie_> Clear. I think that is all for today meeting. @nitzmahone, if any update for 2.6 strategy, please let us know. And let us finalize the agenda for your guys' F2F:) 00:35:47 <nitzmahone> Yep- I won't know for sure until a couple weeks prior, but I think the plan we've talked about last should be fine 00:36:18 <Kylie_> 😀 Nice 00:36:25 <Kylie_> Thank you all. 00:36:37 <Kylie_> #endmeeting Ansible Azure Working Group