23:59:57 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting Ansible Azure Working Group 23:59:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 16 23:59:57 2019 UTC. 23:59:57 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 23:59:57 <zodbot> The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:59:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:59:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_azure_working_group' 00:00:08 <yungezz> Hello 00:00:16 <nitzmahone> #chair zikalino82 yuwei yungezz jborean93 00:00:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 nitzmahone yungezz yuwei zikalino82 00:00:19 <jborean93> Hey 00:00:21 <nitzmahone> Hey all 00:00:58 <yungezz> I haven’t special topic today except prs 00:01:09 <nitzmahone> Inventory plugin fix PR for large payloads merged today (thanks yungezz!) and reviewed Zim's VMSS extension PR 00:01:26 <yungezz> Thanks Matt! 00:01:34 <jborean93> was the inventory plugin included with 2.7? 00:01:42 <jborean93> or was it added in the current devel cycle? 00:01:45 <nitzmahone> Backport to stable-2.7 would be appreciated, but I can do it if you want 00:01:50 <nitzmahone> (yes, it's in 2.7) 00:01:56 <yungezz> yes, I will create backport Pr 00:02:09 <jborean93> cool, I know the Tower would appreciate that 00:02:37 <nitzmahone> Other PRs to discuss today? 00:02:39 <yungezz> zikalino82: yuwei do you have prs need reviewing? 00:02:55 <zikalino82> yes 00:03:16 <yungezz> How about the vm deleting auto created sub resource Pr 00:03:21 <nitzmahone> #chair Kylie_ 00:03:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kylie_ jborean93 nitzmahone yungezz yuwei zikalino82 00:03:38 <Kylie_> Hi Matt, Jordan and all 00:03:42 <zikalino82> need to finish this one: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50652 00:03:42 <jborean93> I think mattclay had some certains around the testing for that one 00:03:49 <jborean93> the vm deleting one 00:03:55 <yungezz> Ok 00:04:01 <zikalino82> this is about vm cleanup, nitzmahone could you take a look? this is our final version. 00:04:18 <jborean93> current `azure_rm_virtualmachine` takes up 1 whole node, it would be good to try and optimise it a bit more if possible 00:04:34 <zikalino82> and i have 2 devtestlabs modules https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50961 00:04:41 <nitzmahone> Yes, will add to my review queue 00:07:51 <nitzmahone> zikalino82: looks like the devtestlabs things are still WIP, yeah? 00:08:17 <zikalino82> i will remove 00:08:35 <zikalino82> i was waiting for mattclay to add the provider 00:09:07 <zikalino82> there won't be any changes there as we have already tested it and merged thoroughly into azure_preview_modules 00:09:16 <nitzmahone> OK- you're able to restart CI on those yourself, right? 00:09:26 <zikalino82> i will just rerun tests and remove [WIP] 00:09:27 <zikalino82> yes 00:09:32 <nitzmahone> Cool, I'll add that one as well then 00:09:42 <Kylie_> Yungezz and Matt, how about PR for new dynamic invenory plugin? And could we add more tests for it ? 00:10:16 <nitzmahone> Already discussed earlier- it's been merged 00:10:19 <yungezz> Merged 00:11:34 <nitzmahone> Tests for that one are tricky- I used a really crusty mock to unit/fake-integration test some of the stuff when I was building it, but I really dislike having that as our only. 00:11:42 <Kylie_> Sorry, I missed earlier message. Great. 00:12:00 <nitzmahone> Integration testing it would be very expensive, though maybe we could roll it into the VM / VMSS module tests so at least it's getting *something* 00:12:46 <yungezz> How to run inventory in integration test? 00:13:30 <jborean93> I believe you will have to run it as a script integration target 00:13:38 <nitzmahone> I *think* we could have the test include the file in an inventory dir and do a meta: refresh_inventory, but might need to kick that around with mattclay / others 00:13:40 <jborean93> that gives you control over how and when ansible-playbook is called 00:14:07 <nitzmahone> Yeah, the problem being if we want to piggyback off the VM module tests... 00:14:11 <jborean93> yep 00:14:15 <nitzmahone> (as the SoT for the inventory) 00:14:50 <Kylie_> As for inventory fix, can it backported to 2.7.x? Two customers raised it in our doc. 00:14:57 <nitzmahone> Already covered 00:15:15 <nitzmahone> (yes) 00:15:30 <mattclay> Running the inventory plugin tests during the VM test sounds like a good idea. 00:15:36 <yungezz> Is there way to run it with integration test? So run vm test once 00:15:42 <nitzmahone> It's not ideal, but gets us *something* real at least 00:16:14 <Kylie_> Nice. Thank you. 00:18:38 <nitzmahone> I don't recall offhand if `meta: refresh_inventory` will rescan the dirs; we might also want to do something like use a script integration to run the VM tests but hold off on deletion, then dump the VM details to disk, call ansible-inventory a bunch of times on different versions of an inventory plugin config, then clean everything up. 00:21:02 <nitzmahone> Anything else to discuss today? 00:21:47 <yungezz> I m ok 00:22:36 <nitzmahone> OK, if nothing else, closing in 5.. 00:22:41 <nitzmahone> 4.. 00:22:46 <nitzmahone> 3.. 00:22:49 <nitzmahone> 2.. 00:22:53 <nitzmahone> 1.. 00:23:03 <nitzmahone> Thanks everyone- until next week! 00:23:07 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting