00:01:06 <jborean93> #startmeeting Ansible Azure Working Group 00:01:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 31 00:01:06 2019 UTC. 00:01:06 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 00:01:06 <zodbot> The chair is jborean93. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:01:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:01:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_azure_working_group' 00:01:11 <jborean93> howdy all 00:04:28 <zikalino82> hi all :-) 00:04:39 <jborean93> #chair zikalino82 00:04:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 zikalino82 00:04:40 <jborean93> hey 00:06:02 <zikalino82> a kind of silent today. we almost have chinese new year holidays here 00:06:08 <jborean93> ahh ok 00:06:24 <jborean93> Matt is feeling a bit under the weather today as well so he won't be joining 00:06:25 <zikalino82> i just have 3 prs for review 00:07:30 <zikalino82> two devtest labs modules: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51462 00:07:50 <zikalino82> super simple vmss instance module https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51461 00:08:02 <zikalino82> it just has one option right now, so it's super simple 00:08:02 <jborean93> heh, the devtest one is causing some issues in CI right now 00:08:10 <jborean93> it automatically puts a delete lock on the resources 00:08:42 <zikalino82> and upgraded cosmos db https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/47181 00:08:54 <zikalino82> yes, dtl service is a kind of weird in many ways....... 00:10:56 <jborean93> yea, currently modifying our cleanup script to be able to handle it 00:11:38 <zikalino82> i think when the test is not failing it should clean up properly 00:12:03 <zikalino82> but i have to admit i have one instance of the lab right now which i can't delete in any way, even through the portal 00:12:07 <jborean93> the trouble is that our cleanup script is trying to delete the resource group but there are some locks on the child resource 00:12:24 <jborean93> so we need to handle that exception, remove the locks on whatever has it and then delete the group again 00:12:58 <zikalino82> i think also, dtl may create some resource groups on its own 00:13:55 <jborean93> is that NetworkWatcherRG? 00:14:55 <jborean93> that looks like it's for something else 00:19:49 <zikalino82> well, i will do some more checks on that, i just saw some random resources 00:20:46 <Kylie_> Hi all, sorry for late. Just confirmed our blog for Ansible solution template in Azure Marketplace was live - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/ansible-solution-now-available-in-the-azure-marketplace/. 00:22:18 <jborean93> cool, will have a look at it later today 00:24:31 <jborean93> I do need to talk about https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/ansible 00:25:12 <Kylie_> I think this is used by Ansible extension. 00:25:42 <jborean93> here is the Dockerfile that creates it https://github.com/VSChina/vscode-ansible/blob/master/docker/Dockerfile_latest 00:26:02 <jborean93> the docker container `ansible/ansible:ubuntu1604` is deprecated and should not be used to generate this image 00:26:31 <zikalino82> yes 00:27:04 <zikalino82> i think we could switch to centos as well 00:27:38 <jborean93> Is there a reason why you chose that container 00:27:41 <jborean93> as the source 00:28:08 <zikalino82> i don't think there's any specific reason 00:28:23 <Kylie_> Ansible cannot be installed on Windows (except Ubuntu sub on Windows). 00:29:07 <Kylie_> This is to provide a way to run Ansible in container environment whatever your lcoal machine is Windows or not. 00:29:11 <zikalino82> yes, maybe that's why we stick to the same version... 00:29:12 <jborean93> yep, the trouble is that the source container is not maintained by us and isn't designed to be used in this case 00:29:39 <jborean93> you should be maintaining your own from the base container image from Centos, Ubuntu, etc 00:29:59 <jborean93> you can use our test containers as a reference to see how we do it but I would use them as the FROM part https://github.com/ansible/distro-test-containers/blob/master/ubuntu1804-test-container/Dockerfile 00:30:02 <zikalino82> yes, that can be done easily 00:30:40 <Kylie_> Double confirm, you mean you guys don't own images on ansible/ansible in dockerhub. Right? 00:30:56 <jborean93> we did but they are older images that aren't maintained 00:31:14 <jborean93> we now use quay.io to host our test images but they still shouldn't be used for this scenario as a base 00:32:05 <jborean93> you can use that link I gave you as a guideline to create your own/chop and change whatever you need to include the Azure deps 00:32:21 <Kylie_> I see. Thank you. 00:32:57 <Kylie_> For each Ansible release, will the Ansible team test its installation on major LInux distro (e.g. RHEL latest versions, CentOS, Ubuntu)? 00:33:26 <zikalino82> it's tested by ci 00:33:31 <jborean93> yep 00:33:54 <jborean93> this has our matrix of tests https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/shippable.yml 00:34:19 <jborean93> Cloud stuff isn't tested on each distro but it shouldn't really matter there 00:34:29 <Kylie_> Do you also verify ansible[azure] on them? 00:34:52 <jborean93> no, cloud tests are done on a single distro but on both Python 2 and 3 00:35:00 <jborean93> those modules shouldn't be affected by distro changes 00:35:15 <Kylie_> There is a thread to discuss python depdencies on RHEL8 ( I have not read all details yet). 00:35:30 <Kylie_> What is that single distro? 00:35:53 * jborean93 checks 00:36:28 <mattclay> Ubuntu 16.04 is the base for our image used to test cloud modules. 00:36:37 <jborean93> thanks 00:37:04 <mattclay> But the distro doesn't really matter, since everything is installed via pip. 00:37:28 <mattclay> The cloud tests aren't intended to test distro specific behavior. 00:37:44 <mattclay> We're mostly interested in testing Python 2.x (currently 2.7) and 3.x (currently 3.6). 00:39:09 <mattclay> We're using Ubuntu 16.04 as the base for our cloud testing container because it's trivial to install Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 in the container. 00:39:39 <Kylie_> Do you have any plan to validate them on RHEL family? 00:40:36 <jborean93> I would have thought that's not really something that's up to us 00:40:48 <jborean93> it's up to the packagers of the Azure Python SDK 00:41:06 <jborean93> Ansible is just a consumer of that 00:41:39 <Kylie_> I see. Thank you for information. 00:41:49 <Kylie_> I don't have other topics. Thanks. 00:42:58 <yuwei> btw, as py 2.7 will retire in th the end of this year. Is there any influence? 00:43:33 <mattclay> We'll continue testing on Python 2.7 until the distributions which ship with it are no longer supported. 00:43:57 <jborean93> and RHEL 7 will be around for a while 00:44:20 <mattclay> Although support from the Python Foundation is ending in 2020 for Python 2.7, there are distros which ship with Python 2.7 which will be supported past that -- thus Python 2.7 on those distros will still be supported. 00:44:34 <mattclay> The same goes for Python 2.6. 00:45:09 <yuwei> I see 00:46:45 <mattclay> We do make some exceptions for modules which are only capable of running on the controller (many of our network modules). All the rest of the modules are expected to support every python version that their dependencies support. 00:48:55 <yuwei> thanks! I don't have other topics 00:49:11 <jborean93> ok, will close the meeting if there's nothing else 00:49:50 <yuwei> oh one thing 00:50:22 <yuwei> next week we will in Chinese new year holiday, will not attend this meeting 00:50:45 <jborean93> no worries, hope you have a good time 00:50:54 <yuwei> Thanks 00:53:55 <jborean93> have a good one everyone 00:53:58 <jborean93> #endmeeting