00:03:22 <jborean93> #startmeeting Ansible Azure Working Group 00:03:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 23 00:03:22 2019 UTC. 00:03:22 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 00:03:22 <zodbot> The chair is jborean93. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:03:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:03:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_azure_working_group' 00:03:24 <yungezz_> Hi Jordan 00:03:34 <jborean93> Matt had to step out so it'll just be me today 00:03:48 <yungezz_> Ok, I have 2 topics today 00:03:58 <yungezz_> First is PRs 00:04:20 <jborean93> fire away 00:04:24 <zikalino826544> i have just this one: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/55074 00:04:40 <zikalino826544> but i think i should just ask matt to merge, as he reviewed it previously 00:04:53 <yungezz_> Ok 00:04:58 <MyronQiuFan> I have this one for review https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/55905 00:05:18 <yungezz_> I have one more:https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/55905 00:05:24 <jborean93> zikalino826544: yea I would just get Matt to update his review 00:05:30 <yungezz_> Same one :) 00:05:38 <MyronQiuFan> Thanks for the review another PR about the policy definition. 00:06:36 <MyronQiuFan> It has been reviewed. Just thanks :) 00:06:57 <jborean93> no worries, yea Matt was working on that before 00:07:19 <yungezz_> second topic about code generation. I think zim already talked this with you during red hat summit 00:07:28 <zikalino826544> yes 00:07:43 <zikalino826544> that pr i mentioned is first autogenerated 00:07:55 <jborean93> 55074? 00:08:06 <zikalino826544> yes 00:08:16 <yungezz_> The generator tool is ready for generating modules, so we will have more prs generated 00:08:39 <yungezz_> We will need to think over on the reviewing model 00:09:21 <jborean93> it's probably a good idea to not open the floodgates straight away 00:09:31 <yungezz_> And any other thing, like is it necessary to have different naming convention for module generated 00:09:43 <zikalino826544> so i think we should stick to current model right now 00:09:45 <jborean93> work on a few modules and make sure that they have been generated correctly and look good before just doing it all in bulk 00:09:54 <zikalino826544> also we should consider collections 00:10:32 <yungezz_> sure , that’s something we’re doing now 00:11:22 <yungezz_> Another thing is about maintenance 00:11:33 <yungezz_> Update of those modules 00:12:03 <yungezz_> We will need let contributors work on tool instead of modules 00:13:11 <jborean93> yep, but that generator should not be part of Ansible itself but located in a repo of your own. Whether that is in the same place as your collections or somewhere else is up to you 00:13:22 <yungezz_> Yes 00:13:47 <zikalino826544> so i think we should just have something in the header describing where the module came from. 00:13:54 <yungezz_> Yes 00:14:35 <zikalino826544> i don't expect that many prs to these modules anyway, as the idea is that they are complete 00:14:54 <jborean93> would be a good idea to have that header 00:15:48 <zikalino826544> we should point people to the source, for instance azure rest api specs 00:16:36 <zikalino826544> well, we will think of something 00:16:50 <yungezz_> zikalino826544: could you pls work with Junyi to get header added? 00:16:57 <zikalino826544> and then i will make sure all the prs have proper header 00:17:15 <yungezz_> Thanks! 00:17:33 <yungezz_> That’s all from me 00:17:42 <zikalino826544> i have nothing else either 00:17:55 <jborean93> cool, I'm good as well 00:18:10 <MyronQiuFan> me too 00:18:14 <yungezz_> Thanks all! 00:18:16 <jborean93> I'll bring it to a close then, have a good one all 00:18:20 <jborean93> #endmeeting