20:18:48 <gregdek> #startmeeting Ansible CWG Sprint 20:18:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 6 20:18:48 2017 UTC. The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:18:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:18:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_cwg_sprint' 20:18:50 <shaps> o/ 20:18:52 <rbergeron> woot 20:18:54 <gregdek> Hey y'all! 20:18:55 <gregdek> So! 20:19:02 <gregdek> We're using the etherpad here: 20:19:08 <gregdek> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-cwg 20:19:08 <rbergeron> #link https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-cwg 20:19:12 <gregdek> :) 20:19:27 <rbergeron> #topic Goals for this session 20:19:38 <gregdek> #chair rbergeron 20:19:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: gregdek rbergeron 20:19:44 <gregdek> #chair willthames 20:19:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: gregdek rbergeron willthames 20:19:45 <rbergeron> #chair willthames 20:19:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: gregdek rbergeron willthames 20:19:45 <gregdek> ll 20:19:49 <gregdek> heh 20:19:52 <rbergeron> damnit. you're faster than me today 20:19:55 <rbergeron> #topic Goals for this session 20:19:56 <gregdek> :) 20:19:57 <jtanner> bluejeans or just irc? 20:20:09 <gregdek> Let's bluejeans! 20:20:55 <rbergeron> how about a link yo :) 20:21:47 <jlk> o/ 20:23:06 <gregdek> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/community/index.html 20:25:37 <willthames> should I raise an issue for the ugly index page? 20:29:36 <jlk> jtanner: are you around? 20:29:42 <jtanner> yes 20:30:46 <jlk> gregdek: was looking for you on hte bluejeans 20:41:15 <willthames> ready_for_review is still in bot instructions: https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/blob/master/ISSUE_HELP.md 20:44:34 <Pilou> willthames: it shouldn't ? 20:44:43 <shaps> new_plugin isn't 20:45:14 <willthames> Pilou, we're discussing whether ready_for_review is at all useful based on http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/community/development_process.html 20:47:49 <Pilou> for me it's not useful: submitter has to use ready_for_review in order to get rid of needs_revision, ready_for_review could be removed by the bot 20:48:23 <Pilou> often submitter forget to use ready_for_review 20:59:04 <willthames> yep, that's pretty much it Pilou, it's not documented elsewhere so should be removed from ansibullbot docs (jtanner I can raise a PR if that sounds reasonable to you) 20:59:36 <jtanner> i opened a bot bug ... so add comments there if anyone has thoughts 21:01:36 <willthames> is there a link jtanner? 21:04:34 <jtanner> willthames: https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/issues/739 21:11:25 <jtanner> https://tannerjc.net/wiki/index.php?title=Ansible_Community_Projects 21:16:52 <shaps> seen this? https://github.com/nylas/ansible-test 21:17:21 <gregdek> No code in a year -- still active? 21:17:29 <gregdek> It also refers to "boot2docker" 21:18:34 <shaps> yeah, not really of any use. Runs roles in a container 21:19:04 <jlk> sounds vaguely like molecule 21:19:05 <shaps> jtanner, +1 to the wiki page. It took some time to load but was worth the wait :D 21:19:21 <jtanner> blame dreamhost for the page load 21:19:50 <shaps> jlk, maybe. I just keep ignoring what molecule is :) 21:19:59 <shaps> I see it asked in #ansible and my brain shuts down 21:20:02 <shaps> jtanner, Will do :D 21:20:12 <jtanner> it is pretty bad today 21:20:21 <shaps> ( it's still loading ) 21:21:05 <jtanner> never been this slow for me 21:22:07 <jtanner> yay, ISE 21:22:21 <jtanner> this is why we can't have nice things 21:23:27 <shaps> couldn't your wiki be moved in ansible/community? 21:23:56 <shaps> so we can blame github instead of dreamhost 21:25:59 <jlk> the only thing worst than a wiki is a github wiki :D 21:26:18 <jtanner> now it's back 21:26:49 <jtanner> shaps: i use my wiki for things that don't fit the documentation narrative 21:28:18 <shaps> makes sense 21:46:08 <Pilou> willthames: ISSUE_HELP.md is the up to date bot documentation, there isn't elsewhere. I agree to remove ready_for_review because it's not useful, not because it's not documented ;) 21:46:53 <willthames> ok, I think that's what I meant to say but didn't express myself well :) 22:03:44 <stickster> For anyone here interested in News WG -- we're moving to the already existing #ansible-news 22:04:46 <gregdek> NO JUST KIDDING LOL 22:04:58 <gregdek> since zodbot is here and not in #news channel :) 22:05:12 <stickster> yep 22:05:16 <stickster> *sigh 22:05:17 <gregdek> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-news 22:05:23 <gregdek> Here it is, the etherpads 22:05:39 <stickster> Are we only talking here as opposed to in meatspace? 22:06:07 <gregdek> So does anyone want a bluejeans like? 22:06:19 <gregdek> Because if not, I can def type fast enough for a totally irc meeting :) 22:06:35 * stickster awaits massive peanut gallery 22:06:46 <gregdek> zer ist no vun 22:06:55 <stickster> just us chickens 22:06:58 <gregdek> ok! 22:07:00 <stickster> Let's go 22:07:01 <zodbot> gregdek: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 22:07:04 <stickster> lol 22:07:06 <gregdek> oh derp 22:07:10 <gregdek> Am I chair? 22:07:12 <gregdek> #chair 22:07:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: gregdek rbergeron willthames 22:07:21 <gregdek> #endmeeting