12:00:39 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Community PR Review 12:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 21 12:00:39 2019 UTC. 12:00:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:00:39 <zodbot> The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_community_pr_review' 12:01:13 <gundalow> Hi everybody, who's around for the PR review day? 12:01:21 <kkao07> o/ 12:01:23 * bmalynovytch raise hand 12:01:27 <LukasKaemmerling> o/ 12:03:40 <gundalow> cabral404: Hi, you here for the PR review day? 12:04:07 <cabral404> @gundalow: yes! 12:05:49 <gundalow> Nice to see some new and familiar names joining us today. We try and keep this fairly informal. Please do shout out at any point with questions. Chances are if you have a question someone else does. Also feel free to message me directly `/query gundalow hi` if you'd like 12:08:18 <gundalow> We have a few aims of these PR review days 12:08:18 <gundalow> 1) Give people like yourself a place to learn how to contribute. Reviewing PRs is something that most people can help with, even if you don't know Python 12:08:18 <gundalow> 2) We will be looking at PRs not covered by Working Groups (https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki) these are PRs that often fall between the cracks and get forgotten about 12:08:18 <gundalow> 3) I hope that this will be fun and enjoyable, thank you all for taking the time to contribute 12:08:41 <gundalow> #chair kkao07 bmalynovytch[m] LukasKaemmerling cabral404 12:08:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 gundalow kkao07 12:08:54 <gundalow> #topic Bug PR review 12:09:16 <gundalow> #info First query https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+-label%3Abackport++-label%3Asupport%3Acore+-label%3Asupport%3Acurated+-label%3Anetworking+-label%3Anew_module+-label%3Aaws+-label%3Aazure+-label%3Adocker+-label%3Alinode+-label%3Avmware++-label%3Awindows++label%3Abug+-label%3Aaws+-label%3Aazure+-label%3Adocker+-label%3Alinode+-label%3Anetworking+-label%3Avmware+-label%3Awindows 12:09:57 <gundalow> oh, woops, wrong URL 12:10:18 <gundalow> oh, no that's right, just different order 12:10:40 <gundalow> ^ All PRs that have `label:bug` and are not `support:core`, or covered by an active Working Group 12:11:06 <bmalynovytch[m]> I see MySQL PRs 12:11:40 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: yes, I know the MySQL WG have been struggling a bit to get review, so I thought it maybe useful to include them in today's list 12:11:54 <gundalow> Maybe we can find some people that would like to join the MySQL WG :) 12:11:55 <bmalynovytch[m]> oh great ! 12:12:09 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: Good eyes, thanks for pointing it out 12:12:12 <bmalynovytch[m]> I feel a bit alone right now ^^ 12:12:12 <gundalow> ok #1 12:12:21 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52699 os_coe_cluster module overrides param labels with wrong behavior #52699 12:12:41 * akasurde waves 12:12:47 <gundalow> #chair akasurde 12:12:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling akasurde bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 gundalow kkao07 12:12:57 <gundalow> akasurde: Afternoon :) 12:13:05 <akasurde> gundalow GA 12:13:44 <gundalow> #52699 So we can see that this is from a `first-time contributor` to Ansible, which is great 12:14:38 <akasurde> yeah 12:14:58 <akasurde> gundalow There is failure in CI test 12:16:07 <akasurde> maybe we should move on to next in list 12:16:10 <gundalow> Yup, for OpenStack we have two sets of CI 1) Shippable 2) Openstack 12:16:11 <gundalow> yup 12:17:00 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52685 gcp_compute: use env variables on inventory script 12:17:59 <akasurde> I think this is in progress 12:18:12 <gundalow> yup, next 12:18:30 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52675 Fix redfish_facts GetPsuInventory command not returning correct output 12:18:56 <akasurde> No idea about Redfish 12:19:15 <bmalynovytch[m]> none either 12:20:07 <gundalow> baptistemm_: Hi, you here for the PR review day? 12:20:43 <gundalow> Looks like their are some maintainers for this 12:21:11 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52668 Use local dummy repo for flatpak_remote integration tests 12:21:47 <bmalynovytch[m]> O.O this one is fat 12:22:03 <gundalow> From the first file changed `test/integration/targets/flatpak_remote/aliases` we can see that the CI tests have gone from disabled (`unsupported`) to running 12:22:03 <akasurde> 80 Files 12:23:13 <akasurde> mattclay, might have more insights 12:23:18 <baptistemm_> I'm coming to look what happen here gundalow 12:23:20 <gundalow> I think the important bit is https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52668/files#diff-14297304a23a7643ea7607126bc63290 12:23:34 <gundalow> #chair baptistemm_ alongchamps 12:23:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 gundalow kkao07 12:23:50 <gundalow> Welcome, we are currently going through bug fix PRs 12:24:05 <alongchamps> hi gundalow, working on some breakfast myself :) 12:24:21 <akasurde> alongchamps, hi 12:24:43 <gundalow> 52668: I see they have some questions 12:24:53 <alongchamps> hi akasurde! 12:25:16 <gundalow> #action ask mattclay to review 52668 12:25:47 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: is it possible to see / know if those tests were run by shippable ? 12:25:59 <bmalynovytch[m]> this could help us review 12:26:16 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: sure, click `show all checks` (in the green box), then `details` 12:26:25 <akasurde> bmalynovytch[m], yes you can click on "show details" next to show all chekcs 12:26:42 <bmalynovytch[m]> got it, though I can't find them specifically 12:27:00 <gundalow> from `aliases` file `shippable/posix/group3` 12:27:41 <bmalynovytch[m]> I'm not familiar with the shippable notations 😞 12:28:17 <gundalow> `group3` = `${OS}/3` 12:28:27 <gundalow> oh, tests haven't run 12:28:40 <gundalow> https://app.shippable.com/github/ansible/ansible/runs/108979/77/console 12:28:40 <gundalow> `WARNING: Excluding tests marked "needs/privileged" which require --docker-privileged to run under docker: flatpak_remote` 12:29:11 <akasurde> bmalynovytch[m], no these are ansible specific groups (manages the order of tests) 12:29:16 <bmalynovytch[m]> :/ 12:29:47 <akasurde> #info https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/dev_guide/testing_integration.html 12:29:58 <bmalynovytch[m]> akasurde: thx 12:30:03 <akasurde> np 12:30:41 <bmalynovytch[m]> (I also noticed the doc to rework documentation, as it's hard for contributers to find the right docs) 12:31:42 <akasurde> bmalynovytch[m], generally most of things are documented. For deveveloper https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/dev_guide/ 12:32:05 <akasurde> gundalow, next ? 12:32:14 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: the docs, esp "how to test" need some work 12:32:33 <bmalynovytch[m]> that was my point the last few days :) 12:32:41 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52642 VMware: Refactor guest inventory plugin 12:32:51 <gundalow> akasurde: oh, missing vmware label. 12:32:52 <bmalynovytch[m]> as well as how to rebase stale PRs 12:33:28 <akasurde> it is under review, by bcoca and shertel but I'm happy if anyone wants to take a look 12:33:30 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: rebase https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/dev_guide/developing_rebasing.html Ansibulbot will like to this page if their is a merge conflict 12:33:34 <bmalynovytch[m]> that one's for you akasurde ? ;) 12:33:52 <akasurde> yes 12:33:56 <gundalow> #action lib/ansible/plugins/inventory/vmware needs adding to BOTMETA 12:34:22 <akasurde> gundalow I am on it 12:34:24 <akasurde> :) 12:35:02 <gundalow> akasurde: not sure if we can merge Botmeta changes yet 12:35:03 <akasurde> gundalow sorry to break order but since we are on BOTMETA - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52704 can you take a look 12:36:06 <gundalow> akasurde: nps, approved, though need to check with Tanner if we can merge that yet 12:36:20 <gundalow> stroobl: Hi, you here for the PR review day/ 12:36:20 <akasurde> gundalow sure 12:37:23 <stroobl> hi gundalow 12:37:36 <stroobl> well, I saw it passing by and joined :) 12:38:02 <gundalow> stroobl: Ace, welcome. We are looking at bugfix PRs today 12:38:04 <gundalow> #chair stroobl 12:38:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 gundalow kkao07 stroobl 12:38:17 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52594 redhat_subscription: Exempt register vars from shell expansion 12:38:37 <bmalynovytch[m]> comment suggest another PR which has already been merged 12:39:04 <cabral404> I think it was actually suggesting using a flag that was merged 12:39:17 <gundalow> hum, is that saying it's covered by 45620, or that options should be renamed, or use the funcationality in 45620 12:40:24 <bmalynovytch[m]> you're right, it's about the naming choice 12:40:45 <cabral404> cwilkers forced push, so I don't think we can see what he did in the first commit 12:40:54 <bmalynovytch[m]> in fact it seems to be relying on command module 12:41:10 <bmalynovytch[m]> so name MUST match the change made in command module 12:41:20 <akasurde> cabral404, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/26f7c28346963ced5aaa2394f432bc9d16fe9e26 12:42:29 <cabral404> oh sorry, TIL. =) 12:42:49 <akasurde> cabral404, don't be sorry :) 12:42:54 <gundalow> akasurde: felixfontein FYI Ansibulbot issue has been resolved, so I think I've merged all the outstanding BOTMETA changes 12:43:02 <gundalow> aye, this is all about learning 12:45:30 <gundalow> 52594 Thoughts, is it good to merge? 12:45:49 <cabral404> looks good to me 12:46:22 <bmalynovytch[m]> seem good to me too 12:47:18 <webknjaz> lgtm 12:47:28 <gundalow> webknjaz: afternoon 12:47:59 <gundalow> Just looking if expand_user_and_vars madeit into 2.7 12:48:19 <webknjaz> ☕ 12:48:30 <gundalow> expand_user_and_vars is in 2.8 only 12:49:06 <gundalow> #action merge 52594 12:49:24 <gundalow> #info We don't merge during today as this allows people to continue to review and add comments. 12:49:51 <gundalow> OK, slight tangent 12:50:03 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52553 Add Hetzner Cloud Inventory Plugin 12:50:08 <gundalow> from LukasKaemmerling 12:50:29 <gundalow> This is an Inventory Plugin 12:51:25 <LukasKaemmerling> yep, an inventory plugin for our Hetzner Cloud. We plan to contribute more things (modules) in the short future as well. 12:52:07 <LukasKaemmerling> FYI: a working group is also already requested 12:52:19 <gundalow> hum, I've not as familiar with inventory plugins, though I thought there is some built-in so you don't need to do `self.api_token = os.getenv("HCLOUD_TOKEN")` 12:52:23 * gundalow looks for an example 12:54:19 <gundalow> akasurde: webknjaz do you know if lookup plugin have a built in way to get ENV, rather than doing self.api_token = os.getenv("HCLOUD_TOKEN") 12:54:45 <webknjaz> no idea 12:54:54 <LukasKaemmerling> in as sample the linode inventory it is also `os.environ['LINODE_ACCESS_TOKEN']` 12:55:27 <akasurde_> gundalow need to check 12:55:44 <resmo> hi 12:55:53 <akasurde_> resmo, hi 12:56:07 <akasurde_> gundalow yes it does have ENV for taking variables 12:56:30 <gundalow> resmo: Hi, you joining PR review? 12:56:33 <felixfontein> gundalow: great, thanks! (sorry, mostly afk, have to do actual work ;) ) 12:56:39 <akasurde_> gundalow https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/cdb25d0e69c71b6088cd62adac64e28d59d23e58/lib/ansible/plugins/lookup/etcd.py#L41 12:56:45 <gundalow> felixfontein: you are forgiven :P 12:57:28 * bmalynovytch[m] AFK for 1h, leading an interview 12:58:10 <gundalow> LukasKaemmerling: apart from this minor thing I think it's good 12:58:23 <gundalow> 52553: Anyone got any views? 12:59:08 <LukasKaemmerling> yep with this it works too. i will push the change directly. 12:59:31 <gundalow> webknjaz: Good comments, thanks 12:59:58 <webknjaz> LukasKaemmerling: I've added "nesting reduction" comments. this way it's easier to follow the code structure 13:00:02 <gundalow> +1 13:00:12 <LukasKaemmerling> okay, thank you! i will change it directly too :) 13:01:18 <gundalow> LukasKaemmerling: cool, ping me once you are happy and I'll take another look and merge 13:01:28 <gundalow> (via IRC, I get too much GitHub email :P) 13:01:40 <gundalow> ironfroggy: Hello, you here for the PR review day? 13:01:43 <cabral404> Python 2.7 is going to reach EOL at the end of the year. Are you guys still maintaining until then? 13:02:08 <cabral404> Python 2.7 is going to reach EOL at the end of the year. Are you guys still maintaining support until then? 13:02:11 <LukasKaemmerling> gundalow: is pushed, let's wait on the ci but i guess there shouldn't be something wrong 13:02:57 <webknjaz> cabral404: probably even further. but we'll have think about dropping py2 support on controller side at some point 13:03:21 <cabral404> alright 13:03:31 <akasurde_> LukasKaemmerling, just out-of-curiosity are you not supporting cache for hcloud plugin 13:04:29 <LukasKaemmerling> yep for the moment this is correct. We first want to see how much traffic comes from this :) If it is needed, we plan to integrate the cache too. 13:04:45 <gundalow> cabral404: I think it's written down somewhere, though Ansible will be supporting Python 2.7 on the remote-node for sometime as there are RHEL OS that still support Py2.7, and RHEL has a long support tail 13:05:03 <gundalow> LukasKaemmerling: +1 to start simple, get feedback and build on it 13:05:11 <cabral404> got it. makes sense. 13:05:19 <akasurde_> OK 13:05:24 <akasurde_> LukasKaemmerling, ok 13:05:52 <gundalow> LukasKaemmerling: Any other feedback we can give you at this time? 13:06:41 <resmo> gundalow, not really no, probably later 13:06:43 <LukasKaemmerling> nope, thanks! I think when the ci is green everything should be okay and ready. 13:07:03 <webknjaz> LukasKaemmerling: here's how you can save on iterations and list recreation: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52553/files#diff-4f000a93ee8c5d06d5a245c8e169b6eeR133 13:07:40 <gundalow> #action See if plugins/inventory have some built-in for reading env, if so update https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/plugins/inventory.html 13:08:03 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52574 postgresql_privs change fail to warn if role(s) does not exist 13:08:08 * resmo is looking at 52553 13:09:44 <resmo> LukasKaemmerling, hi, I already looks once at that PR and one thing I noted is that htere is a part in the code in which you initialize a tmp var serveral times, so the previous valaues get lost 13:10:11 <resmo> e.g https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52553/files#diff-4f000a93ee8c5d06d5a245c8e169b6eeR138 13:10:33 <LukasKaemmerling> resmo: nope they didn't get lost because i overwrite the base value everytime (self.servers = tmp) 13:11:15 <webknjaz> resmo: I've posted a refactor suggestion a few lines upper 13:12:20 <resmo> LukasKaemmerling, this looks very "golang-ish" len(self.get_option("images")) > 0: :) 13:14:14 <resmo> any reason why not just "if self.get_option("images"):" ? 13:14:31 <resmo> not a blocker but anyway 13:15:10 <webknjaz> I think it's not needed at all and my patch optimizes it to be just one iteration pass... 13:15:10 <themroc> catching up ... 13:16:23 <LukasKaemmerling> webknjaz: tested your suggestion but it doesn't work, (tested with location: - fsn1) I will try to apply your optimization. 13:16:42 <LukasKaemmerling> resmo: i think this is because im coming from go :) i will change it! 13:16:42 <webknjaz> hm.. 13:16:53 <webknjaz> welcome to coding in browser comment box :) 13:17:21 <felixfontein> almost as much fun as coding on paper 13:18:21 <webknjaz> LukasKaemmerling: after applying my suggestion you also need to remove previous lines. Unfortunately github only allows attaching those to one line :( 13:19:32 <webknjaz> oh, my logic is off. 13:19:58 <webknjaz> you want to find servers matching all of the checks, right? 13:20:05 <LukasKaemmerling> yep :) 13:20:35 <webknjaz> I've changed the snippet in comment 13:20:43 <webknjaz> should be better now 13:24:27 <resmo> LukasKaemmerling, out of curiosity I noticed you have ansible modules in go for hcloud, any plans to translate them to python? 13:24:35 <LukasKaemmerling> yep :) 13:24:41 <LukasKaemmerling> this will be the next steps 13:24:59 <LukasKaemmerling> (we plan to contribute them directly to ansible) 13:25:07 <resmo> (I actually contacted the support to get an account for development of these modules, few weeks later I saw you created them in go...) 13:25:35 <resmo> LukasKaemmerling, perfect! 13:26:07 <akasurde_> gundalow want to move to next ? 13:26:07 <gundalow> LukasKaemmerling: looks like resmo just volunteered to join your new Hetzner WG :) 13:26:42 <resmo> LukasKaemmerling, a.o. I authored the cloudstack and vulr integration in ansible, working on cloudscale currently, upcloud is on my list as well 13:26:53 <resmo> s/vulr/vultr 13:26:55 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52564 pids: case insensitive string comparison for process names 13:26:59 <gundalow> One line change 13:27:07 <akasurde_> LGTM 13:27:31 <LukasKaemmerling> resmo: i will write you (properly tomorrow). Sorry guys i must leave the meeting now :) 13:27:47 <gundalow> LukasKaemmerling: Thanks for joining :) 13:27:52 <akasurde_> LukasKaemmerling, include me as well :) 13:28:00 <LukasKaemmerling> okay :) 13:28:58 * resmo bbl 13:29:02 <ironfroggy> gundalow: i didn't know anything about it. should i be? 13:29:33 <gundalow> ironfroggy: Only if you'd like to be https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/407 for background 13:30:00 <gundalow> #action merge 52564 (no backport, new in 2.8) 13:30:03 <gundalow> akasurde_: Thanks 13:31:01 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52452 osx_defaults: refactor 13:31:06 <gundalow> Any OSX users here? 13:31:11 <ironfroggy> i will sit in and see what its all about 13:31:12 <akasurde_> yeah !!! 13:31:15 <alongchamps> yep 13:32:41 <gundalow> hvtuananh: Hi, you here for the PR review day? 13:32:52 <hvtuananh> hi yes 13:32:53 <gundalow> ironfroggy: ace, Please shout out any anypoing :) 13:32:59 <gundalow> #chair hvtuananh 13:32:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 gundalow hvtuananh kkao07 stroobl 13:33:14 <gundalow> hvtuananh: Excellent, welcome. We are currently looking at bugfix PRs 13:33:25 <hvtuananh> I have a bugfix PR open for more than a year and would love some feedback 13:33:26 <gundalow> hvtuananh: currently https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52452 13:33:27 <themroc> #chair themroc 13:33:33 <gundalow> #chair themroc 13:33:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 gundalow hvtuananh kkao07 stroobl themroc 13:33:46 <gundalow> hvtuananh: sure, got a link, will do that one next 13:33:59 <akasurde> #chair ironfroggy 13:33:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 gundalow hvtuananh ironfroggy kkao07 stroobl themroc 13:34:27 <hvtuananh> sure mine is https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36811 13:35:46 <gundalow> 52452 akasurde Looks like Dag's comments have been addressed 13:36:14 <akasurde> Yes 13:37:12 <gundalow> LGTM 13:37:23 * gundalow spots a dag 13:37:26 <dag> 52452 merged :-) 13:37:34 <gundalow> dag: Thanks! 13:37:40 <dag> akasurde: thanks for going the extra mile ! 13:38:01 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52234 Fix reviews issues for scaleway_lb 13:38:04 <dag> akasurde: would be hard to get people testing this at this point in time, we don't have an active WG yet 13:38:09 <akasurde> Thanks dag, I appreciate your reviews and comments 13:38:46 <gundalow> 52234 is updating a module which is new in 2.8, so it's OK that the modules options have been renamed 13:39:11 <dag> akasurde: If you like to join the macOS WG, you're welcome *hint* ;-) 13:39:34 <akasurde> dag, definitely I am in 13:39:38 <dag> Scaleway ? Is the vendor not involved ? 13:40:25 <akasurde> #chair dag 13:40:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 dag gundalow hvtuananh ironfroggy kkao07 stroobl themroc 13:40:57 <gundalow> dag: hum, not sure. I've seen the name mentioned a few times 13:41:00 <dag> gundalow: Not sure if I can do a lot today, but ping me if something has my name on it :) 13:41:05 <themroc> dag, commit is from initial author of the module 13:41:15 <dag> ok, in that case it's fine 13:42:11 <gundalow> I've pinged Pilou, though I know they've been busy with $day_job recently 13:42:38 <akasurde> brb 13:43:06 <gundalow> #action merge 52234 (no backport) 13:43:28 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52166 Fix idempotence in rabbitmq_plugin 13:43:29 <themroc> the comment fro Pilou is here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51741 13:45:19 * dag noticed the vmware WG has 2 new members added 13:46:55 <gundalow> themroc: ah, thanks 13:46:59 <gundalow> dag: win 13:48:49 <gundalow> #action merge & backport 52166 13:50:06 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52721 identity: Issue warning if GSSAPI parameters can't be used 13:51:03 <Pilou> about #52234, ansible keywords should be used not module parameters, isn't it ? 13:52:00 <gundalow> hey Pilou :) 13:52:02 <gundalow> hum, not sure 13:52:28 <gundalow> dag: ^ from Pilou 13:54:21 <gundalow> #action 52721 merge (no backport) 13:55:28 <dag> gundalow: which one ? 13:55:28 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52117 archive: Fix empty files to dest 13:55:39 <gundalow> dag: about #52234, ansible keywords should be used not module parameters, isn't it ? 13:56:14 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: I'm back 13:56:39 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: \o/ 13:56:53 <bmalynovytch[m]> lol sorry for the delay 13:57:01 <dag> gundalow: I think he is modifying the interface, but that's plain wrong 13:57:19 <gundalow> 52117: I'd want to see tests 13:59:15 <dag> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52234#pullrequestreview-206316858 14:00:06 <gundalow> dag: thanks 14:00:16 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52117 archive: Fix empty files to dest 14:00:55 <gundalow> Not sure if that's a good fix or not 14:01:29 <bmalynovytch[m]> 52117: I agree with Dag's review 14:01:43 <bmalynovytch[m]> sorry, ment 52234 14:02:05 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: feel free to add that to the PR 14:02:59 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: 👍 thanks 14:05:55 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52004 terraform: patch state 'planned' outputs and perform minor refactor 14:06:07 <gundalow> dbpiv: rharolde Hi, you here for the PR review day? 14:07:27 <dbpiv> @gundalow Not intentionally. IRC was just auto connecting. But if it is now, I will probably stick around and see what is happening. 14:08:08 <gundalow> dbpiv: ah, OK https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/407 for context, feel free to idle. Please do shout out if you see something interesting :) 14:09:12 <bmalynovytch[m]> 52004: parameters were renamed, not directly concerning the issue it tries to cover. Are the renames necessary ? 14:09:33 <dbpiv> @gundalow I was aware of context.... Just not sure if I could contribute. Fly on the wall. But since I am here. I am going to patch to the latest to see if the only bug I care about has been merged in. 14:11:04 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36811 Fixed lvol ValueError with float size. 14:11:11 <gundalow> hvtuananh: appologies, I missed this earlier 14:14:14 <hvtuananh> no worry :) 14:15:40 <gundalow> hvtuananh: `locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')` I *thought* Ansible did that automatically before running any code 14:17:34 <gundalow> oh, nm 14:18:26 <felixfontein> /2/2 14:18:35 <felixfontein> meh 14:18:51 <gundalow> hvtuananh: given https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/32886#issuecomment-424009558 I think we are good 14:19:32 <gundalow> hvtuananh: could you please add a bugfix changelog/fragment https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/community/development_process.html#making-your-pr-merge-worthy 14:20:47 <hvtuananh> absolutely. I'm leaving for work now but will be online in the next hour to make the change. 14:21:21 <gundalow> #action review and possibly merge 36811 14:21:24 <gundalow> hvtuananh: Thanks! 14:23:15 <gundalow> #action merge 52004 14:23:37 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: regarding the MySQL PRs, I suggest that we first review my own PR (#45355) first, as I reworked in depth the mysql_user module which includes many bugfixes, and will require other PRs to be rebased on it 14:23:39 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51953 onepassword_facts bug fixes 14:23:59 <dag> gundalow: cyberpear requested OpenStack WG status, and I created the Wiki and Pinboard: https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/OpenStack 14:24:02 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: ah, yes I skipped over a few MySQL PRs that makes sense 14:24:07 <gundalow> dag++ 14:24:07 <zodbot> gundalow: Karma for dag changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:24:40 <dag> gundalow: we got 6 extra members even when we already had 8 :-) 14:24:59 <dag> gundalow: would be nice if we could attract a few good leads in this one 14:25:10 <dag> still one month before the freeze... 14:25:33 <gundalow> dag: yes. Can you remind me tomorrow? 14:25:40 <dag> sure 14:25:47 <dag> it's in the spreadsheet 14:26:06 <gundalow> 51953: So newer versions of onepass change the format, so I'm wondering if this PR will break for older versions of onepass 14:26:16 <gundalow> I'm assuming onepass is something that you have installed locally 14:29:16 <gundalow> 51953 I've left a comment 14:30:21 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/45355 mysql_user: fix compatibility issues with various MySQL/MariaDB versions 14:30:25 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: there's a problem with formating of your comment on 51953 14:30:26 <gundalow> from bmalynovytch[m] 14:30:34 <bmalynovytch[m]> o/ 14:30:55 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: ah, thanks, always forget you need a blank line after `> quote` 14:31:15 <gundalow> Anyone here use MySQL? 14:31:44 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: you OK to lead the discussion, I need to setup out for 10 minutes 14:32:09 <bmalynovytch[m]> fine for me 14:32:33 <bmalynovytch[m]> so, the main issue sticks there since 2.2 14:32:54 <bmalynovytch[m]> MariaDB 10.2+ and MySQL 5.7+ introduced new privilege formats 14:33:15 <bmalynovytch[m]> the module in its current form doesn't handle the properly 14:33:44 <bmalynovytch[m]> this rewrite aims to setup the main code structure to handle old and new versions smoothly 14:35:11 <bmalynovytch[m]> what the module in the PR doesn't do is handling all new authentication sources available as of now (its goal for now is to ensure compatibility with native user management) 14:35:23 <mrproper> Is there documentation about what we're attacking and how today? 14:36:05 <bmalynovytch[m]> and another contributor noticed an edge case where idempotence wasn't full (password identified as always changed, when it isn't) 14:36:34 <bmalynovytch[m]> this small regression should be fixed in another PR which is awaiting this one to be merge 14:36:35 <bmalynovytch[m]> merged 14:37:08 <bmalynovytch[m]> mrproper: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/45355#issuecomment-428200244 14:40:21 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: discussion seem to be a monolog lol 14:45:08 <gundalow> hehe 14:45:58 <gundalow> mrproper: Hi, we are looking at bugfix PRs that are not covered by the Core Team, or a Working Group (https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki), ie the stuff that would otherwise fall between the cracks 14:46:15 <gundalow> mrproper: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/407 for context 14:46:42 <bmalynovytch[m]> mrproper: sorry, I misread your question 🤦 14:46:54 <winem_> hey guys, sorry for being late :) 14:49:13 <gundalow> mrproper: please shout out if you have questions 14:49:19 <gundalow> #chair mrproper winem_ 14:49:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 dag gundalow hvtuananh ironfroggy kkao07 mrproper stroobl themroc winem_ 14:49:27 <gundalow> winem_: Welcome :) 14:50:04 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: I think https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/45355 is close, just need to work out if there are any outstanding `-1`'s left 14:50:49 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51938 rhsm_repository: Properly handle no repos 14:52:26 <gundalow> #action merge 51938 & backport once changelog has been added 14:52:27 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: thx ! 14:52:58 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51916 extra_args_precommand parameter added to zypper_repository module 14:54:29 <gundalow> dag: all your comments on https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51916 have been marked as resolved 14:55:46 <acozine> o/ 14:56:15 <acozine> good morning (or appropriate greeting for your TZ) 14:56:24 <gundalow> #chair acozine 14:56:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling acozine akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 dag gundalow hvtuananh ironfroggy kkao07 mrproper stroobl themroc winem_ 14:56:26 <gundalow> acozine: Morning :) 14:57:16 <akasurde> acozine, morning 14:57:20 <gundalow> #action merge 51916 14:57:33 <acozine> akasurde: evening! 14:59:23 <acozine> how are things going? do we have a tally for the day so far? 15:00:47 <gundalow> acozine: I think we've got about dozzen to merge, and on the 2nd page of PRs 15:01:07 <acozine> Progress! 15:01:29 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51721 flatpak_remote: Fixing out of index error 15:02:05 <bmalynovytch[m]> hmmm 15:02:25 <bmalynovytch[m]> There will probably be some regressions with this 15:02:47 <gundalow> oh? 15:03:42 <bmalynovytch[m]> I read: "Looks like the flatpak command output changed from using spaces to tabs" 15:04:11 <bmalynovytch[m]> I understand that switching barely from space to tab will break old versions 15:05:24 <gundalow> ah, yes 15:06:58 <bmalynovytch[m]> would be better to split either on space OR tab 15:07:38 <bmalynovytch[m]> I add a review + comment 15:07:41 <gundalow> Thaks 15:08:07 <bmalynovytch[m]> oh you already did 3 days ago 15:08:12 <bmalynovytch[m]> but didn't ask for changes 15:08:18 <bmalynovytch[m]> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51721#issuecomment-464827401 15:08:41 <gundalow> ah, yes, as I wasn't sure if it would break or not 15:08:56 <bmalynovytch[m]> I'm not either 15:09:12 <bmalynovytch[m]> but it sounds pretty sure ^^ 15:10:55 <navalkp> Hi @gundalow joining late, looks like Big PR review is over 15:11:23 <gundalow> navalkp: nop, still running 15:11:32 <gundalow> #chair navalkp 15:11:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling acozine akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 dag gundalow hvtuananh ironfroggy kkao07 mrproper navalkp stroobl themroc winem_ 15:11:49 <navalkp> Good 15:11:54 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51594 crypttab: Trim trailing newlines 15:11:56 <gundalow> navalkp: Welcome :) 15:12:45 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: #51721 asked to ensure compat 15:12:59 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: Thanks 15:14:08 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51594 crypttab: Trim trailing newlines 15:14:20 <gundalow> #51594 Looks sensible enough 15:14:39 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: reviewed and approved #51594 15:15:17 <gundalow> #action merge & backport (with changelog) 51594 15:15:42 <bmalynovytch[m]> in fact, the change could also be handled further 15:15:55 <bmalynovytch[m]> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/d7f334b92164775b51e386dd3fe62e1466e0184a/lib/ansible/modules/system/crypttab.py#L245 15:16:03 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51541 lxd_container fix to check for snap package install unix.socket 15:16:08 <bmalynovytch[m]> the line is then split before being reassembled 15:17:42 <bmalynovytch[m]> dunno 15:20:24 <gundalow> 51541 I've pinged the reporters of the original issue 15:21:13 <gundalow> #action see if 51541 has +1's and merge if needed 15:24:52 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51505 https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51505 15:24:56 <gundalow> expect: utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x80 enhancement #46556 15:24:58 <gundalow> Added some comments 15:25:04 <gundalow> hum, also feature, not bug 15:27:00 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51130 Update filetree.py to allow lists as input 15:29:01 <bmalynovytch[m]> gundalow: it seems to be a feature, not a bug 15:29:08 <gundalow> aye 15:30:02 <bmalynovytch[m]> the PR doesn't include a test example and code needs indepth review 15:30:50 <gundalow> Hum, lack of `@mention` from the Bot 15:31:11 <gundalow> #action gundalow review BOTMETA and add (lookup) plugin maintainers 15:31:39 <sivel> I'm not sure what 51130 is trying to solve, but I'm guessing it's not actually needed 15:32:08 <gundalow> sivel: aye, I wasn't sure 15:32:15 <gundalow> Also, Morning :) 15:32:33 <bmalynovytch[m]> I guess it's trying to get a list of files, based on multiple entries 15:33:34 <bmalynovytch[m]> > when_filtree: 15:33:45 <bmalynovytch[m]> shloudn't it be `with_filetree` ? 15:35:19 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: oh, yes 15:36:13 * gundalow updates to `with_` 15:36:43 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51064 fix(rabbitmq_plugin): fixed an issue, when module successfully reports installation of non existing plugins 15:38:29 <gundalow> hum, never used, though looks OK 15:41:21 <gundalow> #action merge 51064 15:45:22 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50763 Fix Grafana dashboard overwriting 15:45:24 <gundalow> Anyone use Grafana? 15:45:53 <bmalynovytch[m]> I do but not with Ansible 15:46:08 <bmalynovytch[m]> giving it a quick eye, then got to go 15:46:30 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: Ace, thank you for your time today :) 15:46:44 <bmalynovytch[m]> you're welcome :) 15:46:50 <acozine> what about https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24550? Looks like `rebuild_merge` failed for some reason? 15:47:02 <bmalynovytch[m]> can't help "quickly" on #50763 15:47:02 <acozine> or were there other blockers? 15:47:07 <orthanc> I'm slow, but on #51064, might be better to apply the "does this plugin exist" check regardless of whether enabling or disabling 15:47:42 <gundalow> #action 24550 check CI status and merge once stale_ci has been removed 15:48:30 <gundalow> orthanc: Not slow at all, these meetings often end up with various topics going on at once. 15:48:43 <bmalynovytch[m]> leaving for today, bye guys ! 15:48:44 <gundalow> orthanc: that's good feedback, would you be able to add that to the PR 15:48:48 <gundalow> bmalynovytch[m]: Thanks again 15:49:04 <bmalynovytch[m]> :) 15:49:04 <orthanc> gundalow will do 15:49:34 <acozine> I'll toss https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/33740 into the ring as well 15:51:49 <gundalow> #chair acozine 15:51:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling acozine akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 dag gundalow hvtuananh ironfroggy kkao07 mrproper navalkp stroobl themroc winem_ 15:51:53 <gundalow> How's still around? 15:52:00 <gundalow> Wondering if we should swap to Docs PRs? 15:52:14 <acozine> heh, I'd sneakily started in already ;) 15:52:20 * gundalow noted 15:53:36 <samccann> o/ 15:53:53 <winem_> o/ 15:54:26 <alongchamps> o/ 15:55:27 <bcoca> -1 to not keeping an alias to the old name 15:55:35 <bcoca> just add symlink 15:56:21 <acozine> bcoca: is adding an alias an easy fix we could do as a suggestion? 15:56:29 <bcoca> posted on pr 15:56:33 <acozine> thx 15:56:38 <bcoca> ln -s newname oldname 15:59:57 <gundalow> someone else OK to drive for ~20 minutes or so 16:00:13 <gundalow> Just been doing URL #1234 ${title} 16:01:51 <gundalow> oh https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pulls?page=2&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+-label%3Abackport++-label%3Asupport%3Acore+-label%3Asupport%3Acurated+-label%3Anetworking+-label%3Anew_module+-label%3Aaws+-label%3Aazure+-label%3Adocker+-label%3Alinode+-label%3Avmware++-label%3Awindows++label%3Abug+-label%3Aaws+-label%3Aazure+-label%3Adocker+-label%3Alinode+-label%3Anetworking+-label%3Avmware+-label%3Awindows&utf8=%E2%9C%93 just done 50763 16:02:29 <themroc> got to go, bye 16:02:30 <gundalow> themroc: Thanks for joining 16:02:54 <themroc> i was nort really helpfull, but i learned a bit 16:08:29 <hvtuananh> gundalow: I'm back, and added changelog fragment to my PR: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36811 16:08:51 <samccann> hvtuananh: thanks! 16:09:10 <samccann> anyone know which PR we were up to on the list gundalow put out ^^ I came in late 16:10:33 <samccann> ok gonna make a stab at it - let's look at https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50586 16:11:12 <bcoca> has comment taht should be addressed, cfgparser from six 16:12:17 <samccann> ok thanks... let's try https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50415 16:12:48 <bcoca> only ipa i care about has to do with beer ... 16:13:08 <samccann> heh 16:15:20 <samccann> would it be as simple as creating a couple of VMs with different ubuntu versions to test this out? or not worth the effort? not sure of the relative priority here 16:15:50 <orthanc> Regarding #50763, Not a graphana user but I can follow what the code is doing and it's clearly fixing the stated bug, have put a comment on the PR 16:17:40 <samccann> Thanks orthanc ! 16:18:20 <mrproper> orthanc: I have Grafana at home so if you need something tested and there's a playbook and whatnot, I can test at home tonight possibly. 16:19:00 <dag> IPA and Grafana are on the list to become WGs 16:19:12 <dag> if there are any takers ;-) 16:19:21 <winem_> same here. grafana is available if any tests are required :) 16:19:36 * dag sees 2 potential members ! 16:19:43 * mrproper lowers his hands 16:19:54 <mrproper> I barely use it so I'm hardly a good person to be on a WG. 16:20:18 <bcoca> i normally setup graphana for other people to use (and stop asking me for reports) 16:20:29 <samccann> thanks mrproper and winem_ If I look at #50763 it looks like the PR description includes a way to test it, so would appriciate it if you both can look and then comment in the PR after you try a test. 16:20:33 <dag> mrproper: you have 20+ modules on your name, you are _the_ person to review contributions :-D 16:21:10 <mrproper> git rm -rf meraki/ && git commit -m "Zero modules to my name" && git push 16:22:06 <orthanc> Personally I'd be comfortable trusting the submitter has checked it fixes their bug, it doesn't look like it would be a high risk of breaking other usages from what I can tell unless the graphana API does something really weird and unusual 16:22:44 <orthanc> Is the expectation that PRs like that are tested independantly or just reviewed? 16:23:19 <bcoca> tested and have tests 16:23:36 <bcoca> if you do pure code review, you should reflect that in your approval 16:23:47 <bcoca> i.e 'code lgtm but have not tested' 16:25:10 <orthanc> thanks boca have clarified the comment on PR to reflect that 16:25:32 <winem_> samccann: will test it and add a comment once I'm done 16:25:41 <samccann> cool thanks to you both! 16:26:11 <samccann> let's try a look at https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50285 16:27:46 <moshloop_> hi 16:27:53 <samccann> anyone with openstack experience? ^^ 16:28:04 <samccann> moshloop_ welcome! 16:30:52 <moshloop_> I have a few PR's that are waiting for merge, and couple more modules that I can create PR's for 16:31:52 <samccann> bcoca: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50379 - been over a month since your comment. Is it worth another nudge to the PR owner to see if they plan on coming back to that pr to address your comment? (not sure what's considered good practice here) 16:32:32 <bcoca> comment is style mostly, not showstopper 16:33:07 <bcoca> actually 2nd comment is 16:33:47 <bcoca> idk what we do for community now when author is unresponsive 16:33:49 <samccann> moshloop_ looks like your PRs are vmware related? Folks - is there a vmware WG or did I just dream that up 16:34:29 <samccann> bcoca: for now I'll put a comment/nudge to see if it gets attention. gundalow can let us know what else might be worth trying when he gets back 16:36:21 <samccann> moshloop_: Okay I didn't dream it up - there is a vmware working group with regular meetings - https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/VMware 16:36:25 <alongchamps> there is a vmware WG and channel 16:36:39 <samccann> thanks alongchamps ! 16:36:42 <alongchamps> :) 16:37:25 <gundalow> back 16:37:39 <samccann> moshloop_ looks like you can add your prs to the vmware WG agenda here - https://github.com/ansible/community/labels/vmware that might shake loose some reviews/merges etc 16:38:00 <alongchamps> next VMware WG meeting on Monday 16:38:10 * samccann hands steering wheel back to gundalow before she drives off a cliff 16:40:10 <gundalow> :D 16:40:47 <moshloop_> Ok - there are also a couple I have in the backlog that I am not sure if they are worth creating PR's for: 1) a module to generate a cloud-init ISO image 2) a module to generate and install a systemd service 3) a debug filter to print objects to stdout from inside jinja tempates 16:42:04 <gundalow> #action merge 49981 16:42:22 * alongchamps taking a break for lunch 16:42:23 <gundalow> samccann: was there anything that's good to merge, or I need to action? 16:42:55 <samccann> gundalow: no... we did get some comments added to PRs and someone or two folks going to test the graphana PR 16:43:01 <gundalow> Ace, thanks 16:43:16 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/49943 Fix netbox url with string concat 16:44:42 <gundalow> #action review, merge, add comment about backport on 49776 16:45:55 <gundalow> OK, ,ooks likes we've caught up with last big PR review 19th Dec 2018 16:46:08 <gundalow> acozine: samccann Shall we do docs next? 16:46:28 <acozine> sure, we've tossed a few in already 16:46:59 <gundalow> #info we've covered 52721 - 49665, which takes us to last PR review (19th Dec 2018) 16:47:05 <gundalow> #topic Docs PR review 16:47:39 <winem_> successfully tested a few test cases reg #50763 16:47:55 <samccann> thanks winem_ !! 16:47:56 <acozine> I'm going to grab the branch for 33740 and see if I can quickly address the comments on it, rebase it, and present it again for merge 16:48:42 <gundalow> \o/ 16:48:48 <gundalow> #info Docs PRs https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3Adocs+-label%3Awip+sort%3Acreated-asc+ 16:49:00 <moshloop_> I also have 2 non-vmware PR's https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52731 and and https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/45397 16:49:42 <gundalow> moshloop_: Can you please add the issue template? 16:50:11 <samccann> it looks like the rebuild_merge isn't working on this pr ? - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24550 ... any other tricks to try? 16:50:26 <gundalow> #action merge 24550 16:50:30 <gundalow> samccann: I'll look tomorrow 16:50:39 <gundalow> feel free to just `#action merge #1234` 16:50:59 <gundalow> OK, so onto the docs PRs 16:51:21 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/13620 update_json for module intermediate comm 16:51:24 <gundalow> from bcoca 16:52:16 <winem_> time to get home, will be back in 1-2 hours if you're not already done by then :) 16:52:44 <samccann> thanks winem_ !! 16:52:49 <gundalow> winem_: Will see, thanks for your time! 16:53:03 <bcoca> gundalow: skip that one 16:53:22 <gundalow> OK 16:53:27 <acozine> bcoca: is that one WIP? 16:53:41 <gundalow> new lookup plugin: LMDB #24550 16:53:42 <bcoca> not really, more like Worked delayed due to external deps 16:53:50 <acozine> heh 16:53:51 <gundalow> #action merge 24550 16:54:12 <moshloop_> gundalow: Like so https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/45397#issuecomment-466076612 ? 16:54:29 <gundalow> moshloop_: yup, thanks 16:55:32 <dag> The oVirt WG has been started: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/448, everybody join now ! :) 16:55:43 <bcoca> gundalow: actually, that should not be merged 16:55:53 <bcoca> just on use of str() alone 16:56:15 <gundalow> bcoca: oh, please add a negative review 16:56:17 <bcoca> ^ has not been correctly reviewed 16:56:29 * bcoca adds to list 16:56:42 <bcoca> he, was alrady on my list ... 16:57:12 <gundalow> #undo 16:57:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by gundalow at 16:53:51 : merge 24550 16:57:14 <bcoca> gundalow: why merging, i dont see shipits? 16:57:42 <bcoca> does not look like that PR got any full reviews/oks , just a couple of partial ones and no confirmation 16:57:56 <gundalow> oh, must be miss remembering 16:58:23 <ezmac> what caused that to get the docs label? 16:59:26 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/39114 Adding haversine filter - mathstuff.py 16:59:32 <bcoca> -1 16:59:47 <bcoca> feedback kept being ignored 17:03:42 <gundalow> bcoca: where, I see https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/39114#issuecomment-383948197 though ends with `but dict also works`, which I assume means that's what they've done 17:04:40 <bcoca> he still didnt fix the interface as i asked 17:04:55 <acozine> bcoca: is https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/33740 now symlinking correctly? 17:05:30 <bcoca> lgtm 17:05:53 <acozine> thanks! 17:06:04 * acozine looks back to see if there were other blockers to 33740 17:06:44 <bcoca> acozine: interface needs to be compatible, forgot to mention that, pilou would know that so i didnt add explicitly 17:07:27 <dag> gundalow: there was no "botmeta" label ? I added it now and am adding it to old and existing PRs 17:08:31 <acozine> bcoca: are you saying the interface isn't currently compatible? or that we should check whether it is or not? 17:08:46 <bcoca> latter 17:09:01 <gundalow> dag: OK 17:09:17 <dag> it's too important to miss that a PR changes BOTMETA.yml IMO 17:09:47 <bcoca> acozine: i dont see any review/shipit either, so even then i would not merge until someone did 17:10:40 <gundalow> bcoca: can you please add a `request changes` on 39114, thanks 17:11:15 <bcoca> willdo 17:11:18 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/39174 Passing environmental variable to task definition 17:12:20 <gundalow> hum, why didn't that get aws label 17:12:40 <gundalow> oh, we are on docs PRs now, duh 17:13:17 <acozine> have we looked at https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/37080/files? 17:13:22 <acozine> it's not purely docs 17:13:39 <acozine> and my own question is - does anybody want this? does it solve a problem? 17:13:50 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/37080 Environment file feature 17:13:51 <bcoca> -1 17:14:07 <bcoca> i would prefere adding it to config 17:14:14 * bcoca thinks its already there 17:14:53 <bcoca> not the specific feature, but being able to have list of env vars in file 17:15:23 <acozine> bcoca: awesome - is there a line I can point to when closing the PR? 17:15:38 <acozine> or a merged PR that added that ability? 17:16:50 <bcoca> nope, not in config (just checked) but still would not add this way 17:17:02 <bcoca> how is this 'community'? its adding core language feature 17:17:21 <bcoca> labled support:core 17:17:32 <bcoca> why is it being locked at then? 17:17:43 <gundalow> bcoca: we are looking at `is:pr is:open label:docs sort:created-asc ` 17:17:49 <acozine> my goal today is to clear out as much of the backlog as possible 17:17:55 <gundalow> bug fixes was the first 4 hours 17:18:15 <bcoca> ah .. well, these are PRs that happent o have docs, not pure docs PRs, you wont be able to merge most of them 17:18:29 <acozine> it sounds like we can close that one with a note saying "this is not the way we'd like to incorporate this functionality, please open an issue instead" 17:18:53 <bcoca> this would appear in our core backlog meeting 17:18:56 <gundalow> bcoca: Correct, this is about getting some eyes on them. I think we talked about this on Tuesday's Docs W meeting 17:19:15 <acozine> bcoca: yes, exactly - with a broader community participating, including some core folks like yourself, I'm hoping we can take care of some of the code-plus-docs ones 17:19:18 <bcoca> gundalow: i saw that, but didnt realize it included core feature PRs 17:19:42 <gundalow> anyways, lets keep going 17:19:50 <bcoca> this is also why i mentieond we dont have good workflow for 'mixed PRs' 17:20:05 <gundalow> Totally agree, not solving this this week 17:20:19 <acozine> I'm going to close 37080 17:20:24 <gundalow> acozine: +1 17:20:30 <acozine> with note as mentioned above 17:21:55 <bcoca> acozine: dont, let us deal with that in backlog as 'my voice' is not only one needed to make that decision 17:22:49 <acozine> bcoca: do you think there's a chance others will want this approach, and vote to merge this PR? 17:23:12 <bcoca> i think its not likely, but unsure, i get suprised all the time 17:24:52 <acozine> okay, let's see if we can find others to merge or close today 17:26:00 <bcoca> sadly a lot of these are there casue of several 'bad reasons', like not enough people want it or reject it, no one is interested enough to do full review, etc 17:26:47 <acozine> how about https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/39174 17:26:51 <acozine> any docker folks about? 17:27:39 <acozine> hrm, looks like the repo this PR came from is gone 17:27:41 <acozine> not a good sign 17:27:59 <gundalow> acozine: stick on label/candidate_to_close 17:28:08 <cabral404> there's also a comment there without any response, or commit after the comment 17:28:23 <acozine> looking at the actual change, it's just to the docs . . . 17:28:32 <bcoca> that is also why many PRs get stuck 'drive by contribution' 17:28:42 <acozine> erm, change is just to the examples 17:29:02 <acozine> I'm fine with closing those - just prefer not to let them hang around forever 17:30:14 <gundalow> +1 to closing 17:30:29 <acozine> right, closing 17:33:36 <acozine> done 17:34:12 <acozine> hmm, this one's pure docs: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/40073/files 17:34:57 <acozine> any regex experts around? 17:36:20 <gundalow> (in overlapping meetings) 17:36:41 <acozine> meetings, meetings everywhere! 17:37:00 <sivel> acozine: on a general level, it looks correct, on another note, I think the example could be simplified to not rely on `vars` 17:37:19 <sivel> I think the example is overly complicated to convey the problem 17:37:52 <sivel> remove the loop, and use hardcoded values, instead of referencing vars 17:40:05 <acozine> yikes, big chunk of ice just dropped past my window 17:40:29 <acozine> sivel: sounds good, I'll add a comment for the author 17:44:16 <acozine> hm, looking at it again, his point is (I think) that if you want to use one regex to handle both text and integers, it needs to be different from just-text? 17:45:04 <acozine> sivel ^^^ 17:45:37 <sivel> yes, but I don't think you need to show it like that. Yes it must be different to support integers, but that form works for both 17:45:47 <sivel> I think just calling out how to support integers alone is sufficient 17:46:02 <acozine> gotcha 17:47:57 <acozine> how about https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/41722 17:50:32 <acozine> hm, I haven't seen this one before 17:50:34 <acozine> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/42775 17:51:00 <acozine> yamllint changes 17:51:09 <acozine> is that an ongoing conversation? 17:52:30 * gundalow looks 17:53:06 <acozine> oh, I see, it's changing some files to address some objections that yamllint raised 17:53:18 <acozine> that's a confusing PR title 17:56:47 <acozine> seems like a combination of useful and harmless changes 17:57:06 <samccann> agreed 17:57:33 <acozine> okay, merging that one then 18:03:36 <acozine> what about https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/45692? 18:06:38 <samccann> looks like the contributor did the commit split as requested? 18:06:55 <acozine> yeah, they've responded to comments 18:07:19 <samccann> it's also got code changes tho 18:08:27 <acozine> yeah, it's mostly code changes 18:08:45 <acozine> it's related to a proposal: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/132 18:09:14 <acozine> last comment there was "discussed in IRC meeting and we all agree on proposed feature, comments on implementation in PR incoming" 18:10:12 * acozine needs some lunch 18:10:32 <samccann> ok I can keep going... 18:10:42 <samccann> are there folks still around here to continue some docs PR reviews? 18:10:45 <acozine> samccann: sounds great, thanks 18:10:51 <acozine> #chair 18:10:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling acozine akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 dag gundalow hvtuananh ironfroggy kkao07 mrproper navalkp stroobl themroc winem_ 18:12:18 <samccann> ok this is a pure docss pr on vault - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/43993/files 18:12:29 <samccann> anyone around who understands vault? 18:13:12 <cabral404> samccann: I'm more "lurking" than actively helping (first time around here), but yes 18:13:43 <samccann> thanks cabral404 :-) lurking and learning is valid for sure and welcome! 18:14:07 <cabral404> Thanks! 18:14:08 <alongchamps> I'm doing the same, also in another meeting 18:14:22 <samccann> :-) thanks alongchamps 18:17:38 <cabral404> I've never used multiple vault passwords, but the rest looks good 18:18:02 <samccann> thanks can you put a comment in the PR to say that so we don't lose track? 18:18:15 <alongchamps> same here; as someone relatively new to vault, I appreciate the increase in examples 18:18:25 <samccann> thanks! 18:18:50 <samccann> #action - verify output on https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/43993/files and merge 18:18:56 <gundalow> +1 18:20:20 <samccann> This one looks like maybe we just need to push a rebase on the pr ourselves - do you agree? - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/44986 18:22:26 <gundalow> samccann: yup, I'd just create a fresh branch and copy that line in and reference original PR 18:22:31 <gundalow> samccann: infact I can do that now 18:22:49 <samccann> thanks gundalow! 18:22:50 <gundalow> #action gundalow to create fresh https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/44986 and use `C(...)` 18:23:28 <samccann> let's go to this one next - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/46979 18:23:46 <samccann> bcoca: ^^ it looks done and just needds a rebuild_merge? 18:24:00 <samccann> (has 'stale_ci' label) 18:24:13 * samccann doesn't know fancy irc formatting to save her soul 18:24:48 <gundalow> samccann: backticks ` 18:25:09 <gundalow> though only important thing is `#action do X` 18:25:21 <samccann> :-) thanks gundalow 18:25:57 <gundalow> 46979: Adding some comments 18:26:54 <samccann> great, thanks! 18:27:21 <gundalow> done 18:27:22 <gundalow> next? 18:27:27 <samccann> next - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/47507 18:27:46 <samccann> I tried to make sense of it, but got to the point where I felt like it wasn't the right patch.. see comment thread 18:29:38 <gundalow> hum 18:30:02 <gundalow> is the update to `scopes` applicable to everything where https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/gcp.py#L30 is used? 18:31:26 <samccann> that I don't know. But I also wonder why the code that 'looks' like it fills in a default value for scopes doesn't seem to work, according to the issue/PR owner? 18:32:02 <samccann> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/google/gcp_compute_network_facts.py#L152 18:32:07 <gundalow> urgh 18:32:14 <samccann> that was the other thing that stumped me in this PR 18:32:24 <gundalow> (urgh at this as it's autogenerated code) 18:32:42 <gundalow> oh, actually 18:32:49 <gundalow> samccann: move onto the next one, I'll close this 18:32:53 <samccann> ok thanks! 18:33:38 <samccann> half docs half code - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/48090 foreman 18:33:57 <samccann> perhaps still just waiting for comments from some folks? (requested 10 days ago) 18:35:09 <alongchamps> I don't know GCP well enough but I wonder if 'scopes' is required everywhere, in which case it should be in the docs fragment 18:35:17 <alongchamps> if not, then it's a case-by-base basiss 18:36:25 <samccann> thanks alongchamps 18:36:25 <gundalow> FYI a lot of the GCP code is autogenerated https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules so I've created the issue upstream 18:36:38 <samccann> ok cool and v. good to know! 18:38:22 <alongchamps> magic-modules is interesting, looks like I have something to explore later 18:39:17 <samccann> ok next one - part code/part docs but it looks like it's waiting for an answer from ansible folks - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/48453 18:39:31 <samccann> maybe someone in the know can put a comment in to answer the PR owner's question? 18:40:08 <gundalow> #action merge 52553 18:42:34 * gundalow looks 18:42:46 <samccann> thanks gundalow! 18:43:36 <samccann> meanwhile - the next one - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/49006 18:44:00 <samccann> looks like it's got code approval. I can review the docs portion and merge if folks agree that's the next step? 18:46:13 <samccann> #action review docs portion and merge 49006 18:46:46 <samccann> here's a biggie! removing the old srtd theme from the docsite! - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/49289 18:46:58 <gundalow> samccann: I think we skip that one 18:47:01 <samccann> I think it's ready to merge. I generated locally and it looks good. 18:47:18 <samccann> sorry skip which one gundalow? typing too fast here 18:47:19 <gundalow> samccann: though please remind me about it next week, I'll make some time to do testing 18:47:33 <gundalow> samccann: remove old srtd theme 18:47:58 <samccann> ok should I put WIP on it so nobody merges by mistake? 18:48:12 <gundalow> Well, I mean if people here are interested *please* take a look, though we can review more in the same time 18:48:17 <gundalow> samccann: I'll do that now, good idea 18:48:28 <samccann> kewl thanks 18:49:51 <samccann> gundalow: looks like you grabbed this one for yourself in dec? - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/49705 18:53:05 <samccann> meanwhile for everyone - this could use a few quick eyeballs to verify if the PR owner implemented the fixes bcoca requested - (purely a doc fix) - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50204 18:53:09 <gundalow> 49006 comments added 18:53:14 <samccann> thanks gundalow! 18:54:09 <gundalow> #action gundalow to create new PR to replace 49705 18:54:12 <gundalow> samccann: thanks 18:58:04 <samccann> anyone have thoughts on 50204? I feel like the owner modified the text to comply w/ bcoca's request, but I want your thoughts before I add it to the list to be merged 19:00:03 <cabral404> samcann: I think so too 19:00:29 <samccann> thanks cabral404 19:01:12 <samccann> #action merge 50204 19:02:05 <samccann> this one looks like maybe if we add a comment to clarify what needs to be changed, maybe it can be moved along - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50205/files 19:02:54 <samccann> (clarifying how regex works). There's an existing comment, but I'm personally not sure what it's suggesting... someone more 'in the know' could add a clarifying comment? 19:04:13 <gundalow> samccann: I'd be tempted to say that it needs breaking out into bullet point list of `search`,` regexp`, `match` detailing the what/why/how for each 19:04:46 <samccann> ok please add that as a comment :-) that way if one of us decides to take it over, we have a starting point 19:04:47 <gundalow> What do you think? 19:06:29 <samccann> yeah that makes sense 19:07:00 <samccann> another one where I can't quite make sense of the requested change - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50593 19:12:04 <samccann> meanwhile, for those who understand vault - here's another one that looks possibly easy to review? - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50958 19:12:24 <samccann> please take a look and add any comments/thoughts to the PR 19:14:26 <gundalow> bcoca: could you please add an example to https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/50593 19:14:59 <alongchamps> 50958 looks clear to me on the changes, will add a comment on the PR 19:16:29 <samccann> thanks alongchamps! 19:17:15 <samccann> acozine: looks like this one might be ready to merge? -https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51351 19:19:05 <acozine> samccann: the changes are good, though I still have a philosophical concern about 51351 19:19:27 <acozine> my concern is, do we need to document something we do not recommend using 19:19:35 <samccann> this next one is more a request to educate myself - it's a galaxy licensing patch, but I'm not sure how/why it ended up with a docs label? - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51398 19:19:54 <samccann> thanks acozine... continue with your philosophical debate then ;-) 19:20:30 <acozine> I guess looking at it again, it's only relative path from CWD we don't recommend; relative path from `ansible.cfg` is fine 19:21:01 * acozine satisfies philosophical bent, merges PR 19:22:23 <samccann> great thanks! 19:23:05 <acozine> re: 51398 - where is the licensing stuff on the ansible/ansible side? we should probably match that syntax, even if the available options are different 19:24:09 <samccann> that I dunno. I think the PR owner is a galaxy person 19:25:02 <samccann> gundalow: how long does this PR review go? I'm just chugging along here but I dunno if/when the end time is 19:25:47 <acozine> ah, in the dev docs, we say "license your module under the GPL license (GPLv3 or later)" 19:26:27 <samccann> perhaps add a as a comment/ask if they want to follow ansible/ansible method? 19:26:48 <acozine> yeah, good idea 19:26:49 <samccann> meanwhile fort hose with python/regex experience - here's a quick/easy one (doc fix) - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51673 19:27:08 <samccann> for those (fort hose... yeesh) 19:29:48 <samccann> acozine: any progress on checking with vault peeps on this one? - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51859 19:31:02 <acozine> nope, but all I've done so far is request reviews - I will get more active about following up 19:32:13 <samccann> ok this is another educational one (for me) - has a couple of code approvals... if we approve the docs, do we merge or let the code folks merge? - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51404 19:32:21 <samccann> I'm assuming the latter but figured I'd check 19:33:04 <acozine> I'm looking at the regex one, and there's an associated issue: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/45709 19:33:51 <samccann> ok thanks 19:34:00 <samccann> #action - add docs review to https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52355 19:35:35 <acozine> re: 51673/45709 if the issue author is correct, then so is the PR, but I have not tested 19:35:57 <acozine> ^^^ that's the regex remove-the-| one 19:36:02 <gundalow> samccann: till we reach the end of we've had enough 19:37:10 <acozine> re: 51404, that's from a core team member - we should review the docs and then ping the core team back, I suspect we can merge it 19:37:23 <acozine> where "we" == docs team 19:37:34 <samccann> thanks gundalow. acozine: we are at the point now where we are looking at doc PRs we(you and I) haven't looked at yet (last few days). Do you want to continue? 19:38:07 <acozine> nope, if we've looked at all the backlog PRs, I think we celebrate now 19:38:11 <acozine> that was our goal 19:38:18 <samccann> \o/ party time in docs land!! 19:38:29 <acozine> \o/ 19:38:56 <samccann> thank you everyone who's stuck it out this far and helped us move PRs along from the backlog! you've been a fantastic help! 19:38:56 <acozine> thanks to everyone who lurked, commented, participated, etc.! 19:39:36 <acozine> gundalow: do you want to move to another topic? if not, I can end the meeting 19:40:00 <gundalow> hum 19:40:05 <gundalow> #chair 19:40:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: LukasKaemmerling acozine akasurde alongchamps baptistemm_ bmalynovytch[m] cabral404 dag gundalow hvtuananh ironfroggy kkao07 mrproper navalkp stroobl themroc winem_ 19:40:14 <gundalow> Thank you everybody for joining! 19:40:22 <gundalow> #endmeeting