10:01:37 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible PR review day 10:01:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 19 10:01:37 2019 UTC. 10:01:37 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 10:01:37 <zodbot> The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 10:01:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 10:01:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_pr_review_day' 10:01:43 <gundalow> #chair tremble 10:01:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow tremble 10:02:06 <gundalow> tremble: Shall we start with the PRs you mentioned? 10:02:45 <tremble> Can do 10:03:35 <felixfontein> I will be around probably only during the evening 10:04:01 <gundalow> felixfontein: ace, thank you :) 10:04:24 <tremble> I wasn't around for the last day, so I'm not sure how you want to run this... 10:04:39 <gundalow> tremble: it's very informal 10:04:45 <gundalow> #topic Test PRs 10:04:59 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/62014 iam_role : support managing max session duration and deleting the instance profile it creates 10:05:09 <gundalow> tremble: are they all AWS? 10:05:16 <tremble> yup 10:05:20 <gundalow> cool 10:06:33 <gundalow> #info label/pr_day open:35 Closed: 77 10:06:44 <gundalow> ^ Just making a note of how we are starting the day 10:07:39 <gundalow> tremble: your reasons for doing this as a single PR sound sensible 10:08:00 <gundalow> I personally don't know much about AWS or it's tests 10:10:33 <gundalow> tremble: why is iam_role `unsupported`? 10:11:23 <shaps> morning 10:11:35 <gundalow> #chair shaps 10:11:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow shaps tremble 10:11:37 <tremble> From what I understand, a) the cleanup pieces in aws-terminator don't exist yet b) automatically testing roles has some security implications. 10:11:38 <gundalow> Morning shaps 10:12:48 <Xaroth> o7 10:12:51 <tremble> In theory I could write a PR which gave me full admin access to the Account and hijack the account. 10:14:04 <gundalow> #chair Xaroth 10:14:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: Xaroth gundalow shaps tremble 10:14:07 <gundalow> Hi Xaroth :) 10:20:02 <gundalow> tremble: hum, so I've looked through the 6 PRs and I don't think I can add much 10:20:14 <tremble> Fair enough 10:20:20 <gundalow> though some seem to be with jillr and shertel so I hope they'll get sorted soon 10:20:24 <misc> I guess it would make sense to ask aws for some kind of mock aws zone or something, since ansible is likely not the only tool facing this kind of issue 10:20:49 <gundalow> After AnsibleFest I think people will have more time 10:21:07 <gundalow> misc: that's a decent point, though I'm not aware of any contacts at AWS 10:21:24 <misc> gundalow: we had one guy at flock 10:21:35 <tremble> misc: We have an AWS account for testing, the issue is mostly how to keep everything clean and secure when testing things like AWS access. 10:21:53 <misc> and I am sure greg know people at AWS, since there is a few RHer there 10:22:26 <misc> (like Max spevack) 10:22:57 <misc> tremble: yeah, a way to reset the account would be useful, and I kind aimagine they do have that internally, assuming they have tests 10:24:30 <tremble> misc: In theory we could use "AWS Organizations" to dynamically create and destroy entire accounts but I have no idea how AWS (or InfoSec) would react. 10:26:10 <misc> tremble: we would need to do that outside of the test, so the test do not have access to that 10:26:33 <tremble> yup 10:27:16 <tremble> it also significantly increases the time to run the tests though, it can take 10-20 minutes for the account to be created. 10:27:46 <misc> account could be precreated 10:28:10 <tremble> yeah, accounts are (without anything in them) free. 10:28:20 <misc> depend how much it cost, but if you have idle account ready, and create as soon as you take one, I think that would be ok 10:28:24 <gundalow> Will needs others to help with this stuff, so I wonder if we should table this for post-Fest 10:28:36 * tremble nods 10:29:04 <gundalow> #action gundalow to follow up AWS discussion with others post-fest 10:29:11 <gundalow> #topic label/small_patch 10:29:22 <gundalow> small_patch = smallish PR, hopefully easier to review 10:30:20 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/62531 docs: really clarify environment 10:31:01 <gundalow> How's ^ wording 10:32:11 <misc> mhh, i think it still rely on understanding how ansible work 10:32:19 <misc> so since I know, it sound logical 10:32:35 <tremble> I'd probably word this as "...this can only affect modules and not Ansible itself..." 10:32:46 <gundalow> tremble: aye, start with positive 10:34:12 <gundalow> > A dictionary that gets converted into environment vars to be provided for the task upon execution. This can ONLY be used with modules. This isn't supported for any other type of plugins nor Ansible itself nor its configuration, it just sets the variables for the code responsible for executing the task. 10:34:29 <robertdebock> Yes, better. 10:34:36 <gundalow> hi robertdebock :) 10:34:39 <gundalow> #chair robertdebock 10:34:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: Xaroth gundalow robertdebock shaps tremble 10:34:45 <robertdebock> hi! 10:34:50 <gundalow> Thanks, I've added that as a suggestion 10:35:19 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/62491 ovirt_host update force doc 10:36:37 <misc> someone already suggested a change yesterday 10:37:28 <robertdebock> Looks like this will be resolved by itself, such a fresh issue. 10:38:56 <gundalow> yup 10:39:14 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/62482 Removing hyperized as maintainer 10:39:16 <robertdebock> John, can you give me the URL with filters that shows the issues we're addressing? 10:39:16 <gundalow> I'll merge that 10:40:40 <misc> robertdebock: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/labels/pr_day 10:41:08 <gundalow> ^ is what we've looked at 10:41:16 <gundalow> todo list: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=-label%3Apr_day+is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+-label%3Abackport++label%3Asmall_patch+ 10:41:17 <robertdebock> thanks misc! 10:42:20 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/62330 nsupdate: Don't mention the Microsoft DNS server 10:43:23 <misc> mhh, why was the mention in the first place ? 10:43:31 <misc> cause if it did work in the past, that's a bug 10:43:40 <robertdebock> Seems not relevant. 10:43:43 <misc> and if it never worked, well, why did the doc said otherwise :/ 10:43:47 <robertdebock> be right back. 10:44:12 <gundalow> https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc961412.aspx is about Windows 2000 10:44:49 <misc> wow 10:44:51 <misc> yeah 10:46:28 <gundalow> merged 10:48:27 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/61607 lxd_container: enables to set keys not present in existing config 10:51:33 <misc> seems a good change 10:52:20 <misc> even if it will have side effect of returning changed if someone is setting a value explictely instead of using the default, even if the value is the same 10:52:27 <misc> (but that would be hard to avoid) 10:53:00 <gundalow> Good spot, yup 10:53:01 <misc> mhh 10:53:05 <gundalow> added rebuild_merge 10:53:31 <misc> and yeah, before, it would have show a traceback 10:54:32 <misc> it could have been easy to test, if that didn't implie to write a whole set of tests for the module 10:54:40 <gundalow> hum, this GitHub query doesn't seem to be moving that well (I'm looking at more PRs than I'm pasting here) 10:54:41 <misc> (so dealing with lxd setup, etc, etc) 10:54:56 <gundalow> misc: aye, that's a fair chunk of work 10:55:39 <misc> I wonder if that would be worthwhile to tag bugfix with "easy to test" and then direct people to that as a start point for writing tests 10:55:57 <gundalow> I'm tempted to swap to PRs we could close and looking at them 10:55:58 <misc> (it could be useful for a hackfest) 10:56:23 <gundalow> I normally put some more time into PRs days in advance getting sensible GitHub queries, though it's all been FEST FEST FEST 10:57:01 <gundalow> misc: That's a decent idea 10:57:40 <gundalow> #action gundalow to look at creating some sort of easy_to_test label as a todo list of things that people can create integration tests for 10:57:47 <gundalow> #topic Deprecated PRs 10:57:52 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+label%3Adeprecated+is%3Apr 10:58:09 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/31664 Add module ldap_attrs; deprecate ldap_attr 10:58:47 <gundalow> ^ seems to have gotten stuck 10:59:39 <Xaroth> I know that one 10:59:41 * Xaroth goes look 11:00:46 <Xaroth> might be an idea to ask if he needs help with something 11:01:06 <Xaroth> can't quickly glance what he's stuck with, and don't have a ldap test env close by to test his code against 11:01:42 <gundalow> yup drybjed has outlined the reasons, though I think it's just lack of reviews that's getting this in 11:02:28 <Xaroth> yeah 11:02:55 * gundalow /joins #debops to ask there 11:03:59 * gundalow -> lunch 11:04:12 <gundalow> What other queries could we go though to find stuff to close/ 11:05:02 <tremble> gundalow: Would it be worth attacking the seriously stale stuff? 11:20:34 <robertdebock> Back. 11:37:30 <gundalow> yes, lets look at closing some old stuff 11:38:12 <gundalow> #topic needs_repo 11:38:36 <gundalow> We looked at https://github.com/ansible/ansible/labels/needs_repo two weeks ago, I think unless there has been any movement we can close stuff 11:39:54 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/57779 I'll ask if this is good to merge as-is, otherise wil be clsoed 11:40:46 <Xaroth> sounds good to me 11:41:05 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/54912 11:41:05 <gundalow> Create django_models.py 11:41:24 <gundalow> no update in 15 days, branch has been deleted. Closing 11:41:53 <Xaroth> agreed 11:42:00 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/54167 Return MAC address from Supermicro and HP systems 11:42:57 <Xaroth> same, I'd say, no response in over two weeks 11:44:17 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51371 flatpak: Open subprocess in text stream mode 11:44:42 <gundalow> given `I have a Fedora 29 environment with Python 2 running now, but I'm still not able to reproduce this bug.` going to close 11:45:06 <Xaroth> agreed 11:45:37 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/42055 Update aws_api_gateway.py 11:45:42 <Xaroth> no update since Sep 2018 11:45:47 <Xaroth> that's... a year ago almost 11:45:52 <Xaroth> I'd say close that. 11:47:00 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/41653 add master_ssl_verify_identity to mysql_replication 11:47:11 <gundalow> I'll close aws_api_gateway 11:47:35 <Xaroth> no input from PR opener in over a year.. actually, all he did was open a PR, he didn't act on the CI errors that were triggered 11:48:35 <Xaroth> so I'd say close that as well 11:49:59 <gundalow> yup 11:50:08 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/40411 Add support for GitHub Enterprise for github_deploy_key 11:50:51 <Xaroth> Great PR idea, but that branch has been deleted over a year ago (Jul 2018) 11:51:07 <gundalow> aye, which is a shame. Though I don't have GitLab so can't test it 11:51:18 <Xaroth> it's for GH enterprise 11:51:19 <Xaroth> not GL :P 11:51:21 <gundalow> and I doubt shaps has any free time 11:51:24 <gundalow> oh, also words 11:51:42 <Xaroth> but yeah, testability is an issue :| 11:54:34 <gundalow> closed 11:54:55 <gundalow> I'm getting happier closing stuff 11:55:04 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/40003 Update cron.py 11:55:19 <gundalow> oh, they responded 11:56:57 <gundalow> hum, though doesn't sound like they have any time 12:02:36 <gundalow> closed 12:03:39 * resmo waves 12:04:25 <gundalow> hey resmo :) You joining PR review day/ 12:04:55 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/39715 elb_target_group: only drain all elb targets if targets is an empty list and modify_targets is true 12:05:13 <gundalow> Going to live that open a bit longer as it does seem useful 12:05:42 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/32930 Windows Facts: add WinSystemLocale 12:05:58 <gundalow> oh, they replied. I'll pass this over to Windows people 12:07:00 <tremble> gundalow: I think we can close https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22521 12:08:09 <gundalow> yup, closed, thanks :) 12:09:49 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/32158 iptables: chain creation and deletion 12:09:49 <gundalow> They replied, so will leave it open 12:10:00 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/32011 12:10:00 <gundalow> Fix paramter confusion between directory and passwordstore 12:10:25 <tremble> Same with https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19868 12:12:00 <gundalow> yup, there is a replacement PR 12:12:02 <gundalow> Thanks 12:15:16 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/32011 Fix paramter confusion between directory and passwordstore 12:16:03 <gundalow> Closed 12:16:22 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/28606 haproxy: connect via TCP socket in addition to UNIX socket 12:16:42 <gundalow> closed 12:17:21 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/28469 WIP: New module: diff (string, file or command output vs string, file or command output) 12:17:21 <gundalow> * WIP, no updates, gona close 12:20:55 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24582 appears to be a candidate for closure 12:22:24 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/25176 Is really stale, I'm sure shertel wouldn't be offended if you closed it and she still wanted it around. 12:23:13 <shertel> +1 12:23:22 <gundalow> a wild shertel appears! 12:23:26 <gundalow> Thanks 12:24:19 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/25214 looks to be abandoned 12:25:54 <tremble> Similarly I suspect https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/25290 may be nailed to the perch rather than 'resting'. 12:26:49 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/25919 - was asked to resolve the conflict a year ago, looks abandoned. 12:28:06 <gundalow> I've asked will about dead vs resting 12:29:41 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/26268 - rebase request a year ago, no updates 12:30:44 <gundalow> yup, rest closed 12:33:40 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/24690 closed 12:36:01 <Xaroth> You're on fire, gundalow 12:36:40 <gundalow> Xaroth: slow start 12:36:49 <gundalow> though tremble has been a machine 12:37:05 <gundalow> tremble: willthames replied and said https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/25290 is dead, so I'll close 12:37:13 <tremble> gundalow: :) 12:37:35 <tremble> I think he's trying to step back from AWS stuff, so I'm not surprised 12:37:41 <gundalow> yup 12:37:50 <gundalow> Totally understandable 12:38:33 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/30746 looks dead 12:38:46 <gundalow> We've closed 21 PRs 12:39:30 <gundalow> tremble: yup, I'll close it. mikeldr hasn't been around in a few years 12:44:22 <Xaroth> which label are we processing now? 12:45:24 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/34022 looks to have been superceeded by #36641 12:45:58 <tremble> Xaroth: Personally I'm going through the ancient AWS PRs since I have half an idea what I'm looking at... 12:46:05 * Xaroth nods 12:46:27 <Xaroth> If this project ever ends I might be adding some more items to that aws queue :P 12:46:50 <tremble> Xaroth: I have been, which is why I'm attacking it ;) 12:47:10 <Xaroth> yeah, I wanted to, but this deadline's been so insane it's unbelievable 12:47:20 <Xaroth> working 250+ hours a month just for a shot of completion :| 12:48:22 <gundalow> urgh, that doesn't sound fun or healthy 12:49:34 <Xaroth> I'm hoping the bonus will compensate for part of both :P 12:49:38 <Xaroth> ... and a well earned vacation 12:49:50 <gundalow> For things to close I wonder if `is:open label:needs_rebase label:feature label:support:community sort:created-asc ` 12:49:51 <gundalow> * Start with oldest Community Feature PRs that need rebase (most likely abandoned) 12:51:16 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/12090 4 years old, no repo, no response from owner in over a year; close it I'd say 12:52:11 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/13612 same, over two years no response, close it I'd say 12:52:29 <Xaroth> maybe close it with a message that it can be re-opened if they wish 12:52:39 <Xaroth> but those are PRs for <2.5 12:53:09 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/14109 << Same as above 12:54:19 <Xaroth> It is probably easier to find cases that do not fall under this :P 12:56:19 <gundalow> ^ closed 12:56:38 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/14235, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17989, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/18596, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19123, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19695 all the same as the others. 12:57:11 <gundalow> I've got to drop off for ~30 minutes or so, I'll catch up when I'm back 12:57:23 <gundalow> Though do feel free to step away as well :) 12:59:47 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20189 same as above 13:00:14 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20377 and https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20630 have had recent ( <1y ) activity.. might be an idea to ask for a new maintainer of this issue? 13:00:52 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/31427 looks to have been mooted by #43113 13:01:24 <Xaroth> ^ agreed 13:02:06 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20920 was abandoned probably because it was waiting on review, suggest poking and de-assigning it. 13:03:22 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20959 << no response in >1y, I'd say message about re-opening, and closing 13:05:35 <Xaroth> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/21646 perhaps something to poke will about 13:13:52 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/38965 mooted by #47217 ( I think ) 13:30:30 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/37716 changes requested a 15 months ago, no response. 13:32:59 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/37475 changes requested 1 year ago, no response. 13:42:21 <tremble> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36035 mooted by https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/47217 13:57:59 * gundalow returns 14:02:37 <gundalow> I'm going through the above and closing, thanks 14:09:00 <tremble> gundalow: Dumb question - how long should I leave it before starting to poke the Core AWS/Testing folks again? I know they're snowed under right now with 2.9 related stuff 14:09:47 <gundalow> tremble: that's a valid question https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/roadmap/ROADMAP_2_9.html says release 2019-10-10, so ~week after that once people have caught up on sleep? 14:10:10 <tremble> ok, so a month or so. 14:10:30 <gundalow> realistically, yup 15:04:47 * tremble head out for the day, might pop back in later 15:05:00 <gundalow> tremble: You've been amazing help, thank you 15:05:20 <gundalow> I need to finish preparing for AnsibleFest, so will most likely end soon 15:06:05 <tremble> gundalow: my logic, if I can clear some of the crud, just maybe folks like shertel, jillr and mattclay will have more time to help with the things I care about ;) 15:06:21 <gundalow> Exactly, that's my plan 15:06:32 <gundalow> Plus there is the motivation of seeing the backlog drop 15:06:51 <tremble> At some point the issue queue needs attacking too :/ 15:07:08 <gundalow> Yup, though I've been ignoring that 15:07:39 <gundalow> #info We've closed 36 PRs 15:07:51 <shertel> Thanks for investing time in all this, tremble. 15:08:12 <gundalow> well, most likely a few more as I've no doubt forgotten to add label/pr_day to a few 15:33:23 <gundalow> tributarian: Xaroth shertel misc felixfontein shaps Thankyou for your time today 15:33:25 <gundalow> #endmeeting