#ansible-community: Ansible Community Meeting
Meeting started by felixfontein at 19:00:16 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/539 (felixfontein, 19:00:16)
- Updates (felixfontein, 19:00:27)
- Ansible 2.10.6 has been released (felixfontein,
- community.network 2.0.0 has been released
today, community.general 2.0.0 will be released tomorrow
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/pull/150,
| open, created 2021-01-22T07:07:09Z by abadger: Limiting plugin
types 2 (github-linkbot,
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/pull/151)
| open, created 2021-01-25T12:48:11Z by Ompragash: New Policy
Regarding Python Compatibility for Collections (github-linkbot,
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/pull/150
| open, created 2021-01-22T07:07:09Z by abadger: Limiting plugin
types 2 (github-linkbot,
- Ansible Contributor Summit 2021.03 will be on
March 9 (Tuesday) (cybette,
- add topics for Ansible Contributor Summit here:
https://hackmd.io/uZDSLOOdS1Kx0xfZVIATmQ (cybette,
- Inclusion of collections in Ansible 3.0.0 (felixfontein, 19:09:53)
- dellemc.openmanage has until Friday to be
approved. If it doesn't make it, it is not a blocker for
ansible-3.0 (it will have to wait for ansible-4.0) (abadger1999,
- staTus of ansible.utils for ansible 3.0.0 (abadger1999, 19:20:59)
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible.utils/pull/38
pulls in sanity from devel, and 2.9 inside the EE, 2.10 jobs are
testing now (pabelanger,
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible.utils/pull/38
| open, created 2021-01-26T19:50:41Z by pabelanger: Enable execution
environment support (github-linkbot,
- ansible.utils has until Friday to be ready for
another review. Reviewers can approve or say not ready by 2-2. If
it's not approved by 2-2, it has to go to ansible-4 instead (and
there we'll have to figure out what dependent collections cannot be
updated either) (abadger1999,
- inspur.sm status: https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible-inclusion/discussions/8 (abadger1999, 19:44:01)
- inspur.sm has until Friday to be ready for
another review. Reviewers can approve or say not ready by 2-2. If
it's not approved by 2-2, it has to go to ansible-4 instead.
- infoblox.nios_modules status https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible-inclusion/discussions/11 (abadger1999, 19:50:51)
- dmsimard will take responsibility for guiding
the review of infoblox.nios_modules. We'll give them until Friday
to be approved for 3.0 but will not block the ansible-3.0 release.
It will target ansible-4 if it isn't ready by then. (abadger1999,
- New hard deadline for all the collections (of
Friday) to be ready for final review and none of them block the
release of ansible-3. (abadger1999,
- Limiting plugin types (https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/pull/150) (felixfontein, 20:02:29)
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/pull/150)
| open, created 2021-01-22T07:07:09Z by abadger: Limiting plugin
types 2 (github-linkbot,
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/pull/150
(Update the directories allowed in plugins/ ) approved (abadger1999,
- Require that regular CI runs (nightly, weekly, or inbetween) are actually looked at and not just ignored (https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/539#issuecomment-763981413) (felixfontein, 20:37:20)
- Approved: Require that regular CI runs
(nightly, weekly, or inbetween) are actually looked at and not just
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/pull/151,
| open, created 2021-01-25T12:48:11Z by Ompragash: New Policy
Regarding Python Compatibility for Collections (github-linkbot,
- open floor (felixfontein, 20:54:54)
- https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/pull/152
| open, created 2021-01-27T20:17:20Z by dmsimard: Improve clarity of
the documentation requirements (github-linkbot,
Meeting ended at 21:00:45 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- felixfontein (139)
- abadger1999 (118)
- gundalow (31)
- dmsimard (27)
- nitzmahone (23)
- tadeboro (23)
- samccann (20)
- cybette (18)
- pabelanger (17)
- zodbot (17)
- mattclay (13)
- maxamillion (13)
- bcoca (11)
- acozine (11)
- github-linkbot (7)
- briantist (6)
- lmodemal (4)
- dericcrago (2)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.