18:03:37 <dericcrago> #startmeeting Ansible Community Meeting 18:03:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 9 18:03:37 2021 UTC. 18:03:37 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:03:37 <zodbot> The chair is dericcrago. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:03:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_community_meeting' 18:03:46 <dericcrago> #topic Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/539 18:03:56 <dmsimard> o/ few minutes late 18:04:06 <tadeboro> o/ 18:04:10 <jillr> o/ 18:04:27 <andersson007_> o/ 18:04:29 <dericcrago> #chair dmsimard tadeboro jillr andersson007_ 18:04:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: andersson007_ dericcrago dmsimard jillr tadeboro 18:04:58 <cyberpear> o/ 18:05:02 <jillr> I'm multi-tasking a bit, but I'm totally here 18:05:07 <dericcrago> #chair cyberpear 18:05:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: andersson007_ cyberpear dericcrago dmsimard jillr tadeboro 18:05:31 <dericcrago> any infos? 18:06:28 * samccann waves 18:06:37 <andersson007_> #chair samccann 18:06:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: andersson007_ cyberpear dericcrago dmsimard jillr samccann tadeboro 18:06:43 <dericcrago> #info Agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/539 / Topics: https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics 18:07:01 <dmsimard> First topic usually updates :) 18:07:04 <lmodemal> o/ 18:07:51 <andersson007_> i suggest dmsimard leading the meeting then dericcrago asked for infos 18:08:14 <dmsimard> ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ 18:08:18 <dmsimard> #topic Updates 18:08:29 * andersson007_ learning 18:08:29 <dericcrago> #chair lmodemal 18:08:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: andersson007_ cyberpear dericcrago dmsimard jillr lmodemal samccann tadeboro 18:08:49 <dmsimard> #info Up to 60 attendees at the contributor summit yesterday covering a variety of topics, thanks everyone for coming 18:09:08 <tadeboro> Not stricly an update, but still: 18:09:15 <cybette> o/ 18:09:20 <dericcrago> #chair cybette 18:09:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: andersson007_ cyberpear cybette dericcrago dmsimard jillr lmodemal samccann tadeboro 18:09:23 <tadeboro> #info The Steampunk team made part of their internal QA tool available to the general public - scanner.steampunk.si 18:10:04 <dmsimard> #info Ansiblefest (September 29-30) CFP is open, sign up and propose talks: https://www.ansible.com/ansiblefest 18:10:23 <tadeboro> abadger1999 acozine andersson007_ baptistemm bcoca briantist cyberpear cybette dericcrago dmsimard felixfontein geerlingguy gundalow gwmngilfen ikhan_ jillr jtanner lmodemal misc nitzmahone resmo samccann tadeboro felixfontein: ping (sorry if I pinged you and you are already here - copy-pasting from revious meeting) 18:10:27 <dmsimard> ^ my understanding is that there is even a "community" track 18:11:25 <dmsimard> #info Second part of Red Hat summit is coming June 15-16 if you'd like to attend: https://www.redhat.com/en/summit 18:11:28 <abadger1999> Hello 18:11:34 <briantist> hi 18:11:38 <cybette> yes 18:11:48 <dericcrago> #chair abadger1999 briantist 18:11:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 andersson007_ briantist cyberpear cybette dericcrago dmsimard jillr lmodemal samccann tadeboro 18:11:52 <andersson007_> thanks tadeboro for pinging the folks 18:12:15 <dmsimard> tadeboro: I must ask, is the tool open source ? :) 18:12:16 <cybette> or category/theme... whatever they are calling it 18:12:39 <abadger1999> #info ansible-4.1.0 is coming out today 18:13:13 <tadeboro> dmsimard: Currently not. And if I would need to explain why, the "I am a bit ashamed of the code" reason would be quite high ;) 18:13:26 <dmsimard> fair enough 18:13:45 <abadger1999> #info we have a drop of japanese translations to the docs from red hat which should be merged and then pushed to the docsite in the near future 18:14:22 <briantist> nice, I was just looking at those the other day and they seemed old, 2.9 only 18:14:32 <jillr> that's awesome! 18:15:24 <andersson007_> is that translated periodically? 18:15:56 <abadger1999> Robyn and I are currently trying to make sure there's a way for community to contribute to translations but it's not straightforward (people to convince and tools that are proprietary without a good entrypoint for non-red hat contributors). 18:16:16 <briantist> that would be cool 18:16:36 <abadger1999> If someone is interested in contributing to translation efforts (in any language), feel free to ping me and I'll give you more info on where we are now and formulate a plan on how to get further 18:17:08 <abadger1999> andersson007_: yeah. Currently red hat has a team who are making translations into specific languages, targetting just after release. 18:17:24 <abadger1999> (just after ansible-core release) 18:17:32 <andersson007_> abadger1999: ah, thanks for the info 18:17:50 <dmsimard> abadger1999: I don't have the bandwidth to do the actual translation work but I can probably help review french translations :) 18:18:20 <abadger1999> Cool :-) 18:18:38 <andersson007_> I could review Russian translation 18:18:43 <dmsimard> there's a few folks over on the #ansible-fr channel, I'll ask around too. 18:19:29 <briantist> abadger1999: I can't meaningfully contribute as my JP level just isn't there to be helpful, but I am interested in following along and seeing how it all develops 18:19:42 <dmsimard> any other updates before we move on to another topic ? 18:19:56 <cybette> I can help review chinese translations (both traditional and simplified) 18:20:18 <briantist> it would be great if core's community translation efforts could be applied to collections somehow too :) 18:20:23 <briantist> (eventually) 18:20:50 <tadeboro> I would offer help with Slovenian language, but I am pretty sure no one actually needs this - our sysadmins hate me because I use localized settings and they are the target public for Ansible ;) 18:21:19 <abadger1999> Heh :-) 18:21:38 <dmsimard> tadeboro: you bring up a point I was pondering about, I was wondering if maybe we should poll or reach out to see if there is a need for translating into particular languages -- even if just to prioritize our efforts 18:22:09 <dmsimard> for the french community, especially in the IT industry, we are somewhat expected to be bilingual with english 18:22:22 <abadger1999> Sometimes the need is created by the feature (we have no $LANGUAGE-only users because ansible docs aren't translated into that language. 18:22:36 <dmsimard> abadger1999: yep, that is also a valid point 18:23:12 <andersson007_> the painful thing is to keep it updated 18:23:40 <cybette> cyb-clock chimes: 20 minutes into the meeting 18:24:53 <dmsimard> abadger1999: do you want to talk about the proposed 5.0 schedule ? 18:26:31 <Guest73> yeah! 18:27:55 <dmsimard> Otherwise, any topics we should talk about from https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues ? 18:30:30 <dmsimard> I will share a link to the proposed Ansible 5.0 schedule anyway, feel free to read and comment if there's anything: https://hackmd.io/y7BBcweNR3aRVLuMbKkDxw 18:30:39 <Guest73> thank you 18:31:36 <abadger1999> Do we have enough people to approve it? 18:31:59 <abadger1999> Basically, the document that dmsimard shared is what I'm proposing. 18:32:00 <agaffney> what's the criteria for a new major version for the community ansible release? 3.x and 4.x were both using the same ansible-base version 18:32:17 <agaffney> err, nevermind...it was 2.10 and 3.x that used the same version 18:32:18 <abadger1999> agaffney: It's time based. Roughly every six monts. 18:32:20 <dmsimard> agaffney: 5.0 will trail the release of 2.12 18:32:31 <dmsimard> 4.0 was for 2.11 18:32:57 <agaffney> what was the reason for the major version bump from 2.10 to 3.x without the ansible-base version change? 18:33:11 <abadger1999> agaffney: However, ansible-core is also going to be time based and 6 months. So our plan is for new major releases to contain a new ansible-core major release from now on. 18:33:16 <dmsimard> agaffney: the move to semantic versioning 18:33:27 <abadger1999> agaffney: (and... time based) 18:33:44 <agaffney> dmsimard: makes sense 18:33:48 <abadger1999> at that point we were aiming for 4 month releases. 18:34:44 <dmsimard> abadger1999: we are missing a few today, notably gundalow felixfontein and cyberpear -- we can revisit next week 18:34:58 * cyberpear waves, just multi-tasking 18:35:04 <cybette> agaffney: more detailed explanation in this blog post https://www.ansible.com/blog/announcing-the-community-ansible-3.0.0-package 18:35:06 <dmsimard> cyberpear: no hard feelings :) 18:35:35 <agaffney> cybette: thanks 18:35:47 <abadger1999> dmsimard: Sounds good. We could also have people vote/discuss in the issue. 18:36:17 * dmsimard nods 18:36:32 <abadger1999> #info Please discuss the proposed schedule in the issue https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/21 We will try to vote next week. 18:36:32 <dmsimard> #link https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/21 18:36:36 <dmsimard> #undo 18:36:36 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f338b3f0490> 18:37:20 <tadeboro> Huh, that one is new ;) 18:37:36 <dmsimard> tadeboro: what do you mean ? 18:38:06 <tadeboro> dmsimard: bot pasting object references to chat. 18:38:30 <dmsimard> ah, I think undo always did that but I can misremember 18:38:47 <dmsimard> maybe needs to be a __str__ reference in there with something more human friendly :p 18:39:19 <dmsimard> #topic open floor 18:39:35 <dmsimard> anything you want to discuss, now is the time 18:40:46 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/74914 <= not really 'discuss' but would like input 18:40:46 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/74914 | open, created 2021-06-04T21:11:39Z by bcoca: Config init+ [affects_2.12,core_review,feature,needs_triage,support:core] 18:42:50 <dmsimard> I like the idea of a config init, I might even use something like that instead of referring to https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices/config.html 18:43:11 <dmsimard> does it rely on the same source of truth as the docs ? 18:43:23 <bcoca> well, it is meant to keep that up 2 date also, since that is based on examples/ansbile.cfg which gets 'left behind' 18:43:25 <bcoca> yes 18:43:39 <bcoca> well, no, same source of truth as plugin docs and base.yml 18:43:55 <dericcrago> #chair agaffney bcoca 18:43:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 agaffney andersson007_ bcoca briantist cyberpear cybette dericcrago dmsimard jillr lmodemal samccann tadeboro 18:44:04 <bcoca> the settings/constants page does use base.yml, but nothing uses plugin doccs yet .. aside from plugin docs 18:44:22 <bcoca> so `ansible-config init -t lookup url` will dump 'ini config for url lookup' 18:44:41 <bcoca> `ansbile-config init -t all` <= will dump for 'base + all plugins' 18:44:52 <bcoca> also you have -f env/yaml/ini (default) 18:45:22 <dmsimard> bcoca: any chance to include the environment variable name in the explanatory comment ? (like the config reference link I pasted) 18:45:50 <bcoca> its under the comment for -f env 18:46:26 <dmsimard> ok I will take a better look 18:46:50 <bcoca> http://paste.debian.net/1200594/ <= head of `ansible-config init -f env` 18:47:23 <bcoca> got ini working fine, env and yaml will need some fine tuning 18:47:49 <dmsimard> what I meant was to add the env variable name in the comments of the ini file but that works too :p 18:48:13 <dmsimard> like have a mention of ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS above callback_plugins 18:48:29 <cyberpear> I like what dmsimard is proposing 18:48:32 <bcoca> ah, that is already in the `ansible-config list` version 18:48:57 <bcoca> this is just creating ini file or 'env vars' to source or 'yaml file' to add to group/host_vars/ 18:53:26 <cybette> cyb-clock chimes: 50 minutes into the meeting 18:53:51 <dmsimard> We can end it early if there are no more open floor discussions to be had :D 18:54:24 <cybette> +1 18:55:46 <dmsimard> Let's close it here, see you next week (or, you know, here and now, you're free to talk after the meeting ends) 18:55:52 <dmsimard> #endmeeting