18:00:13 <gotmax23> #startmeeting Ansible Community Meeting 18:00:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 17 18:00:13 2023 UTC. 18:00:13 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:00:13 <zodbot> The chair is gotmax23. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 18:00:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_community_meeting' 18:00:18 <felixfontein> o/ 18:00:22 <gotmax23> .hi 18:00:23 <zodbot> gotmax23: gotmax23 'Maxwell G' <maxwell@gtmx.me> 18:00:26 <gotmax23> #chair felixfontein 18:00:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: felixfontein gotmax23 18:00:49 <gotmax23> Ah, let me get the ping list 18:01:05 <gotmax23> acozine, andersson007_, anwesha, ascherbaum, baptistemm, bcoca, briantist, cidrblock, cyberpear, cybette, dericcrago, dmsimard, felixfontein, geerlingguy, gotmax, gundalow, gwmngilfen, ikhan_, jillr, jtanner, lmodemal, mariolenz[m], markuman, maxamillion, misc, nitzmahone, oranod, resmo, russoz, samccann, thaumos, wbentley15[m], zbr: The Ansible community meeting is starting now! 18:01:05 <gotmax23> The ping list is stored at https://kutt.it/meeting-people. Feel free to add or remove yourself. 18:01:06 <mariolenz[m]> hiho 18:01:24 <samccann> o/ 18:01:46 <gotmax23> #chair mariolenz samccann 18:01:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: felixfontein gotmax23 mariolenz samccann 18:02:05 <jtanner> hi 18:02:06 <gotmax23> #chair gotmax 18:02:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: felixfontein gotmax gotmax23 mariolenz samccann 18:02:10 <gotmax> #chair mariolenz[m] 18:02:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: felixfontein gotmax gotmax23 mariolenz mariolenz[m] samccann 18:02:13 <gotmax> #chair jtanner 18:02:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: felixfontein gotmax gotmax23 jtanner mariolenz mariolenz[m] samccann 18:02:32 <samccann> love the ping list btw... need to figure if we should use something similar for the docs meeting ;-) 18:02:41 <gotmax> Feel free! 18:02:52 <cybette_> o/ 18:03:05 <gotmax> I borrowed the idea (keeping the list in a git repo) from the Fedora CoreOS meeting 18:03:11 <gotmax> #chair cybette_ 18:03:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: cybette_ felixfontein gotmax gotmax23 jtanner mariolenz mariolenz[m] samccann 18:03:12 <maxamillion> .hello2 18:03:13 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 18:03:23 <gotmax> #chair maxamillion 18:03:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: cybette_ felixfontein gotmax gotmax23 jtanner mariolenz mariolenz[m] maxamillion samccann 18:03:27 <gotmax> Welcome! 18:03:49 <gotmax> #info ansible 8.0.0b1 was released earlier this week. We are now in feature freeze. https://groups.google.com/g/ansible-announce/c/uSHiPHPnwqc 18:04:06 <gotmax> #info ansible 2.15.0 was released earlier this week: https://groups.google.com/g/ansible-announce/c/JvWWMWDF5AU 18:04:20 <gotmax> Does anyone have anything they want to add to the agenda? 18:04:35 <acozine> o/ 18:04:56 <gotmax> #chair acozine 18:04:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine cybette_ felixfontein gotmax gotmax23 jtanner mariolenz mariolenz[m] maxamillion samccann 18:05:12 <anwesha[m]> Hello hello 18:05:15 <gotmax> #chair anwesha[m] 18:05:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine anwesha[m] cybette_ felixfontein gotmax gotmax23 jtanner mariolenz mariolenz[m] maxamillion samccann 18:06:45 <acozine> I have nothing to add to the agenda 18:07:03 <felixfontein> me neither 18:07:18 <gotmax> #topic Open Floor 18:07:28 <acozine> we are having solar panels installed on our garage roof 18:07:32 <mariolenz[m]> I have a question. Should I create a vote on https://github.com/ansible-community/community-topics/issues/223 already? 18:07:41 <acozine> which is loud and rather distracting 18:07:56 <gotmax> mariolenz[m]: I'd say so 18:08:07 <acozine> +1 18:08:18 <acozine> no reason to let it hang around 18:08:33 <acozine> and if someone is going to step forward to maintain it, the sooner the better 18:08:54 <mariolenz[m]> OK, then I'll do. Just wanted to get confirmation ;-) 18:09:04 <acozine> thanks mariolenz 18:09:28 <felixfontein> mariolenz[m]: when did the notice appear in The Bullhorn? 18:10:16 <mariolenz[m]> 2023-04-16: https://mailchi.mp/redhat/the-bullhorn-98 18:10:29 <felixfontein> :+1: creating a vote sounds good to me! 18:10:57 <cybette_> +1 18:11:15 <maxamillion> +1 18:11:51 <gotmax> We've been making some head way on documenting the ansible release process 18:12:12 <gotmax> I submitted a PR last week (https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-build-data/pull/227) and I just need to respond to anwesha[m]'s feedback 18:15:01 <remindbot[m]> @cybette:ansible.im cyb-clock chimes every 15 minutes during the community meeting 18:17:02 <gotmax> If nobody has anything to discuss, I'm fine with ending earlier 18:18:04 <anwesha[m]> We at community team are working on a "Meetup Organizers Toolkit". This is a a set of resources and documentation to help the meetup organizers. Here is the https://github.com/ansible-community/meetup/pull/9. Please have a look and share your view on that. 18:18:22 <gotmax23> That sounds cool 18:18:46 <gotmax23> Did you want to have a more in depth discussion or were you just calling our attention to it? 18:21:58 <mariolenz[m]> 22 files changed, I don't hink we could discuss this at the spur of the moment ;-P 18:22:18 <gotmax> Fair enough :) 18:22:34 <gotmax> I'll close out the meeting at :25 unless anyone has anything else 18:22:48 <gotmax> Go out and enjoy the weather! 18:23:02 <cybette_> might be good to give people some time to look it (the toolkit) over. or even merge it first so others can make suggestions/edits as appropriate 18:24:44 <anwesha[m]> Yes, what cybette says. 18:24:45 <acozine> I can give the toolkit a review. 18:24:55 <gotmax> I'll try to take a look later 18:24:57 <anwesha[m]> Thank you acozine 18:24:58 <cybette_> thanks acozine ! 18:25:12 <gotmax> thanks :) 18:25:16 <acozine> Mostly nitpicky grammar stuff so far - missing periods and spaces and that kind of thing. 18:27:12 <gotmax23> I have to step away for a minute. I'll be right back. 18:27:47 <inshaf[m]> Hello 18:27:48 <inshaf[m]> i'm new here. i try to contribute to ansible for a long time and i 'm glad of found these community. 18:27:48 <inshaf[m]> i've some silly problems. can anyone dm me for help.. 18:28:01 <anwesha[m]> Welcome inshaf 18:28:30 <cybette_> inshaf: welcome to the Ansible community! what kind of things would you like to contribute to? we can chat openly here if you like 18:29:21 <cybette_> maybe we can end the meeting though? and continue the chit chat separately 18:30:00 <remindbot[m]> @cybette:ansible.im cyb-clock chimes every 15 minutes during the community meeting 18:30:04 <cybette_> I'll let gotmax do it when they're back 18:34:24 <gotmax23> #endmeeting