16:03:59 <gregdek> #startmeeting ansible-container 16:03:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 2 16:03:59 2017 UTC. The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:03:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible-container' 16:04:02 <j00bar> zodbot engage! 16:04:08 <gregdek> #chair chouseknecht 16:04:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: chouseknecht gregdek 16:04:11 <fabianvf> chouseknecht: well, I got the modules generating, the tests passing, fixed unit test generation and got that passing, added stages to the travis and merged it all 16:04:35 <chouseknecht> fabianvf: you rock! 16:04:44 <fabianvf> chouseknecht: but I messed up indentation of my deploy stage and accidentally deployed it, and the requirements weren't included properly so pypi is broken now 16:04:46 <fabianvf> so like 5/10 16:04:57 <chouseknecht> doh! 16:05:11 <fabianvf> will get that fixed and pushed ASAP 16:05:22 <chouseknecht> that's good work! 16:06:07 <j00bar> word. 16:07:03 <chouseknecht> 0.9.3 roadmap for Ansible Container... 16:07:19 <chouseknecht> j00bar: this is what's on it, AFAIK: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-container/blob/develop/docs/rst/roadmaps/roadmap_1_0_0.rst 16:07:31 <j00bar> I've got the idempotent rebuilds working (I think) - I'm building out test infrastructure to prove it. 16:07:39 <chouseknecht> Need to change from 1.0.0 to 0.9.3 16:07:52 <j00bar> I don't know that we've decided if it's 0.9.3 or 1.0rc1 16:08:22 <chouseknecht> Looks like we need to add 'idempotent builds'. It's not on the list. 16:08:35 <chouseknecht> So I have a question about that... 16:08:59 <chouseknecht> I'm working on a Django project, and using AC to build images. 16:09:33 <chouseknecht> It doesn't detect code changes, and so i have to delete the django image before build 16:09:55 <j00bar> I'm not sure I follow that last sentence you wrote. 16:10:45 <chouseknecht> When I run `ansible-container build`, it doesn't detect that code has changed. It think the role is unchanged, and so it skips building a new django container. 16:11:12 <j00bar> That's a bug. 16:11:34 <j00bar> Maybe that went away with the move to roles 16:11:49 <j00bar> We used to look at tasks and if there was a src attribute, we'd hash the contents of the src attribute. 16:11:58 <j00bar> I'll add that to this fix. 16:12:07 <chouseknecht> right. that's what I expected it to do. 16:12:20 <chouseknecht> I'm copying the source via `synchronize`. 16:12:28 <j00bar> But what would basically happen is it that the idempotent rebuild would notice the source had changed, spin up the intermediate build container for the role, and then reapply the same playbook to it. 16:12:36 <j00bar> Most of the tasks would succeed with changed=false 16:12:45 <j00bar> And the synchronize would resynchronize. 16:12:49 <chouseknecht> that would be awesome! 16:13:06 <j00bar> No extra layers for rebuilds. 16:14:35 <chouseknecht> I got our partner application at connect.redhat.com approved. just need to finish the product / project submissions, and then I *think* we'll have access to the container catalog. 16:14:43 <j00bar> boomshakalaka 16:14:50 <chouseknecht> Will work on that more today/tomorrow. 16:15:54 <chouseknecht> Started working on a config map implementation late last week. will submit a PR this week for review. 16:16:13 <chouseknecht> ttomecek: anything on `buildah` engine? 16:17:25 <j00bar> Awesome - and config map is what something like AWX needs to do a-c builds? 16:17:35 <chouseknecht> j00bar: yep 16:17:51 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, yeah, I talked to my manager and she said I can work on it as much as I want, so I hope that I'll finally start making some progress again 16:18:02 <j00bar> https://i.imgur.com/Xn0cd.gif 16:18:13 <chouseknecht> ttomecek: nice! 16:18:19 <gregdek> ttomecek: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet 16:18:29 <j00bar> ttomecek: I'm happy to consult if you have questions - and it would be great to capture your experience into docs on how to write an engine. 16:18:37 <chouseknecht> ttomecek: how can we help? 16:19:39 <ttomecek> I'm heading to dockercon and OS summit in a week, so the buildah support will be my prio during boring talks :D 16:19:53 <chouseknecht> i expect to see a demo of the buildah engine at devconf! 16:20:09 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, that is definitely a plan! 16:20:55 <ttomecek> j00bar, that's an interesting idea, I see what I can come up with 16:21:01 <j00bar> Cool! 16:21:44 <chouseknecht> ttomecek: definitely ping us whenever you need help. 16:23:20 <chouseknecht> On the Ansible Docker Modules front, I sent out an invitation to 35 contributors, asking them to stop by the group and share their opinions and ideas with us. 16:23:40 <j00bar> Any response? 16:23:50 <chouseknecht> That went out this morning. Maybe we'll get someone(s) to drop by next week 16:24:13 <chouseknecht> I also pinged a couple people via comment on current PRs. 16:24:15 <j00bar> Awesome - thanks for taking that initiative. 16:24:24 <chouseknecht> Yep 16:24:31 <chouseknecht> I'll keep working at it. 16:24:39 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, maybe one thing: were you thinking about getting rid of the embedded, templated dockerfile and write a role which would be used to create conductor? 16:25:38 <chouseknecht> I don't know that we can eliminate the Dockerfile that creates Conductor image, unless we do something chroot-ish 16:26:17 <j00bar> ttomecek: the Dockerfile is specific to the Docker engine 16:26:26 <j00bar> ttomecek: there's nothing binding you to one thing or another for buildah. 16:26:28 <ttomecek> well, you can always use docker connection plugin, right? 16:27:02 <j00bar> ttomecek: we're trying to _not_ require Ansible as a requirement for ansible-container 16:27:16 <ttomecek> right! I keep forgetting that 16:27:37 <j00bar> And don't forget that with prebaked conductors, you don't necessarily need to do the prebaking with Buildah 16:28:20 <j00bar> So the prebaked base already has Ansible in it. 16:28:22 <ttomecek> j00bar, my point is solely about the dockerfile -- would be awesome if AC would be capapble of taking care of itself 16:28:30 <j00bar> It would, yes. 16:28:51 <j00bar> I'd like to suggest that might be out of scope for a buildah engine at this time though. 16:29:23 <j00bar> Let's get it working for project-specific conductor builds and then target container builds first. 16:29:31 <ttomecek> okay then, so I rebase this week and hopefully we can do a round of reviews before next meeting 16:29:31 <j00bar> Then we'll look at getting it working for prebaked builds. 16:29:48 <j00bar> That would be epic. In the meantime, we're here to help. 16:29:50 <ttomecek> j00bar, sounds good 16:30:01 <chouseknecht> I don't have any other agenda items for the meeting. 16:30:13 <chouseknecht> Anyone else have anything to discuss? 16:31:19 <j00bar> Not I - thanks, House! 16:31:58 <chouseknecht> Thank you! And, thanks to everyone that's here! 16:32:10 <chouseknecht> #endmeeting ansible-container