17:01:21 <chouseknecht> #startmeeting ansible-container 17:01:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 6 17:01:21 2017 UTC. The chair is chouseknecht. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible-container' 17:01:30 <ttomecek1> .hello2 17:01:31 <zodbot> ttomecek1: Sorry, but you don't exist 17:01:47 <chouseknecht> #topic open floor 17:02:08 <chouseknecht> how come ttomecek1 ? 17:02:16 <chouseknecht> did you lose your nick? 17:02:36 <chouseknecht> maybe you're an imposter. 17:03:38 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, I have 2 weechat instances running, that's why I'm double :/ 17:03:57 <chouseknecht> ah, OK. 17:04:03 <ttomecek1> my raspberry at home was working badly 17:04:11 <ttomecek1> couldn't connect to it 17:04:14 <chouseknecht> nerd! 17:04:25 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, anyway, I made some progress on buildah: 17:04:34 <ttomecek1> https://github.com/projectatomic/buildah/pull/311 17:04:48 <ttomecek1> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-container/pull/760#issuecomment-341815607 17:05:32 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, here goes my question: would you be okay with adding another dependency - kpod? 17:05:51 <ttomecek1> b/c buildah is not able to pull images with a dedicated command 17:10:38 <chouseknecht> ttomecek1: we have engine specific dependencies. 17:11:43 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, okay, so if that's not a problem, I'll poke kpod 17:12:34 <chouseknecht> i think that's fine 17:12:48 <ttomecek1> awesome 17:13:44 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, the other thing is that when you run a container with runc, the config.json file needs to persist 17:13:54 <ttomecek1> so we need a persistent place for these 17:16:51 <ttomecek1> hm, I forgot to push my latest changes 17:17:41 <chouseknecht> that sounds like a documentation issue, maybe? 17:19:17 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, https://github.com/TomasTomecek/ansible-container/blob/buildah-conductor-build-support/container/buildah/engine.py#L312 17:19:22 <ttomecek1> finally found it 17:19:36 <ttomecek1> my PR is not the right branch -_- 17:20:20 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, so we probably need something to clean up after conductor is done 17:23:59 <chouseknecht> so I take it that this file lives outside of the conductor? 17:24:04 <chouseknecht> could it live inside? 17:24:16 <ttomecek1> lol :D 17:24:37 <chouseknecht> ok 17:24:38 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, that file is used to run the container and honestly, I don't see why not 17:24:50 <ttomecek1> but that's a nice, recursive solution :D 17:24:55 <ttomecek1> I'll give it a shot! 17:25:16 <chouseknecht> it could be a horrible idea. i was just throwing it out there. 17:26:05 <chouseknecht> typically when we create files, we put them in a temp dir. but maybe a temp dir is not appropriate? 17:26:11 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, I wrote it down! https://github.com/ansible/ansible-container/pull/760#issuecomment-342222264 17:26:35 <chouseknecht> we also writ things into `ansible-deployment` within the project tree 17:26:39 <ttomecek1> I need to go now (dinner in 20 minutes), will read and respond from tram in 10 minutes 17:26:49 <chouseknecht> OK. Have a good dinner. 17:27:03 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht, thanks a lot, you are very helpful! 17:27:09 <chouseknecht> I try. 17:32:38 <chouseknecht> fabianvf: how goes it? 17:32:46 <chouseknecht> j00bar: you out there? 17:33:19 <fabianvf> chouseknecht: mostly been working on 3.7 release this week, just trying to keep everything stable. A couple bugfixes went in but nothing major in progress ATM. 17:34:05 <fabianvf> once 3.7 is out I'm going to update generation again, looks like kubernetes changed the way they do it again for 1.8 and I'm going to try and match it 17:34:38 <ehelms> I'm actually lurking today, I know I disappeared for a bit, had some priority shuffling 17:34:58 <chouseknecht> ehelms: hello! 17:37:35 <ttomecek1> chouseknecht: that idea with using ansible-deployment dir is also pretty interesting, I'll take a look 17:39:03 <chouseknecht> if the config.json is not something the user really needs to tinker with or manage, then `ansible-deployment` might be a safe bet. 17:40:04 <chouseknecht> if the file needs to be created as part of the container's `context` (think Dockerfile), and goes away as soon as the container does, then using a temp directory might be better. 17:42:07 <chouseknecht> in the docker engine, when we create the conductor, we create a temp directory, copy files into it, create files in it, etc. Once the build process is complete, we delete the temp directory. No reason you couldn't do the same with `run`, if it makes sense. 17:52:51 <chouseknecht> anyone have anything else to discuss? 17:53:03 <chouseknecht> if not, ending the meeting... 17:54:30 <chouseknecht> thanks, everyone! 17:54:36 <chouseknecht> #endmeeting