17:02:14 <chouseknecht> #startmeeting ansible-container 17:02:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 11 17:02:14 2017 UTC. The chair is chouseknecht. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:02:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible-container' 17:03:02 <chouseknecht> We had a bit of a road map meeting for the OpenShift client earlier today. 17:03:41 <chouseknecht> We have the go-ahead for moving to two non-generated modules that will be merged into Ansible. 17:04:06 <ttomecek> I thought it will be just a single one 17:04:25 <chouseknecht> well, turns out we need one for `openshift` and one for `kubernetes` 17:04:33 <ttomecek> right, makes sense 17:04:55 <chouseknecht> there are points where they conflict, so this way the user is clear on which API endpoint is being invoked 17:06:05 <chouseknecht> fabianvf: anything else to talk about with regard to the OpenShift client, modules and things? 17:06:46 <fabianvf> chouseknecht: we're working on 3.8/9 generation 17:07:00 <chouseknecht> cool! 17:07:05 <fabianvf> Few bugs related to build request/image import apis 17:07:29 <chouseknecht> i need to add module testing on the Ansible side 17:08:43 <fabianvf> I'm also on the openshift-ansible team for a few months and they're very interested in your module proposal 17:09:34 <chouseknecht> it would be very cool, if we can get them onboard. perhaps they can help maintain the bits. 17:09:37 <fabianvf> That's mostly it 17:10:12 <chouseknecht> ttomecek: anything going on with the buildah stuff? 17:10:56 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, I'm stuck on the synchronize module: I tried to create the integration test but haven't succeeded so far 17:11:41 <chouseknecht> what happens? anything you can share? 17:12:13 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, there seems to be multiple ways of creating integration tests: 1) as a role 2) playbook + run script 17:12:21 <chouseknecht> o 17:12:35 <ttomecek> + there is ton of weird files which I don't really understand how they get sourced or utilized 17:12:47 <ttomecek> would be nice if there was more docs for that 17:13:16 <ttomecek> I think I'll make it in the end, but it's just so complicated 17:13:38 <chouseknecht> the guy that can help from the core team is mattclay 17:13:45 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, if you could show me a few role modules in integration tests, that would be really helpful 17:14:00 <ttomecek> okay, I'll ask him 17:15:02 <ttomecek> lol, that's not what I expected: https://www.google.cz/search?q=matt+clay a hair product 17:15:42 <chouseknecht> lol! 17:16:28 <chouseknecht> https://github.com/mattclay 17:17:04 <chouseknecht> You should be able to ping him on the #ansible channel too 17:17:48 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, wrote him a direct message 17:20:33 <chouseknecht> ttomecek: i wrote integration tests awhile back from the docker_secret module. they live here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tree/devel/test/integration/targets/docker_secret 17:22:44 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, neat, pretty helpful 17:24:14 <chouseknecht> i would *think* you could get away with writing integration tests similar to that. 17:25:14 <chouseknecht> you'll of course want to run a container, and then synchronize some files to and fro. but should be essentially the same idea as `docker_secrets`. 17:26:12 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, the thing is that I need to change the connection plugin 17:26:20 <chouseknecht> jo 17:26:21 <chouseknecht> o 17:28:55 <chouseknecht> looks like you can specify config options in the integration directory (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tree/devel/test/integration). presumably you can give it a default connection type. 17:29:28 <chouseknecht> how you tell the runner which config file to use with your test role, i'm not sure. 17:29:43 <chouseknecht> that would be a question for mattclay: 17:29:56 <chouseknecht> no sign of j00bar today 17:30:15 <chouseknecht> i don't have anything else to report 17:31:18 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, we've already set up a chat tomorrow, Matt's on PTO today 17:31:25 <chouseknecht> cool! 17:31:47 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, one thing maybe: on Thu, devconf organizers will announce the program 17:31:58 <chouseknecht> o.O. 17:32:18 <funzo> chouseknecht, i have one quick question. j00bar mentioned he'd been working with you on an issue and the 0.9.3 was going to be tagged a couple monday's ago. any update on that happening? 17:32:44 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, I would love if we could chat a bit about how we can help each other with sessions/workshops (in january probably) 17:32:54 <chouseknecht> j00bar was supposed to tag and release last Wednesday. didn't hear a peep out of him. 17:33:26 <funzo> aight, will pester him :) 17:33:26 <chouseknecht> ttomecek: yes. agreed. 17:33:45 <chouseknecht> commence with the pestering! 17:34:08 <chouseknecht> i think he's got ocelot fever. 17:34:19 <ttomecek> chouseknecht, thanks a lot! you're so helpful 17:34:31 <chouseknecht> i try. you're welcome. 17:34:32 <ttomecek> (so ocelot is a thing?) 17:34:56 <chouseknecht> i guess it's a thing. if nothing else, it's a thing in his head. 17:36:05 <chouseknecht> i think he got permission to take 6 months to build it, and a resource or two to help. 17:36:24 <chouseknecht> i move we adjourn the meeting. 17:39:12 <chouseknecht> #endmeeting