#ansible-docs: Docs Working Group
Meeting started by acozine at 15:30:35 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNVkb04TQSZiYGMujzwY1MUeF0cy-yMJ6iqAIi6UmpOSNMNjMzuVr-J8PhZNiY1Aw?key=bnZhV1V6Z1dPaUd3UGhGYzVKTl9vLTJVckZhTDJn
- PR 49798 (acozine, 15:36:43)
- https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/49289 (acozine, 15:52:49)
- AGREED: kmaxwell will
dig further into vault docs and make suggestions in PRs (samccann,
- ACTION: samccann to
test pr 49289 to try and recreate acozine's results (or not)
- AGREED: if it looks
grand, we can rebase and merge, but still do a quick look at the
PRs on the non-used theme since January 2018, since they were trying
to fix something. See if they need to be applied to the current
theme (samccann,
- open floor (acozine, 16:09:31)
- loop vs with_* (samccann, 16:16:23)
- Ansible currently supports two different ways
of looping over multiple items: the legacy
`with_<filter_plugin>` and the new `loop` syntax. They
function slightly differently (samccann,
- AGREED: loop vs
with_* will be a main topic for next week's meeting. Please
investigate beforehand so we can all discuss (samccann,
- docs needs to accurately describe technical
possibilities/limitations of each and provide guidance for users on
when to update playbooks and when not to (samccann,
- related PRs - 47895, 47215, 47231, 47244
Meeting ended at 16:26:36 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- samccann to test pr 49289 to try and recreate acozine's results (or not)
Action items, by person
- acozine
- samccann to test pr 49289 to try and recreate acozine's results (or not)
- samccann
- samccann to test pr 49289 to try and recreate acozine's results (or not)
People present (lines said)
- acozine (102)
- samccann (24)
- kmaxwell (16)
- zodbot (9)
- gundalow (8)
- alongchamps (1)
- dag (1)
- kkao07 (1)
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