14:31:19 <acozine> #startmeeting DaWGs aka Docs Working Group 14:31:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 25 14:31:19 2020 UTC. 14:31:19 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:31:19 <zodbot> The chair is acozine. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:31:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:31:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'dawgs_aka_docs_working_group' 14:31:33 <acozine> who's around? 14:32:06 <samccann> me! 14:32:19 <acozine> #chair samccann 14:32:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine samccann 14:32:22 <samccann> cbudz has a meeting conflict today 14:32:31 <acozine> bummer! 14:33:02 <acozine> 2020 Agenda for this meeting is: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/521 14:33:22 * gundalow is here for 10 minutes or so 14:33:26 <acozine> #chair gundalow 14:33:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine gundalow samccann 14:33:40 <acozine> gundalow: you get to be furniture, even for ten minutes 14:33:45 <acozine> today's agenda is https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/521#issuecomment-587532379 14:33:48 <gundalow> woot 14:33:56 <acozine> plus https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/521#issuecomment-590491250 14:34:33 <acozine> plus, any topics that are not listed there can be raised during the Open Floor 14:35:12 <acozine> I think I'll reorder the list, leaving status updates for closer to the end 14:35:18 <samccann> wanna start with the contributor summit since gundalow is here? 14:35:24 <acozine> good idea 14:35:33 <acozine> #topic contributor summit Europe 14:35:59 <samccann> #info details at https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/521#issuecomment-590491250 14:36:25 <gundalow> #info The next Ansible Contributors Summit is Sunday, 29th March. And we will have a hackathon on BOTH the Monday & Tuesday. in Gothenburg, Sweden 14:36:42 <gundalow> #info Contributors Summit and hackathon will be available online as well 14:36:46 <acozine> gundalow: will core be unfrozen by then? 14:37:00 <acozine> or will the hackathon focus on collections? 14:38:14 <gundalow> acozine: good question. Given current data, Devel should be unfrozen and collections should be up and running. 14:38:29 <gundalow> I expect a lot to be getting started with Collections 14:38:53 <acozine> it seems like a good time to be getting the community together 14:39:00 <gundalow> Yup :) 14:39:27 * gundalow stands up and exits stage right 14:39:33 <acozine> pursued by a bear? 14:39:37 <samccann> heh 14:39:41 <acozine> (sorry, couldn't resist) 14:39:50 * acozine waves at gundalow 14:40:19 <acozine> all right, any questions about the Contributors Summit? 14:40:30 <acozine> ideas, suggestions, comments? 14:40:45 <acozine> it's very quiet today 14:41:24 <samccann> that it is 14:41:50 <bcoca> sssh! 14:42:07 <acozine> heh 14:42:10 <acozine> #chair bcoca 14:42:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine bcoca gundalow samccann 14:42:16 <samccann> toss furniture... 14:42:37 <acozine> #topic ansible freeze dates 14:42:59 <samccann> #info - details on Ansible freeze and collections - https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview 14:44:08 <acozine> we expect the `devel` branch to freeze NEXT WEEK 14:44:37 <samccann> #info 'devel' branch freezes March 2nd 14:45:05 <acozine> so if you have changes you want to go in before then, now is the time! 14:45:10 <acozine> seize the moment! 14:45:14 <acozine> carpe diem! 14:45:18 <samccann> carpe the docs! 14:45:21 <acozine> heh 14:45:31 <acozine> and ping us here for reviews, etc. 14:46:23 <samccann> speaking of which... as we all know (heh) most of the modules will be migrated from ansible/ansible to collections. 14:46:51 <samccann> There is a ..erm.. temp repo called ansible-base that gives an indication of what this will be. 14:47:11 <samccann> #topic Doc review for ansible-base 14:47:41 <samccann> #info looking for community help to verify the docs are looking good for the ansible world w/o modules 14:47:55 <samccann> #link http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/devel/index.html 14:48:17 <samccann> That's basically make webdocs off that temporary ansible-base repo. 14:48:28 <samccann> please poke around and let us know if you find any problems/issues etc 14:49:31 <samccann> #info this test docsite doesn't include collections modules yet. That's coming, as is a 'moved to' stub for existing modules in 2.9 to say where they moved to 14:49:49 <acozine> there are errors from the porting guides 14:50:06 <acozine> oh, we do have the collections stuff up there, on a different branch 14:50:26 <samccann> yes, all those links we carefully put in for modules mentioned in the porting guides no longer work. TBD what we'll do about all them 14:50:44 <samccann> i'm thinking hard-links (aka urls) but there's a further problem 14:51:28 <samccann> in that the 2.10 porting guide already has quite abit of links, and all those would go to a collection somewheres...and what does a 'porting guide' mean after 2.10? (aka when collections are revving independently) 14:51:50 <acozine> hmm, won't those errors go away once we integrate the collections build? 14:51:59 <acozine> the porting guide links will go to the stub pages then, right? 14:52:17 <samccann> oh good point! yes the older porting guides should still work! doh! 14:52:18 <acozine> (this only fixes the 2.9-and-older porting guides) 14:52:40 <samccann> i'm not doing the whole split-brain well between the collections pipeline work and the ansible-base work :-P 14:52:44 <acozine> we do still have some sample stub pages on the testing site 14:52:48 <acozine> see http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/2.10/modules/gcp_compute_firewall_info_module.html for example 14:53:06 <acozine> please remember that the testing site is subject to change without notice 14:53:11 <samccann> #info sample stub page for when modules migrate to a collection http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/2.10/modules/gcp_compute_firewall_info_module.html 14:54:50 <acozine> I believe the changelog fragments are moving with the modules they reference into collections 14:55:29 <samccann> erm... 14:55:29 <acozine> so perhaps that's the future of porting guides 14:55:45 <samccann> there's two problems with that off the top of my head - 14:56:00 <samccann> 1 - they are in rst and galaxy land only deals with md 14:56:14 <samccann> 2 - nothing references the change logs in galaxy land. 14:56:47 <acozine> true, we would either have to expand the collections docs pipeline to pull in changelog fragments, or create a new utility 14:56:49 <samccann> I suppose we could solve them with the readme.md having a link to the changelog, but then there needs to be something that will recreate a changelog.rst from all those fragments within a collection 14:57:44 <acozine> I think it woudl be great to have a utility where you provide a list of FQCNs and versions, and the utility spits out an integrated HTML page that shows you all the changes that apply 14:57:48 <samccann> well I agree they should move with the collection. I just think we have some Deep Thoughts to think through on how we recreate the changelog file for each collection, and how it handles multiple versions etc. But yep, that is likely the porting guide stopgap future 14:57:57 <acozine> that would probably have to run locally 14:58:30 <acozine> ^^^ by "that", I mean the pie-in-the-sky collections-diff utility I half-described above 14:58:32 <samccann> #action need to discuss how changelog fragments work within a collection and how to get versions of changelog files visible to a collection user 14:58:57 <samccann> #info we think change log fragments are being migrated along with the modules... need to verify that 14:59:12 <samccann> bcoca you still lurking?? ^^ 15:00:37 <bcoca> no, migration is doing nothing with changelogs 15:00:51 <bcoca> i believe RMs are looking into that with community 15:01:00 <acozine> I saw some chatter about it recently 15:01:02 <acozine> yesterday, maybe? 15:01:08 <samccann> anyone know how to remove an info in irc :-) 15:01:12 <acozine> heh 15:01:25 <acozine> you put "need to verify", I think it's fine 15:01:26 <bcoca> migration is not even keeping git hisstory, so changelogs would not be a feasable part of it 15:02:52 <samccann> ok so we'll have changelog fragments and thus a changelog.rst for 2.10, but TBD what happens after that 15:03:36 <bcoca> each repo will have to handle that 15:03:46 <samccann> so we need to figure out what happens post 2.10 so that something is in place to handle changelog equivalents and/or porting guide equivalents per repo/collection 15:04:42 <samccann> #info changelog fragments not migrating. So 2.10 will have a porting guide and changelog.rst but TBD what happens in the future. Will be up to each repo to maintain 'something' to handle versioned based information. 15:04:45 <bcoca> you will probably get something uniform from community, but for 3rd parties .. that is going to be 'fun' 15:04:46 <acozine> that could be a great topic for the hackathon at the Contributors Summit! 15:05:02 <bcoca> or just make it a requirement 'do same as community if you want to see docs for your stuff on our site' 15:05:32 <samccann> yep, I think we work as a community to figure out that. And anyone else is welcome to do the same or roll their own with their own docsite 15:06:15 <samccann> #action propose a discussion topic on changelogs/porting guides in the collections world to the contributors summit. 15:08:14 <acozine> any other questions, comments, suggestions, complaints, ideas, or any other reactions on the topic of freeze dates? 15:08:26 <acozine> aka the Great Module Migration? 15:08:42 <samccann> herds of modules.. .trotting in the wild... 15:09:13 <bcoca> i would say 'content', cause though modules are the bulk, what is really going to be a pain is the other plugin types 15:09:25 <acozine> ah, okay 15:09:43 <acozine> aka the Great Content Migration? 15:09:55 <bcoca> The plugin exodus! 15:10:02 <acozine> oh, I like that better 15:10:51 <acozine> Content is ambiguous in that phrase - could be a noun meaning "stuff" and could be an adjective meaning "satisfied" 15:11:11 <acozine> but the Great Plugin Exodus is clear, concise, and kind of funny 15:12:05 <acozine> #topic status updates 15:12:41 <acozine> samccann and I have been reviewing, merging, and/or closing as many docs PRs as we are able 15:12:52 <acozine> current count is under 70 15:13:32 <acozine> we've also been working with the localization team on Japanese translations of a few pages of the docs 15:14:40 <acozine> and testing out the new collections docs pipeline 15:16:10 <acozine> it would be great to triage the docs issues this week 15:16:31 <acozine> if anyone out there in ansible-docs land has time, please take a look 15:16:43 <acozine> and please put a note here in the chat so we know to follow up 15:17:16 <samccann> We will need to figure out what remains after the plugin exodus 15:19:09 <acozine> yes, there will be a lot of cleanup after the Plugin Exodus 15:20:13 <acozine> okay, we have ten minutes remaining 15:20:17 <acozine> #topic open floor 15:20:51 <acozine> contributors, lurkers, this is your chance! 15:21:28 <acozine> if you have a question, a complaint, a comment, an issue you filed that you'd like to push to the top of the pile, a PR you created that you'd like reviewed 15:21:33 <acozine> now is the time 15:22:06 <acozine> let us know, and we will find answers, take note of problems, look at issues, review PRs 15:22:41 <acozine> everyone is encouraged to join the conversation 15:26:05 <acozine> five minutes left 15:26:19 <acozine> if nobody has a topic to bring to the floor, we'll end early 15:27:49 <acozine> thanks everyone! 15:27:53 <acozine> #endmeeting