14:31:12 <acozine> #startmeeting Docs Working Group aka DaWGs 14:31:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Aug 25 14:31:12 2020 UTC. 14:31:12 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:31:12 <zodbot> The chair is acozine. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:31:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:31:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_working_group_aka_dawgs' 14:31:23 <acozine> #topic opening chatter 14:31:27 <acozine> who's around to talk docs? 14:31:49 <felixfontein> I'm around (half-way at least :) ) 14:32:00 <acozine> I know Mr. Barker is AFK, and samccann has temporarily stepped away 14:32:05 <acozine> #chair felixfontein 14:32:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine felixfontein 14:33:05 <acozine> baptistemm: belfast77 briantist cbudz cyberpear gwmngilfen madonius mrproper Pilou thedoubl3j tremble wangbaoshan__ zbr you folks around? 14:33:14 <zbr> o/ 14:33:21 <acozine> #chair zbr 14:33:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine felixfontein zbr 14:33:28 <baptistemm> hello 14:33:33 <samccann> hellooo! 14:33:39 <felixfontein> #chair samccann 14:33:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine felixfontein samccann zbr 14:33:57 <acozine> #chair baptistemm 14:33:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine baptistemm felixfontein samccann zbr 14:34:32 * gwmngilfen lurks 14:34:47 <aminvakil> I guess it's ok just to be here and listen? :) 14:35:02 <acozine> welcome gwmngilfen and aminvakil! 14:35:18 <acozine> aminvakil: yes, everyone is welcome to listen/read/watch 14:35:23 <gwmngilfen> you pinged me, so I looked 🙂 I'm here if there's data/stats stuff, I guess :) 14:36:10 <acozine> gwmngilfen: oh, yeah, I wanted to get an item on your radar for tracking traffic changes 14:36:27 <acozine> it's 3-4 items down on the agenda though 14:36:40 <acozine> agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/521#issuecomment-675555775 14:36:48 <gwmngilfen> i'll be here when you get to it ;) 14:37:05 <acozine> #topic bitflip release process 14:37:38 <acozine> felixfontein: do you know where we are with the release process? 14:37:55 <acozine> I don't want to ping anyone who might be asleep on the US West Coast 14:38:04 <felixfontein> acozine: according to the roadmap (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/docs/docsite/rst/roadmap/COLLECTIONS_2_10.rst) we had beta freeze last week, and we're waiting for beta 1 next week (september 1st) 14:38:29 <felixfontein> (IMO we should shorten the intervals between last alpha and beta the next time) 14:39:00 <acozine> a tighter timeframe might be nice, and once folks have been through it once, it should be easier 14:39:08 <felixfontein> indeed 14:39:21 <acozine> but I was thinking more about the mechanics of putting the release on PyPI 14:39:24 <felixfontein> besides what I mentioned above, I think not much happened 14:39:28 <felixfontein> (at least nothing I noticed :) ) 14:39:45 <acozine> heh 14:39:47 <felixfontein> sorry, no idea about that... I know that abadger1999 had a lot of meetings, maybe some were related to that 14:40:04 <acozine> okay, we'll skip that agenda item for now 14:40:29 <acozine> hm, we'll skip redirects for now also, unless anyone here has heard any news??? 14:41:16 <acozine> for anybody who's new, we're talking about the first release of Ansible as a package including `ansible-base` and a set of collections 14:42:09 <acozine> the module documentation is moving from its old location at docs.ansible.com/ansible/modules/ to a new section, and the organization is changing too 14:43:03 <acozine> the organization used to reflect the filetree within the ansible/ansible repo (with directories for `database` and other types of modules), in future it will reflect the collections on galaxy.ansible.com 14:43:48 <acozine> next week I'll ask for updates about the release stuff on Monday evening 14:44:01 <acozine> #topic porting guide, changelogs, and pipeline 14:44:07 <acozine> anything new in this arena? 14:45:13 <acozine> we merged https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/71389 14:45:53 <felixfontein> why Monday evening? 14:46:23 <samccann> to capture a certain west coast fellah who needs to sleep around this time :-) 14:46:24 <felixfontein> acozine: nothing from my side either 14:46:30 <felixfontein> samccann: ah ok :) 14:46:39 <felixfontein> samccann: that person has been writing something in #ansible-community a few minutes back 14:46:42 <abadger1999> I spent all of last week working on beta freeze and getting code ready for beta 1. So no progress on either Jenkins jobs or redirects. This week I'm devoting to docs work, though (redirects first, then bit flipping if i have time) 14:46:48 <samccann> AAAHAHAHA 14:46:55 <gwmngilfen> :) 14:47:29 <acozine> heh, we tried 14:47:41 <acozine> welcome abadger1999 14:47:47 <acozine> #chair abadger1999 14:47:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 acozine baptistemm felixfontein samccann zbr 14:48:16 <acozine> are there any remaining problems with the changelogs for collections? 14:49:48 <felixfontein> acozine: except that not all collections have included changelogs/changelog.yaml, or provided a link to a changelog, I don't think so 14:50:24 <samccann> is there anyone nagging them? Or I think there is an issue in each collection for how to be in Ansible 2.10 ? 14:50:35 <acozine> felixfontein: thanks, do we have a list of no-changelog collections? 14:50:54 <felixfontein> I think g did some nagging, but I don't know for how many of these collections 14:51:12 <felixfontein> there's https://gist.github.com/felixfontein/dc49e25d1bc324f8645d1345c1177552 but that might be outdated 14:52:07 <samccann> #info this may be out of date, but 23 of 71 collections have no compatible changelogs - https://gist.github.com/felixfontein/dc49e25d1bc324f8645d1345c1177552 14:52:16 <acozine> awesome, thanks! 14:52:24 <samccann> yeah that seems like a large list. 14:52:37 <felixfontein> I'll try to update it 14:52:41 <samccann> #action samccann to nag internal partner team to nag partners on changelogs 14:52:47 <acozine> about 30% or so 14:53:28 <samccann> yeah that would be helpful felixfontein. Ping me w/ and updated list. A lot of those look to be partner folks so we have a person/persons we can nudge to go nudge them some more (or at least find out if they never plan on doing it) 14:54:46 <samccann> what about porting guide - anything we need to continue to nag/worry/fix? 14:57:04 <acozine> the porting guide seems to be working well 14:57:26 <samccann> kewl 14:57:41 <samccann> shall we move on to the TOC changes? 14:57:44 <acozine> sure 14:57:52 <acozine> #topic updated User Guide TOC 14:58:17 <acozine> gwmngilfen: this is the one I'm hoping you can help us evaluate over time - do changes to the TOC affect traffic patterns? 14:58:56 <acozine> there's no PR yet, but here is a preview of the changes I've got so far: http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/devel/user_guide/index.html 14:59:10 * gwmngilfen is kinda here, also in a meeting 14:59:20 <felixfontein> acozine: samccann: the list is still up to date 14:59:31 <samccann> ok thanks! 15:00:01 <acozine> gwmngilfen: I can ping you again later, when your whole brain can engage 15:00:12 <baptistemm> (sorry I working so can't read thoroughly) 15:00:27 <felixfontein> acozine: samccann: please note that collections must release patch versions (w.r.t. to the frozen lower version in https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-build-data/blob/main/2.10/ansible-2.10.build) so they have a chance to show up in 2.10.0 15:00:29 <samccann> meanwhile, I mentioned moving playbooks before inventory, but that might require re-reading those sections 15:00:29 <gwmngilfen> gimme 10min or so :) 15:00:41 <felixfontein> i.e. if they add a changelog in the next minor release, the changelog will only appear in ansible 2.10.1 15:01:03 <baptistemm> acozine: for the TOC, what are the objectives ? 15:01:11 <samccann> #info for changelogs to show up in 2.10.0 collections must release patch versions (w.r.t. to the frozen lower version in https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-build-data/blob/main/2.10/ansible-2.10.build) so they have a chance to show up in 2.10.0 15:01:25 <acozine> felixfontein: so for collection 2.3.4 they need to release 2.3.5, right? 15:01:29 <samccann> #info w.g. they add a changelog in the next minor release, the changelog will only appear in ansible 2.10.1 15:01:34 <acozine> and not do it as 2.4.0 15:01:39 <felixfontein> acozine: yes 15:01:46 <acozine> gotcha, thanks 15:02:02 <felixfontein> one of the collections (cisco.ucs) already released a new minor version which won't be in 2.10.0 15:02:08 <felixfontein> (again without changelog) 15:02:35 <acozine> baptistemm: 1. to get all the User Guide pages linked from the guide's main index pages - right now we have sub-TOCs that are hard to find 15:02:42 <samccann> #info cisco.ucs) already released a new minor version which won't be in 2.10.0 15:03:09 <acozine> for example, https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks.html 15:03:15 <baptistemm> acozine: I need to write down everything that puzzle me about that 15:03:39 <acozine> some of the pages on that sub-TOC don't appear in the main TOC 15:03:40 <baptistemm> #todo baptistemm to to write down everything that puzzle him about ansible docTOC 15:03:57 <acozine> heh 15:03:57 <baptistemm> #action baptistemm to to write down everything that puzzle him about ansible docTOC 15:04:11 <acozine> and that sub-TOC has a sub-sub-TOC: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_special_topics.html 15:04:12 <baptistemm> meh 15:04:42 <acozine> another goal is to make the left-hand navigation cleaner 15:05:09 <acozine> right now when you're on a page within the User Guide, you see a long list of specific topics in the left nav 15:05:37 <baptistemm> exactly, I'd prefer having more sub entries under Using ansible 15:05:56 <baptistemm> or just entries 15:06:12 <baptistemm> don't know how to say, sibling of User Guide 15:06:49 <samccann> ah so you are thinking the user guide itself it soo big of a single 'guide' to be usable? 15:06:55 <acozine> compare the left nav on https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_error_handling.html with the left nav on http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/devel/user_guide/playbooks_error_handling.html 15:06:57 <baptistemm> yep 15:07:12 <samccann> as in separate out - playbooks, variables, inventory into their own top-level 'guides' ? 15:07:27 <acozine> yeah, that's kind of what I was trying to do with the "sections" on the testing page 15:07:28 <baptistemm> I would prefer having a starting guide and then a topic to going deeper in a topic 15:07:47 <baptistemm> a topic to go deeper in a subject 15:08:03 <samccann> yeah baptistemm - try the left-hand navigation in acozine's test. it does some of that now 15:08:43 <samccann> theres a need to reconsider/redesign all of the docs...(aka big project, will take ages) and then there's the 'what can we do in the meanwhile to make things better). 15:09:05 <acozine> almost all of the content in that guide is reference material - it's not "do these steps in this order" it's more "this is what this feature means" 15:09:06 <samccann> This test is that second category ' what can we do to make things better for now) 15:10:30 <baptistemm> at least I see there is a general improvement 15:11:37 <samccann> my nickel - acozine - create a PR and then folks can add comments. Like if baptistemm sees other ideas of what should show up in that left-hand nav for the user section 15:11:52 <acozine> sounds good 15:11:55 <baptistemm> we should have more seperation between target readers: playbook developer (sysadmin), role, module, collection developer 15:12:06 <acozine> there are still things I know I need to fix before I open a PR 15:12:17 <baptistemm> acozine: great 15:12:28 <acozine> baptistemm: the role/module/collection developer stuff should all be in the Dev Guide 15:12:38 <samccann> baptistemm: yes, that's part of the Great Docs Redesign (just made up that name). But we know we have to split things out base on who is reading it, just like you said 15:12:44 <acozine> well, module/collection, at least 15:12:53 <acozine> I guess role developer is kind of in-between 15:13:01 <baptistemm> yes 15:13:24 <baptistemm> s/role,// 15:14:59 <acozine> thanks for the feedback, ping me here any time with comments/suggestions/questions about the TOC 15:15:32 <acozine> also, please remember that materials on the testing site may disappear or change at any time with no warning 15:16:40 <samccann> felixfontein - on the changelogs - is there a deadline by which no further changelog items will show up for 2.10? Is that like the date the package is created or something sooner? 15:18:56 <samccann> oh shoot, I didn't info anything about t he toc! 15:19:30 <acozine> ah, that's okay 15:19:48 <samccann> #info user guide TOC update in progress to improve overall navigation and findability. http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/devel/user_guide/index.html 15:20:03 <samccann> #info that link may not stay active with the proposed changes but PR will come 15:20:30 <samccann> #info we should have more seperation between target readers: playbook developer (sysadmin), role, module, collection developer 15:20:59 <acozine> abadger1999: felixfontein is there a deadline for changelogs from collections? 15:22:42 <acozine> #action acozine to follow up on deadline for collections changelogs 15:23:24 <samccann> i'd like to see us find out what the hard deadline is, and then make a procedural deadline before that. I fear 30 collection owners coming here all on the same day looking for help 15:23:32 <samccann> (that day being the last possible day for inclusion ) 15:23:39 <acozine> samccann: yep, that could easily happen 15:23:47 <gwmngilfen> acozine: back ;) 15:24:40 <acozine> gwmngilfen: we're looking at redesigning the User Guide TOC (initial changes can be viewed at http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/devel/user_guide/index.html) and would like to track the influence of any changes on web traffic 15:24:54 <acozine> esp. whether previously obscure pages start seeing more traffic 15:25:12 <gwmngilfen> hmm 15:25:21 <gwmngilfen> how far back do the Adobe web stats go? 15:25:34 <acozine> at least 18 months, probably longer 15:25:54 <abadger1999> Probably rc1. 15:26:00 <gwmngilfen> assuming we have something simple like "unique hits per day" or similar, and we make a note somewhere of the day the change goes live, then we can do some analysis, yes 15:26:07 * abadger1999 finding the date for that now 15:26:07 <acozine> gwmngilfen: awesome 15:26:48 <felixfontein> samccann: as abadger1999 said, the latest rc, since there will be no difference between the latest rc and 2.10.0 15:26:58 <abadger1999> 2020-09-10: ansible-2.10 final freeze/rc1. 15:27:10 <gwmngilfen> for a given page, it's trivial enough, you have a time-series of counts before the change, you forceast the line, and then plot the real counts after the change - if they look super-different, you had an effect 15:27:45 <acozine> samccann: so, maybe Sept 7 (Monday) for the procedural deadline? 15:28:06 <samccann> yeah was thinking the same thing 15:28:30 <samccann> anyone know the schedule of the next Bullhorn? would be a good place to communicate that date 15:28:40 <gwmngilfen> acozine: now, aggregating that over a range of pages-of-interest is probably what we need, I'll need to have a think about that, but in principle it should work 15:28:41 <samccann> assuming it comes out soon. :-) 15:28:50 <acozine> hmm, I think it just went out . . . but we should check 15:28:54 <gwmngilfen> bullhorn is usually every 2 weeks 15:29:25 * gwmngilfen pokes cybette 15:30:07 <gwmngilfen> acozine: in any case, so long as we have the traffic data, we can attempt something. the biggest risk is competing events - if *other* things change during the study window, it muddies the water 15:30:12 <acozine> #agreed collections changelogs are due by Monday, September 7 for the 2.10.0 release 15:30:12 <samccann> ok looks like it went out maybe 5 days ago. So we could get it to people sort of in time 15:30:30 <acozine> gwmngilfen: yeah, like Fest . . . 15:30:35 <acozine> still, it's worth looking at 15:30:36 <gwmngilfen> right 15:30:47 <gwmngilfen> or new releases :) 15:30:52 <samccann> #action samccann to add Mon sept 7 deadling for changelogs to the next BullHorn and consider where else it should be announced 15:30:52 <acozine> or that, yeah 15:31:08 <acozine> heh, I like `deadling` 15:31:22 <acozine> #topic open floor 15:31:23 <gwmngilfen> we'll want to make a note of such things, we can try to account for them, especially if we have data from last year to condition with 15:32:13 <gwmngilfen> I'd hope we have 2 years worth, that would enable some fancy tricks :) 15:32:27 <gwmngilfen> acozine: when is this change due to go live? 15:32:47 <acozine> gwmngilfen: "not yet" is the best I can tell you, it isn't even finished 15:32:48 <samccann> hahah deadling 15:32:59 <acozine> but I wanted to get it on your radar 15:33:05 <gwmngilfen> heh, fair enough 15:33:16 <baptistemm> about doc, I saw there a japanese version, is ther any translation support planned ? 15:33:39 <gwmngilfen> would you take an action to see how far back the analytics data goes? if it's <2 years, we should probably download a bunch of the old data now 15:33:39 <acozine> baptistemm: what do you mean by "translation support"? 15:34:17 <acozine> #action acozine to find out how many months or years of web traffic analytics data we can access 15:34:35 <gwmngilfen> thanks, I'd do it but I'm swamped right now ;) 15:34:42 <baptistemm> acozine: french, german, ... using standard method existing in software like gettext or wahtever 15:34:47 <acozine> the japanese version of the docs was done by the RH localization team 15:35:01 <acozine> ah, other languages 15:35:28 <gwmngilfen> acozine: the other action would be: between now and $whenItsDone we'll want to decide which pages we're interested in. and don't say "all of them" :P 15:35:35 <acozine> heh 15:35:58 <acozine> #action acozine to decide which User Guide pages we want TOC-change data on 15:36:14 <gwmngilfen> i'm going to assume it's the stuff linked from the user stories 15:36:27 <gwmngilfen> but making an explicit list is probably wise 15:36:55 <samccann> user stories??? you got user stories for Ansible??? 15:37:01 <acozine> baptistemm: they decided on japanese because we have a lot of users and customers in Japan, and for many of them the language barrier to English is high 15:37:15 <gwmngilfen> well, i mean the stuff above the traditional-toc 15:37:33 <samccann> oh aha you got me all excited about formally defined user stories 15:37:45 <gwmngilfen> heh, bad choice of words, sorry :) 15:37:49 <samccann> :-) 15:37:57 <acozine> if they do other languages, the next ones might be Spanish or Portuguese or Chinese . . . 15:38:05 <samccann> just wishful thinking on my part 15:38:51 <gwmngilfen> for the record, as an Ansible novice, i think that draft looks great :) 15:39:31 <acozine> aminvakil1: as you can see, the `open floor` section of the meeting is when everyone chimes in about whatever is on their minds - it can be an issue or PR on GitHub, or a question about the docs or related topics, or anything, really 15:40:08 <acozine> aminvakil1: if you're still around, would you be comfortable sharing what interests you about Ansible documentation, why you joined the IRC channel, etc.? 15:41:00 <gwmngilfen> cybette says next week for bullhorn, conent to be in by Monday if possible 15:41:09 <acozine> thanks gwmngilfen 15:41:10 <gwmngilfen> published Wed 15:41:34 <aminvakil1> acozine: I have nothing in mind, just reading and watching. 15:41:44 <aminvakil1> thanks for asking though. 15:41:50 <acozine> aminvakil1: good to have you hear 15:41:54 <acozine> er, here 15:41:55 <acozine> heh 15:42:09 <acozine> both hear and here, I guess ;-) 15:42:13 <aminvakil1> :) 15:42:40 <acozine> all right, as usual lately, we've gone over our one-hour meeting 15:42:52 <acozine> anybody have a last question, comment, concern? 15:43:02 <acozine> a PR we should look at and if possible merge? 15:44:37 <acozine> hearing none . . . 15:44:42 <samccann> Reviews/comments of open docs issues always welcome and helps move them along to being merged - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+label%3Adocs 15:44:56 <acozine> agenda items are always welcome, just add a comment to https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/521 15:45:36 <acozine> thanks abadger1999 aminvakil1 baptistemm gwmngilfen samccann zbr 15:45:49 <gwmngilfen> :+1: 15:46:02 <acozine> dang, I tried to alphabetize and missed felixfontein 15:46:03 <acozine> thanks felixfontein 15:46:20 <baptistemm> time for pool diving 15:46:23 <baptistemm> see you later 15:46:32 <acozine> that's it for this week's formal meeting, chat welcome in the channel any time 15:46:35 <acozine> #endmeeting