#ansible-docs: DaWGs supplemental meeting aka The Great Docsite Split of 2021
Meeting started by acozine at 15:31:38 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- opening chatter (acozine, 15:32:26)
- draft proposal doc
https://hackmd.io/TQmzyhCUSSKa22iFR_079A?both (samccann,
- hacked ansible-collections docsite:
http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/2.11/ (samccann,
- hacked ansible-core docsite:
http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/devel/ (samccann,
- hacked docsites will disappear without warning
in a few weeks (acozine,
- The guiding principle here is that the Ansible
Collections Documentation includes only the scenario/platform guides
specific to those collections, and the overall collection index.
Everything else is really based on the version of ansible-core
included and is thus in the Ansible Core Documentation. (samccann,
- Which documentation topics/sections will end up where (acozine, 15:42:04)
- pros and cons of splitting the docs (acozine, 15:47:07)
- we should duplicate ansible.builtin on both
docsites until those plugins are removed from core. Core users will
need that info Ansible package docsite updates won't be in sync with
core releases. (samccann,
- consider adding to the core banner for those
plugins 'for the full collection index go here' to point to
ansible-collections (samccann,
- consider interim stub pages on
ansible-core-2.11 to show where all the scenario etc guides have
moved to (samccann,
- general problems with latest
- handling /latest/ (samccann, 16:24:10)
- the /latest/ convention solves the problems of
personal/blogpost links going stale. if they link to a /latest/
page, it always stays valid (samccann,
- make sure any links from ansible-collections to
ansible-core docs uses the version specific url, not /latest/ so it
matches the core version used w. Ansible (samccann,
- general feeling so far is to keep /latest/ for
both docsites (samccann,
- ACTION: samccann to
discuss moving scenario guide .rst files to ansible-collections
somewhere -w gundalow and abadger1999 (samccann,
- ACTION: explore
generally how much of our current documentation actually needs to be
versioned and how versioned and unversioned docs could live together
on docs.ansible.com in perfect harmony (samccann,
Meeting ended at 16:49:28 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- samccann to discuss moving scenario guide .rst files to ansible-collections somewhere -w gundalow and abadger1999
- explore generally how much of our current documentation actually needs to be versioned and how versioned and unversioned docs could live together on docs.ansible.com in perfect harmony
Action items, by person
- samccann
- samccann to discuss moving scenario guide .rst files to ansible-collections somewhere -w gundalow and abadger1999
People present (lines said)
- samccann (108)
- acozine (89)
- dmsimard (29)
- zodbot (10)
- lmodemal (3)
- felixfontein (2)
- cyberpear (1)
- dericcrago (1)
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