15:31:34 <samccann> #startmeeting Documentation Working Group aka DaWGs Supplemental 15:31:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 17 15:31:34 2020 UTC. 15:31:34 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:31:34 <zodbot> The chair is samccann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:31:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:31:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'documentation_working_group_aka_dawgs_supplemental' 15:31:44 <samccann> #topic opening chatter 15:31:44 <lmodemal> \o/ 15:31:53 <samccann> #chair lmodemal 15:31:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: lmodemal samccann 15:32:00 <samccann> who else is around to talk docs? 15:32:09 <acozine> o/ 15:32:36 <felixfontein> lurking :) 15:32:38 <samccann> #chair acozine 15:32:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine lmodemal samccann 15:32:44 <samccann> #chair felixfontein 15:32:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine felixfontein lmodemal samccann 15:33:04 <samccann> lurking counts today :-) We have tough competition on the community channel so might be a short one 15:33:41 <samccann> do we ping the badger? let him sleep in?? 15:34:23 <felixfontein> :) 15:35:09 <samccann> Well, let's get started agenda - https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/521#issuecomment-742807992 15:35:20 <samccann> #info mockups ...sort of 15:35:26 <samccann> #undo 15:35:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by samccann at 15:35:20 : mockups ...sort of 15:35:34 <samccann> #topic mockups ...sort of 15:35:38 <acozine> heh 15:35:59 <samccann> #info this is a rough mockup of what Ansible 3.x would look like - http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/3.x/index.html 15:36:20 <samccann> #info this is a rough mockup of what Ansible core would look like - http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/2.11/index.html 15:37:23 <samccann> they are by no means perfect, but just to give you the idea of what is on each of them. TL;DR: Ansible 3.x is complete, Ansible-core is just the user and developer guides and built-in modules 15:39:11 <acozine> this is a good step forward; it does illustrate the concerns we'd all voiced in past meetings about linking from one site to the other and how would a user know if/when she switched sites 15:39:34 <acozine> I think we can manage those things 15:39:46 <acozine> and this is the best way forward we've found so far 15:39:56 <felixfontein> btw, why `3.x` in the url and not just `3`? 15:40:05 <felixfontein> in any case, looks great! :) 15:40:11 <samccann> cuz its the only way I could get it to publish ? 15:40:14 <samccann> :-) 15:40:33 <acozine> because the pipeline only accepts `*.*` in the version slot 15:40:41 <samccann> `3` wouldn't publish in the jenkins job. It may not remain 3.x..just need someone smarter to figure out what's wrong 15:40:59 <felixfontein> ok :) 15:41:03 <acozine> we couldn't tell exactly where that constraint is introduced 15:41:29 <samccann> #info the mockup uses 3.x in the url for test purposes as the pipeline currently requires x.y in the version slot 15:42:09 <samccann> So the Ansible 3.x has a proposed banner to say what it is and how to find core. I forgot to update the core docs with a similar banner 15:43:41 <samccann> should we move on and see if we can brainstorm abit about unversioned docs? (aka community and maybe developer guides?) 15:43:56 <acozine> sure 15:44:09 <samccann> #topic unversioned docs 15:44:39 <samccann> #info can we publish just one release-independent version of the community guide? the developer guide? anything else? 15:44:59 <samccann> so let's start with a list - what do we think doesn't need to have a version attached to it 15:45:33 <acozine> community and developer guides both deal only with things as they are today, so they can definitely be unversioned 15:46:26 <samccann> is there a part of the develper guide that has to be pulled out tho? for say someone wanting to fix something in stable-2.9? 15:46:36 <acozine> nobody needs to know what the requirements for modules were in version 2.5 or when a working group was introduced 15:46:39 <samccann> I think bugfixes are my only worry... 15:46:46 <samccann> heh 15:46:54 <acozine> but bugfixes should always go into devel first 15:46:57 <acozine> then get backported 15:47:38 <acozine> so if you find a bug in 2.9, you follow the same procedure as if you found it in (proto-)2.11 15:47:52 <samccann> ok so the followon question - do we have the TIME to create some kind of third docsite/area for the unversioned stuff? 15:48:10 <acozine> I think that's why we haven't done it in the past 15:48:13 <samccann> so docs.ansible.com/contributors - and have community and dev guides there? 15:48:47 <acozine> I think heading toward unversioned content is probably part of a much longer-term roadmap 15:49:10 <samccann> #info - do we have the time to create something like docs.ansible.com/contributors - and have community and dev guides there? in time for the Feb Ansible 3.0.0 release 15:49:25 <samccann> agreed, but at least the community guide is 'low hanging fruit' 15:49:41 <acozine> also, the more top-level sites we have, the more switching back and forth users have to do 15:49:53 <samccann> yeah 15:50:54 <samccann> so I know the dev guide gets a LOT less traffic than user guides/modules etc 15:50:54 <acozine> I remember getting some feedback at one point about "why doesn't Ansible have a developer site, like dev-docs.ansible.com, so developers don't have to wade through all that user content?" 15:51:37 <samccann> so the only benefit I can think of right now to trying for developer/contributor docsite is that we wouldn't repeat that info on the other two docsites 15:52:00 <samccann> otherwise, both are duplicated between core and Ansible 15:52:05 <acozine> true 15:52:21 <samccann> but on the flip side -what we are doing is an 'interim fix' until that longterm plans get.. well... planned :-) 15:52:36 <acozine> yep 15:52:52 <acozine> nothing is permanent, but this is especially not 15:53:02 <acozine> Docs Ephemera 15:53:06 <samccann> so i could go either way on this. I 'think' once we figure out how to split things for Ansible vs core, it would be 'relatively easy' to split it a third way to create release independent 15:53:13 <samccann> the zen of documentation 15:54:39 <acozine> the community docs probably fit best in a repo in ansible-collections 15:54:54 <acozine> but we don't want to pull the developer docs out of the main repo 15:54:58 <samccann> yes and no. Core has a community 15:55:37 <samccann> I'm hoping we can/will keep those communities in sync w/ the same guides 15:56:07 <samccann> but for example, if we did docs.ansible.com/contributing - the url suggests it covers awx, ansible lint, etc etc 15:56:36 <samccann> which maybe is something we DO want, but takes longer to get it all in place 15:56:52 * samccann convincing herself NOT to create unversioned docs just yet 15:56:56 <acozine> heh 15:57:11 <felixfontein> docs.ansible.com/ansible/contributing ? 15:57:23 <acozine> felixfontein: that's pretty much where it is now 15:57:29 <acozine> except with a version number 15:57:47 <acozine> I don't know if we can mix in versioned and unversioned docs in that same URL structure 15:57:55 <samccann> yeah see I don't want to take that step, because we do have the opportunity to potentially have one overarching contributor section and put in guides for core, for collections, for xxx ? 15:58:59 <samccann> as in - it might be too early to head down that road until the docs longterm plans are more in place 15:59:19 <felixfontein> acozine: that's what I mean, just leave away the version number :) whether it's possible to mix that depends on what actually depends on that... 15:59:28 <samccann> i could of course be convinced otherwise... not the docs hill i'm dyin on today ;-) 15:59:32 <acozine> heh 16:00:29 <acozine> we could have "all versions link to the contributor guide that has no version" within the existing structure, but then how do we get users back to the version they came from? 16:01:15 <felixfontein> do we need to get users back to the version they came from? when they are on the general contributing site? 16:02:23 <acozine> maybe not 16:02:55 <acozine> if they were looking for contributor docs, then they won't want to see a particular version 16:04:19 <acozine> if they are using Ansible 2.9 and clicked on the Community section, then they want to learn more about running playbooks, though, they will want 2.9 again 16:04:56 * acozine should probably look at the existing traffic stats, to see where people go when they leave the community guide 16:06:01 <felixfontein> I would assume that people would use their browser's back button, since they don't directly see the stuff they are interested in 16:06:12 <acozine> if most users who read community pages end their visits there, that tells us that we don't need to worry about getting them to versioned docs from there 16:06:38 <acozine> yeah, they can use the back button 16:07:48 <acozine> and if we limit the TOC on the community pages, so users can't select Module/Collection Index from there . . . 16:09:40 <acozine> but I agree with samccann that February is too early for that move 16:10:41 <acozine> also, I have a raging headache, which is making me grumpy 16:10:50 <acozine> or maybe being grumpy is giving me the headache? hard to say 16:12:59 * acozine falls back on the agenda 16:13:42 <acozine> let's see, we talked about versioned/unversioned 16:14:09 <acozine> and we talked about the status of the current proposal, which is "take a look on the testing site and see if it makes sense" 16:14:51 <acozine> there's also "update on moving scenario guides to another repo" 16:15:03 <acozine> #topic can we move scenario guides to a different repo? 16:15:57 <felixfontein> I think the idea was to move the scenario guides to the collection repos, and have some mechanism in antsibull-docs to allow collections to provide RST files that are included in the doc site 16:16:08 <acozine> yes 16:16:20 <acozine> and I think it's a good idea, if we can make it work 16:17:59 <acozine> but probably not going to happen before the New Year 16:21:17 <acozine> maybe we can set up an agenda for the first week of the New Year, and come to all these topics then with fresh eyes/minds 16:22:07 <acozine> and then we can join the PR day and try to make some progress there 16:22:57 <acozine> #action acozine to create an agenda for the first week of January 16:24:03 <acozine> thanks felixfontein lmodemal samccann 16:24:09 <acozine> #endmeeting