15:00:53 <samccann> #startmeeting Documentation Working Group aka DaWGs 15:00:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 26 15:00:53 2021 UTC. 15:00:53 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:53 <zodbot> The chair is samccann. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 15:00:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'documentation_working_group_aka_dawgs' 15:01:04 <samccann> #openingchatter 15:01:16 <samccann> So, who's around today to talk docs and all the wordy mc word word fun? 15:02:56 <samccann> andersson007_ dericcrago dmsimard gundalow tadeboro briantist cyberpear mrproper[m] Xaroth you folks chatting docs today? 15:03:04 <gundalow> o/ 15:03:09 <briantist> o/ 15:03:14 <ariordan> o/ 15:03:26 <samccann> #chair gundalow ariordan briantist 15:03:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: ariordan briantist gundalow samccann 15:03:36 <samccann> #topic opening chatter 15:03:38 <samccann> doh 15:03:39 <lmodemal[m]> Hello 15:03:47 <samccann> #chair lmodemal 15:03:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: ariordan briantist gundalow lmodemal samccann 15:04:14 <samccann> okay let's get started for realz 15:04:21 <samccann> #topic Action Item review 15:04:43 <samccann> #info core-2.12 docs checklist is on track for the release https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/75883 15:05:14 <samccann> #info docs for split controller still TBD but hoping for something soon after some other higher priority work settles 15:05:17 * acozine waves 15:05:20 <acozine> sorry I'm late 15:05:23 <samccann> #chair acozine 15:05:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine ariordan briantist gundalow lmodemal samccann 15:05:36 <samccann> no worries! always have spare chairs for whenever folks get here ! 15:06:20 <samccann> #info the new shading on module tables etc is up on test http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/devel/collections/ansible/windows/win_domain_membership_module.html#ansible-collections-ansible-windows-win-domain-membership-module 15:07:00 <samccann> Any other action items to discuss? 15:08:26 <samccann> ariordan: how's the boilerplate text change going for collections? 15:08:32 <ariordan> https://github.com/ansible-community/antsibull/pull/324/files 15:08:41 * acozine needs to fetch her tea, BRB 15:09:02 <ariordan> It's failing a test. 15:09:37 <samccann> I wonder about :code: ? that's the only thing that looks different 15:10:00 <samccann> maybe just use two backticks ? `` ? 15:10:13 <ariordan> I copied the :code: from another sentence in the note. 15:10:28 <samccann> oh yeah, doh! nvm 15:10:29 <gundalow> Ci failure doesn't seem related to your change 15:10:29 <gundalow> `Exception: Repeated error when calling aio_session.get('https://galaxy.ansible.com/download/community-routeros-2.0.0-a2.tar.gz?format=json'): received status codes 429, 429, 429, 429, 429, 429, 429, 429, 429, 429` 15:11:00 <gundalow> I've clicked re-run on CI, should hopefully be green shortly 15:11:01 <samccann> oh gosh 15:11:14 <ariordan> I thought I'd mention it because I don't know how to check PRs on Antsibull. 15:11:45 <samccann> that's the problem we were seeing earlier. There seems to be some throttling in Galaxy since it moved to Openshift cluster back in late Aug. So yeah, retry the CI a couple of times 15:13:17 <samccann> Okay let's shift topics 15:13:29 <samccann> #topic shaded borders on plugin tables 15:13:39 <samccann> #link http://docs.testing.ansible.com/ansible/devel/collections/ansible/windows/win_domain_membership_module.html#parameters 15:14:48 <samccann> Any other testing we need to do before we give the thumbs up for this change? I've tried it on iphone(safar) and laptop with firefox, ecoasia and chrome and all LGTM 15:14:54 <acozine> I think the alternating colors look good and are helpful 15:15:51 <gundalow> Oh, that's a good improvement 15:16:06 <samccann> cyb-clock-clone sez we are 15 min into the meeting 15:16:09 <ariordan> Looks good to me. 15:17:37 <samccann> #agreed we are ready to go on the shaded border PR! 15:17:51 <samccann> (I'll have to look up what PR I'm talking about to put our thumbs up approval on it) 15:17:57 <samccann> That will be a great addition for sure 15:18:13 <samccann> ok swinging to our next hopefully quick topic 15:18:23 <samccann> #topic Meeting time change for Daylight Savings 15:18:53 <samccann> #info we tend to shift the meeting time (UTC hours) so that it remains the same time for those places who follow Daylight Savings time 15:19:30 <samccann> So, do we want to do that again this year? Mostly it's a UTC change and this meeting happens at the same time 'locally' for each of us 15:19:40 <acozine> I think last spring we changed by 30 minutes 15:19:57 <acozine> we could change back to that time, or change by an hour 15:20:01 <samccann> yeah I just don't know why. Am I not doing the math right? 15:20:23 <samccann> maybe the question is - do we want to keep this same time? 15:20:52 <samccann> The Ansible 'calendar' goes by UTC so if we don't change it, this meeting becomes one hour eaerlier and we risk losing some folks in other timezones 15:22:15 <acozine> samccann: your math is good, I think it was someone in Europe (felix, maybe?) who wanted the meeting to line up with, um, the end of hte workday? Or something??? 15:22:30 <acozine> anyway, I'm okay with whatever time 15:22:34 <ariordan> I'm not free during the 30 minutes preceding the current meeting time. 15:23:15 <samccann> I snuck in to Felix before the meeting because he wasn't available and he's in favor of moving the UTC calendar so this meeting remains the same time for each of us 15:23:18 <ariordan> The current start time is 4pm for me, so it would be 5pm for Felix 15:23:50 <samccann> it's time for... a ... VOTE! 15:23:57 <lmodemal[m]> Currently, I'm fine with either time 15:24:40 <samccann> VOTE: Change the UTC calendar so the DaWGs meeting stays the same time for each of us (11am ET, 4pm Irish time, 5pm Felix time) :-) 15:24:49 * samccann time zone challenged 15:24:51 <acozine> +1 15:24:55 <samccann> +1 15:24:57 <ariordan> +1 15:25:02 <samccann> #chair 15:25:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine ariordan briantist gundalow lmodemal samccann 15:26:05 <lmodemal[m]> +1 15:26:07 <briantist> +0 15:26:17 <briantist> (I'll just go with the flow, I always have meeting conflicts anyway) 15:26:30 <samccann> heh thanks briantist 15:27:05 <ariordan> Daylight saving time changes on different days in Europe and USA. 15:27:19 <samccann> #agreed Change the UTC calendar so the DaWGs meeting stays the same time for each of us (11am ET, 4pm Irish time, 5pm Felix time) :-) 15:27:27 <samccann> that's the second part of the question ariordan 15:27:47 <samccann> My nickel is we change it for next week because the rest of the world changes next week, right? 15:28:03 <samccann> i seem to recall the community meeting saying that. 15:28:05 <gundalow> +0 15:28:07 <ariordan> Yes, we change on the 31st 15:28:28 <acozine> as long as the bot knows the right time, I'm okay with it 15:28:33 <gundalow> Currently half way through the two weeks of confusion 15:28:39 <dericcrago> what UTC time is the new start time? 15:28:52 <gundalow> If the UTC time changes then the Bot's reminder will need updating 15:29:14 <gundalow> Also the `yaml` & `README.md` file in ansible/community will need updating 15:29:20 <samccann> deric.crago: not sure. I have to go look it up and change the calendar stuffs again. Usually I look at an old PR and do it 15:29:49 <samccann> #action samccann to change the yaml and README.md file in ansible/community to align with this decision 15:30:03 <samccann> Who can change the bot .. is that Gwmngilfen ? 15:30:54 <dericcrago> I think the new start time is UTC 16:00, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong 15:31:39 <samccann> #action samccann to find out who can change the meeting reminder bot to align with the UTC time change (possiblly 16:00 UTC but need to verify) 15:31:45 <samccann> okay thanks everyone! 15:32:06 * samccann cybclock-clone sez we are 32 min into the meeting 15:32:15 <briantist> I just want an update to the calendar file (ICS) that's very public so I don't forget to update mine (or to confirm if it auto-updates) 15:32:26 <briantist> so whenever it changes, please be loud about it :) 15:32:32 <samccann> #action samccann to ask same person if we can get a cybclock-clone ping on the 15 min marks here too 15:33:15 <acozine> yeah, I think the meeting time appears in two places, and there should be old PRs to copy 15:33:28 <samccann> #agreed we will change UTC meeting invites etc this week to align with Daylight Savings shift for Europe 15:33:50 <gundalow> briantist: If you've "imported by URL" (rather than download and add) then you should be good 15:34:10 <briantist> I think I have... but I don't remember 😅 15:34:13 <samccann> ok my brain hurts. For US folks - I 'think' this means next week's meeting happens one hour later? until US gets into daylight savings? 15:34:35 <gundalow> Next year maybe we just cancel the meetings for two weeks 15:34:44 <samccann> HAHAH 15:35:08 <briantist> actually that's a decent idea gundalow , to save administrative headache during the transitional period 15:36:00 <acozine> currently the meeting is at 16:00 UTC 15:36:08 <acozine> according to https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Docs 15:36:15 <gundalow> samccann: Looks like Nate is in the process of updating https://github.com/ansible/community/pull/632 so maybe you could push your changes into that 15:36:32 <gundalow> PR 15:37:04 <samccann> acozine: looks like we forgot to update that. google sez it is 15:37 UTC right now 15:37:26 <acozine> heh 15:37:34 <acozine> here's the PR, which is apparently wrong 15:37:35 <acozine> https://github.com/ansible/community/pull/602 15:37:59 <acozine> oh, or we updated the ical file but not the wiki page 15:38:00 <samccann> But that does answer my earlier question that this meeting will be at noon ET next week, until the US does daylight savings time 15:38:55 <acozine> yep 15:39:25 <samccann> #info For US folks - this meeting will be an hour LATER, next week, until the US goes into Daylight Savings time the following week 15:39:41 <samccann> ok we beat that time into an early grave... let's move on 15:40:08 <samccann> #Topic PR76088 15:40:19 <samccann> hmph 15:40:24 <samccann> #topic PR76088 15:40:26 <samccann> #link https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/76088/files 15:40:52 <samccann> oh wow, a tie and everything! 15:41:24 <samccann> I think the PR may be good to go? 15:42:04 <briantist> I think so yeah, thanks everyone for the feedback :) 15:42:28 <briantist> open to any other changes if you all have anything 15:44:05 <acozine> I'd make it all active voice: `You can link to non-module plugins with ref: using hte rST anchor, but you must always supply a title, because plugin and module anchors never have their own titles.` or something like that. 15:44:15 <acozine> but I'm also happy to merge this and revisit 15:44:23 <acozine> it's an improvement over what we've got 15:44:54 <briantist> would you post the active voice edit as a suggestion so I can just commit it from the PR? 😁 15:45:04 <samccann> I can stick that in as a suggested edit and then merge 15:45:05 <acozine> briantist: yep, will do 15:45:14 <briantist> great, go for it samccann 15:45:22 <samccann> ok cool thanks acozine 15:45:33 * acozine types it up 15:45:48 <samccann> We have 15 min left, so I'm going to touch the first bit of 'ongoing work' before we open the floor 15:46:09 <samccann> #topic Should devel docs use the interim branches of devel? 15:46:55 <samccann> #info background - core is proposing to create interim branches off devel that are more stable etc. Do we want devel docs to point to those or just keep using the devel branch? 15:47:42 <samccann> #info - pros of keeping devel - we will know instantly if something has gone wrong and can highlight it to be fixed potentially before the next interim branch 15:47:54 <samccann> #info cons - we could have a busted devel docs for a bit :-) 15:48:27 <acozine> I'd vote for keeping it on devel 15:48:34 <briantist> devel, please 15:48:35 <samccann> note we have had busted devel docs before, so not a big change there. With the interim, we could always 'go back' to the last interim if the docs got totally hosed. 15:48:59 <samccann> yeah i'm also in favor of staying on devel. Wanted to get the hive minds thoughts as well 15:49:00 <briantist> it's useful to have a "most up-to-date possible" set of docs 15:49:05 <acozine> unless core is going to branch the next truly stable branch from the interim semi=stable branch 15:50:21 <acozine> best to know about the breakages as early as possible 15:50:58 <ariordan> I'd prefer to stick with devel 15:51:32 <samccann> #info we will keep the devel docs tied to the devel branch so they are the most up-to-date and if anything 'goes wrong' we will know about it asap 15:51:39 <samccann> ok cool thanks let's open the floor 15:51:43 <samccann> #topic Open Floor 15:51:48 <acozine> one more comment about devel docs 15:51:55 <samccann> go for it 15:52:35 <acozine> we might want to have a repeatable process for publishing "most recent collections plus most recent non-broken core docs on the devel branch" 15:52:45 <acozine> don't know how difficult that would be 15:52:53 <acozine> but worth putting in some thought/effort 15:52:58 <gundalow> Good question, I think continuing to use `devel` is good, we want to know what the most recent updates are 15:53:18 <samccann> that might just be as easy as a manual build with the devel-stable instead of devel (making up branch names etc) 15:53:33 <acozine> that or specify a commit 15:53:54 <acozine> like "devel docs were publishable up to CSDFJIEOWRUE, we're publishing them from there" 15:53:56 <samccann> yeah we can experiment once the first branch off devel happens. 15:54:16 <acozine> okay, I need to scamper off 15:54:24 <samccann> or yes, as you say, publish from a commit and turn off the nightly build 15:54:29 <acozine> biobreak before my next meeting at the top of the hour 15:54:33 <samccann> thanks acozine meanwhile, the floor is open! 15:54:36 <acozine> good to "see" folks! 15:54:43 <acozine> #unchair acozine 15:54:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: ariordan briantist gundalow lmodemal samccann 15:54:46 <samccann> Now's the time anyone can ask or bring up anything related to docs 15:55:06 <samccann> your fav. PR, issue? anything you want to bring up related to words :-) 15:57:35 <samccann> ok thinks seem a bit quite on the floor. If no one has anything else, I'll end this meeting with a minute or two to spare! 15:58:20 <samccann> ok thanks everyone! 15:58:24 <samccann> #endmeeting