15:57:06 <gundalow> #startmeeting Docs Sprint 15:57:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 10 15:57:06 2016 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:57:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:57:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_sprint' 15:57:10 <gundalow> #chair docschick 15:57:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: docschick gundalow 15:57:21 <gundalow> docschick: Everything is logged now :) 16:55:47 <docschick> hello :) 16:55:52 <docschick> awesome, thanks 16:56:08 <docschick> i can make the channel alright, but feel free to op others too 16:56:28 <docschick> we have no mic in the room, so i'll dial in with my phone and we can pass that around as a mic 16:57:50 <gundalow> docschick: ah, OK 16:58:32 * gundalow has an interest in the docs from an developer point of view 16:58:38 <gundalow> linuxdynasty: hey :) 16:59:12 <linuxdynasty> hello 16:59:15 <linuxdynasty> :) 17:07:12 <abadger1999> is there a bluejeans link or such for this meeting? 17:07:25 * abadger1999 not sure how he's going to multitask but will try. 17:07:46 <gundalow> #topic https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-october-2016-doc-sprint 17:07:49 <gundalow> abadger1999: in ^ 17:07:58 <gundalow> Starts in 30 minutes 17:11:22 <docschick> you can dial in now, though. we're starting to gather in the room farthest away from the rest of the conference ;) 17:11:23 <docschick> https://bluejeans.com/563045112 17:23:13 * abadger1999 dialed in via blue jeans on phone. Mya switch over to tablet once he gets blue jeans installed there. 17:28:19 <gundalow> Meeting has started, see topic for BlueJeans details 17:29:54 <abadger1999> docschick: Can you turn the camera to the speaker for intros 17:30:07 <abadger1999> Thanks! 17:34:43 <abadger1999> organization -- google is the only way for me to find things. When I add information, I often duplicate it or put it in the wrong section (or it's already duplicated). 17:37:00 <abadger1999> ah -- no complaints about swift; it's mostly search vs browse that I'm talking about. 17:37:57 <zodbot> abadger1999: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 17:38:03 <abadger1999> Just checking :-) 17:38:10 <gundalow> #chair abadger1999 17:38:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 docschick gundalow 17:38:31 <docschick> can everyone still hear? one report of lost audio 17:38:35 <misc> I can 17:38:41 <gundalow> loud and clear :) 17:38:41 <abadger1999> I can hear. 17:38:58 <docschick> thanks! 17:39:13 <abadger1999> tima mentioning that the parameters in the table at the top is not the best. 17:39:31 <abadger1999> Required vs optional is a problem that both tima nad mperz have seen. 17:39:50 <abadger1999> table within a table has shown up somewhere. 17:40:03 <misc> yeah, for return code 17:42:42 <gundalow> #chair dharmabumstead 17:42:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dharmabumstead docschick gundalow 17:42:50 <docschick> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-october-2016-doc-sprint -- in case it's needed 17:42:56 <docschick> or see topic :) 17:44:07 <abadger1999> dharmabumstead: the (partial) story so far: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/447792/12143214/ 17:53:30 <abadger1999> Someone asked whether we can have a QA doc -- that tells contributors and bleeding edge users how to test release cnadidates. 17:53:59 <bcoca> wouldnt that overlap with developer docs on how to test their modules? 17:54:09 <bcoca> or features to core 17:54:15 <abadger1999> gundalow says that we could modify the installing page for that. 17:54:35 <bcoca> i would leave installing page simple, link 'develoeprs, qa' page from there 18:03:02 <abadger1999> Question about whether to pull the docs into a separate repo. 18:03:16 <abadger1999> (except for modules) 18:03:29 * abadger1999 sees pros and cons 18:03:50 <abadger1999> gundalow saying that one danger is that versions are no longer automatically synced. 18:05:26 <abadger1999> misc says it means that we can't verify that the docs are updated when the code is updated. 18:06:42 <misc> we have separate repo for glsuter, and so we can't refuse PR because they do add a feature that is not documented (or rather, that's not as seamless as it would with a merged repo) 18:07:12 <bcoca> one thing i wanted to add is autogenerate code for all plugins like we do in modules, so lookup, callback, filter, etc 18:07:33 <abadger1999> dharmabumstead brings up that currently the jenkins doc build tests the code and therefore docs build can fail due to code changes. 18:07:48 <bcoca> as for rest of docs, we dont guarantee that they are in sync, but much easier to keep in sync vs having 2 PRs to 2 diff repos (core/extras anyone?) 18:08:24 <abadger1999> Sam brings up that module docs being integrated in the modules is a more annoying thing (mainly... would be good to have an easy way to test the module docs) 18:08:32 <bcoca> not sure why doc builds test code, aside from ansible-doc nothing else should care 18:08:46 <bcoca> ansible-doc module ? 18:09:26 <abadger1999> yeah... I think that might be a problem with the jenkins job configuration rather than what's in the repositories. 18:09:27 <bcoca> anisble-doc modulename <= should test 'correct doc structure' 18:10:03 <gundalow> .win 24 18:12:24 <abadger1999> ah Sam is actually supertom (just the way that bluejeans is hearing things) 18:12:46 <gundalow> "Sam" is everyone, she is passing her phone around 18:13:21 <gundalow> supertom: https://github.com/sivel/ansible-testing/ 18:13:47 <gundalow> supertom: "ansible-validate-modules /path/to/ansible-modules-extras 18:14:01 <supertom> thanks @gundalow 18:14:49 <gundalow> supertom: "ansible-validate-modules /path/to/ansible-modules-extras" is what Shippable runs when you raise a PR 18:14:57 <abadger1999> dharmabumstead brings up that we could have separate standards for how git merges are handled in a docs repo vs a core repo 18:15:25 <abadger1999> So that if someone makes a merge commit that pulls in the past 5 hundred commits, that oculd be legal i nthe docs repo. 18:15:39 <bcoca> i would say that is more a problem than a feature 18:16:11 <abadger1999> tima brings up categorization of docs pull requests and issues. 18:16:56 <bcoca> lets make pro/cons list, im remiss of spitting the repo again right before we unite it 18:19:29 <abadger1999> dharmabumstead brings in the question of editorial control over docs. 18:20:01 <bcoca> i thought his group had that, with help from core for 'correctness' 18:21:14 <abadger1999> bcoca: I think we haven't really said the policy and told all committers is the problem 18:21:39 <supertom> maybe a docs directory, if not a repo? Something that keeps it separate so it could be merged quicker, or flagged more easily for others? 18:21:43 <bcoca> ^ goes back to my 'we need a list to commiters and notify them when we update the rules' 18:21:54 <bcoca> we have docs directory already 18:22:06 <bcoca> docsite/rst <= to be specific 18:22:16 <supertom> I was thinking per-module 18:22:28 <supertom> but I agree, this is the "how" without defining the "what" 18:22:30 <misc> we have a policy on docs ? 18:22:48 <abadger1999> note: The pieces that dharmabumstead was talking about do not affect the module docs. 18:23:03 <bcoca> abadger1999: i have reverted doc commits when they were 'wrong', dharmabumstead you shoujld be able to do same 18:23:12 <abadger1999> which is problematic :-( 18:23:22 <gundalow> misc: If you are talking about my point I was mainly refering to Module documentation 18:23:27 <bcoca> its 'worst case' but probalby the start of conversation 18:23:30 <abadger1999> (module docs are more problematic than the docsite/rst docs) 18:23:31 <dharmabumstead> one of the problems having a separate docs repo would solve would be that you *wouldn’t* have someone merging the past 500 commits because the volume for doc contribs would be *way* lower. 18:23:35 <abadger1999> not the revert :-) 18:23:58 <bcoca> dharmabumstead: we have that problem with random PRs not specifically docs 18:23:59 <dharmabumstead> as far as editorial ‘control'... 18:24:22 <abadger1999> Yeah, it's an issue with git having ways to do things that lead to that happening. 18:24:33 <misc> we have rebase and merge, no ? 18:24:35 <abadger1999> not necessarily the volume of commits 18:24:39 <bcoca> and squash 18:24:49 <abadger1999> misc: yeah... but not everyone understands when and how to use rebase. 18:24:55 <dharmabumstead> there’s no easy way for someone to look at the ansible repo now and just pick out the doc commits. 18:24:59 <abadger1999> which is how that particular thing came about. 18:25:02 <bcoca> docs tend to have much lesser frequency of commits, also we tend to merge them faster as they have little repercussions to the code 18:25:08 <misc> abadger1999: true, so maybe we should replace that with a bot that do the right thing ? 18:25:12 <abadger1999> dharmabumstead: current commits or past commits? 18:25:14 <abadger1999> err 18:25:18 <dharmabumstead> which i think would make it all the better for docs to have their own repo 18:25:19 <bcoca> dharmabumstead: actually, outside of modules, its pretty easy, just filter by docsite/ 18:25:19 <abadger1999> PRs or past commits? 18:25:29 <dharmabumstead> either or 18:25:31 <abadger1999> <nod> what bcoca said for psat commits 18:25:33 <bcoca> PRs are labeled 18:25:41 <abadger1999> PRs jctanner's bot can do it. 18:25:44 <bcoca> doc_pull_request 18:25:53 <bcoca> ^ even if manual, we've been doing it 18:26:24 <gundalow> Discussion about what should be in a style guide 18:26:32 <gundalow> k=v or k:v 18:26:35 <dharmabumstead> for modules 18:26:40 <dharmabumstead> (style guide) 18:26:44 <gundalow> yup, for modules 18:26:46 <abadger1999> we should make sure that's a feature he has implemented 18:26:46 * misc is team : 18:26:50 <gundalow> misc: +1 18:27:02 <abadger1999> k: v is best practice. should be in the style guide. 18:27:06 <bcoca> im ok with either k=v or k: v, i think both are useful 18:27:15 <abadger1999> k=v should be used in just a few places. 18:27:35 <gundalow> k=v for ad-hoc, where else does it make sense? 18:27:38 <abadger1999> where the prime use case is adhoc (/usr/bin/ansible) instead of playbook. 18:27:42 <abadger1999> yep. 18:27:48 <bcoca> abadger1999: i would say, k: v avoids some corner cases, i would not categorically say k: v is 'best practice' 18:28:01 <supertom> @gundalow, BTW, works great. Broke a module to see it work. Thanks! 18:28:23 <misc> k: v force people to make each argument on 1 line, and so permit to show directly in diff what got changed 18:28:26 <gundalow> supertom: cool, feel free to ping me directly if you have issues 18:28:31 <bcoca> k=v makes sense for readability, when your horizontal space is more plentiful than your vertical 18:29:17 <bcoca> i think k: v is less problematic from the execution side, but k=v is something that most people are more comfortable with 18:29:47 <abadger1999> there's tradeoffs even then. density is not always better than things scrolling off the edge. 18:29:59 <abadger1999> (even then = vertical vs horizontal space) 18:30:03 <bcoca> agreed, but let users make the tradeoff 18:30:46 <abadger1999> bcoca: right... we're not removing the feature... we're not even documenting it as best practice for users... it's the style guide for our docs. 18:31:10 <abadger1999> make have the docs say k: v 18:31:13 <bcoca> aside from lininfile/blockinfile/replace modules, rest should be fine either way 18:31:29 <bcoca> docs ONLY using k: v makes it seem k=v is not legal 18:31:57 <abadger1999> which too me is fine. 18:32:08 <abadger1999> k=v exists if they want to use it. 18:32:19 <bcoca> But not going to press on it, if that is what the majority wants as 'doc format', fine, but k=v does make it easier for users to pick up ansible, even if it can cause issues later on 18:32:20 <misc> well, mixing might make things be more complicated to users, who will wonder what to use 18:32:43 <misc> "ie, why is is k:v for this module and k=v for this modules" 18:33:01 <misc> but indeed, you also need to be more confortable with yaml to get it 18:33:05 <bcoca> misc: depends, some modules even have both in examples, what should be clear is in 'introduciton docs' taht both formats are available 18:33:10 <bcoca> with examples 18:33:29 <gundalow> having both in examples must be *reall* confusing for new users 18:33:30 <abadger1999> <nod> agreed that intro docs should show both. 18:33:57 <bcoca> i have not heard a user complain yet about k: v and k=v format making it unclear what they should use 18:34:06 <bcoca> ^ and i hear them complain a lot about many other things 18:34:37 <bcoca> again, i dont care too much about this, i think there are plenty of much more important issues we need to deal with docsland 18:34:42 * gundalow has had someone ask if some modules work in different ways as they sayk=v and k:v in different modules 18:34:46 <bcoca> and this can go to botom of list 18:34:48 <gundalow> bcoca: That's a good point 18:35:11 <misc> we can discuss of the mode style, 0755 vs "u+rw,g-wx,o-rwx" :) 18:35:35 <bcoca> we need to support both 18:35:37 <gundalow> misc: :) 18:35:55 <bcoca> even u:user:r-x 18:36:08 <bcoca> ^ solaris chmod uses acl type format 18:36:34 <misc> my annoyance is that I did convert lots of stuff from salt 18:36:34 <abadger1999> ansible-examples needs an owner. 18:36:43 <bcoca> we have ansible-examples? 18:36:45 <misc> and I kinda used 755 instead of 0755 a lot 18:36:52 <gundalow> mperz and tima to own ansible-examples 18:36:55 <abadger1999> mperz and tima volunteering to make sure it is up to date with best practices 18:37:07 <abadger1999> bcoca: the github repo 18:37:15 <bcoca> ah, the sample plays/roles 18:37:19 <gundalow> yup 18:37:22 <bcoca> thoguht it was new cli 18:37:27 <abadger1999> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples 18:37:27 <gundalow> heeh 18:38:08 <abadger1999> bcoca: New challenge? ansible-example role-to-setup-nginx-server ;-) 18:38:24 <bcoca> ^ dont we have 4300 of those in galaxy? 18:38:30 <gundalow> probs need another galaxy role for nginx 18:44:22 <gundalow> jtanner: see topic for etherpad link 18:45:23 <jtanner> so did we decide to move docs to mediawiki yet? :troll: 18:45:49 <dharmabumstead> might as well. 18:49:57 <gundalow> Example docs fragments for modules https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/utils/module_docs_fragments/dellos10.py 18:51:01 <bcoca> ^ on thing i've been wanting for along time, move doc_fragments to lib/ansible/plugins 18:51:18 <bcoca> another thing on my list, make them "overridable" 18:51:35 <bcoca> optiona/version_added: 1.3, but for this module its 2.3 18:51:48 <abadger1999> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/module_utils/ec2.py#L122 18:52:52 <gundalow> bcoca: what does overridable mean in this context? 18:53:23 <abadger1999> Thanks for organizing it docschick! 18:53:28 <bcoca> as i said, doc fragment states version 1.3, but module x implemented it in 2.3 18:53:39 <docschick> glad to be here for this! 18:53:50 <gundalow> I'll leave the meeting running in here for a little bit longer so we capture anything else that's said 18:53:52 <abadger1999> and thanks to dharmabumstead for thowing all these ideas and plans out here! 18:53:53 <bcoca> ^ dont think we should allow/override anything other than version 18:53:57 <abadger1999> for discussion 18:54:08 <gundalow> Thank's y'all 18:54:39 <dharmabumstead> “red warrior needs food…badly” 18:55:08 <dharmabumstead> (nobody here remembers playing gauntlet) 18:55:34 <bcoca> <= is nobody 18:55:35 <gundalow> #endmeeting