19:01:13 <bcoca> #startmeeting Ansible Core Meeting 19:01:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 24 19:01:13 2016 UTC. The chair is bcoca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_meeting' 19:02:12 <bcoca> #chair abadger1999 jimi|ansible jtanner|t420 mattclay nitzmahone 19:02:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca jimi|ansible jtanner|t420 mattclay nitzmahone 19:02:18 * gundalow waves 19:02:21 <Qalthos> hiya 19:02:25 <bcoca> hi 19:02:28 <jtanner|t420> hi, may not be here for entire meeting 19:03:41 <bcoca> hmm, no agenda 19:04:06 <bcoca> can we close 'old agenda tickets'? 19:05:08 <jtanner|t420> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/100 ? 19:05:43 <bcoca> that is old 19:06:05 <bcoca> nvmd ... i thought it was the 30th for some reason .... 19:06:21 * bcoca will pass meeting mgmt to anyone that is not as sober 19:06:54 <bcoca> ^ so we have explicit `if __main__ ` requirement for modules but not actual def main() function 19:07:06 <bcoca> ^ proposal is to make it explicit, instead of implicit 19:07:31 <bcoca> also `if main` construct does NOT require `def main()` 19:07:49 <jtanner|t420> seems reasonable to me 19:08:06 <bcoca> any oppose? 19:08:16 <jtanner|t420> sivel, ^ your proposal 19:08:24 <bcoca> #action bcoca to update docs to make `def main()` explicit 19:08:31 <sivel> hey 19:08:36 * bcoca waves 19:08:39 <jtanner|t420> we're talking about __main__ in modules 19:08:53 <sivel> I was scrolled way way up, and was like I got highlighted, but I still see nothing 19:09:00 <jtanner|t420> heh 19:09:07 <jtanner|t420> that keeps happening to me in slack 19:09:28 <sivel> Based on the fact that I created a proposal, I am +1 for requiring a main() :) 19:09:32 <abadger1999> +1 19:09:53 <jtanner|t420> +1 19:10:07 <sivel> so seems like we have +4 ? 19:10:26 <sivel> since bcoca gave himself an action to update the docs :) 19:10:33 <bcoca> done! 19:12:16 <bcoca> soo, all agenda items done, floor is open 19:13:10 <bcoca> @rbergeron can we close old agenda tickets? 19:13:32 <gundalow> We've been closing tickets and creating new ones 19:13:34 <ryansb> yeah 19:13:47 <ryansb> old agenda tickets are usually closed after the meeting 19:14:16 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/94 19:14:25 <gundalow> And any undone items get moved to the new agenda item 19:14:36 <ryansb> ^ yeah, and that 19:15:03 <bcoca> also networking ones, but not going to push for those 19:15:54 <bcoca> anything else? should i just close meeting? got 45mins left 19:17:25 <ryansb> nothing from me. 19:17:34 <ryansb> probably give it 3 mins then close it 19:19:08 <jtanner|t420> queue jeopardy music 19:21:16 <bcoca> #60s warning buzzer 19:21:35 <gundalow> :D 19:22:49 <bcoca> so if no one else wants to bring anything up, closing up the meeting 19:23:09 <bcoca> #endmeeting