18:01:08 <gregdek> #startmeeting new-modules 18:01:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 8 18:01:08 2016 UTC. The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'new-modules' 18:01:43 <gregdek> #topic Roll Call 18:01:45 <gregdek> Who's about? 18:02:03 <alikins> howdy 18:03:09 * MichaelBaydoun lurking 18:03:14 * gregdek rummages around for the agenda 18:04:06 <nitzmahone> yo 18:04:36 <gregdek> Ah yes. 18:04:38 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/92 18:05:19 <jimi|ansible> yo 18:05:21 <gregdek> Let's work our way up it. 18:05:42 <jtanner> hi 18:05:46 <gregdek> #topic openssl_privatekey 18:05:57 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/2326 18:06:31 <gregdek> Looks like mgedmin put this one through quite a bit of comment, so that's one deserved shipit probably 18:07:06 <gregdek> mscherer also made quite a few comments that were resolved 18:07:19 <gregdek> So perhaps we ping mscherer and ask him for a second shipit? 18:09:13 <bcoca> i would add it should return the public key 18:09:46 <gregdek> bcoca: want to add in comments? 18:09:50 <bcoca> did 18:09:59 <gregdek> sounds good. 18:10:10 <bcoca> whole reason you generate private is so others can use public to verify 18:10:11 <gregdek> I'll also ping mscherer for another take and we'll move on. 18:10:18 <gregdek> Yes. Great point. 18:10:25 <nitzmahone> bccoa: maybe optionally, that's likely not something you want logged somewhere... 18:10:41 <nitzmahone> Oh, public, NM 18:10:47 <jtanner> public is okay to log 18:11:22 <gregdek> It better be :) 18:11:36 <nitzmahone> (the word "private" showed up too many times when I was skimming back) 18:11:37 <gregdek> or we've all been doing this cryptography thing super wrong. 18:11:50 <gregdek> (which we probably have anyway!) 18:12:05 <gregdek> Next: 18:12:06 <jtanner> maybe stupid question, but does this module actually create a pubkey? 18:12:08 <chouseknecht> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/3728 18:12:12 <gregdek> #topic docker-networking module 18:12:15 <bcoca> i've made worse gaffe, confused with pubic 18:12:31 <gregdek> pls never say that again bcoca 18:12:39 <bcoca> jtanner: public key is derived from private 18:12:40 <nitzmahone> doesn't store it separately- you can extract from the stored pem 18:13:13 <gregdek> I agree with bcoca on the point that you should be able to get the public key from the output directly, would be super useful at least as an option 18:13:27 <gregdek> Anyway, it's in the comments 18:14:00 <gregdek> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/3728 18:14:13 <gregdek> I'm out of my depth on this one. (Also, it's a new module in core.) 18:14:51 <jimi|ansible> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/3728/files#diff-7cc1288d7739eb652c127b5350c6f627R51 18:15:01 <jimi|ansible> ^ is that idempotent? ie. does it always recreate the network? 18:15:10 * jimi|ansible is just getting through the doc string 18:16:28 <jimi|ansible> looks like based on the state doc that it only recreates if the params are different, so good 18:16:37 <bcoca> you are using both < and > as yaml continuations .. only one of em is actually valid 18:17:35 <nitzmahone> I'm not seeing where it actually compares- looks like if there's one with the right name, it doesn't do anything. 18:17:42 <bcoca> s/incremental/append/ to match other modules 18:18:57 <gregdek> I'm gonna assume that y'all are commenting, etc. as you see fit, and you'll tell me when you think it's time to move on from this one. 18:18:59 <chouseknecht> if it exists, there is no ability to update 18:19:04 <gregdek> Since it's in core review. 18:19:22 <alikins> heh, that ends up with me finding http://stackoverflow.com/a/21699210/781180 which is awesome, useful, and weird 18:19:26 <jimi|ansible> chouseknecht: that's fine, but looking for where it compares the current settings to see if it needs to remove/recreate 18:19:39 <chouseknecht> if the network exists, there is no method in docker-py to update it. 18:19:51 <chouseknecht> yeah, it doesn't do a compare. 18:20:00 <jimi|ansible> that's... bad 18:20:18 <chouseknecht> yeah... maybe so. 18:20:24 <jimi|ansible> users will get an 'ok' when specifying different params and think things were all good but then it won't match what is in their playbook 18:21:13 <jimi|ansible> so it should compare, and if different remeber which containers are connected, disconnect them, blow the net away, recreate, and then reconnect containers 18:21:43 <jimi|ansible> PITA but if there's no update facility that's the only way 18:21:43 <bcoca> ^ only needs to remember on incremental=yes 18:22:17 <chouseknecht> hmm... 18:22:45 <jimi|ansible> bcoca: perhaps, though if connected is not specified it should take that as the canonical list 18:23:17 <jimi|ansible> which should really be what it's doing anyway, otherwise if you don't specify connected your net will be empty every time 18:23:31 <jimi|ansible> which would be a real PITA if you have hundreds of containers on a net 18:23:57 <bcoca> agreed, connected: [] is explict way of doing that, ommiting, not good 18:24:26 <bcoca> so remember `if connected is None or incremental` 18:24:33 <jimi|ansible> so, -1 from me, ^ those things need to be addressed 18:24:42 <chouseknecht> so incremental should be True 18:24:47 <chouseknecht> by default 18:24:55 <bcoca> post in ticket, i labeled 18:25:34 <bcoca> i can see the reasons for the default either way, i'm fine with false 18:25:34 <jimi|ansible> chouseknecht: can you write these down and do one update so we don't bombard the issue and/or step on each others comments? 18:26:08 <bcoca> also it works closer to how other modules currently do same 18:26:30 <jimi|ansible> chouseknecht: as bcoca said, if connected is specified, it's canonical unless incremental is True (default off is fine), but if connected is left out (None) the connected list should be populated with the currently connected containers 18:26:43 <jimi|ansible> in which case that would be the canonical list, and incremental wouldn't matter 18:27:40 <chouseknecht> updating the ticket 18:28:00 <gregdek> OK, I assume that marks the end of that discussion, so thanks all. 18:28:07 <chouseknecht> yep 18:28:31 <jimi|ansible> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/3728/files#diff-7cc1288d7739eb652c127b5350c6f627R289 <- not sure if type='list' can have a default of None? 18:28:36 <gregdek> Looking through the agenda to see which of these are still open... 18:28:39 <jimi|ansible> ^ bcoca? 18:28:59 <jimi|ansible> i'm not sure if i've ever tried that 18:29:17 <jimi|ansible> i don't think it'd work 18:29:20 <bcoca> all types should be able to default to None 18:30:02 <bcoca> and yes, that default is a problem as it will 'remove' every time 18:31:05 <gregdek> OK, the others in the agenda are either closed or no change. 18:31:15 <gregdek> #topic Open Floor 18:31:21 <bcoca> yeah, connected also needs 'none check' 18:32:04 <gregdek> The big thing from me: it's time to buckle down and get the "passes_guidelines / worksforme" split working. So that's my big commitment, getting that working by next week's meeting so we can move to it. 18:32:16 <gregdek> Been dragging too long already. 18:32:33 <gregdek> I only intend to use it for new modules, but once the code is in, we can use it for other use cases as we see fit. 18:32:45 <gregdek> That's an argument bcoca and I can have later. :) 18:35:00 <bcoca> gregdek: its been better, it was really bad 2 weeks ago, spent more time then 'correcting' the bot than doing triage 18:35:20 <gregdek> Little fixes add up. :) 18:35:20 <bcoca> now its down a lot, only a few corrections 18:35:26 <bcoca> yes, thanks 18:36:00 <gregdek> So that's all I've got for this time, unless anyone has any particular modules they want to hit. 18:38:15 <gregdek> okeydoke! 18:38:20 <gregdek> #endmeeting